Magnetometer program example of use for NMHU students and others.
Dependencies: MAG3110 SLCD TSI mbed
Fork of magsensor_46_v2 by
- Committer:
- scohennm
- Date:
- 2015-03-29
- Revision:
- 1:cba20461ceec
- Child:
- 2:06d3417f068e
File content as of revision 1:cba20461ceec:
#include "mbed.h" #include "MAG3110sc.h" #include "SLCD.h" #include "TSISensor.h" /* Test of magnetometer and other sensors on the KL46Z board. Not clear to me at this time what the conversion factor of the magnetic field values map to. set up state machine to cycle through what is displayed on the LCD screen. Remember there are 4 characthers plus a "free" decimal point. - 140721 sc */ #define MESSTIME 0.5 #define BLINKTIME 200 // ms offset #define BLINKMAX 1000 // touch sensor returns 0 - 0.99 #define DATATIME 200 #define LEDOFF 1 #define LEDON 0 #define MESSAGETIME 0.3 #define LIGHT "LGHT" #define MAGX_LBL "MAGX" #define MAGY_LBL "MAGY" #define BOTIX_LBL "TEMP" #define ONEORDER 10 #define TWOORDERS 100 #define NULLVAL 20 // States #define NUMSTATES 3 #define L_STATE 0 #define MAGX_STATE 1 #define MAGY_STATE 2 #define PROGNAME "MAG v4.0" #define LPRNAME "MV4.0" // look at this site for PIN defintions. // #define PRINTDBUG MAG3110 mag(PTE25, PTE24); SLCD slcd; //define LCD display AnalogIn LightSensor(PTE22); Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); Timer LEDTimer; Timer DATATimer; TSISensor tsiScaling; // Capacitive sensor/slider void LCDMess(char *lMess){ slcd.Home(); slcd.clear(); slcd.printf(lMess); } void LCDTMess(char *lMess, float Ddelay){ slcd.Home(); slcd.clear(); slcd.printf(lMess); wait(Ddelay); } int main() { DigitalOut Rled(LED_RED); DigitalOut Gled(LED_GREEN); int displayState = 2; // show magy first on LCD int LButtonState; DigitalIn LftButton(PTC3); int ledState = true; float lightValue; //Read from ADC connected to ambient light sensor (photo transistor) int magX = 0, magY = 0, magZ = 0; // Magnetic field data //float Heading; char lcdData[10]; int magXVal; int nullState = false; float touchValue = 0.0; float tempValue; int LEDTime = BLINKTIME; // Do once... equivalent to the setup fucntion in the Arduino paradigm mag.begin(); // Setup event timers for LED blink and taking magnetometer data LEDTimer.start(); LEDTimer.reset(); DATATimer.start(); DATATimer.reset(); // Show program name LCD and Serial pc.printf(PROGNAME); LCDTMess(LPRNAME,MESSTIME); // Do forever... equivalent to the loop fucntion in the Arduino paradigm while (true) { tempValue = tsiScaling.readPercentage(); if(tempValue > 0) touchValue = tempValue; // read the inverted logic of the left button on the board. LButtonState = !LftButton; if (LButtonState) { //Change data that is displayed cycle through states displayState++; displayState = displayState % NUMSTATES; // Roll over if greater than the number of states defined switch (displayState) { case L_STATE: { LCDTMess(LIGHT,MESSTIME); break; } case MAGX_STATE: { LCDTMess(MAGX_LBL,MESSTIME); break; } case MAGY_STATE:{ LCDTMess(MAGY_LBL,MESSTIME); break; } } } // Manage mag and light data if (DATATimer.read_ms() > DATATIME){ //take data at DATATIME intervals DATATimer.reset(); lightValue =; mag.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ); // Heading = mag.getHeading(); #ifdef PRINTDBUG pc.printf("%f\r\n", lightValue); pc.printf("%d\r\n", magX); pc.printf("%d\r\n", magY); #endif switch (displayState) { case L_STATE: { sprintf (lcdData,"%4.3f",lightValue); break; } case MAGX_STATE: { magXVal =abs(magX)/ONEORDER; nullState = (magXVal < NULLVAL); sprintf (lcdData,"%4d",magXVal); break; } case MAGY_STATE: { sprintf (lcdData,"%4d",magY); break; } } LCDMess(lcdData); } // Manage LED's if(LEDTimer.read_ms() > LEDTime) { // Blink LED's for dramatic effect. LEDTime = BLINKTIME + (int)(touchValue*BLINKMAX); LEDTimer.reset(); if (nullState){ Rled =LEDON; Gled = LEDON; } else { ledState = !ledState; Rled = ledState; Gled = !ledState; } } } }