The objective of this project is to design an automated control system for green houses. This system is developed for a special type of green house called hoop house. This system will control the parameters like light, temperature, humidity and soil moisture and sends that data to cloud. It will also take care of the ventilation, light and water supply to plants

Dependencies:   mbed DHT ESP8266

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun May 03 09:17:49 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#include "mbed.h" 
+#include "DHT.h"
+#include "ESP8266.h"               // Include header file from Author: Antonio Quevedo
+#include "math.h"
+#include <string>
+#define APIKEY 9QSZ6SX8FLBFM640    //Put "Write key" of your channel in 
+#define IP ""       // IP Address of "\"
+#define WIFI_SSID "Repulsive"
+#define WIFI_PASS "319nwest425"
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+ESP8266 esp(PTC17, PTC16, 115200); // baud rate for wifi
+char snd[255],rcv[1000],snd_Data[255];           //snd= string used to send command to ESP 8266 wii and  rcv = string used to receive response from ESP8266 wifi module 
+void esp_initialize(void); // Function used to initialize ESP8266 wifi module 
+void esp_send(void);       // Function used to connect with and update channel using ESP8266 wifi module 
+//test variable 
+float i=0;
+float j=10;
+float moisture_value = 0.0f; 
+float light_value = 0.0f;
+float h = 0.0f, c = 0.0f;
+AnalogIn moisture(A0); 
+AnalogIn light(A1);
+DHT sensor(D3, DHT11);
+DigitalOut LED(LED1);
+// Motor A connections 
+DigitalOut enA(PTC4);
+DigitalOut in1(PTC2);
+DigitalOut in2(PTC3);
+// Motor B connections (Pump)
+DigitalOut enB(PTA1);
+DigitalOut in3(PTC4);
+DigitalOut in4(PTC12);
+int main() 
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    int error=0;
+     // Turn off motors - Initial state
+    in1=0;
+    in2=0;
+    in3=0;
+    in4=0;
+    esp_initialize();    
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        wait(5.0f);     
+        moisture_value = moisture;
+        light_value =;
+        error = sensor.readData();
+        if (0 == error) 
+        {
+            c   = sensor.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS);
+            h   = sensor.ReadHumidity();
+            printf("\n\rTemperature in Celcius: %4.2f \n",c);
+            printf("\rHumidity is %4.2f\n", h);
+        } 
+        else 
+        {
+            printf("Error: %d\n", error);
+        }
+     printf("\rMoisture reading is %2.2f\n", moisture_value);
+     printf("\rLight reading is %2.2f\n", light_value);
+     if(c>29.00f)
+     {
+         in1= 0;
+         in2= 1;
+         printf("\rFan is ON\n");
+     }
+     else
+     {
+         in1=0;
+         in2=0;
+         printf("\rFan is OFF\n");
+     }
+     if(moisture_value<0.40f)
+     {
+         in3=1;
+         in4=0;
+         printf("\rPump is ON\n");
+     }
+     else
+     {
+         in3=0;
+         in4=0;
+         printf("\rPump is OFF\n");
+     }
+     if(light_value<0.30f)
+     {
+         LED = 0; //led on
+         pc.printf("\rLights ON\n");
+     }
+    else{ 
+        LED = 1; // led off
+        pc.printf("\rLights OFF\n");
+    }
+     wait(1.0f); 
+     esp_send();
+    } 
+void esp_initialize(void)
+    pc.printf("Initializing ESP\r\n"); 
+    pc.printf("Reset ESP\r\n"); 
+    esp.Reset();                   //RESET ESP
+    esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400);        //receive a response from ESP
+    //pc.printf(rcv);          //Print the response onscreen 
+    wait(2);
+    strcpy(snd,"AT");
+    esp.SendCMD(snd);
+    pc.printf(snd);
+    //wait(2);
+    esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400);       
+    pc.printf(rcv);      
+    wait(0.1);
+    strcpy(snd,"AT+CWMODE=1");
+    esp.SendCMD(snd);
+    pc.printf(snd);
+    wait(2);
+    strcpy(snd,"AT+CWJAP=\"");
+    strcat(snd,WIFI_SSID);
+    strcat(snd,"\",\"");
+    strcat(snd,WIFI_PASS);
+    strcat(snd,"\"");
+    esp.SendCMD(snd);
+    pc.printf(snd);
+    wait(5);
+    esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400);       
+    pc.printf("\n %s \n", rcv); 
+    strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPMUX=0");
+    esp.SendCMD(snd);
+    pc.printf(snd);
+    //wait(2);
+    esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400);       
+    pc.printf("\n %s \n", rcv); 
+void esp_send(void)
+   float field1 = c;
+   float field2 = h;
+   float field3 = moisture_value;
+   float field4 = light_value;
+    //ESP updates the Status of Thingspeak channel//
+    strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPSTART=");
+    strcat(snd,"\"TCP\",\"");
+    strcat(snd,IP);
+    strcat(snd,"\",80");
+    esp.SendCMD(snd); 
+    pc.printf("\rS\n%s",snd);
+    //wait(2);                                                    
+    esp.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
+    pc.printf("\rR\n%s",rcv);
+    wait(1);
+    sprintf(snd,"GET\r\n",field1,field2,field3,field4);
+    int i=0;
+    for(i=0;snd[i]!='\0';i++);
+    i++;
+    char cmd[255];
+    sprintf(cmd,"AT+CIPSEND=%d",i);                                       //Send Number of open connection and Characters to send 
+    esp.SendCMD(cmd);
+    pc.printf("\rS\n%s",cmd);
+    while(i<=20 || rcv == ">")
+    {
+        esp.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
+        wait(100);
+        i++;
+    }
+    pc.printf("\rR\n%s",rcv);
+    esp.SendCMD(snd);                                                      //Post value to thingspeak channel
+    pc.printf("\rS\n%s",snd);
+    while(i<=20 || rcv == "OK")
+    {
+        esp.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
+        wait(100);
+        i++;
+    }
+    pc.printf("\rR\n%s",rcv);
\ No newline at end of file