►Nble | Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions |
Caddress_t | MAC address data type |
Cadv_data_appearance_t | Enumeration of values for the adv_data_type_t::APPEARANCE |
Cadv_data_flags_t | Set of advertising flags |
Cadv_data_type_t | |
Cadvertising_data_status_t | Used to indicate if the packet is complete and if it's truncated |
Cadvertising_event_t | Properties of an advertising event |
Cadvertising_filter_policy_t | Advertising policy filter modes |
Cadvertising_type_t | Encapsulates the peripheral advertising modes |
CAdvertisingDataBuilder | Build advertising data |
►CAdvertisingDataParser | Parse and iterate over advertising data |
Celement_t | Representation of an Advertising Data element |
CAdvertisingDataSimpleBuilder | Build advertising data |
CAdvertisingEndEvent | Event produced when advertising ends |
CAdvertisingParameters | Parameters defining the advertising process |
CAdvertisingReportEvent | Event generated when an advertising packet is seen during passive scanning or a scan response is received during active scanning |
Catt_security_requirement_t | Security requirement that can be attached to an attribute operation |
Cattribute_handle_range_t | Inclusive range of GATT attributes handles |
CBounded | Restrict values of an integer type to a defined range |
Cbyte_array_t | Model fixed size array values |
Ccentral_privay_configuration_t | Privacy configuration of the central role |
Cclock_accuracy_t | Accuracy of the master clock |
Ccoded_symbol_per_bit_t | Type describing the number of symbols per bit in le coded PHY |
Cconnection_role_t | Enumeration of GAP roles |
CConnectionCompleteEvent | Event generated when a connection initiation ends (successfully or not) |
CConnectionParameters | Parameters defining the connection initiation process |
CConnectionParametersUpdateCompleteEvent | Event received when connection parameters have been updated |
Ccontroller_supported_features_t | Features supported by the controller |
Cdisconnection_reason_t | Enumeration of disconnection reasons received in a disconnection event |
CDisconnectionCompleteEvent | Event produced when a disconnection is complete |
Cduplicates_filter_t | Scanning policy filter mode |
CDuration | Model BLE durations |
►CGap | Define device discovery, connection and link management procedures |
CEventHandler | Definition of the general handler of Gap related events |
Cinitiator_filter_policy_t | Filter policy that you can use during connection initiation |
Cio_capability_t | Type that describe the IO capability of a device; it is used during Pairing Feature exchange |
Clink_encryption_t | Type that describes link's encryption state |
Clocal_disconnection_reason_t | Enumeration of disconnection reasons that should be transmited to the peer |
Cown_address_type_t | Type used to model the own address used during the following GAP operations: advertising, scanning and initiating |
Cpairing_failure_t | Type that describe a pairing failure |
CPasskeyAscii | Passkey stored as a string of digits |
Cpeer_address_type_t | Type that describes a peer device address type |
CPeriodicAdvertisingReportEvent | Event generated when periodic advertising packet is received |
CPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablishedEvent | Event generated when you first receive a periodic advertisement |
CPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLoss | Event generated when periodic advertising sync is lost |
Cperipheral_privacy_configuration_t | Privacy Configuration of the peripheral role |
Cphy_set_t | Type that describe a set of PHY(sical) transports |
Cphy_t | Type that describes a bluetooth PHY(sical) transport |
Crandom_address_type_t | Type that describes a random device address type |
CSafeEnum | Helper class used to define safe enumerations |
Cscanning_filter_policy_t | Scanning policy filter mode |
►CScanParameters | Parameters defining the scan process |
Cphy_configuration_t | Scan configuration of a physical channel |
CScanRequestEvent | Event produced when a peer requests a scan response from the advertiser |
CScanTimeoutEvent | Event generated when scan times out |
CStaticInterface | Static Interface helper class |
Ctarget_peer_address_type_t | Type of an address to connect to |
CUpdateConnectionParametersRequestEvent | Event received when a peer wants to change the connection parameters |
►NBLEProtocol | Common namespace for types and constants used everywhere in BLE API |
CAddress_t | BLE address representation |
CAddressType | Container for the enumeration of BLE address types |
►Nevents | |
►CAllArgs | |
COperations | |
COperations< T *, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4, B5)> | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4, B5) const > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4, B5) const volatile > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4, B5) volatile > | |
►CAllArgs< B0 > | |
COperations | |
►CAllArgs< B0, B1 > | |
COperations | |
