fix nrf51822 i2c & spi conflict

Dependencies:   BLE_API eMPL_MPU6050 nRF51822

Fork of Seeed_Tiny_BLE_Flash by Darren Huang

Tue Nov 17 07:48:56 2015 +0000
fix i2c & spi conflict

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 1 // W25Q16BV.h
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 2
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 3 #ifndef W25Q16BV_H
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 4 #define W25Q16BV_H
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 5
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 6 #include "mbed.h"
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 7 //#include "BitBangedSPI.h"
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 8
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 9 #define SPI_FREQ 1000000
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 10 #define SPI_MODE 0
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 11 #define SPI_NBIT 8
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 12
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 13 #define POWERUP_INST 0xAB
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 14 #define STATUS1_INST 0x05
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 15 #define STATUS2_INST 0x35
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 16 #define JDEC_INST 0x9F
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 17 #define UNIQUE_INST 0x4B
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 18 #define WE_INST 0x06
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 19 #define WD_INST 0x04
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 20 #define R_INST 0x03
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 21 #define W_INST 0x02
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 22 #define S_ERASE_INST 0x20 /* 4KB sector erase */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 23 #define B_ERASE_INST 0xD8 /* 64KB block erase */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 24 #define C_ERASE_INST 0x60
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 25
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 26 #define DUMMY_ADDR 0x00
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 27
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 28 #define WAIT_US_TRES1 5 /* Power Up: 3us */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 29 //#define WAIT_US_TPUW 10000 /* Power Up Write Time: 1-10ms */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 30 //#define WAIT_US_TBP 50 /* Byte Program Time: 20-50us */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 31 //#define WAIT_US_TPP 3000 /* Page Program Time: 0.7-3ms */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 32 //#define WAIT_US_TSE 400000 /* Sector Erase Time: 30-400ms */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 33 //#define WAIT_US_TBE 1000000 /* 64KB Block Erase Time: 1000ms */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 34 //#define WAIT_US_TCE 10000000 /* Chip Erase Time: 3-10s */
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 35
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 36 //#define ADDR_BMASK2 0x00ff0000
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 37 //#define ADDR_BMASK1 0x0000ff00
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 38 //#define ADDR_BMASK0 0x000000ff
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 39
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 40 //#define ADDR_BSHIFT2 16
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 41 //#define ADDR_BSHIFT1 8
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 42 //#define ADDR_BSHIFT0 0
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 43
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 44 #define PAGE_SIZE 256
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 45 #define SECTOR_SIZE 4096
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 46 #define NUM_SECTORS 512
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 47 #define NUM_64KB_BLOCKS 32
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 48
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 49 #define STATUS_1_BUSY 0x01
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 50
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 51 class W25Q16BV /*: public BitBangedSPI*/ {
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 52 public:
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 53 W25Q16BV(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs);
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 54
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 55 int readByte(int addr); // takes a 24-bit (3 bytes) address and returns the data (1 byte) at that location
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 56 int readByte(int a2, int a1, int a0); // takes the address in 3 separate bytes A[23,16], A[15,8], A[7,0]
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 57 void readStream(int addr, char* buf, int count); // takes a 24-bit address, reads count bytes, and stores results in buf
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 58
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 59 void readJEDEC(uint8_t* manId, uint8_t* memType, uint8_t* cap);
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 60 uint8_t readStatus1();
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 61 uint8_t readStatus2();
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 62
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 63 void writeByte(int addr, int data); // takes a 24-bit (3 bytes) address and a byte of data to write at that location
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 64 void writeByte(int a2, int a1, int a0, int data); // takes the address in 3 separate bytes A[23,16], A[15,8], A[7,0]
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 65 void writeStream(int addr, char* buf, int count); // write count bytes of data from buf to memory, starting at addr
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 66
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 67 void chipErase(); // erase all data on chip
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 68 bool blockErase(int startBlock, int num=1); // erase all data in the specified number of 64KB blocks, return false if block number is invalid
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 69 bool sectorErase(int startSector, int num=1); // erase all data in the specified number of 4KB sectors, return false if sector number is invalid
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 70
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 71 private:
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 72
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 73 void exitDeepPowerDown();
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 74 void waitWhileBusy();
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 75
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 76 void writeEnable(); // write enable
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 77 void writeDisable(); // write disable
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 78 void chipEnable(); // chip enable
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 79 void chipDisable(); // chip disable
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 80
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 81 // BitBangedSPI _spi;
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 82 SPI _spi;
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 83 DigitalOut _cs;
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 84 };
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 85
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 86 #endif
SOTB_DA 4:19a0764d6b81 87