SX1276 Shield based Applications

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib mbed

LoRaWAN-SX1276-Application Demo uses SX1276MB1LAS mbed component shield on a nucleo board platform to demonstrate a Class-A LoRaWAN device in the 915MHz ISM band for North American region. It uses the LoRaWAN-lib and SX1276Lib libraries.

Comissioning.h (LoRaWAN Network Configuration)

The end-device can be activated in one of the two ways:

Over the Air (OTA) activation can be enabled as shown in the figure below. /media/uploads/ubhat/ota_enable.png

The end-device must be configured with the following parameters:

  • LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI (8 Bytes) : Fist 3 Bytes is the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) followed by 5 bytes of unique ID. If not defined by user, then the firmware automatically assigns one to the end-device


Activation by Personalization (ABP) can be enabled as shown in the figure below. /media/uploads/ubhat/abp_enable.png

The end-device must be configured with the following parameters:

  • LORAWAN_DEVICE_ADDRESS (4 Bytes) : If not defined by user, then the firmware automatically assigns one to the end-device
  • LORAWAN_NWKSKEY (16 Bytes)
  • LORAWAN_APPSKEY (16 Bytes)


Config.h (LoRaWAN Communication Parameters)

  • Mode of Operation : Hybrid If the end-device needs to be configured to operate over 8-channels, then Hybrid Mode needs to be enabled /media/uploads/ubhat/hybridenable.png
  • Mode of Operation : Frequency Hop If the end-device needs to be configured to operate over 64-channels, then Hybrid Mode needs to be disabled
  • Delay between successive JOIN REQUESTs : The delay between successive Join Requests (until the end-device joins the network) can be configured using the parameter OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION_DUTYCYCLE
  • Inter-Frame Delay : One can change the delay between each frame transmission using APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE It is advisable that APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE is greater than or equal to 3sec.
  • Data Rate : The data rate can be configured as per LoRaWAN specification using the paramter LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE. The range of values are DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3 and DR_4
  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed Messages : The uplink message or payload can be chosen to be confirmed or unconfirmed using the parameter LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON. When set to 1, the transmitted messages need to be confirmed with an ACK by the network server in the subsequent RX window. When set to 0, no ACK is requested.
  • ADR ON/OFF : The ADR can be enabled or disabled using the parameter LORAWAN_ADR_ON. When set to 1, ADR is enabled and disabled when set to 0.
  • Application Port : The application port can be set using parameter LORAWAN_APP_PORT. A few examples are associated to specific Application Port, and are defined in Config.h
  • Payload Length : The lenght of the payload (in bytes) to be transmitted can be configured using LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE
  • Transmit Power : The transmit power can be configured using LORAWAN_TX_POWER (LoRaMAC verifies if the set power is compliant with the LoRaWAN spec and FCC guidelines)


The baud-rate for serial terminal display is 115200



File content as of revision 1:80c1daf19aa4:

 / _____)             _              | |
( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
    (C)2015 Semtech

Description: Define events during Join, Tx & Rx
            Prepare TX packet by appending with appropriate application data

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainer: Uttam Bhat

#include "LoRaEventProc.h"

 * Defines the application data transmission duty cycle
uint32_t TxDutyCycleTime = APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE;

bool AppLed = 0;

 * \brief   Prepares the payload of the frame based on application port
void PrepareLoRaFrame( uint8_t port )

    switch( port )
    case 5:
            uint8_t tmp;
            uint8_t tmpLength;
            uint8_t ptrIndex = 0;
            // Point the pointer to position index of Tx Buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationPtrPos( ptrIndex );

            tmp = ( AppLed != 0 ) ? 0x0F : 0x00;
            tmpLength = 1;
            LoRaApp.ApplicationAppendData( &tmp, tmpLength ); // Populate lower nibble of 0th Byte with LED state            

            *  Read Temperature
            *  Appends 1 Byte to TX buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppTemp );

            *  Read Battery
            *  Appends 1 Byte to TX buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppBat );

            *  Read GPS coordinates
            *  Appends 8 Bytes (3 bytes longitude, 3 bytes latitude, 2 bytes altitude) to TX buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppGps );            

            *  Read Accelerometer
            *  Appends 2 Bytes to TX buffer
            *   Value       Orientation
            *   0x99 0x00   horizontal + faceup
            *   0x66 0x00   horizontal + facedown
            *   0x00 0x11   vertical
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppAccl ); // Generate Accelerometer data bytes    