COperations< T *, R(U::*)()> | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)() const > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)() const volatile > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)() volatile > | |
►CAllArgs< B0, B1, B2 > | |
COperations | |
COperations< T *, R(U::*)(B2)> | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2) const > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2) const volatile > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2) volatile > | |
►CAllArgs< B0, B1, B2, B3 > | |
COperations | |
COperations< T *, R(U::*)(B2, B3)> | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3) const > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3) const volatile > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3) volatile > | |
►CAllArgs< B0, B1, B2, B3, B4 > | |
COperations | |
COperations< T *, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4)> | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4) const > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4) const volatile > | |
COperations< T, R(U::*)(B2, B3, B4) volatile > | |
CEvent | |
CEventQueue | EventQueue |
CPolledQueue | PolledQueue |
CTask | |
CTask< R()> | |
CTask< R(A0)> | |
CTask< R(A0, A1)> | Task |
CTaskBase | TaskBase |
CTaskQueue | TaskQueue |
►Nmbed | |
►Ndetail | |
Cenable_if | |
Cenable_if< false, R > | |
Cis_type | |
Cnil | |
►Ninternal | |
Cis_unsigned | |
Cis_unsigned< unsigned char > | |
Cis_unsigned< unsigned int > | |
Cis_unsigned< unsigned long > | |
Cis_unsigned< unsigned long long > | |
Cis_unsigned< unsigned short > | |
►Nnfc | |
►Nndef | |
►Ncommon | |
CMime | Represent a mime object |
CMimeParser | Parse a Mime payload |
►CSimpleMessageParser | Basic message parser that aggregates URIParser, TextParser and MimeParser |
CDelegate | Delegate invoked when the parser raise an event |
CText | Represent the well known type text |
CTextParser | Parse a Text |
CURI | Model the well known type URI |
CURIParser | Parser of a URI |
►CGenericRecordParser | GenericRecordParser |
CDelegate | Handle that receives parsed values |
CHeader | Set of constants of a record header |
►CMessageBuilder | Construct a NDEF Message |
CPayloadBuilder | Build a record payload |
►CMessageParser | Event driven NDEF Message parser |
CDelegate | Report parsing event to the application |
CRecord | Represent a record |
CRecordParser | Parse a record |
CRecordParserChain | Record parser chain |
CRecordType | Encode a record type |
Cnfc_rf_protocols_bitmask_t | |
►CNFCController | This class represents a NFC Controller |
CDelegate | The NFCController delegate |
►CNFCControllerDriver | The abstraction for a NFC controller driver |
CDelegate | The NFCControllerDriver delegate |
►CNFCEEPROM | The NFC EEPROM class represents a NFC target device connected using a wired link (I2C, SPI, etc) |
CDelegate | The NFCEEPROM delegate |
►CNFCEEPROMDriver | The abstraction for a NFC EEPROM driver |
CDelegate | The NFCEEPROMDriver delegate |
►CNFCNDEFCapable | The base class for all endpoints that can support NDEF content |
CDelegate | |
►CNFCRemoteEndpoint | This is the base class for all remote endpoints (initiators and targets) addressable over the air interface |
CDelegate | The NFCRemoteEndpoint base delegate |
►CNFCRemoteInitiator | This class represents a remote NFC initiator (the local controller being in target mode) |
CDelegate | The NFCRemoteInitiator delegate |
►CNFCTarget | This class represents a NFC target (either a remote target when the local controller in in initiator mode, or a target connected through a wired connection) |
CDelegate | |
CPN512Driver | |
CPN512SPITransportDriver | |
►CPN512TransportDriver | The PN512 supports multiple transport mechanisms (SPI, I2C, UART): this class provides a unified API across these transports |
CDelegate | The PN512TransportDriver delegate |
CType4RemoteInitiator | This class is an implementation of the Type 4 tag application |
►Nspan_detail | |
Cis_convertible | |
CAnalogIn | An analog input, used for reading the voltage on a pin |
CAnalogOut | An analog output, used for setting the voltage on a pin |
CAT_CellularBase | Class AT_CellularBase |
CAT_CellularContext | |
CAT_CellularDevice | Class AT_CellularDevice |
CAT_CellularInformation | Class AT_CellularInformation |
CAT_CellularNetwork | Class AT_CellularNetwork |
CAT_CellularSMS | Class AT_CellularSMS |
►CAT_CellularStack | Class AT_CellularStack |
CCellularSocket | |
CAT_ControlPlane_netif | |
CATCmdParser | Parser class for parsing AT commands |
CATHandler | Class for sending AT commands and parsing AT responses |
CBlockDevice | A hardware device capable of writing and reading blocks |
CBufferedBlockDevice | Block device for allowing minimal read and program sizes (of 1) for the underlying BD, using a buffer on the heap |
CBusIn | A digital input bus, used for reading the state of a collection of pins |
CBusInOut | A digital input output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins |
