Example project for Summer School 2022.

Dependencies:   PM2_Libary Eigen

--- a/main.cpp	Sat May 14 13:48:08 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat May 14 14:08:20 2022 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
 #include "PM2_Libary.h"
+#include "Eigen/Dense.h"
+#include "IRSensor.h"
+# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846  // number pi
 // logical variable main task
 bool do_execute_main_task = false;  // this variable will be toggled via the user button (blue button) to or not to execute the main task
@@ -10,69 +18,71 @@
 void user_button_pressed_fcn();     // custom functions which gets executed when user button gets pressed and released, definition below
 void user_button_released_fcn();
-// while loop gets executed every main_task_period_ms milliseconds
-int main_task_period_ms = 50;   // define main task period time in ms e.g. 50 ms -> main task runns 20 times per second
-Timer main_task_timer;          // create Timer object which we use to run the main task every main task period time in ms
-// led on nucleo board
-DigitalOut user_led(LED1);      // create DigitalOut object to command user led
-// additional Led
-DigitalOut extra_led(PB_9);     // create DigitalOut object to command extra led (do add an aditional resistor, e.g. 220...500 Ohm)
-// mechanical button
-DigitalIn mechanical_button(PC_5);  // create DigitalIn object to evaluate extra mechanical button, you need to specify the mode for proper usage, see below
-// Sharp GP2Y0A41SK0F, 4-40 cm IR Sensor
-float ir_distance_mV = 0.0f;    // define variable to store measurement
-AnalogIn ir_analog_in(PC_2);    // create AnalogIn object to read in infrared distance sensor, 0...3.3V are mapped to 0...1
-// 78:1, 100:1, ... Metal Gearmotor 20Dx44L mm 12V CB
-DigitalOut enable_motors(PB_15);    // create DigitalOut object to enable dc motors
-float   pwm_period_s = 0.00005f;    // define pwm period time in seconds and create FastPWM objects to command dc motors
-FastPWM pwm_M1(PB_13);              // motor M1 is used open loop
-FastPWM pwm_M2(PA_9);               // motor M2 is closed-loop speed controlled (angle velocity)
-FastPWM pwm_M3(PA_10);              // motor M3 is closed-loop position controlled (angle controlled)
-EncoderCounter  encoder_M1(PA_6, PC_7); // create encoder objects to read in the encoder counter values
-EncoderCounter  encoder_M2(PB_6, PB_7);
-EncoderCounter  encoder_M3(PA_0, PA_1);
-// create SpeedController and PositionController objects, default parametrization is for 78.125:1 gear box
-float max_voltage = 12.0f;                  // define maximum voltage of battery packs, adjust this to 6.0f V if you only use one batterypack
-float counts_per_turn = 20.0f * 78.125f;    // define counts per turn at gearbox end: counts/turn * gearratio
-float kn = 180.0f / 12.0f;                  // define motor constant in rpm per V
-float k_gear = 100.0f / 78.125f;            // define additional ratio in case you are using a dc motor with a different gear box, e.g. 100:1
-float kp = 0.1f;                            // define custom kp, this is the default speed controller gain for gear box 78.125:1
-// SpeedController speedController_M2(counts_per_turn, kn, max_voltage, pwm_M2, encoder_M2); // default 78.125:1 gear box  with default contoller parameters
-SpeedController speedController_M2(counts_per_turn * k_gear, kn / k_gear, max_voltage, pwm_M2, encoder_M2); // parameters adjusted to 100:1 gear
-float max_speed_rps = 0.5f;                 // define maximum speed that the position controller is changig the speed, has to be smaller or equal to kn * max_voltage
-// PositionController positionController_M3(counts_per_turn, kn, max_voltage, pwm_M3, encoder_M3); // default 78.125:1 gear with default contoller parameters
-PositionController positionController_M3(counts_per_turn * k_gear, kn / k_gear, kp * k_gear, max_voltage, pwm_M3, encoder_M3); // parameters adjusted to 100:1 gear, we need a different speed controller gain here
-// Futaba Servo S3001 20mm 3kg Analog
-Servo servo_S1(PB_2);           // create servo objects
-Servo servo_S2(PC_8);
-float servo_S1_angle = 0;       // servo S1 normalized angle
-float servo_S2_angle = 0;       // servo S2 normalized angle
-int servo_period_mus = 20000;   // define servo period time in mus
-int servo_counter = 0;          // define servo counter, this is an additional variable to make the servos move
-int loops_per_seconds = static_cast<int>(ceilf(1.0f/(0.001f*(float)main_task_period_ms))); // define loops per second
-// Groove Ultrasonic Ranger V2.0
-float us_distance_cm = 0.0f;    // define variable to store measurement
-RangeFinder us_range_finder(PB_12, 5782.0f, 0.02f, 17500); // create range finder object (ultra sonic distance sensor), 20 Hz parametrization
-// RangeFinder us_range_finder(PB_12, 5782.0f, 0.02f,  7000); // create range finder object (ultra sonic distance sensor), 50 Hz parametrization
-// LSM9DS1 IMU, carefull: not all PES boards have an imu (chip shortage)
-// LSM9DS1 imu(PC_9, PA_8); // create LSM9DS1 comunication object, if you want to be able to use the imu you need to #include "LSM9DS1_i2c.h"
 int main()
+    // while loop gets executed every main_task_period_ms milliseconds
+    const int main_task_period_ms = 10;   // define main task period time in ms e.g. 50 ms -> main task runns 20 times per second
+    Timer main_task_timer;                // create Timer object which we use to run the main task every main task period time in ms
