This is a modified "BLE_Default_App". It doesn't use retargetStdout() which allows it to work with online Libs available on 20150123 (nRF51822, BLE_API)
Dependencies: BLE_API mbed nRF51822
You are viewing an older revision! See the latest version
20150128 - Issues reported with BLE_Default_App, best to test FOTA with this minimum app until resolved:
20150126 - There appears to be an issue with second FOTA load with online libraries. TBD
Modified BLE_Default_App for FOTA testing
- It doesn't use uartService.retargetStdout() which allows it to use the online libs nRF51822 and BLE_API available on 20150123.
- It has modified Device name and ping message so easy to see it has been loaded successfully by DFU
- It compiles and runs as FOTA and non-FOTA platform which may assist debugging
- USBSerial Debug available when used with nRF51822-mkit (default 9600,8,N,1, no flow control)
FOTA Notes: