Set specific IP Address/Port
This code could be access via Cat.M1(BG96 module) of SK telecom network in Korea. Need a WIZnet IoT Shield BG96 board and development board. The code forked Daniel_Lee's mbed-os-example-cellular-BG96 repository(https://os.mbed.com/users/Daniel_Lee/code/mbed-os-example-cellular-BG96/) and added some features.
This example is known to work great on the following platforms:
- FRDM-K64F or FRDM-K66F
- WIZnet IoT Shield BG96 board
- USIM card
Example functionality
This example showcases the following device functionality:
1. Import into Compiler
2. Compile and Program
3. If successfully connect to cellular networks(SKTelecom) then you can get below message
Device's Result
include the mbed library with this snippet
mbed-os-example-cellular Built: Sep 6 2019, 07:06:26 [MAIN], plmn: NULL Establishing connection M2Mnet(BG96) Power ON [00005500ms][INFO][CELL]: New CellularContext (20004120) [00005500ms][INFO][CELL]: CellularContext plmn NULL [00005501ms][INFO][CELL]: CellularContext connect [00006502ms][INFO][CELL]: Start connecting (timeout 1000 ms) [00006511ms][INFO][CELL]: RSSI unknown [00006519ms][INFO][CELL]: Modem ready [00006523ms][INFO][CELL]: RSSI unknown [00006523ms][INFO][CELL]: Setup SIM (timeout 1000 ms) [00006528ms][INFO][CELL]: SIM is ready [00006555ms][INFO][CELL]: RSSI unknown [00006563ms][INFO][CELL]: Network registration (timeout 1000 ms) [00006567ms][INFO][CELL]: Continue after 1 seconds [00006688ms][ERR ][CELL]: AT overflow [00007572ms][INFO][CELL]: RSSI unknown [00007578ms][INFO][CELL]: Registering network => Attaching network [00007582ms][INFO][CELL]: RSSI unknown [00007582ms][INFO][CELL]: Attaching network (timeout 1000 ms) [00007606ms][INFO][CELL]: Found PDP context 2 [00007609ms][INFO][CELL]: Activate PDP context 2 [00009626ms][INFO][CELL]: Found PDP context 2 Connection Established. [00009635ms][INFO][CELL]: Socket 0 open [00009741ms][INFO][CELL]: Socket 0 sent 4 bytes to port 7878 TCP: Sent 4 Bytes to [00010873ms][INFO][CELL]: Socket 0 recv 4 bytes [00011421ms][INFO][CELL]: Socket 0 closed Received from server 4 Bytes [00011421ms][INFO][CELL]: CellularContext disconnect() [00011422ms][INFO][CELL]: cb: CellularContext disconnected Success. Exiting
Server Result
Diff: Jenkinsfile
- Revision:
- 9:35a1fad017ca
- Parent:
- 8:abfee2b3d29b
- Child:
- 30:b528cee9bf09
--- a/Jenkinsfile Mon Jun 04 11:15:16 2018 +0100 +++ b/Jenkinsfile Mon Jun 04 12:45:15 2018 +0100 @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ def targets = [ "UBLOX_C027", "MTB_MTS_DRAGONFLY", - "UBLOX_C030_U201", - "MTB_ADV_WISE_1570", - "K64F" + "UBLOX_C030_U201" + //"MTB_ADV_WISE_1570", + //"K64F" ] // Map toolchains to compilers