Magnetometer program example of use for NMHU students and others.

Dependencies:   MAG3110 SLCD TSI mbed

Fork of magsensor_46_v2 by Stanley Cohen

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/magsensorv4.cpp	Sun Mar 29 18:24:10 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MAG3110sc.h"
+#include "SLCD.h"
+#include "TSISensor.h"
+Test of magnetometer and other sensors on the KL46Z board. Not clear to me at this
+time what the conversion factor of the magnetic field values map to.
+set up state machine to cycle through what is displayed on the LCD screen. Remember
+there are 4 characthers plus a "free" decimal point. - 140721 sc 
+#define MESSTIME 0.5
+#define BLINKTIME 200 // ms offset
+#define BLINKMAX 1000 // touch sensor returns 0 - 0.99
+#define DATATIME 200
+#define LEDOFF 1
+#define LEDON 0
+#define MESSAGETIME 0.3
+#define LIGHT "LGHT"
+#define MAGX_LBL "MAGX"
+#define MAGY_LBL "MAGY"
+#define BOTIX_LBL "TEMP"
+#define ONEORDER 10
+#define TWOORDERS 100
+#define NULLVAL 20
+// States
+#define NUMSTATES 3
+#define L_STATE 0
+#define MAGX_STATE 1
+#define MAGY_STATE 2
+#define PROGNAME "MAG v4.0"
+#define LPRNAME "MV4.0"
+// look at this site for PIN defintions.
+// #define PRINTDBUG
+MAG3110 mag(PTE25, PTE24);
+SLCD slcd; //define LCD display
+AnalogIn LightSensor(PTE22);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Timer LEDTimer;
+Timer DATATimer;
+TSISensor tsiScaling; // Capacitive sensor/slider
+void LCDMess(char *lMess){
+        slcd.Home();
+        slcd.clear();
+        slcd.printf(lMess);
+void LCDTMess(char *lMess, float Ddelay){
+        slcd.Home();
+        slcd.clear();
+        slcd.printf(lMess);
+        wait(Ddelay);
+int main() {
+    DigitalOut Rled(LED_RED);
+    DigitalOut Gled(LED_GREEN);
+    int displayState = 2; // show magy first on LCD
+    int LButtonState;
+    DigitalIn LftButton(PTC3);
+    int ledState = true;
+    float lightValue; //Read from ADC connected to ambient light sensor (photo transistor)
+    int magX = 0, magY = 0, magZ = 0; // Magnetic field data
+    //float Heading;
+    char lcdData[10];
+    int magXVal;
+    int nullState = false;
+    float touchValue = 0.0;
+    float tempValue;
+    int LEDTime = BLINKTIME;
+// Do once... equivalent to the setup fucntion in the Arduino paradigm
+    mag.begin();
+// Setup event timers for LED blink and taking magnetometer data
+    LEDTimer.start();
+    LEDTimer.reset();
+    DATATimer.start();
+    DATATimer.reset();
+  // Show program name LCD and Serial
+    pc.printf(PROGNAME);
+// Do forever... equivalent to the loop fucntion in the Arduino paradigm
+    while (true) {
+        tempValue = tsiScaling.readPercentage();
+        if(tempValue > 0) touchValue = tempValue;
+        // read the inverted logic of the left button on the board.
+        LButtonState = !LftButton;
+        if (LButtonState) {  //Change data that is displayed cycle through states 
+            displayState++;
+            displayState = displayState % NUMSTATES; // Roll over if greater than the number of states defined
+            switch (displayState) {
+                case L_STATE: {
+                    LCDTMess(LIGHT,MESSTIME);
+                    break;
+                 }
+                 case MAGX_STATE: {
+                    LCDTMess(MAGX_LBL,MESSTIME);
+                    break;
+                 }
+                  case MAGY_STATE:{
+                    LCDTMess(MAGY_LBL,MESSTIME);
+                    break;
+                 }            
+            }
+        }
+// Manage mag and light data
+        if (DATATimer.read_ms() > DATATIME){ //take data at DATATIME intervals
+            DATATimer.reset();
+            lightValue =;  
+            mag.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ);
+ //           Heading = mag.getHeading();
+            pc.printf("%f\r\n", lightValue);
+            pc.printf("%d\r\n", magX);
+            pc.printf("%d\r\n", magY);
+            switch (displayState) {
+                case L_STATE: {
+                    sprintf (lcdData,"%4.3f",lightValue);
+                    break;
+                 }
+                 case MAGX_STATE: {
+                     magXVal =abs(magX)/ONEORDER;
+                     nullState = (magXVal < NULLVAL);
+                     sprintf (lcdData,"%4d",magXVal);
+                    break;
+                 }
+                 case MAGY_STATE: {
+                     sprintf (lcdData,"%4d",magY);
+                    break;
+                 }
+            }
+            LCDMess(lcdData);
+        }
+// Manage LED's
+        if(LEDTimer.read_ms() > LEDTime) { // Blink LED's for dramatic effect.
+            LEDTime = BLINKTIME + (int)(touchValue*BLINKMAX);
+            LEDTimer.reset();
+            if (nullState){
+                Rled =LEDON;
+                Gled = LEDON;
+            } else {
+                ledState = !ledState;
+                Rled = ledState;
+                Gled = !ledState;
+            }
+        }
+    }
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