Code for autonomous rover for Sparkfun AVC. DataBus won 3rd in 2012 and the same code was used on Troubled Child, a 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer to win 1st in 2014.

Dependencies:   mbed Watchdog SDFileSystem DigoleSerialDisp



File content as of revision 18:c2f3df4ef5fe:

 * Telemetry.cpp
 *  Created on: May 6, 2014
 *      Author: mes

#include "mbed.h"
#include "Telemetry.h"
#include "util.h"

/** Create a new telemetry object
 * @param uart is the Serial object used to send data
Telemetry::Telemetry(Serial &uart) {
    _uart = &uart;

/** Set baud rate for the serial connection
 * @param baud is the integer baud rate
void Telemetry::baud(int baud) {

/** Send waypoints to the GCS
 * @param wpt is the array of CartPosition waypoints
void Telemetry::sendPacket(CartPosition wpt[], int wptCount) {
    if (wpt) {
        _uart->puts("`01, "); // waypoint message
        for (int i=0; i < wptCount; i++) {
            _uart->puts(cvftos(wpt[i].x, 5));
            _uart->puts(cvftos(wpt[i].y, 5));
            if (i+1 < wptCount) _uart->puts(",");

/** Send system state to the GCS
 * @param s is the SystemState object to send
void Telemetry::sendPacket(SystemState *s) {
    if (s) {
        // Bearing is given as absolute; we want to send relative bearing
        float bearing = s->bearing - s->estHeading;
        while (bearing >= 360.0) {
            bearing -= 360.0;
        while (bearing < 0) {
            bearing += 360.0;

        _uart->puts("`00, "); // standard status message
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->voltage, 2));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->current, 2));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->estHeading, 2));
        _uart->puts(", ");
//      _uart->puts(cvftos(s->gpsLatitude, 7));
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->estX, 5));
        _uart->puts(", ");
//      _uart->puts(cvftos(s->gpsLongitude, 7));
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->estY, 5));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->gpsHDOP, 1));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos((s->lrEncSpeed + s->rrEncSpeed)/2.0, 1));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(bearing, 2));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->distance, 5));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->steerAngle, 2));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->LABrg, 1));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->LAx, 2));
        _uart->puts(", ");
        _uart->puts(cvftos(s->LAy, 2));