This is a fork of a functional ILI9341 display with a functional Seeed touch screen library.

Dependencies:   BMP180 UniGraphic mbed BNO055_fusionI_fixed HTU21D GPSISR Compass Fonts uGUI

Fork of TFT_test_NUCLEO-F411RE by Motoo Tanaka


Had to move sensors to a remote board because of interference. Added spi burst mode to supported displays.

To do.... ugui buttons are slow. will need to add rtos to project. Finish other way points screen. Will have to rewrite portions of the touch screen class. Sense touch, delay, read values and then average, touch released, is the sequence. Add cadence input and logic to program for computer screen.

diff -r 1a9c0f9d7128 -r 4f0ebc5a4f00 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 01 03:39:33 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 03 02:56:25 2017 +0000
@@ -64,14 +64,6 @@
 #define PI                  3.14159265358979f
-BNO055_ID_INF_TypeDef       bno055_id_inf;
-BNO055_EULER_TypeDef        euler_angles;
-BNO055_QUATERNION_TypeDef   quaternion;
-BNO055_LIN_ACC_TypeDef      linear_acc;
-BNO055_GRAVITY_TypeDef      gravity;
-BNO055_TEMPERATURE_TypeDef  chip_temp;
 #define DEVICE_NAME     "F411RE"
@@ -93,7 +85,7 @@
 // 3 Axis IMU
-BNO055 imu(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, PIN_RESET);  // Reset =D7, addr = BNO055_G_CHIP_ADDR, mode = MODE_NDOF <- as default
+BNO055 imu(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);  // New Library Adafruit
 // Humidity and Temperature
 HTU21D humid(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
@@ -142,58 +134,58 @@
     while (1) { 
-                TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) ArialR20x20);
-                //check if we recieved a new message from GPS, if so, attempt to parse it,
+        TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) ArialR20x20);
+        //check if we recieved a new message from GPS, if so, attempt to parse it,
         if (refresh_Timer.read_ms() >= refresh_Time) {
-                        if (bmp180.init() != 0) {
-                                //pc.printf("Error communicating with BMP180\n");
-                                } else {
-                                //pc.printf("Initialized BMP180\n");
-                                bmp180.startTemperature();
-                                wait(0.1);     // Wait for conversion to complete
-                                float temp;
-                                if(bmp180.getTemperature(&temp) != 0) {
-                                        //pc.printf("Error getting temperature\n");
-                                }
-                        //pc.printf("Temperature is : %f", temp);
-                        TFT.locate(4, 26) ;
-                        TFT.printf("%.1fF", ((temp* 9.0) / 5.0 + 32));
-                        }
-                        int ftemp = humid.sample_ftemp();
-                        int humidity = humid.sample_humid();
-                        TFT.locate(140, 26) ;
-                        TFT.printf("%d%%RH",humidity);
-                        //pc.printf("HTU21D Temp: %d",ftemp);
-                        //pc.printf("HTU21D Humidity: %d",humidity);
+            if (bmp180.init() != 0) {
+                //pc.printf("Error communicating with BMP180\n");
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("Initialized BMP180\n");
+                bmp180.startTemperature();
+                wait(0.1);     // Wait for conversion to complete
+                float temp;
+                if(bmp180.getTemperature(&temp) != 0) {
+                    //pc.printf("Error getting temperature\n");
+                }
+                //pc.printf("Temperature is : %f", temp);
+                TFT.locate(4, 26) ;
+                TFT.printf("%.1fF", ((temp* 9.0) / 5.0 + 32));
+            }
+            int ftemp = humid.sample_ftemp();
+            int humidity = humid.sample_humid();
+            TFT.locate(140, 26) ;
+            TFT.printf("%d%%RH",humidity);
+            //pc.printf("HTU21D Temp: %d",ftemp);
+            //pc.printf("HTU21D Humidity: %d",humidity);
-                        if (imu.chip_ready() == 0){
-                            pc.printf("Bosch BNO055 is NOT avirable!!\r\n");
+            if (imu.check() == 0){
+                pc.printf("Bosch BNO055 is NOT avirable!!\r\n");
+            } else {
+                //printf("Cal %d", imu.read_calib_status());
+                imu.get_calib();
+                if ( > 0x0){
+                    TFT.foreground(White);
+                    TFT.locate(4, 260) ;
+                    TFT.printf("No Data");
+                    TFT.foreground(Blue);
+                    imu.get_angles();
+                    TFT.locate(4, 260) ;
+                    TFT.printf("%.1f",imu.euler.yaw);
+                    //pc.printf("H %.1f",euler_angles.h);
+                    //pc.printf("R %.1f",euler_angles.r);
+                    //pc.printf("P %.1f",euler_angles.p);
                 } else {
-                            //printf("Cal %d", imu.read_calib_status());
-                            if (imu.read_calib_status() > 0x0){
-                                TFT.foreground(White);
-                                TFT.locate(4, 260) ;
-                                TFT.printf("No Data");
-                                TFT.foreground(Blue);
-                                imu.get_Euler_Angles(&euler_angles);