CBusOut | A digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins |
CCallback | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallback< R()> | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallback< R(A0)> | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallback< R(A0, A1)> | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallback< R(A0, A1, A2)> | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> | Callback class based on template specialization |
CCallChain | Group one or more functions in an instance of a CallChain, then call them in sequence using CallChain::call() |
CCAN | A can bus client, used for communicating with can devices |
CCANMessage | CANMessage class |
►CCellularContext | CellularContext is CellularInterface/NetworkInterface with extensions for cellular connectivity |
Cpdpcontext_params_t | PDP Context information |
CCellularDevice | Class CellularDevice |
CCellularInformation | Class CellularInformation |
CCellularList | Class CellularList |
►CCellularNetwork | An abstract interface for connecting to a network and getting information from it |
Coperator_names_t | Cellular operator names in numeric and alpha format |
Coperator_t | 3GPP TS 27.007 - 7.3 PLMN selection +COPS |
Cregistration_params_t | Network registration information |
CCellularNonIPSocket | Socket implementation for cellular Non-IP data delivery(NIDD) |
CCellularSMS | Class CellularSMS |
CCellularStateMachine | CellularStateMachine class |
CChainingBlockDevice | Block device for chaining multiple block devices with the similar block sizes at sequential addresses |
CCircularBuffer | Templated Circular buffer class |
CControlPlane_netif | Implements support for data transfer using Control Plane CIoT EPS optimization specified in 3GPP 23.401(4.10), 3GPP 23.682(4.5.14) |
CCriticalSectionLock | RAII object for disabling, then restoring, interrupt state Usage: |
CDeepSleepLock | RAII object for disabling, then restoring the deep sleep mode Usage: |
Cdevice_err_t | AT response error with error code and type |
CDeviceKey | Use this singleton if you need to derive a new key from the device root of trust |
CDigitalIn | A digital input, used for reading the state of a pin |
CDigitalInOut | A digital input/output, used for setting or reading a bi-directional pin |
CDigitalOut | A digital output, used for setting the state of a pin |
CDir | Dir class |
CDirHandle | Represents a directory stream |
CEthernet | An ethernet interface, to use with the ethernet pins |
CExhaustibleBlockDevice | Heap backed block device which simulates failures |
CFATFileSystem | FAT file system based on ChaN's FAT file system library v0.8 |
CFile | File class |
CFileBase | Class FileBase |
CFileHandle | Class FileHandle |
CFileLike | Class FileLike |
CFilePath | Class FilePath |
CFileSystem | A file system object |
CFileSystemHandle | A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open file-like objects though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode) |
CFileSystemLike | A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open file-like objects though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode) |
CFileSystemStore | FileSystemStore for Secure Store |
CFlashIAP | Flash IAP driver |
CFlashSimBlockDevice | Flash simulating block device |
CFunctionPointerArg1 | |
CFunctionPointerArg1< R, void > | |
CHeapBlockDevice | Lazily allocated heap-backed block device |
CI2C | An I2C Master, used for communicating with I2C slave devices |
CI2CSlave | An I2C Slave, used for communicating with an I2C Master device |
CInterruptIn | A digital interrupt input, used to call a function on a rising or falling edge |
CInterruptManager | Use this singleton if you need to chain interrupt handlers |
Ckv_map_entry_t | This structure maps between a string name and a partition configuration |
CKVMap | KVMap class |
►CKVStore | KVStore class |
Cinfo | Holds key information |
Ckvstore_config_t | This structure represent a KVStore partition configuration |
CLittleFileSystem | LittleFileSystem, a little file system |
CLowPowerTicker | Low Power Ticker |
CLowPowerTimeout | Low Power Timout |
CLowPowerTimer | Low power timer |
CMbedCRC | CRC object provides CRC generation through hardware or software |
CMBRBlockDevice | Block device for managing a Master Boot Record https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record |
CNonCopyable | Prevents generation of copy constructor and copy assignment operator in derived classes |
CObservingBlockDevice | |
Cpollfh | |
CPortIn | A multiple pin digital input |
CPortInOut | A multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins |
CPortOut | A multiple pin digital output |
CProfilingBlockDevice | Block device for measuring storage operations of another block device |
CPwmOut | A pulse-width modulation digital output |
CQSPI | A QSPI Driver, used for communicating with QSPI slave devices |
CRawSerial | A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices This is a variation of the Serial class that doesn't use streams, thus making it safe to use in interrupt handlers with the RTOS |
