TextLCD library for controlling various LCD panels based on the HD44780 4-bit interface

Fork of TextLCD by Simon Ford

Thu May 27 13:44:15 2010 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
simon 1:ac48b187213c 1 // Write to all HD44780 TextLCD RAM locations, sford
simon 1:ac48b187213c 2 //
simon 1:ac48b187213c 3 // A quick hack to write to all the display RAM locations
simon 1:ac48b187213c 4 // in an HD44780 display, to identify which location maps
simon 1:ac48b187213c 5 // to which character.
simon 1:ac48b187213c 6 //
simon 1:ac48b187213c 7 // Instructions:
simon 1:ac48b187213c 8 // - Change TextLCD pinout as appropriate so it works
simon 1:ac48b187213c 9 // - Run, and it should fill the screen with characters
simon 1:ac48b187213c 10 // - Identify what characters are at the start of each row
simon 1:ac48b187213c 11 //
simon 1:ac48b187213c 12 // To determine what address each line starts at, you subtract the
simon 1:ac48b187213c 13 // ascii code for '0'(48) from the character at the start of each line
simon 1:ac48b187213c 14 // - see http://www.asciitable.com/
simon 1:ac48b187213c 15 //
simon 1:ac48b187213c 16 // e.g.
simon 1:ac48b187213c 17 // +----------------+
simon 1:ac48b187213c 18 // |0123456789:;<=>?| first char = '0' (48)
simon 1:ac48b187213c 19 // |XYZ.... | first char = 'X' (88)
simon 1:ac48b187213c 20 // +----------------+
simon 1:ac48b187213c 21 //
simon 1:ac48b187213c 22 // So in this case, the RAM offsets are 0 and 40
simon 1:ac48b187213c 23
simon 1:ac48b187213c 24 #include "mbed.h"
simon 1:ac48b187213c 25 #include "TextLCD.h"
simon 1:ac48b187213c 26 DigitalOut zero(p11);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 27 TextLCD lcd(p10, p12, p15, p16, p29, p30, TextLCD::LCD16x2B);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 28
simon 1:ac48b187213c 29 int main() {
simon 1:ac48b187213c 30 lcd.printf("hithere");
simon 1:ac48b187213c 31 wait(1);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 32 lcd.putc('i');
simon 1:ac48b187213c 33 wait(1);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 34 lcd.cls();
simon 1:ac48b187213c 35 wait(1);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 36 lcd.locate(4, 1);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 37 wait(1);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 38 lcd.printf("jdlkjfksj");
simon 1:ac48b187213c 39 for(int i=0; i<30; i++) {
simon 1:ac48b187213c 40 lcd.putc('A' + i);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 41 wait(0.3);
simon 1:ac48b187213c 42 }
simon 1:ac48b187213c 43 }