
Dependencies:   mbed ros_lib_kinetic nhk19mr2_can_info splitData SerialHalfDuplex_HM

diff -r 945d634d4c9b -r 89d701e15cdf main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 28 09:39:02 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 01 12:07:23 2019 +0000
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@
 #include "can.h"
 #define USE_CAN //can通信するならdefine.しないなら切らないとエラー出る
 //#define USE_ROS
+#include <ros.h>
+#include <geometry_msgs/Vector3.h>
 //#define DEBUG_ON //デバッグ用。使わないときはコメントアウト
 #include "debug.h"
 #include "OneLeg.h" ///足先の座標を保存するクラス。x,yやサーボの角度の保存、サーボの駆動も行う。他の足を考慮した処理は別のクラスに任せる。
 #include "Walk.h"   //歩き方に関するファイル
 const int kServoSpan_ms = 6;                  //サーボの送信間隔
 const float kBetweenServoHalf_m = 0.03 * 0.5; //サーボ間の距離の半分
@@ -47,8 +49,6 @@
 DigitalOut led[4] = {DigitalOut(LED1), DigitalOut(LED2), DigitalOut(LED3), DigitalOut(LED4)};
 #ifdef USE_ROS
-#include <ros.h>
-#include <geometry_msgs/Vector3.h>
 ros::NodeHandle nh_mbed;
 void callback(const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &cmd_vel);
@@ -57,13 +57,7 @@
 ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Vector3> sub_vel("/cmd_vel", &callback);
 OneLeg leg[4]; //各足の位置
-enum LegNum    //足とシリアルサーボの番号
-    RIGHT_B,
-    RIGHT_F,
-    LEFT_B,
-    LEFT_F,
 FILE *fp;
 const float kRadToDegree = 180.0 / M_PI;
 int MoveOneCycle(Walk walkway, OneLeg leg[4]);
@@ -79,18 +73,11 @@
 enum WalkWay
-    UP,            //足を伸ばして立つ
-    OVERCOME,      //前足を乗せる
-    SANDDUNE,      //前足だけがsandduneに乗った状態で進む
-    OVERCOME_BACK, //後ろ足を乗せる
-    STRAIGHT_W,    //両足がsandduneに乗った状態で進む
-    ROPE_F,        //ropeをまたぐ(前足)
-    ROPE_B,        //ropeをまたぐ(後ろ足)
+    //    STRAIGHT,
+    //    TURNLEFT,
+    //    TURNRIGHT,
+    UP, //足を伸ばして立つ
-    STRAIGHT_W2, //後足がsandduneに乗った状態で進む
 void ParamsSetup(Walk walks[END], OneLeg leg[4]) //各パラメータの設定。減らしていく必要あり
@@ -99,10 +86,10 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         leg[i] = OneLeg(kBetweenServoHalf_m, kLegLength1, kLegLength2);
     walks[STANDUP].SetAllLegStandParam(0, 0.2, 0.5); //x,y,time_s.一括で設定できる
+                                                     /*
     //STRAIGT 論文通りのとき、offset_y_mは <=0.32
     float offset_x_m = -0.05, offset_y_m = 0.20, stride_m = 0.12, height_m = 0.05, buffer_height_m = 0.01,
-          stridetime_s = 0.3, toptime_s = 0.07, buffer_time_s = 0.03;
+          stridetime_s = 1, toptime_s = 0.1, buffer_time_s = 0.03;
     walks[STRAIGHT].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足を取り敢えず一括で設定してから
         (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
     walks[STRAIGHT].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_F, OFFSET_X_M, 0);
@@ -114,7 +101,7 @@
     float stride_short_m = 0.05, stride_long_m = 0.25;
     stridetime_s = 0.3, toptime_s = 0.07, buffer_time_s = 0.03,
-    offset_x_m=0, offset_y_m = 0.2, height_m = 0.03, buffer_height_m = 0.01;
+    offset_x_m = 0, offset_y_m = 0.2, height_m = 0.03, buffer_height_m = 0.01;
     walks[TURNLEFT].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足を取り敢えず一括で設定してから
         (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_long_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
     walks[TURNLEFT].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_F, STRIDE_M, stride_short_m); //一部のパラメータを変更
@@ -123,140 +110,70 @@
     walks[TURNRIGHT].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足を取り敢えず一括で設定してから
-      (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_long_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
+        (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_long_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
     walks[TURNRIGHT].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_F, STRIDE_M, stride_short_m); //一部のパラメータを変更
     walks[TURNRIGHT].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_B, STRIDE_M, stride_short_m);
     walks[TURNRIGHT].SetOffsetTime(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0); //位相ずれの程度(値域[0..1])
+  */
     // UP, //足を伸ばして立つ
-    LineParam up[] = {
-        {.time_s = 1, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.3}};
-    walks[UP].SetAllLegStandParam(0, 0.3, 1.2); //x,y,time_s.一括で設定できる
-    // OVERCOME 前足を乗せる
-    LineParam over_come_front_r[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.32},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0.13, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0, 
-        .x_m = 0.05, .y_m = 0.2}};
-    LineParam over_come_front_l[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = -0, .y_m = 0.32},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0, .y_m = 0.32},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0.13, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.2}};