CReadOnlyBlockDevice | |
CScopedLock | RAII-style mechanism for owning a lock of Lockable object for the duration of a scoped block |
CScopedRamExecutionLock | RAII object for disabling, then restoring RAM execute never mode Usage: |
CScopedRomWriteLock | RAII object for disabling, then restoring ROM write never mode Usage: |
CSecureStore | TDBStore class |
CSerial | A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices |
CSerialBase | A base class for serial port implementations Can't be instantiated directly (use Serial or RawSerial) |
CSerialWireOutput | |
CSharedPtr | Shared pointer class |
CSlicingBlockDevice | Block device for mapping to a slice of another block device |
CSpan | Nonowning view to a sequence of contiguous elements |
CSpan< ElementType, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > | Span specialization that handle dynamic size |
CSPI | A SPI Master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices |
CSPISlave | A SPI slave, used for communicating with a SPI master device |
CSTModCellular | |
CStream | File stream |
CTDBStore | TDBStore class |
CTicker | A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval |
CTimeout | A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future |
CTimerEvent | Base abstraction for timer interrupts |
CTransaction | Transaction class defines a transaction |
Ctransaction_t | Transaction structure |
CUARTSerial | Class providing buffered UART communication functionality using separate circular buffer for send and receive channels |
CWatchdog | Hardware system timer that will reset the system in the case of system failures or malfunctions |
►Nrtos | |
CConditionVariable | Synchronization primitive that allows threads to wait until a particular condition occurs |
CEventFlags | Used to control event flags or wait for event flags other threads control |
CMail | The Mail class allows you to control, send, receive or wait for mail |
CMemoryPool | Define and manage fixed-size memory pools of objects of a given type |
CMutex | Used to synchronize the execution of threads |
CQueue | The Queue class represents a collection of objects that are stored first by order of priority, and then in first-in, first-out (FIFO) order |
CRtosTimer | Allow creating and and controlling of timer functions in the system |
CSemaphore | Used to manage and protect access to a set of shared resources |
CThread | Allow defining, creating, and controlling thread functions in the system |
►NSafeBool_ | Private namespace used to host details of the SafeBool implementation |
Cbase | Base class of all SafeBool instances |
►Nutest | |
►Nv1 | |
Cbase_control_t | POD version of the class control_t |
CCase | Test case wrapper class |
Ccase_t | POD data structure of the Case class |
Ccontrol_t | Control class for specifying test case attributes |
Cfailure_t | Contains the reason and location of the failure |
Chandlers_t | A table of handlers |
CHarness | Test Harness |
CSpecification | Test specification containing the setup and teardown handlers and test cases |
C__ac_buffer | |
C__ac_buffer_builder | |
C__ac_istream | |
C__ac_ostream | |
C__QCBORDecodeNesting | |
C__QCBORTrackNesting | |
C_ARM_DRIVER_STORAGE | This is the set of operations constituting the Storage driver |
C_ARM_DRIVER_VERSION | Driver Version |
C_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCK | A storage block is a range of memory with uniform attributes |
C_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES | Attributes of the storage range within a storage block |
C_ARM_STORAGE_CAPABILITIES | Storage Driver API Capabilities |
C_ARM_STORAGE_INFO | Storage information |
C_ARM_STORAGE_SECURITY_FEATURES | Device Data Security Protection Features |
C_ARM_STORAGE_STATUS | Operating status of the storage controller |
C_mbed_error_ctx | Mbed_error_ctx struct |
C_MEM_INFO_DESC_ | Memory Information |
C_MISCELLANEOUS_INFO_HDR_ | System Miscellaneous Information |
C_QCBORDecodeContext | |
C_QCBOREncodeContext | |
C_QCBORItem | QCBORItem holds the type, value and other info for a decoded item returned by GetNextItem() |
C_spi_async_event_t | Event data reported to interrupt's callback |
C_TARGET_CFG_HDR_ | Target Configuration Header |
C_Unity | |
Caddr_table_t | |
Cadr_req_params_t | This structure contains parameters for ADR request coming from network server |
CAnaloginMaps | |
CAnalogoutMaps | |
Cargs_t | Flash algo argument structure Contains all registers that should be preserved |
CAsyncOp | |
CAttachTester | |
CAttachUSTester | |
Cattest_token_ctx | The context for creating an attestation token |
Cband_t | Default user application maximum data size for transmission |
CBatteryService | BLE Battery service |
►CBLE | Abstract away BLE-capable radio transceivers or SOCs |
CInitializationCompleteCallbackContext | Initialization complete event |
COnEventsToProcessCallbackContext | Events to process event |
