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Debugging the BBC micro:bit with pyOCD and GDB

This tutorial shows how to debug a program on the BBC micro:bit. Using only GDB, you'll first understand what is happening on the chip and why the program doesn't follow the expected behavior. You will then attempt to modify its behavior by writing directly into the chip's memory.

Note: The micro:bit's processor is based on the Nordic nRF51.

Suggested tools

  • Linux (4.1), but pyOCD and GDB work on Windows and macOS.
  • pyOCD (0.4.5), which you can obtain on GitHub.
  • arm-none-eabi-gdb (7.9.1). It is usually present in package managers, or you can get it at linaro.

Looking at a basic program

Look at hello.hex, a program printing "hello world" to the serial console. You can find the hex file at hello.hex.

Note: Shell commands begin with $, GDB commands with (gdb).


Start with an image for the micro:bit. It is supposed to print something on the serial output, but nothing appears.

The following command starts pyOCD with a soothing configuration:

$ pyocd-gdbserver --persist -t nrf51 -bh -r
INFO:root:Unsupported board found: 0224
INFO:root:new board id detected: 022431864e45002d1013000000420000000033a24e45
INFO:root:board allows 5 concurrent packets
INFO:root:DAP SWD MODE initialised
INFO:root:IDCODE: 0xBB11477
INFO:root:4 hardware breakpoints, 0 literal comparators
INFO:root:CPU core is Cortex-M0
INFO:root:2 hardware watchpoints
INFO:root:GDB server started at port:3333

Tip: If you don't have permission to access the board on Linux, you can use this udev rule. The option -bh tells pyOCD to use hardware breakpoints, and -r tells it to halt the target after a reset.

By default, the server listens for GDB commands on port 3333. It transfers those commands by USB to the interface chip. The interface chip, a Freescale Kinetis KL26, communicates those commands to the micro:bit's processor.

GDB needs to connect to pyOCD with the following command:

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb
(gdb) target remote :3333
0x0001a01c in ?? ()

Stop the processor, and load your program:

(gdb) load hello.hex
(gdb) mon reset

This should display a progress bar in pyocd-gdbserver.

Tip: There is an example init script at the end. By adding -x /path/to/initscript to the GDB command, you can connect to pyOCD and load a program automatically.

The following command shows the location of the program counter:

(gdb) x/x $pc
0x0:	0x000007c0

x is the command to inspect memory, /i is the format and $pc is the address. help x gives you more format options.

By pressing Enter, you can display the four following bytes:

0x4:	0x000006d1

This is the entry point address of the firmware. The first four bytes are its stack location. You can step instructions with si.

You can now start executing the image. Except for a hardfault, it should keep rolling until you interrupt it, with Control+C.

(gdb) c


Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x0001f31e in ?? ()

This address already gives away a precious bit of information: you reached the application code. If you're using the S110 SoftDevice, the application is located after address 0x18000. You can verify this using a tool such as srec_info:

$ srec_info hello.hex -intel
Format: Intel Hexadecimal (MCS-86)
Execution Start Address: 00018289
Data:   000000 - 0007BF
        001000 - 016917
        018000 - 01C08F

Here, SoftDevice (the firmware packed inside hello.hex) ends at 0x16917.

The hello application is located between addresses 0x18000 and 0x1c08f.

Those values are different if you use the S130 SoftDevice because the application will start at 0x1c000.

By continuing the flow and stopping it a few times, you can see how the program evolves:

(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x0001f31e in ?? ()
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x0001f31e in ?? ()

It seems stuck at 0x1f31e. To see the instruction, use the i formatter:

(gdb) x /i $pc
=> 0x1f31e:	b.n	0x1f31e

You've reached a branch-to-self (possibly compiled from while(1)), so it's not going any further.

It's either a deliberate infinite loop or a panic. An idle loop would have a wfi or wfe instruction in it, at least.

