
Dependents of Servo

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

IoT home system. Clock with latitude, longitude, and location. Raises and lowers blinds in morning/at night. Control blinds and brightness of LED using Adafruit Bluefruit controller. BLE, Bluefruit, clock, IOT, Location
4180 Lab 4 Project
this robot uses ultrasonic sensors to detect the obstacles and the servo motor acts as the neck for the robot in checking the obstacles in right and left directions
Greifer class + main
A program to control a pick and place robot with 2 driving motors and 3 servo motors
All the commit done for assignment 3
Hello Wheel
remoteContolledRobot via Bluetooth HC06 bluetooth
BTSmartFan Servo/DC motor controlled using Bluetooth bluetooth, bt, DC, fan, motor, Servo, smart, W7500, WIZwiki-W7500
PID Based Motor Controller Code
code using the sonic sensor to activate motor when the distance value dips beneath 50cm, seems to be a problem compiling with the else if statement. Apparently an unclosed bracket.
arm class implemented ARM, class
arm class implemented ARM, class
für holdor
its a leap based haptic arm robot
This is a simple home automation system which communicates with a Bluetooth app to control home systems such as HVAC and lighting. This was done for El-Sharkaway's ECE595 Class
projet megot
Do NOT modify!
Runs an RC Brushless DC motor using with an ESC module. Mbed supplies the PWM control signal for the ESC. See for more info brushless, DC, esc, motor
Control servo motors
H-brug test op cny70
Oi shin
Como o projeto está até agora....
Projeto de software do projeto mecatrônico