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Punch Hockey

By Mallika Sen and Shurjo Banerjee


Punch Hockey is a virtual game design that emulates Air Hockey.

Air Hockey is a two-player game wherein each player muct try to score points in the other player's goal on a frictionless table. The equipment required for this game consists of two mallets(held by players) and a puck. Our version of the game involves allowing users to simulate the experience of playing Air Hockey while holding controllers.

Punch Hockey is a game that allows the users to control the virtual puck by gesture-dependant controllers. Stronger gestures amount to faster shots. In addition to the two-player option, there is a single-player option that allows the user to play against the computer's AI.


The user-interface for the game is shown below.



The mbed-NXP-LPC1768 was used as the main processing unit in this wired game, whereas the LSM303D 3D Compass and Accelerometer was used for the controller.


The LSM303D combines a digital 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer into a single package that is ideal for making a tilt-compensated compass. The six independent readings, whose sensitivities can be set in the ranges of ±2 to ±16 g and ±2 to ±12 gauss, are available through I²C and SPI interfaces. This LSM303 carrier board includes a 3.3 V voltage regulator and integrated level shifters that allows operation from 2.5 to 5.5 V, and the 0.1″ pin spacing makes it easy to use with standard solderless breadboards and 0.1″ perfboards.

The C++ code was run in Visual Studio 10.

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