Connect the BLE_UART Console to a PC USB/Serial Console. Data written to PC console is sent over BLE UART Data received from BLE UART is displayed in PC console

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_LED_Controller by UCL IoT

diff -r 016434184568 -r 3faefe15a4a4 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Dec 18 21:14:19 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Feb 13 15:14:27 2015 +0000
@@ -19,24 +19,18 @@
 #include "UARTService.h"
-#define NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT 0 /* Set this if you need debug messages on the console;
+#define NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT 1 /* Set this if you need debug messages on the console;
                                * it will have an impact on code-size and power consumption. */
-#define DEBUG(...) { printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
+#define DEBUG(...) { printf(__VA_ARGS__); }  //Defaults to stdio without having to wirte pcUart explicitly
 #define DEBUG(...) /* nothing */
 #endif /* #if NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT */
-#define LED2CMD "led2"
-#define CMD_LENGTH 4
-//char rxPayload[CMD_SIZE];
+Serial pcUart(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
 BLEDevice  ble;                               // Create Bluetooth object
-DigitalOut led1(LED1);                        // Set the pin attached to LED1 as an output
-PwmOut led2(LED2);                        // Set the pin attached to LED2 as an output
 UARTService *uartServicePtr;
@@ -54,31 +48,31 @@
         uint16_t bytesRead = params->len;
         DEBUG("received %u bytes\n\r", bytesRead);
         DEBUG("Received string: '");
-        DEBUG((const char *)params->data);             //Note the size of data expands to the largest string received. Need to use bytesRead to resize.
+        for (int i=0;i<bytesRead; i++) {
+          DEBUG("%c",params->data[i]);      
+        }
+        //DEBUG((const char *)params->data);             //Note the size of data expands to the largest string received. Need to use bytesRead to resize.
-        if (!strncmp(LED2CMD,(const char *)params->data,CMD_LENGTH-1)){
-            float value;
-            char cmd[CMD_LENGTH];
-            sscanf((const char *)params->data, "%s %f", cmd, &value );
-            led2 = value;
-            DEBUG("Cmd: %s LED Level = %f\n\r", cmd, value);
-            }
-        ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uartServicePtr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), params->data,bytesRead);   // Echo received characters back over BLE
+       // ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uartServicePtr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), params->data,bytesRead);   // Echo received characters back over BLE
 /* Periodic Ticker callback */
-void periodicCallback(void)
+void rxInterrupt(void)
-    led1 = !led1;                             // Toggle LED 1
+     if (pcUart.readable()) {
+        char s[2];
+        s[1]=0;
+        s[0]=pcUart.getc();
+ //       DEBUG("-%c_",s[0]);   
+        uartServicePtr->write(s,1);
+    }  
 int main(void)
-    led1 = 1;
-    led2 = 0.5;
-    Ticker ticker;                            // Create period timer
-    ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 1);       // Attach ticker callback function with a period of 1 second
+    pcUart.attach(&rxInterrupt,Serial::RxIrq);
     DEBUG("Initialising the nRF51822\n\r");