-    LineParam over_come_backleg[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0.4, .x_m = -0.1,.y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = -0.1,.y_m = 0.3},
-    };
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(RIGHT_F,  over_come_front_r, sizeof(over_come_front_r)/ sizeof(over_come_front_r[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(LEFT_F,  over_come_front_l, sizeof(over_come_front_l)/sizeof(over_come_front_l[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(LEFT_B,  over_come_backleg, sizeof(over_come_backleg)/sizeof(over_come_backleg[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(RIGHT_B,  over_come_backleg, sizeof(over_come_backleg)/sizeof(over_come_backleg[0]));
-    LineParam over_come_front_r[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.32},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0.13, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0, 
-        .x_m = 0.05, .y_m = 0.2}};
-    LineParam over_come_front_l[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = -0, .y_m = 0.32},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0, .y_m = 0.32},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0.13, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.15},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = 0.12, .y_m = 0.2}};
-    LineParam over_come_backleg[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0.4, .x_m = -0.1,.y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = -0.1,.y_m = 0.3},
-    };
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(RIGHT_F,  over_come_front_r, sizeof(over_come_front_r)/ sizeof(over_come_front_r[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(LEFT_F,  over_come_front_l, sizeof(over_come_front_l)/sizeof(over_come_front_l[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(LEFT_B,  over_come_backleg, sizeof(over_come_backleg)/sizeof(over_come_backleg[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(RIGHT_B,  over_come_backleg, sizeof(over_come_backleg)/sizeof(over_come_backleg[0]));
-    // SANDDUNE, //前足だけがsandduneに乗った状態で進む
-    offset_x_m = -0.03, offset_y_m = 0.3, stride_m = 0.1, height_m = 0.03, buffer_height_m = 0.01,
-    stridetime_s = 0.2, toptime_s = 0.07, buffer_time_s = 0.03;
-    walks[SANDDUNE].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足一括で設定
-        (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
-    walks[SANDDUNE].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_F, OFFSET_X_M, 0);
-    walks[SANDDUNE].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_F, OFFSET_X_M, 0);
-    walks[SANDDUNE].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_F, OFFSET_Y_M, offset_y_m - 0.1);
-    walks[SANDDUNE].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_F, OFFSET_Y_M, offset_y_m - 0.1);
-    walks[SANDDUNE].SetOffsetTime(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0); //位相ずれの程度(値域[0..1])
-    // OVERCOME_BACK, //後ろ足を乗せる
-    float offset_x_back = -0.05;
-    LineParam overcomebackParams[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.8, .x_m = -0.05f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0.05f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.3},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = -0.1f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.16},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.1f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.16},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.1f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0.8, .x_m = 0.05f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = 0.05f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-    };
-    LineParam standbackParams[] = {
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = 0.0f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0.2, .x_m = 0.0f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0.6, .x_m = -0.05f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-        {.time_s = 0, .x_m = -0.05f + offset_x_back, .y_m = 0.2},
-    };
-    walks[OVERCOME_BACK].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(LEFT_F, standbackParams, sizeof(standbackParams) / sizeof(standbackParams[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME_BACK].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(RIGHT_F, standbackParams, sizeof(standbackParams) / sizeof(standbackParams[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME_BACK].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(LEFT_B, overcomebackParams, sizeof(overcomebackParams) / sizeof(overcomebackParams[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME_BACK].SetOneLegFreeLinesParam(RIGHT_B, overcomebackParams, sizeof(overcomebackParams) / sizeof(overcomebackParams[0]));
