This is a modified "BLE_Default_App". It doesn't use retargetStdout() which allows it to work with online Libs available on 20150123 (nRF51822, BLE_API)
Dependencies: BLE_API mbed nRF51822
App for FOTA testing:
- IO:
- Blinks a LED on platform to show App alive
- LEDs also follow buttons to show immediate response.
- BLE UART has ping message, and also echos back any received bytes (Use with Android App: nRF UART 2.0).
- It compiles and runs as FOTA and non-FOTA platform which may assist debugging
- platform "Nordic nRF51822 FOTA" for FOTA Loading
- platform "Nordic nRF51822" for mbed drive loading
- Supports mbed and non-mbed PCBs (all compiled using platform "Nordic nRF51822 FOTA")
- Compile options available for:
- nRF51822-mkit (Includes USB Serial Debug)
- nRF51822-EK
- nRF51822-Beacon (nRFBeacon)
- Atomwear (Button and LED on main PCB only)
- *If anyone gets this working with other publicly available PCBs let me know and we can add it in
Revision | Date | Who | Commit message |
6:85f68f27170c | 2015-02-20 | prussell | Added option to generate up to 3 PWM signals at a time on Atomwear debug header to confirm pinout (Schematic vs user guide) |
5:ac98ff227ad7 | 2015-01-30 | prussell | FOTA bug Fixed (Thanks Wayne!) |
4:3a065a4e3ca6 | 2015-01-30 | prussell | FOTA4 rev4 - Still something wrong with subsequent FOTA Loads. |
3:3651f1a58d9e | 2015-01-26 | prussell | Corrected nRFBeacon LED Polarity (Active Lo) |
2:0931d94f42a2 | 2015-01-24 | prussell | Enabled Data Echo on data sent from App [nRF UART v2.0] |
1:832e6e27cc49 | 2015-01-24 | prussell | Compiles, loads, and runs OK as FOTA |
0:aa7314f3fa84 | 2015-01-24 | prussell | App compiles and runs OK as non-FOTA Platform |