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Interfacing with Python

There are many applications where you want to interface with mbed from a computer. Python is one language which you may wish to use. This page provides a library of code that can be used to communicate with mbed using RPC and a guide to set up Python.

Setup Python

On windows, install python, win32 extensions and pyserial (if you want to communicate using serial):

On Mac OS X (10.5 or later):

  • Python is already installed.
  • Run and type sudo easy_install pyserial at the prompt to install PySerial.
  • Also type ls /dev/tty.usbmodem* to find the device name of the mbed USB serial connection.

On Linux, or other unix-like:

  • Python is most-likely already installed; if not see your OS's install system or visit
  • In a terminal type sudo easy_install pyserial to install PySerial.
  • Also type ls /dev/ttyACM* to find the device name of the mbed USB serial connection.

Python RPC Library

The mbed libraries support RPC, which means you can create objects and control them remotely; Interfacing-Using-RPC.

Here is a Python RPC library which uses the mbed RPC mechanism to map Python classes on to the mbed Library C++ Interface classes. The library is designed to be very similar to the mbed interface. This is an example using HTTP.


>>> from mbedrpc import *
>>> mbed = HTTPRPC("")
>>> x = DigitalOut(mbed,"LED1")#These objects should already exist in your C++ project
>>> z = DigitalOut(mbed,"LED2") 
>>> ain = AnalogIn(mbed, "LED3")
>>> x.write(1)
>>> z.write(0.5)


  • First of all you must import the mbedrpc library. To do this the file must be in the Python library.
  • You then create an mbed object on the transport mechanism that you require, (more information on this below). If you are using more than one mbed then create an object for each one passing the appropriate parameters to the transport mechanism for each.

>>> mbed = HTTPRPC("")
>>> mbed2 = HTTPRPC("")

You may wish to tie a Python object to an existing object on mbed in which case you pass in the name of that object.

>>> y = DigitalOut(mbed, "myled")

To dynamically create a new object, you must send a new command.

>>interface = mbed_interface(mbed, "interface")
>>"DigitalOut", "LED2", "led2") #new(Class, Pin, Name)
>>y = DigitalOut(mbed, "led2") #The second parameter should match the name given above
  • Finally you can execute the methods on interface objects as defined in the Handbook.



If you want to execute an RPC command that isn't wrapped by the classes we've provided then use: RPCresponse = mbed.RPC(<Object name>,<Method name>,<Arguments as an array>)

Python RPC via HTTP

First you need code running on mbed to set up a HTTP server. Guidelines for this are in the Interfacing-Using-RPC page.

Once this is on the mbed, plug it in to your home router and power it up. With the serial port enabled, it should show the i/f comeing up, and print out the ip address that it has been assigned via DHCP.

>>> from mbedRPC import *
>>> mbed = HTTPRPC("")#IP address assigned to MBED when HTTP server is started
>>> x = DigitalOut(mbed, "led1") #pass in the name of that object you wish to write to
>>> x.write(1)

Python RPC via Serial

Test the Serial Connection

On Windows, connect to COM15 with default 9600 8N1 setting:

>>> import serial
>>> serdev = 15
>>> s = serial.Serial(serdev)
>>> s.write("hello")
>>> s.close()

or when on a Macintosh (in this case /dev/tty.usbmodem1912):

>>> import serial
>>> serdev = '/dev/tty.usbmodem1912'
>>> s = serial.Serial(serdev)
>>> s.write("hello")
>>> s.close()

or when on a Linux/unix system (in this case /dev/ttyACM0):

>>> import serial
>>> serdev = '/dev/ttyACM0'
>>> s = serial.Serial(serdev)
>>> s.write("hello")
>>> s.close()

Status light flickered. Cool!

For more basic info, see

We know how to make Python talk to Serial. So if we set up mbed to receive RPC over serial then we can use this to control it. Again guidelines for setting up mbed to use serial RPC can be found here: Interfacing-Using-RPC

We can use the same file as before. We just need to set up the mbed object using SerialRPC rather than HTTPRPC

>>> from mbedRPC import *
>>> serdev = 15 # or '/dev/tty.usbmodem1912' for Mac or '/dev/ttyACM0' for Linux/unix
>>> mbed = SerialRPC(serdev, 9600)
>>> x = DigitalOut(mbed, "LED3") #pass in the name of that object you wish to write to
>>> x.write(1)

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