+    // led on nucleo board
+    DigitalOut user_led(LED1);      // create DigitalOut object to command user led
+    // additional Led
+    DigitalOut extra_led(PB_9);     // create DigitalOut object to command extra led (do add an aditional resistor, e.g. 220...500 Ohm)
+    // mechanical button
+    DigitalIn mechanical_button(PC_5);  // create DigitalIn object to evaluate extra mechanical button, you need to specify the mode for proper usage, see below
+    // Sharp GP2Y0A41SK0F, 4-40 cm IR Sensor
+    float ir_distance_mV = 0.0f;    // define variable to store measurement
+    AnalogIn ir_analog_in(PC_2);    // create AnalogIn object to read in infrared distance sensor, 0...3.3V are mapped to 0...1
+    // 78:1, 100:1, ... Metal Gearmotor 20Dx44L mm 12V CB
+    DigitalOut enable_motors(PB_15);    // create DigitalOut object to enable dc motors
+    const float pwm_period_s = 0.00005f; // define pwm period time in seconds and create FastPWM objects to command dc motor M1
+    FastPWM pwm_M1(PB_13);               // motor M1 is used open loop
+    FastPWM pwm_M2(PA_9);                // motor M2 is closed-loop speed controlled (angle velocity)
+    FastPWM pwm_M3(PA_10);               // motor M3 is closed-loop position controlled (angle controlled)
+    EncoderCounter  encoder_M1(PA_6, PC_7); // create encoder objects to read in the encoder counter values
+    EncoderCounter  encoder_M2(PB_6, PB_7);
+    EncoderCounter  encoder_M3(PA_0, PA_1);
+    // create SpeedController and PositionController objects, default parametrization is for 78.125:1 gear box
+    const float max_voltage = 12.0f;                  // define maximum voltage of battery packs, adjust this to 6.0f V if you only use one batterypack
+    const float counts_per_turn = 20.0f * 78.125f;    // define counts per turn at gearbox end: counts/turn * gearratio
+    const float kn = 180.0f / 12.0f;                  // define motor constant in rpm per V
+    const float k_gear = 100.0f / 78.125f;            // define additional ratio in case you are using a dc motor with a different gear box, e.g. 100:1
+    const float kp = 0.1f;                            // define custom kp, this is the default speed controller gain for gear box 78.125:1
+    // SpeedController speedController_M2(counts_per_turn, kn, max_voltage, pwm_M2, encoder_M2); // default 78.125:1 gear box  with default contoller parameters
+    SpeedController speedController_M2(counts_per_turn * k_gear, kn / k_gear, max_voltage, pwm_M2, encoder_M2); // parameters adjusted to 100:1 gear
+    float max_speed_rps = 0.5f;                 // define maximum speed that the position controller is changig the speed, has to be smaller or equal to kn * max_voltage
+    // PositionController positionController_M3(counts_per_turn, kn, max_voltage, pwm_M3, encoder_M3); // default 78.125:1 gear with default contoller parameters
+    PositionController positionController_M3(counts_per_turn * k_gear, kn / k_gear, max_voltage, pwm_M3, encoder_M3); // parameters adjusted to 100:1 gear, we need a different speed controller gain here
+    positionController_M3.setSpeedCntrlGain(kp * k_gear);
+    positionController_M3.setMaxVelocityRPS(max_speed_rps);
+    // Futaba Servo S3001 20mm 3kg Analog
+    Servo servo_S1(PB_2);           // create servo objects
+    Servo servo_S2(PC_8);
+    float servo_S1_angle = 0;       // servo S1 normalized angle
+    float servo_S2_angle = 0;       // servo S2 normalized angle
+    const int servo_period_mus = 20000;   // define servo period time in mus
+    int servo_counter = 0;          // define servo counter, this is an additional variable to make the servos move
+    const int loops_per_seconds = static_cast<int>(ceilf(1.0f/(0.001f*(float)main_task_period_ms))); // define loops per second
+    // Groove Ultrasonic Ranger V2.0
+    float us_distance_cm = 0.0f;    // define variable to store measurement
+    RangeFinder us_range_finder(PB_12, 5782.0f, 0.02f, 17500); // create range finder object (ultra sonic distance sensor), 20 Hz parametrization
+    // RangeFinder us_range_finder(PB_12, 5782.0f, 0.02f,  7000); // create range finder object (ultra sonic distance sensor), 50 Hz parametrization
+    // LSM9DS1 IMU, carefull: not all PES boards have an imu (chip shortage)
+    // LSM9DS1 imu(PC_9, PA_8); // create LSM9DS1 comunication object, if you want to be able to use the imu you need to #include "LSM9DS1_i2c.h"
     // attach button fall and rise functions to user button object
@@ -107,11 +117,11 @@
             if (mechanical_button.read()) {
                 pwm_M1.write(0.75f); // write output voltage to motor M1
                 speedController_M2.setDesiredSpeedRPS(0.5f); // set a desired speed for speed controlled dc motors M2
-                positionController_M3.setDesiredRotation(1.5f, max_speed_rps); // set a desired rotation for position controlled dc motors M3
+                positionController_M3.setDesiredRotation(1.5f); // set a desired rotation for position controlled dc motors M3
             } else {
-                positionController_M3.setDesiredRotation(0.0f, max_speed_rps);
+                positionController_M3.setDesiredRotation(0.0f);
             // check if servos are enabled
@@ -140,7 +150,7 @@
-            positionController_M3.setDesiredRotation(0.0f, max_speed_rps);
+            positionController_M3.setDesiredRotation(0.0f);
             servo_S1_angle = 0;
             servo_S2_angle = 0;