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TEMP (temperature) abstraction

TEMP (temperature) abstraction

Temperature module init and read functions. More...


static __INLINE void nrf_temp_init (void)
 Function for preparing the temp module for temperature measurement.
static __INLINE int32_t nrf_temp_read (void)
 Function for reading temperature measurement.

Detailed Description

Temperature module init and read functions.

Function Documentation

static __INLINE void nrf_temp_init ( void   ) [static]

Function for preparing the temp module for temperature measurement.

This function initializes the TEMP module and writes to the hidden configuration register.


Workaround for PAN_028 rev2.0A anomaly 31 - TEMP: Temperature offset value has to be manually loaded to the TEMP module

Definition at line 35 of file nrf_temp.h.

static __INLINE int32_t nrf_temp_read ( void   ) [static]

Function for reading temperature measurement.

The function reads the 10 bit 2's complement value and transforms it to a 32 bit 2's complement value.


Workaround for PAN_028 rev2.0A anomaly 28 - TEMP: Negative measured values are not represented correctly

Definition at line 53 of file nrf_temp.h.