CBLEInstanceBase | Private interface used to implement the BLE class |
Cboot_t | |
Cbuffer_s | Generic buffer structure |
CByteBuffer | |
CCallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext | Function like object hosting a list of FunctionPointerWithContext |
CCAN_Message | Holder for single CAN message |
Ccell_callback_data_t | |
Ccell_signal_quality_t | |
CCellular_driver_L3IP | |
CCellularInterface | Common interface that is shared between cellular interfaces |
Cchannel_params_t | DO NOT MODIFY, WILL BREAK THE API! |
Cchannel_selection_params_s | The parameter structure for the function RegionNextChannel |
►CCharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery | Definitions of events and event handlers that the characteristic descriptor discovery procedure uses |
CDiscoveryCallbackParams_t | Characteristic descriptor discovered event |
CTerminationCallbackParams_t | Characteristic descriptor discovery ended event |
Cconfig_test_case_t | |
Ccontinuous_wave_mode_params_s | |
Ccore_util_atomic_flag | A lock-free, primitive atomic flag |
Ccrc_mbed_config | |
CCThunk | Class for created a pointer with data bound to it |
CCThunkBase | |
CDataFlashBlockDevice | BlockDevice for DataFlash flash devices |
CDefaultFormFactor | This is a convenience class for use with the above templates |
CDeviceInformationService | BLE Device Information Service Service: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/services/Pages/ServiceViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.service.device_information.xml Manufacturer Name String Char: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.manufacturer_name_string.xml |
Cdirent | |
►CDiscoveredCharacteristic | Representation of a characteristic discovered |
CProperties_t | Properties of a discovered characteristic |
CDiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptor | Representation of a characteristic descriptor discovered |
CDiscoveredService | Representation of a GATT service discovered |
CDNS | Base class for DNS provider |
Cdns_application_data | |
Cfields_s | The structure to store the minimum and the maximum datarate |
CDTLSSocket | DTLSSocket implement DTLS stream over UDP Socket |
CDTLSSocketWrapper | DTLSSocketWrapper implement DTLS stream over the existing Socket transport |
CDynamicPinList | |
Cecc_key_t | Structure definition to carry pointer and size information about an Elliptic curve key which is stored in a buffer(key_buf) in raw format (without encoding): |
CEddystone | Eddystone Configuration Service |
►CEddystoneConfigService | Eddystone Configuration Service |
CParams_t | |
CEddystoneService | |
CEMAC | This interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an EMAC device provides when it is registered with a stack |
CEMAC_CFG_Type | EMAC configuration structure definition |
Cemac_memory | |
CEMAC_PACKETBUF_Type | TX Data Buffer structure definition |
CEMACInterface | EMACInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an EMAC-based driver |
CEMACMemoryManager | |
CEmacTestMemoryManager | |
►CEmacTestNetworkStack | |
CInterface | |
CEndpointResolver | Utility class for resolving endpoints |
CEnvironmentalService | BLE Environmental Service |
►Cequeue | |
Cequeue_background | |
Cequeue_slab | |
Cequeue_event | |
Ceth_descriptor | |
CEthernetInterface | Implementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver |
CEthInterface | Common interface between Ethernet hardware |
Cfactorial_data | |
CFIL | |
Cfirmware_info | |
Cflash_algo_t | Target flash algorithm structure |
Cflash_s | Target flash configuration For targets not supporting TrustZone, its flash_set_target_config must define target_config |
Cflash_target_config_t | Flash configuration structure |
CFlashIAPBlockDevice | BlockDevice using the FlashIAP API |
Cfsfat_kv_data_t | |
Cfslittle_kv_data_t | |
CFunctionCaller | |
CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF1, f > | |
CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF2, f > | |
CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF3, f > | |
CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF4, f > | |
CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF5, f > | |
CFunctionPointerWithContext | Function like object adapter over freestanding and member functions |
Cfvp_EMAC | |
►CGap | Define device discovery, connection and link management procedures. |
CAdvertisementCallbackParams_t | Representation of a scanned advertising packet |
CConnectionCallbackParams_t | Connection events |
CConnectionParams_t | Parameters of a BLE connection |
CDisconnectionCallbackParams_t | Disconnection event |
CGapState_t | Description of the states of the device |
CWhitelist_t | Representation of a whitelist of addresses |
CGapAdvertisingData | GAP advertising data builder |
CGapAdvertisingParams | Parameters defining the advertising process |
CGapScanningParams | Parameters defining the scan process |
CGattAttribute | Representation of a GattServer attribute |
►CGattCharacteristic | Representation of a GattServer characteristic |