-                                imu.get_quaternion(&quaternion);
-                                TFT.locate(4, 260) ;
-                                TFT.printf("%.1f",euler_angles.h);
-                                //pc.printf("H %.1f",euler_angles.h);
-                                //pc.printf("R %.1f",euler_angles.r);
-                                //pc.printf("P %.1f",euler_angles.p);
-                            } else {
-                                    TFT.locate(4, 260) ;
-                                    TFT.printf("No Data");
-                            }
-                        }
+                    TFT.locate(4, 260) ;
+                    TFT.printf("No Data");
+                }
+            }
-                         float angle = int(euler_angles.h); // * 180/PI); // Convert radians to degrees for more a more usual result
-                         // For the screen -X = up and +X = down and -Y = left and +Y = right, so does not follow coordinate conventions
-                         float dx = (0.7*radius * cos((angle-90)*PI/180)) + centreX;  // calculate X position for the screen coordinates - can be confusing!
+             float angle = int(imu.euler.yaw); // * 180/PI); // Convert radians to degrees for more a more usual result
+             // For the screen -X = up and +X = down and -Y = left and +Y = right, so does not follow coordinate conventions
+             float dx = (0.7*radius * cos((angle-90)*PI/180)) + centreX;  // calculate X position for the screen coordinates - can be confusing!
              float dy = (0.7*radius * sin((angle-90)*PI/180)) + centreY;  // calculate Y position for the screen coordinates - can be confusing!
              arrow(last_dx,last_dy, centreX, centreY, 2,2,White);      // Erase last arrow      
              arrow(dx,dy, centreX, centreY, 2, 2,Blue);               // Draw arrow in new position
@@ -207,45 +199,42 @@
                 //pc.printf("%d-%d-%d\n", MyGPS.buffer.month,, MyGPS.buffer.year);
                 //pc.printf("%d:%d:%d\n", MyGPS.buffer.hours, MyGPS.buffer.minutes, MyGPS.buffer.seconds);
-                                TFT.foreground(White);
-                                TFT.locate(4, 2) ;
-                                TFT.printf("No Data");
+                TFT.foreground(White);
+                TFT.locate(4, 2) ;
+                TFT.printf("No Data");
                 TFT.locate(4, 2) ;
                 TFT.printf("%d-%d-%d", MyGPS.buffer.month,, MyGPS.buffer.year);
-                                TFT.locate(4, 50) ;
-                                double waypoint = nav.CalculateDistance(MyGPS.buffer.latitude,MyGPS.buffer.longitude,plat,plon)/double(1609.344);
-                                TFT.printf("%.1fMI From Perry", waypoint);
+                TFT.locate(4, 50) ;
+                double waypoint = nav.CalculateDistance(MyGPS.buffer.latitude,MyGPS.buffer.longitude,plat,plon)/double(1609.344);
+                TFT.printf("%.1fMI From Perry", waypoint);
                 TFT.locate(140, 2) ;
                 TFT.printf("%d:%d:%d", MyGPS.buffer.hours, MyGPS.buffer.minutes, MyGPS.buffer.seconds);
-                                TFT.locate(140, 260) ;
+                TFT.locate(140, 260) ;
                 TFT.printf("%.1fft", MyGPS.buffer.altitude/0.3048);
-                                TFT.locate(4, 280) ;
-                                int degree;
-                                int minutes;
-                                int seconds;
-                                degree = (int)abs(MyGPS.buffer.longitude);
+                TFT.locate(4, 280) ;
+                int degree;
+                int minutes;
+                int seconds;
+                degree = (int)abs(MyGPS.buffer.longitude);
                 minutes = (int) ( (abs(MyGPS.buffer.longitude) - (double)degree) * 60.0);
                 seconds = (int) ( (abs(MyGPS.buffer.longitude) - (double)degree - (double)minutes / 60.0) * 60.0 * 60.0 );
                 TFT.printf("%d %d' %d\" %c lon", degree, minutes,seconds, MyGPS.buffer.lonc);
-                                TFT.locate(4, 300) ;
-                                TFT.locate(4, 300) ;
+                TFT.locate(4, 300) ;
                 degree = (int)abs(MyGPS.buffer.latitude);
                 minutes = (int) ( (abs(MyGPS.buffer.latitude) - (double)degree) * 60.0);
                 seconds = (int) ( (abs(MyGPS.buffer.latitude) - (double)degree - (double)minutes / 60.0) * 60.0 * 60.0 );
                 TFT.printf("%d %d' %d\" %c lat", degree, minutes,seconds, MyGPS.buffer.latc);
-                                TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) SCProSB31x55);     
+                TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) SCProSB31x55);     
                 TFT.locate(120, 200) ;
                 TFT.printf("%.1f", MyGPS.buffer.speed);    
-                                //pc.printf("Dist to Perry %.4f ", nav.CalculateDistance(MyGPS.buffer.latitude,MyGPS.buffer.longitude,plat,plon));
+                //pc.printf("Dist to Perry %.4f ", nav.CalculateDistance(MyGPS.buffer.latitude,MyGPS.buffer.longitude,plat,plon));
             else {
-                                TFT.locate(4, 2) ;
-                                TFT.printf("No Data");
+                TFT.locate(4, 2) ;
+                TFT.printf("No Data");
                 //pc.printf("NMEA has no valid data");