Look at the instruction stream leading to this loop. Most instructions are encoded on two bytes, but some need four. You want to see about four instructions before PC, which means the start address will be roughly $pc - 8:

(gdb) x /4i $pc - 8
   0x1f316:	mov	r1, sp                      ; Put sp into r1
   0x1f318:	ldr	r0, [pc, #20] ; (0x1f330)   ; Load word at 0x1f330 into r0
   0x1f31a:	bl	0x1ec86                     ; Call 0x1ec86
=> 0x1f31e:	b.n	0x1f31e                     ; Branch to self

Understanding this requires a bit of knowledge about Arm assembly and calling conventions. A compiler that follows the Arm assembly procedure call standard (AAPCS) generated this code in C. In this document, Table 2 in section 5.1.1 defines how the compiler should use available registers when calling a function.

Registers r0 to r3 pass arguments to a function, which may return something into r0. Using x, you can inspect the content of those arguments:

(gdb) x/xw 0x1f330
0x1f330:	0x20002880

r0 contains a pointer to address 0x20002880, which is the application RAM. This is probably a Serial object because you expect this call to be serial.printf(string). You'll come back to this later. For the moment, see what is put in r1 before the call. It is a pointer to the stack. The called function (callee) is not supposed to modify the stack after the address $sp that it gets at the time of the call, so $sp is the same before and after the call:

(gdb) x/4x $sp
0x20003fe8:	0x6c6c6548	0x6f77206f	0x0d646c72	0x0000000a

This looks like ascii characters. We can confirm this with the /s formatter:

(gdb) x/s $sp
0x20003fe8:	"Hello world\r\n"

Note: Representation is little-endian, which means the word 0x6c6c6548 represents the sequence [0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c] in memory.

Main called printf with the right arguments. Look at the value printf returned:

(gdb) print $r0
$1 = 13

It returned 13, the number of letters successfully sent to the serial port.

The application did its job, but you still can't see anything on the serial output!

This issue is likely related to the Serial API configuration, most likely a wrong baudrate, because you can see garbled data on the console when executing the program multiple times.

A quick test confirms that the program is using baudrate 9600 instead of 115200, which is the default for the micro:bit runtime.

The next section shows how you can modify what is printed without rebuilding anything. If you feel adventurous, the following section shows one method of changing the baudrate to 115200 using only GDB.

Changing the printf string

You can now connect with a serial client at 9600 bauds and check that the program is printing something.

The main function passes address 0x20003fe8 to printf in R1, which reads it and sends each character to the serial port until it reaches a \0. Knowing that, you can modify the printed string.

First, put a breakpoint just before the printf call:

(gdb) b *0x1f31a
(gdb) mon reset
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 4, 0x0001f31a in ?? ()

Then, change the string on the stack. Because the program ends right after this call with an infinite loop (and there is no other thread), you don't even have to worry about the following bytes on the stack. You only need to make sure that your string ends with a zero byte, and doesn't go over 0x20003fff. This means a maximum of 23 characters (plus the final \0).

(gdb) set (char [24])*0x20003fe8 = "Hello microbit!\r\n"
(gdb) c

The new string appears on your console.

Investigating the actual bug

After analyzing Arm Mbed's serial API, you see that the Serial class inherits from SerialBase. From the assembly point of view, calling serial_instance.printf(string) is, in essence, like calling Serial::printf(serial_instance, string). You saw previously that the instance's address is r0 = 0x20002880.

Because of the way the C++ compiler handles inheritance, the Serial class data looks like this in the memory:

SerialBase {
    FunctionPointer _irq[2];        // 0x20002874
    int             _baudrate;      // 0x2000287c

    Serial {                        // 0x20002880
        void *      vtable;

Indeed, when you inspect this hypothetical _baudrate variable, it makes sense:

(gdb) x /d 0x20002880 - 4
0x2000287c: 9600

The serial port on the device is configured to run at 9600 bits per second, whereas I attempted to read it at 115200 (which is the default for the micro:bit runtime).

To confirm this is the only issue, try to modify the value written to the device's BAUDRATE register. It is located at address 0x40002524, as described in section 29.10 of the nRF51 reference.