CPresentationFormat_t | Value of a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor |
►CGattClient | Define procedures required for interacting with a distant GATT server |
CEventHandler | Definition of the general handler of GattClient related events |
CGattHVXCallbackParams | Handle Value Notification/Indication event |
CGattReadAuthCallbackParams | GATT read authorization request event |
CGattReadCallbackParams | GATT Read event definition |
►CGattServer | Construct and operates a GATT server |
CEventHandler | Definition of the general handler of GattServer related events |
CGattServerEvents | Abstract events generated by a GattServer vendor port |
CGattService | Representation of a GattServer service |
CGattWriteAuthCallbackParams | GATT write authorization request event |
CGattWriteCallbackParams | GATT Write event definition |
CGD32_EMAC | |
CGreenteaSerial | |
CHandleTestCommand | HandleTestCommand turns all the typed-in/serial commands into function calls sent via a eventqueue to the driver shim/wrapper class |
CHealthThermometerService | BLE Health Thermometer Service |
►CHeartRateService | BLE Heart Rate Service |
CHeartRateValueBytes | |
Ci2c_t | Asynch I2C HAL structure |
CI2CMaps | |
CI2CTester | |
CIEEE754_union | |
Cinfo | The key size |
CInterfaceNanostack | |
CInternetSocket | Socket implementation that uses IP network stack |
Ciovec_args_t | Holds the iovec parameters that are passed to a service |
Cipc_consumer_queue_t | |
Cipc_producer_queue_t | |
Citems_to_get_t | |
CKinetis_EMAC | |
CL3IP | This interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an l3ip device provides when it is registered with a stack |
CL3IPInterface | L3IPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an IP-based driver |
Clfs | |
Clfs_cache | |
Clfs_config | |
►Clfs_dir | |
Clfs_disk_dir | |
Clfs_emubd | |
►Clfs_entry | Littlefs data structures /// |
Clfs_disk_entry | |
Clfs_file | |
Clfs_file_config | |
Clfs_free | |
Clfs_info | |
►Clfs_superblock | |
Clfs_disk_superblock | |
Clink_adr_params_s | Structure containing data for local ADR settings |
CLinkedList | |
CLinkedListBase | |
CLinkEntry | |
CLinkLossService | This service defines behavior when a link is lost between two devices |
CLockGuard | RAII mutex locker |
Clora_channelplan | DO NOT MODIFY, WILL BREAK THE API! |
Clora_channels_s | DO NOT MODIFY, WILL BREAK THE API! |
Clora_mac_system_params_t | |
CLoRaMac | LoRaMac Class Implementation of LoRaWAN MAC layer |
►Cloramac_frame_ctrl_t | |
Cctrl_bits_s | |
Cloramac_keys | |
Cloramac_mcps_confirm_t | |
Cloramac_mcps_indication_t | |
►Cloramac_mhdr_t | |
Chdr_bits_s | |
Cloramac_mlme_confirm_t | |
Cloramac_mlme_indication_t | |
Cloramac_protocol_params | |
Cloramac_rx_message_t | Loramac_rx_message_t |
Cloramac_tx_message_t | Stack level TX message structure |
CLoRaMacChannelPlan | |
CLoRaMacCommand | LoRaMacCommand Class Helper class for LoRaMac layer to handle any MAC commands |
CLoRaMacCrypto | |
CLoRaPHY | LoRaPHY Class Parent class for LoRa regional PHY implementations |
Cloraphy_channels_t | |
Cloraphy_params_t | |
Cloraphy_table_t | |
CLoRaRadio | Interface for the radios, containing the main functions that a radio needs, and five callback functions |
Clorawan_app_callbacks_t | Stack level callback functions |
Clorawan_connect | Lorawan_connect_t structure |
Clorawan_connect_abp_t | The lorawan_connect_abp structure |
Clorawan_connect_otaa_t | The lorawan_connect_otaa structure |
Clorawan_rx_metadata | Meta-data collection for the received packet |
Clorawan_session | LoRaWAN session |
Clorawan_timers | |
Clorawan_tx_metadata | Meta-data collection for a transmission |
CLoRaWANInterface | LoRaWANInterface Class A network interface for LoRaWAN |
CLoRaWANStack | LoRaWANStack Class A controller layer for LoRaWAN MAC and PHY |
CLoRaWANTimeHandler | / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ ____ | ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| __)_____)____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech |
CLoWPANNDInterface | 6LoWPAN-ND mesh network interface class |
CLowPowerTickerWrapper | |
Cmaclib_buf_t | |
Cmaclib_func_t | |
Cmaclib_import_func_t | |
Cmaclib_msg_t | Structures |
Cmbed_fault_context_t | |
Cmbed_stats_cpu_t | Struct mbed_stats_cpu_t definition |
Cmbed_stats_heap_t | Struct mbed_stats_heap_t definition |
Cmbed_stats_socket_t | Structure to parse socket statistics |
Cmbed_stats_stack_t | Struct mbed_stats_stack_t definition |
Cmbed_stats_sys_t | Struct mbed_stats_sys_t definition |
Cmbed_stats_thread_t | Struct mbed_stats_thread_t definition |
CMbedTester | The base class for controlling the FPGA CI Test Shield |
Cmem_region | |
CMeshInterface | Common interface that is shared between mesh hardware |
CMeshInterfaceNanostack | |
CMIDIMessage | A MIDI message container |
Cmlme_cw_tx_mode_t | |
Cmlme_join_req_t | |
Cmulticast_params_s | |
►CNanostack | |
CEthernetInterface | |
CInterface | |
CMeshInterface | |
CNanostackEMACInterface | |
