Mbed Fest in Yokohama Japan - February 24 2018

This past weekend, the Mbed community in Japan held the first community gathering of the year, locally known as 'エンベッド祭り', or Mbed Fest. It is a quarterly celebration for the community that highlights local partners, companies and individuals using Mbed. The projects ranged from running JavaScript Node-RED flows on Mbed Enabled devices to selfie cameras built with thermal printer shields. For full coverage and a video of the event, read on below.

On Twitter, the event used the #mbed_fest hashtag, and you can find a summary of all tweets.

You can find the YouTube livestream of the event below.

The Mbed Fest executive committee organized the event.
Sponsors (in no particular order):

A big thanks to all the sponsors for providing give-aways, prizes and development kits for Mbed Fest! /media/uploads/MACRUM/mf2018-s-giveaways.jpg


Opening remarksMbed Fest executive committee
Mbed ecosystem overviewArm - Toyomasa Watarai
What I learned creating hardware with MbedKiyoshi Abe
Enebular web service with Mbed CloudUhuru
Image processing on Mbed with GR-LycheeKato Daiki of Renesas
Advertising industry applications with MbedRyusuke Izumida
Mbed Cloud introductionAustin Blackstone of Arm Mbed
Speech recognition keyword spotting with CMSIS NNYoshihiro Tsuboi of Seeed Studio Japan
FOTA with EVK-ODIN-W2Hiroaki Ogoshi of Fuji Electronics
Creating a new Mbed platformChibiTamago of Sakura.io
Eagle loves Fusion 360 with micro:bitYuki Ota

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Community projects

The community in Japan had a strong showing with a wide range of projects that ranged from professional deployments to research focused projects to those that were just for fun.

Lighting talks

In addition to formal scheduled presentations, we also had a series of 5-minute lightning talks that were open to the community to discuss their ongoing or upcoming projects. The theme this time was open ended.

Omicro - Open source robot ballTakuya Ichise
How is FOTA done?ChibiEgg of Sakura.io
Uhuru and the Enebular.com IoT platformJunichi Katsu of Uhuru


For users who are new to Mbed, we also ran an Intro to Mbed workshop during Mbed Fest and had great turnout from a wide range of professionals. Big thanks to Katsuo san from Uhuru for running this workshop.

Group photo

At the end of the event, we took a photo with everyone. /media/uploads/MACRUM/mf-2018-s-all.jpg

Next event

Scheduling is tentative for the next Mbed Fest, but it should happen some time this summer in Japan. To keep up to date, follow the event on twitter @mbed_fest.

A big thanks to all the partners, sponsors and community members who helped make this event possible and came out. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next event.

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