-    walks[OVERCOME_BACK].SetOffsetTime(0, 0, 0.5, 0);
-    // STRAIGHT_W, //両足がsandduneに乗った状態で進む
-    offset_x_m = -0.09, offset_y_m = 0.2, stride_m = 0.1, height_m = 0.03, buffer_height_m = 0.01,
-    stridetime_s = 0.2, toptime_s = 0.07, buffer_time_s = 0.03;
-    walks[STRAIGHT_W].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足一括で設定
-        (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
-    walks[STRAIGHT_W].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_F, OFFSET_X_M, 0);
-    walks[STRAIGHT_W].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_F, OFFSET_X_M, 0);
-    walks[STRAIGHT_W].SetOffsetTime(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0);
-   // ROPE_F, //ropeをまたぐ(前足)
-    offset_x_m = 0, offset_y_m = 0.3, stride_m = .15, height_m = 0.03, buffer_height_m = 0.01,
-    stridetime_s = 1, toptime_s = 0.35, buffer_time_s = 0.05;
-    walks[ROPE_F].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足一括で設定
-        (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
-    walks[ROPE_F].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_F, HEIGHT_M, 0.15); //前足だけ足を延ばす
-    walks[ROPE_F].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_F, HEIGHT_M, 0.15);
-    walks[ROPE_F].SetOffsetTime(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0); //位相ずれの程度(値域[0..1])
-    // ROPE_B,   //ropeをまたぐ(後ろ足)
-    offset_x_m = -0.05, offset_y_m = 0.3, stride_m = .1, height_m = 0.03, buffer_height_m = 0.01,
-    stridetime_s = 1, toptime_s = 0.35, buffer_time_s = 0.05;
-    walks[ROPE_B].SetAllLegTriangleParam // 4足一括で設定
-        (offset_x_m, offset_y_m, stride_m, height_m, buffer_height_m, stridetime_s, toptime_s, buffer_time_s);
-    walks[ROPE_B].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_B, HEIGHT_M, 0.15); //後ろ足だけ足を延ばす
-    walks[ROPE_B].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_B, HEIGHT_M, 0.15);
-    walks[ROPE_B].ChangeOneParam(LEFT_B, OFFSET_X_M, -0.07);
-    walks[ROPE_B].ChangeOneParam(RIGHT_B, OFFSET_X_M, -0.07);
-    walks[ROPE_B].SetOffsetTime(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0); //位相ずれの程度(値域[0..1])
+    walks[UP].SetAllLegStandParam(0, 0.30, 2); //x,y,time_s.一括で設定できる
+    //    walks[UP].SetOneLegStandParam(RIGHT_B, 0, 0.30, 2); //x,y,time_s
+    //    walks[UP].SetOneLegStandParam(RIGHT_F, 0, 0.30, 2); //x,y,time_s
+    //    walks[UP].SetOneLegStandParam(LEFT_B, 0, 0.30, 2); //x,y,time_s
+    //    walks[UP].SetOneLegStandParam(RIGHT_B, 0, 0.30, 2); //x,y,time_s
 Walk walks[END]; //歩行法
 int main()
+    //足とシリアルサーボの番号
+    //  RIGHT_B,  RIGHT_F,  LEFT_B,  LEFT_F,};
+    //前足かける
+    float start_x_m[4] = {-0, 0, -0, 0}; //足のoffset
+    float start_y_m[4] = {.3, .3, .31, .3};
+    float d_x_m = 0.15;
+    float goal_y_m[4] = {.3, 0.2, .31, 0.2};
+    float height_m[] = {0.03, 0.13, 0.03, 0.13};
+    float gravity_dist[] = {0.075, 0, 0.075, 0};
+    OverCome overcome(start_x_m, start_y_m, d_x_m, goal_y_m, height_m, gravity_dist);
+    //そのまま進む
+    float d_x_m2 = 0.075;
+    float height1_m[] = {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05};
+    OverCome overcome1(start_x_m, goal_y_m, d_x_m2, goal_y_m, height1_m, gravity_dist);
+    //後ろ脚載せる
+    float height2_m[] = {0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08};
+    float start2_y_m[] = {.25, .3, .25, .3};
+    float goal2_y_m[] = {.2, .3, .2, .3};
+    OverCome overcome2(start_x_m, start2_y_m, d_x_m2, goal2_y_m, height2_m, gravity_dist);
+    //
+    float height3_m[] = {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05};
+    float start3_x_m[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.05};
+    OverCome overcome3(start3_x_m, goal2_y_m, d_x_m2, goal2_y_m, height3_m, gravity_dist);
+    //後ろ脚を落とす
+    float d_x_m4 = 0.1;
+    float goal4_y_m[] = {.3, .3, .3, .3};
+    OverCome overcome4(start_x_m, goal2_y_m, d_x_m4, goal4_y_m, height3_m, gravity_dist);
+    OverCome overcome5(start_x_m, goal4_y_m, d_x_m4, goal4_y_m, height3_m, gravity_dist);
+    //足とシリアルサーボの番号
+    //  RIGHT_B,  RIGHT_F,  LEFT_B,  LEFT_F,};
+    //上手く行った
+    float start_x_m[4] = {-0, 0, -0, 0};
+    float start_y_m[4] = {.3, .28, .3, .28};
+    float d_x_m = 0.1;
+    float goal_y_m[4] = {.3, .28, .3, .28};
+    float height_m = 0.13;
+    float gravity_dist[] = {0.075, -0.03, 0.105, 0};
+    OverCome rope[] = {
+        OverCome(start_x_m, start_y_m, d_x_m, goal_y_m, height_m, gravity_dist),
+    };
 #ifdef VSCODE
     if (FileOpen()) //csv fileに書き込み