CNanostackEthernetInterface | Ethernet interface for Nanostack |
CNanostackEthernetPhy | Ethernet PHY driver class for Nanostack |
CNanostackLockGuard | RAII style Nanostack mutex acquisition |
CNanostackMemoryManager | |
CNanostackPhy | PHY driver class for Nanostack |
CNanostackRfInterface | |
CNanostackRfPhy | Radio PHY driver class for Nanostack |
CNetStackMemoryManager | |
CNetworkInterface | Common interface that is shared between network devices |
CNetworkStack | NetworkStack class |
CNFCProcessController | Wrapper class handles calls and callbacks for NFC controller drivers |
CNFCTestShim | Test app driver wrapper |
Cnsapi_addr | IP address structure for passing IP addresses by value |
Cnsapi_ip_mreq | Nsapi_ip_mreq structure |
Cnsapi_stack | Nsapi_stack structure |
Cnsapi_stack_api | Nsapi_stack_api structure |
Cnsapi_wifi_ap | Nsapi_wifi_ap structure |
Cnvmem_param_t | |
CNVStore | NVStore class |
COdinWiFiEMAC | |
►COnboardNetworkStack | Mbed OS API for onboard IP stack abstraction |
CInterface | Representation of a stack's view of an interface |
COperationList | |
COperationListBase | |
CPinList | |
CPinMap | |
CPlatformMutex | Used to synchronize the execution of threads |
Cpollfd | |
CPort | |
Cpsa_api_t | |
Cpsa_cipher_operation_s | |
Cpsa_crypto_derivation_ipc_s | Psa_crypto_derivation_ipc_s struct used for some of the PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together |
Cpsa_crypto_generator_s | |
Cpsa_crypto_ipc_aead_s | |
Cpsa_crypto_ipc_asymmetric_s | Psa_crypto_ipc_asymmetric_s struct used for asymmetric PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together |
Cpsa_crypto_ipc_s | Psa_crypto_ipc_s struct used for some of the PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together |
Cpsa_handle_item_t | |
Cpsa_handle_manager_t | |
Cpsa_hash_operation_s | |
Cpsa_invec | Structure that describes a scatter-gather input buffer |
Cpsa_key_mng_ipc_s | Psa_key_mng_ipc_s struct used for some of the PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together |
Cpsa_key_policy_s | |
Cpsa_mac_operation_s | |
Cpsa_msg | Structure containing the PSA IPC message sent from a client partition to an RoT Service |
Cpsa_msg_t | Describe a message received by an RoT Service after calling psa_get() |
Cpsa_outvec | Structure which describes a scatter-gather output buffer |
Cpsa_storage_info_t | A container for metadata associated with a specific uid |
Cpsa_storage_version_t | |
CPWMMaps | |
CQCBORStringAllocator | This is a set of functions and pointer context (in object-oriented parlance, an "object") used to allocate memory for coalescing the segments of an indefinite length string into one |
CQCBORTagListIn | This is used to tell the decoder about tags that it should record in uTagBits in QCBORItem beyond the built-in tags |
CQCBORTagListOut | This is for QCBORDecode_GetNextWithTags() to be able to return the full list of tags on an item |
CQspi | |
Cqspi_command | QSPI command |
CQspiCommand | |
CQSPIFBlockDevice | BlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus |
Cradio_events | Reporting functions for upper layers |
Cradio_fsk_packet_handler | FSK packet handle |
Cradio_fsk_settings | FSK modem parameters |
Cradio_lora_packet_handler | LoRa packet Contains information about a LoRa packet |
Cradio_lora_settings | LoRa modem parameters |
Cradio_settings | Global radio settings |
Crda5981_apsta_info | |
Crda5981_scan_result | |
CRDA5981x_EMAC | |
Crda5991h_user_data | |
Crda_enetdata_t | |
Crda_msg | |
CRDAWiFiInterface | RDAWiFiInterface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver |
CReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic | Helper class that represents a read-only GattCharacteristic with an array value |
CReadOnlyGattCharacteristic | Helper class that represents a read only GattCharacteristic |
CReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristic | Helper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic with an array value |
CReadWriteGattCharacteristic | Helper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic |
Crf_ctrls | Structure to hold RF controls for LoRa Radio |
Crx2_channel_params | |
Crx_config_params_t | |
CRX_Desc | RX Descriptor structure type definition |
Crx_message_u | Lora_mac_rx_message_by_type_t union |
Crx_param_setup_req_s | Contains rx parameter setup request coming from network server |
CRX_Stat | RX Status structure type definition |
CSafeBool | Safe conversion of objects in boolean context |
CSDBlockDevice | SDBlockDevice class |
Csector_info_t | Sector information structure |
►CSecurityManager | Overview |
CEventHandler | The stack will use these functions to signal events to the application, subclass to override handlers |
Cserial_t | Asynch serial HAL structure |
CServiceDiscovery | Host callback types needed by the service discovery procedure |
Cshared_data_tlv_entry | Shared data TLV entry header format |
Cshared_data_tlv_header | Shared data TLV header |
CSingletonPtr | Utility class for creating an using a singleton |
