Code for autonomous ground vehicle, Data Bus, 3rd place winner in 2012 Sparkfun AVC.

Dependencies:   Watchdog mbed Schedule SimpleFilter LSM303DLM PinDetect DebounceIn Servo

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00001 #ifndef __DCM_MATRIX_H
00002 #define __DCM_MATRIX_H
00004 /** Matrix math library */
00006 #define SINGULAR_MATRIX     (1<<0)
00007 #define ERR1                (1<<1)
00008 #define ERR2                (1<<2)
00009 #define ERR3                (1<<3)
00011 /** Take cross product of two 3x1 vectors: v1 x v2 = vectorOut
00012  * @param v1 is the first vector
00013  * @param v2 is the second vector
00014  * @returns vectorOut = v1 x v2
00015  */
00016 void Vector_Cross_Product(float vectorOut[3], float v1[3], float v2[3]);
00018 /** Multiple 3x1 vector by scalar: vectorOut = vectorIn times scale2
00019  * @param vectorIn the vector
00020  * @param scale2 is the scalar
00021  * @returns vectorOut the result
00022  */
00023 void Vector_Scale(float vectorOut[3], float vectorIn[3], float scale2);
00025 /** TDot product of two 3x1 vectors vector1 . vector2
00026  * @param vector1 is the first vector
00027  * @param vector2 is the second vector
00028  * @returns float result of dot product
00029  */
00030 float Vector_Dot_Product(float vector1[3], float vector2[3]);
00032 /** Adds two 3x1 vectors: vectorOut = vectorIn1 + vectorIn2
00033  * @param vectorIn1 is the first vector
00034  * @param vectorIn2 is the second vector
00035  * @returns vectorOut is the result of the addition
00036  */
00037 void Vector_Add(float vectorOut[3], float vectorIn1[3], float vectorIn2[3]);
00039 /** Adds two 3x3 matrices: C = A + B
00040  * @param A is the first vector
00041  * @param B is the second vector
00042  * @returns C is the result of the addition
00043  */
00044 void Matrix_Add(float C[3][3], float A[3][3], float B[3][3]);
00046 /** Adds two n x m matrices: C = A + B
00047  * @param A is the first vector
00048  * @param B is the second vector
00049  * @param n is the rows of A, B, C
00050  * @param m is the columns of A, B, C
00051  * @returns C is the result of the addition
00052  */
00053 void Matrix_Add(int n, int m, float *C, float *A, float *B);
00055 void Matrix_Subtract(int n, int m, float *C, float *A, float *B);
00057 /** Multiplies two 3x3 matrices to get a third 3x3 matrix: c = ab
00058  * @param a is the first vector
00059  * @param b is the second vector
00060  * @returns c as the result of the mutliplication
00061  */
00062 void Matrix_Multiply(float c[3][3], float a[3][3], float b[3][3]);
00064 /** Multiplies two 3x3 matrices to get a third 3x3 matrix: c = ab
00065  * @param A is the first matrix
00066  * @param B is the second matrix
00067  * @param n is the rows of A
00068  * @param p is the columns of A and rows of B
00069  * @param m is the columns of B
00070  * @returns C as the result of the mutliplication
00071  */
00072 void Matrix_Multiply(int n, int m, int p, float *C, float *A, float *B);
00074 void Matrix_Transpose(int n, int m, float *C, float *A);
00076 void Matrix_Inverse(int n, float *A);
00078 void Matrix_Inverse(int n, float *C, float *A);
00080 void Matrix_Copy(int n, int m, float *C, float *A);
00082 /** Prints out an m x m matrix
00083  * @param A is the matrix to print
00084  * @param name is the name to print out along with the vector
00085  */
00086 void Matrix_print(int n, int m, float *A, const char *name);
00088 /** Prints out a 1 x 3 vector
00089  * @param A is the 1 x 3 vector to print
00090  * @param name is the name to print out along with the vector
00091  */
00092 void Vector_Print(float A[3], const char *name);
00094 #endif