Add a watchpoint on its memory-mapped location, and restart the application:

(gdb) watch *0x40002524
Hardware watchpoint 1: *0x40002524
(gdb) mon reset
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x0001f520 in ?? ()
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x0001f520 in ?? ()
(gdb) print/x $lr
$2 = 0x1ebf1
(gdb) c

This tells you that the register is written from two different locations. The program is interrupted right after the instruction that changes BAUDRATE, so the actual write is located at address 0x1f51e:

(gdb) mon reset
(gdb) c
(gdb) x/i 0x1f51e
0x1f51e:    str r0, [r1, #36]   ; 0x24
(gdb) print/x $r1 + 36
$3 = 0x40002524
(gdb) print/x $r0
$4 = 0x275000
(gdb) print/x $lr
$5 = 0x1f091

In the same section of the nRF51 reference, you can see the values associated with each baudrate: 0x275000 corresponds to 9600, and 0x01D7E000 corresponds to 115200.

For the second break, LR is 0x1ebf1, which is different from the first call. This means that two different function calls set the baudrate. The actual code and functions don't matter. You can use the information you already have to do what you want, in the form of a breakpoint command:

(gdb) del break 1                       ; Remove our previous watchpoint
(gdb) break *0x1f51e if $lr == 0x1ebf1
Breakpoint 2 at 0x1f51e

This line tells pyOCD to set a breakpoint at address 0x1f51e and stop only when LR is 0x1ebf1, which is the last call to serial_baud.

Then, attach a command to this breakpoint, to modify the value put into BAUDRATE:

(gdb) commands 2
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 2, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
>set $r0 = 0x01d7e000

Then execute your patch:

(gdb) mon reset
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 3, 0x0001f51e in ?? ()

You see "Hello world" written at 115200 bauds on your console.

Cheat sheet


This section describes some useful commands.

<enter> repeats the previous command

b *0x18310, break           breakpoint on this address
w *0x20003ffc, watch        watchpoint

c, continue
mon halt                    tell pyOCD to stop the target
mon reset                   tell pyOCD to restart the target
si, stepi                   step instruction

info b                      breakpoint informations
del 2                       delete breakpoint 2

info reg                    show registers

set *0x20002560 = (char)42  change a byte of memory
set $pc = $pc + 2           change PC
set $pc = *0x18004          go to application entry point (with s110)

find 0x20000000, +0x4000, (char [14])"Hello world\r\n"
                            Locate a 0-terminated string in RAM
find 0x0, +0x40000, 0x2580  Locate a word in flash

# By default, only flash and RAM are accessible. The following allows to
# fiddle with memory mapped IO:
mem 0x40000000 0x40001000   add the clock memory location.
info mem

# To show the value of LFCLKSRC:
x/x 0x40000518              (0: RC clock, 1: external)

# To change it:
set *0x40000518 = 0

In the same vein, inspect ARM system registers:
mem 0xe000e000 0xe000f000
x/x 0xe000ed28              show CFSR

Example: GDB init script

Pure GDB scripts can be limited and cumbersome to write. If you want to automate, you can directly script pyOCD or GDB using Python.

To initialize GDB with the -x switch:

set history save on
set history size unlimited

target remote :3333

disp /i $pc

# ARMv7-M peripherals
mem 0x40000000 0x5fffffff

# ARMv7-M system registers
mem 0xe0000000 0xffffffff

define run_program
    load $arg0
    mon reset

define show_context
    # function used by pc, below
    set $before = $arg0

    # haem... Roughly two bytes per instruction.
    if $before > (int)$pc * 2
        set $before = (int)$pc / 2
    x /20i $pc - $before

define pc
    if $argc < 1
        show_context 20
        show_context $arg0

document run_program
    Load a program and restart the target
    Usage: run_program /path/to/image

document pc
    Show 20 instructions surrounding the PC.
    Usage: pc [BYTES_PRECEEDING]
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