CSmartPoster | Smart poster object |
CSMSC9220_EMAC | |
CSocket | Socket interface |
CSocketAddress | SocketAddress class |
CSocketStats | SocketStats class |
Cspi_capabilities_t | Describes the capabilities of a SPI peripherals |
CSPIFBlockDevice | BlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over SPI bus |
CSPIFReducedBlockDevice | Reduced BlockDevice for SPI based flash devices Should only be used by Boot Loader |
CSPIMaps | |
CSPIMasterTester | |
CSPINoCSMaps | |
CSPISlaveMaps | |
CSPISlaveTester | |
CSPITester | |
Cspm_active_msg | |
Cspm_channel_linked_list | |
Cspm_db | |
Cspm_iovec | |
Cspm_ipc_channel | |
Cspm_partition | |
Cspm_partition_db_t | |
Cspm_partition_desc_t | Holds the fields that define a partition for SPM |
Cspm_partition_runtime_data_t | Runtime context information of a partition |
Cspm_partition_static_data_t | Holds the fields of the partition DB used by the SPM code |
Cspm_rot_service | |
Cstat | |
Cstatvfs | |
CSynchronizedIntegral | Thread safe wrapper for integral types |
Ct_cose_crypto_hash | The context for use with the hash adaptation layer here |
Ct_cose_sign1_ctx | This is the context for creating a COSE_Sign1 structure |
CTCPServer | TCP socket server |
CTCPSocket | TCP socket connection |
Ctest_config_t | |
Ctest_count_t | |
Ctest_data | |
Ctest_info_t | |
Ctest_status_buffer_t | |
CTestFile | |
Ctfm_boot_data | Store the data for the runtime SW |
Ctfm_conn_handle_t | |
Ctfm_event_t | |
Ctfm_exc_stack_t | |
Ctfm_list_node_t | |
Ctfm_msg_body_t | |
Ctfm_msg_queue_t | |
Ctfm_pool_chunk_t | |
Ctfm_pool_instance_t | |
Ctfm_sfn_req_s | |
Ctfm_spm_ipc_partition_t | |
Ctfm_spm_service_db_t | |
Ctfm_spm_service_t | |
Ctfm_state_context | |
Ctfm_state_context_base | |
Ctfm_state_context_ext | |
Ctfm_thrd_ctx | |
CThreadInterface | Thread mesh network interface class |
Cticker_data_t | Ticker's data structure |
Cticker_event_queue_t | Ticker's event queue structure |
Cticker_event_s | Ticker's event structure |
Cticker_info_t | Information about the ticker implementation |
Cticker_interface_t | Ticker's interface structure - required API for a ticker |
CTimeoutDriftTester | |
Ctimer_event_t | Timer object description |
Ctimeval | |
CTLSSocket | TLSSocket is a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers |
CTLSSocketWrapper | TLSSocket is a wrapper around Socket for interacting with TLS servers |
Ctrans_thread_params_t | |
Ctx_config_params_t | TX configuration parameters |
CTX_Desc | TX Descriptor structure type definition |
CTX_Stat | TX Status structure type definition |
CUARTMaps | |
CUARTService | BLE Service to enable UART over BLE |
CUARTTester | |
CUDPSocket | UDP socket implementation |
►CURIBeaconConfigService | UriBeacon Configuration Service |
CParams_t | |
Cusb_ep_entry_t | |
Cusb_ep_table_t | |
CUSBAudio | USBAudio example |
►CUSBDevice | Core USB Device driver |
Csetup_packet_t | |
►CUSBEndpointTester | |
Cep_config_t | |
CUSBHID | USBHID example |
CUSBKeyboard | USBKeyboard example |
CUSBMouse | USBMouse example |
CUSBMouseKeyboard | USBMouseKeyboard example |
CUSBMSD | USBMSD class: generic class in order to use all kinds of blocks storage chip |
CUSBPhy | Abstract interface to physical USB hardware |
CUSBPhyEvents | Event handler for USBPhy |
CUSBSerial | USBSerial example |
CUSBTester | |
Cuseful_buf | The non-const UsefulBuf typically used for some allocated memory that is to be filled in |
Cuseful_buf_c | UsefulBufC and UsefulBuf are simple data structures to hold a pointer and length for a binary data |
Cuseful_input_buf | |
Cuseful_out_buf | UsefulOutBuf is a structure and functions (an object) that are good for serializing data into a buffer such as is often done with network protocols or data written to files |
Cutest_v1_scheduler_t | The scheduler interface consists out of the post and cancel functions, which you must implement to use utest |
CUUID | Representation of a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
Cval_api_t | |
Cval_test_info_t | |
Cverify_adr_params_s | Structure used to store ADR values received from network for verification (legality) purposes |
Cwatchdog_config_t | Watchdog configuration |
Cwatchdog_features_t | Watchdog features |
Cwd_param_t | |
CWiFiAccessPoint | WiFiAccessPoint class |
CWiFiInterface | Common interface between Wi-Fi devices |
CWisunInterface | Wi-SUN mesh network interface class |
Cwland_ap_data_t | This struct contains ap data, include ssid key and channel |
Cwland_ap_net_data_t | This struct contains ap net data |
Cwland_dhcp_t | |
Cwland_phy_channels_t | |
Cwland_phy_t | |
Cwland_rf_channels_t | |
Cwland_rf_t | |
Cwland_sta_data_t | This struct contains all smartconfig mbed flash parameter |
Cwland_tx_power_t | This struct contains tx power parameter |
CWriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic | Helper class that represents a write-only GattCharacteristic with an array value |
CWriteOnlyGattCharacteristic | Helper class that represents a write only GattCharacteristic |