Code for autonomous rover for Sparkfun AVC. DataBus won 3rd in 2012 and the same code was used on Troubled Child, a 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer to win 1st in 2014.

Dependencies:   mbed Watchdog SDFileSystem DigoleSerialDisp

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Estimation/kalman.cpp	Mon May 27 13:26:03 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#define DEBUG 1
+#define clamp360(x) ((((x) < 0) ? 360: 0) + fmod((x), 360))
+ * Kalman Filter Setup
+ */
+static float x[2]={ 0, 0 };                 // System State: hdg, hdg rate
+float z[2]={ 0, 0 };                        // measurements, hdg, hdg rate
+static float A[4]={ 1, 0, 0, 1};            // State transition matrix; A[1] should be dt
+static float H[4]={ 1, 0, 0, 1 };           // Observer matrix maps measurements to state transition
+float K[4]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 };                  // Kalman gain
+static float P[4]={ 1000, 0, 0, 1000 };     // Covariance matrix
+static float R[4]={ 3, 0, 0, 0.03 };        // Measurement noise, hdg, hdg rate
+static float Q[4]={ 0.01, 0, 0, 0.01 };     // Process noise matrix
+static float I[4]={ 1, 0, 0, 1 };           // Identity matrix
+float kfGetX(int i)
+    return (i >= 0 && i < 2) ? x[i] : 0xFFFFFFFF;
+/** headingKalmanInit
+ *
+ * initialize x, z, K, and P
+ */
+void headingKalmanInit(float x0)
+    x[0] = x0;
+    x[1] = 0;
+    z[0] = 0;
+    z[1] = 0;
+    K[0] = 0; K[1] = 0;
+    K[2] = 0; K[3] = 0;
+    P[0] = 1000; P[1] = 0;
+    P[2] = 0;    P[3] = 1000;
+/* headingKalman 
+ *
+ * Implements a 1-dimensional, 1st order Kalman Filter
+ *
+ * That is, it deals with heading and heading rate (h and h') but no other
+ * state variables.  The state equations are:
+ *
+ *                     X    =    A       X^
+ * h = h + h'dt -->  | h  | = | 1 dt | | h  |
+ * h' = h'           | h' |   | 0  1 | | h' |
+ *
+ * Kalman Filtering is not that hard. If it's hard you haven't found the right
+ * teacher. Try taking CS373 from
+ *
+ * This notation is Octave (Matlab) syntax and is based on the Bishop-Welch
+ * paper and references the equation numbers in that paper.
+ *
+ *
+ * returns : current heading estimate
+ */
+float headingKalman(float dt, float Hgps, bool gps, float dHgyro, bool gyro)
+    A[1] = dt;
+    /* Initialize, first time thru
+    x = H*z0
+    */
+    //fprintf(stdout, "gyro? %c  gps? %c\n", (gyro)?'Y':'N', (gps)?'Y':'N');
+    // Depending on what sensor measurements we've gotten,
+    // switch between observer (H) matrices and measurement noise (R) matrices
+    // TODO: incorporate HDOP or sat count in R
+    if (gps) {
+        H[0] = 1.0;
+        z[0] = Hgps;
+    } else {
+        H[0] = 0;
+        z[0] = 0;
+    }
+    if (gyro) {
+        H[3] = 1.0;
+        z[1] = dHgyro;
+    } else {
+        H[3] = 0;
+        z[1] = 0;
+    }
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, A, "1. A");
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, P, "   P");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, x, "   x");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, K, "   K");
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, H, "2. H");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, z, "   z");
+   /**********************************************************************
+     * Predict
+     %
+     * In this step we "move" our state estimate according to the equation
+     *
+     * x = A*x; // Eq 1.9
+     ***********************************************************************/
+    float xp[2];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,1, xp, A, x);
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, xp, "3. xp");
+    /**********************************************************************
+     * We also have to "move" our uncertainty and add noise. Whenever we move,
+     * we lose certainty because of system noise.
+     *
+     * P = A*P*A' + Q; // Eq 1.10
+     ***********************************************************************/
+    float At[4];
+    Matrix_Transpose(2,2, At, A);
+    float AP[4];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, AP, A, P);
+    float APAt[4];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, APAt, AP, At);
+    Matrix_Add(2,2, P, APAt, Q);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, P, "4. P");
+    /**********************************************************************
+     * Measurement aka Correct
+     * First, we have to figure out the Kalman Gain which is basically how
+     * much we trust the sensor measurement versus our prediction.
+     *
+     * K = P*H'*inv(H*P*H' + R);    // Eq 1.11
+     ***********************************************************************/
+    float Ht[4];
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, H,    "5. H");
+    Matrix_Transpose(2,2, Ht, H);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, Ht,    "5. Ht");
+    float HP[2];
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, P,    "5. P");
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, HP, H, P);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, HP,    "5. HP");
+    float HPHt[4];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, HPHt, HP, Ht);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, HPHt,    "5. HPHt");
+    float HPHtR[4];
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, R,    "5. R");
+    Matrix_Add(2,2, HPHtR, HPHt, R);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, HPHtR,    "5. HPHtR");
+    Matrix_Inverse(2, HPHtR);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, HPHtR,    "5. HPHtR");
+    float PHt[2];
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, P,    "5. P");
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, Ht,    "5. Ht");
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, PHt, P, Ht);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, PHt,    "5. PHt");
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, K, PHt, HPHtR);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, K,    "5. K");
+    /**********************************************************************
+     * Then we determine the discrepancy between prediction and measurement 
+     * with the "Innovation" or Residual: z-H*x, multiply that by the 
+     * Kalman gain to correct the estimate towards the prediction a little 
+     * at a time.
+     *
+     * x = x + K*(z-H*x);            // Eq 1.12
+     ***********************************************************************/
+    float Hx[2];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,1, Hx, H, xp);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, H, "6. H");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, x, "6. x");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, Hx, "6. Hx");
+    float zHx[2];
+    Matrix_Subtract(2,1, zHx, z, Hx);
+    // At this point we need to be sure to correct heading to -180 to 180 range
+    if (zHx[0] > 180.0)   zHx[0] -= 360.0;
+    if (zHx[0] <= -180.0) zHx[0] += 360.0;
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, z, "6. z");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, zHx, "6. zHx");
+    float KzHx[2];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,1, KzHx, K, zHx);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, K, "6. K");
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, KzHx, "6. KzHx");
+    Matrix_Add(2,1, x, xp, KzHx);
+    // Clamp to 0-360 range
+    while (x[0] < 0) x[0] += 360.0;
+    while (x[0] >= 360.0) x[0] -= 360.0;
+    //Matrix_print(2,1, x, "6. x");
+    /**********************************************************************
+     * We also have to adjust the certainty. With a new measurement, the 
+     * estimate certainty always increases.
+     *
+     * P = (I-K*H)*P;                // Eq 1.13
+     ***********************************************************************/
+    float KH[4];
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, K, "7. K");
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, KH, K, H);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, KH, "7. KH");
+    float IKH[4];
+    Matrix_Subtract(2,2, IKH, I, KH);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, IKH, "7. IKH");
+    float P2[4];
+    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, P2, IKH, P);
+    Matrix_Copy(2, 2, P, P2);
+    //Matrix_print(2,2, P, "7. P");
+    return x[0];