            *  Generate Ramp data bytes
            *  Appends incremental values of 1 Byte each to TX buffer until Full
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppRamp );


    // Senet M2X ORIENTATION Demo 
    case 6: 
            uint8_t ptrIndex = 1;
            //Point the pointer to position index of Tx Buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationPtrPos( ptrIndex );
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppAcclSenet ); // Generate Accelerometer data bytes    

    /* Senet GPS Demo 
       Data Format (in Hex):
            [01, 02, Lattitude (3 bytes), Longitude (3 Bytes), Elevation (2 bytes), Tx Power (1 byte)]
    case 7: 
            uint8_t ptrIndex = 0;
            uint8_t tmp[] = {0x01, 0x02};
            //Point the pointer to position index of Tx Buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationPtrPos( ptrIndex );
            LoRaApp.ApplicationAppendData( tmp, 2 );  
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppGps ); // Generate Accelerometer data bytes  
            uint8_t pow = 30 - 2*(( uint8_t ) LoRaMacUplinkStatus.TxPower);
            LoRaApp.ApplicationAppendData( &pow, 1 );  


    // Push-Button Demo     
    case 11: 
            uint8_t ptrIndex = 0;
            //Point the pointer to position index of Tx Buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationPtrPos( ptrIndex );
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppPushButton ); // Transmit uplink counter   

    // Transmit on Vertical Orientation Demo     
    case 12: 
            uint8_t ptrIndex = 0;
            //Point the pointer to position index of Tx Buffer
            LoRaApp.ApplicationPtrPos( ptrIndex );
            LoRaApp.ApplicationCall( AppPushButton ); // Transmit uplink counter      

 * \brief   Sets Interrupt for next payload transmission
void InitNextTxInterrupt( uint8_t port )
    switch( port )
    /* GPS Application Demo
        Set Timer interrupt for next uplink
    case 5:

    /* Senet + M2X demo
    Set Timer interrupt for next uplink
    case 6: 
    /* Senet GPS Demo 
       Set Timer interrupt for next uplink
    case 7: 
            // Schedule next packet transmission
            TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer, TxDutyCycleTime );
            TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer );

    /* Push Button Demo 
       Send Packet Immedietly if PC0 = GND
    case 11: 
            volatile bool PushButtonStatus;

            PushButtonStatus = UsrButton;
            if(PushButtonStatus == 0)
                // Send Pkt immedietly if PC = GND
                DeviceState = DEVICE_STATE_SEND;
                NextTx = true;
                // Keep polling
                IsTxIntUpdate = true;

    /* Orientation Demo 
       Send Packet Immedietly if Mote is Vertical
    case 12: 
            CheckOrientation( );
            if(VerticalStatus == true)
                // Send Pkt immedietly if PC = GND
                DeviceState = DEVICE_STATE_SEND;
                NextTx = true;
                // Keep polling
                IsTxIntUpdate = true;

    /* Compliance Test 
       Set Timer interrupt for next uplink
    case 224:
            // Schedule next packet transmission
            TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer, COMPLIANCE_TX_DUTYCYCLE );
            TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer );

            // Schedule next packet transmission
            TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer, TxDutyCycleTime );
            TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer );


 * \brief   What to do during JOIN process ? blink/toggle LED etc.
void JoinEvent( void )
    // CtrlLED is defined in LoRaBoardAppIf.h
    // param 1: LED color (Red, Yellow or Green)
    // param 2: LED_ON or LED_OFF
    //CtrlLED( Red, LED_ON ); 

 * \brief   What to do during TX ? blink/toggle LED etc.
void TxEvent( void )
    int blinkTime = 25000;

    // Blink Red LED for 25msec
    //BlinkLED( Red, blinkTime );

void RxEvent()
    // Toggle yellow LED
    //ToggleLED( Yellow );  

    // If Rx Data is 0x01 turn on Green LED else if 0x0 Turn Green LED off
    if( LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.BufferSize == 1 )
        if( LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Buffer[0] == 0x01 )
            AppLed = 1;
            if( LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Buffer[0] == 0x00 )
                AppLed = 0;

    if( AppLed != 0 )
        // Turn  USR_LED ON
        //CtrlLED( Usr, LED_ON );
        // Turn  USR_LED OFF
        //CtrlLED( Usr, LED_OFF );