         return 1;   //異常終了したら強制終了
-    DEBUG("param set start");
+    printf("param set start\r\n");
     ParamsSetup(walks, leg);      //各動きの際の足の軌道を設定。パラメータはこの関数内に打ち込む
     for (int i = 0; i < END; i++) //軌道のチェック
@@ -266,6 +183,49 @@
             return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    /*ROPEのチェック
+    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(rope) / sizeof(rope[0]); i++)
+    {
+        if (rope[i].walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+        {
+            printf("error: rope pattern %d\r\n", i);
+            return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+        }
+    }
+    if (overcome.walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+    {
+        printf("error: move pattern overcome0\r\n");
+        return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    }
+    if (overcome1.walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+    {
+        printf("error: move pattern overcome1\r\n");
+        return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    }
+    if (overcome2.walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+    {
+        printf("error: move pattern overcome 2\r\n");
+        return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    }
+    if (overcome3.walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+    {
+        printf("error: move pattern overcome 3\r\n");
+        return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    }
+    if (overcome4.walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+    {
+        printf("error: move pattern overcome 4\r\n");
+        return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    }
+    if (overcome5.walk.CheckOrbit(leg[0]) == 1) //軌道が定義外なら
+    {
+        printf("error: move pattern overcome 5\r\n");
+        return 1; //強制終了.errorは内部の関数からprintfで知らせる
+    }
     printf("Stand up?\r\n");
     WaitStdin('y'); // ボタンを押したら立つ
     MoveOneCycle(walks[STANDUP], leg);
@@ -278,29 +238,27 @@
     while (1)
-        for(int k=0;k<5;k++)MoveOneCycle(walks[STRAIGHT], leg);
-        for(int k=0;k<1;k++)MoveOneCycle(walks[UP], leg);
-        for(int k=0;k<1;k++)MoveOneCycle(walks[OVERCOME],leg);
-        for(int k=0;k<5;k++) MoveOneCycle(walks[SANDDUNE],leg);
-//        for(int k=0;k<1;k++)MoveOneCycle(walks[OVERCOME_BACK],leg);
-//        for(int k=0;k<3;k++)MoveOneCycle(walks[STRAIGHT_W], leg);
-//        for(int k=0;k<5;k++)Move(*straight_w2, leg,(*straight_w2).GetTheta(0.1));
-//        for(int k=0;k<3;k++)Move(*straight, leg);
-    for (int i = 1; i < END; i++) //ENDになるまでWalkWayの順に動作
-    {
-        printf("Move %d\r\n", i);
-        for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) //debug用に2歩進む
-            {
-                if(MoveOneCycle(walks[i], leg) == 1)
-                    printf("error:In MoveOneCycle. WalkWay %d\r\n",i);
-            }
-    }
-    MoveOneCycle(walks[STANDUP], leg); //最後はLRFを保護するためSTANDUPの状態で終わる
-  */  printf("program end\r\n");
+    //     for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)//壁あて.機体保護のため抜いておく
+    //     MoveOneCycle(walks[STRAIGHT], leg);
+    MoveOneCycle(walks[UP], leg); //立つ
+    for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++)   //前足かける
+        MoveOneCycle(overcome.walk, leg);
+    for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) //そのまま進む
+        MoveOneCycle(overcome1.walk, leg);
+    for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) //後ろ足載せる
+        MoveOneCycle(overcome2.walk, leg);
+    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) //そのまま進む
+        MoveOneCycle(overcome3.walk, leg);
+    for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) //後ろ足を落とす
+        MoveOneCycle(overcome4.walk, leg);
+    for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) //足上げたまま動く
+        MoveOneCycle(overcome5.walk, leg);
+    /*rope用
+    for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) //前足かける
+        MoveOneCycle(rope[0].walk, leg);
+    printf("program end\r\n");
 #ifdef VSCODE
@@ -392,6 +350,7 @@
     float left_vel = cmd_vel.x;
     float right_vel = cmd_vel.y;
+    int state = cmd_vel.z;
     if (right_vel < left_vel)
         MoveOneCycle(walks[TURNRIGHT], leg);
@@ -401,10 +360,12 @@
         MoveOneCycle(walks[STRAIGHT], leg);
 //param back_height_on_step:段差の高さ。後ろにあるとする。前にあるときはマイナスを入れる
 float GetSteepBodyRad(float back_height_on_step)
     float offset_hight = back_height_on_step + leg[LEFT_B].GetY_m() - leg[LEFT_B].GetY_m();
     float theta = atan2(offset_hight, (float)(sqrt(0.09 - offset_hight * offset_hight)));
     return theta;
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