Mode1 Optical Validation

Dependencies:   max32630fthr

diff -r a16b6bf38841 -r 17a0bf823462 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 31 23:35:27 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 01 01:51:52 2021 +0000
@@ -50,11 +50,12 @@
 // define one and only one of the following three platforms
 #define MAXM86146_CFG 1  // tested on MAXM86146EVSYS_sensorBrd+MAXM86161_ADAPTER_REVB+MAX32630FTHR
-//#define MAXREFDES103_CFG 
+//#define MAXREFDES103_CFG
 //#define MAX86161_CFG 1
 #define ALGO_ONLY 1  // define this if you only want the algo data, comment out if you want raw sensor+algo data
+//#define EXTENDED_ALGO 1  // define this if you want the extended algo format
 #ifdef MAXREFDES103_CFG
@@ -69,8 +70,13 @@
 #define ACCEL_SZ 6  // accel
-//#define ALGO_SZ 20  // 24 bytes is the algo normal size for 3x.12.0
-#define ALGO_SZ 24  // 24 bytes is the algo normal size for 3x.13.x
+  //#define ALGO_SZ 52  // 52 bytes is the extended algo size for 3x.12.0
+  #define ALGO_SZ 56  // 56 bytes is the extended algo size for 3x.13.x
+  //#define ALGO_SZ 20  // 24 bytes is the algo normal size for 3x.12.0
+  #define ALGO_SZ 24  // 24 bytes is the algo normal size for 3x.13.x
 #ifdef ALGO_ONLY
   #define TTL_SZ (ALGO_SZ)
@@ -110,7 +116,12 @@
     char rsp[3000];
     int32_t ppg[12];
     int16_t accel[3];
-    int32_t status, opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi, ibi_conf, act, r, spo2, spo2_conf;
+    int32_t status, opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi, ibi_conf;
+    int32_t walk_stp, run_stp, energy, amr, iadj1_rqt, iadj1, iadj2_rqt, iadj2, iadj3_rqt, iadj3;
+    int32_t intadj_rqt, intadj, smpladj_rqt, smpladj, rqt_smplave, afestatehr, hr_motion;
+    int32_t act, r, spo2, spo2_conf;
     int32_t spo2_compl, spo2_lo, spo2_mo, spo2_lopi, spo2_unrel, spo2_state, ibi_offset, scd;
     int32_t scnt = 0;
     int32_t ptr = 0;
@@ -164,11 +175,78 @@
             ptr = sptr + SENSOR_SZ;
 //            pc.printf("ptr %d ttlsiz %d ", ptr, TTL_SZ);
             opmode = rsp[ptr];
             hr =  (rsp[ptr+1] << 8) + rsp[ptr+2];
             hr_conf = rsp[ptr+3];
-            ibi = (rsp[ptr+5] << 8) + rsp[ptr+4];
+            ibi = (rsp[ptr+4] << 8) + rsp[ptr+5];
+            ibi_conf = rsp[ptr+6];
+            act = rsp[ptr+7];
+            walk_stp = (rsp[ptr+8] << 24) + (rsp[ptr+9] << 16) + (rsp[ptr+10] << 8) + rsp[ptr+11];
+            run_stp =  (rsp[ptr+12] << 24) + (rsp[ptr+13] << 16) + (rsp[ptr+14] << 8) + rsp[ptr+15];
+            energy =   (rsp[ptr+16] << 24) + (rsp[ptr+17] << 16) + (rsp[ptr+18] << 8) + rsp[ptr+19];
+            amr =      (rsp[ptr+20] << 24) + (rsp[ptr+21] << 16) + (rsp[ptr+22] << 8) + rsp[ptr+23];
+            iadj1_rqt = rsp[ptr+24];
+            iadj1 = (rsp[ptr+25] << 8) + rsp[ptr+26];
+            iadj2_rqt = rsp[ptr+27];
+            iadj2 = (rsp[ptr+28] << 8) + rsp[ptr+29];
+            iadj3_rqt = rsp[ptr+30];
+            iadj3 = (rsp[ptr+31] << 8) + rsp[ptr+32];
+            intadj_rqt = rsp[ptr+33];
+            intadj = rsp[ptr+34];
+            smpladj_rqt = rsp[ptr+35];
+            smpladj = rsp[ptr+36];
+            rqt_smplave = rsp[ptr+37];
+            afestatehr = rsp[ptr+38];
+            hr_motion = rsp[ptr+39];
+            scd = rsp[ptr+40];
+            r = (rsp[ptr+41] << 8) + rsp[ptr+42];
+            spo2_conf = rsp[ptr+43];
+            spo2 = (rsp[ptr+44] << 8) + rsp[ptr+45];
+            spo2_compl = rsp[ptr+46];
+            spo2_lo = rsp[ptr+47];
+            spo2_mo = rsp[ptr+48];
+            spo2_lopi = rsp[ptr+49];
+            spo2_unrel = rsp[ptr+50];
+            spo2_state = rsp[ptr+51];
+            ibi_offset = rsp[ptr+52];
+            sptr += (TTL_SZ);
+#if 1
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", ibi_conf, act);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,", walk_stp, run_stp, energy);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", amr, iadj1_rqt, iadj1, iadj2_rqt);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", iadj2, iadj3_rqt, iadj3, intadj_rqt);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", intadj, smpladj_rqt, smpladj, rqt_smplave);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", afestatehr, hr_motion);
+            pc.printf("%d,",  scd);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_compl, spo2_lo, spo2_mo);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,", spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel, spo2_state);
+            pc.printf("%d,", ibi_offset);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", hr, hr_conf);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_conf);
+            pc.printf("%d,", spo2_lo);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2_unrel, scd);
+#else // normal algo size
+//            pc.printf("ptr %d ttlsiz %d ", ptr, TTL_SZ);
+            opmode = rsp[ptr];
+            hr =  (rsp[ptr+1] << 8) + rsp[ptr+2];
+            hr_conf = rsp[ptr+3];
+            ibi = (rsp[ptr+4] << 8) + rsp[ptr+5];
             ibi_conf = rsp[ptr+6];
             act = rsp[ptr+7];
@@ -200,6 +278,7 @@
             pc.printf("%d,", spo2_lo);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2_unrel, scd);
+#endif  // end normal algo size
@@ -352,7 +431,11 @@
 #endif // MAXM86146_CFG
 // 1.3 Enable HR, SpO2 algo
+    cmd[0] = 0x52; cmd[1] = 0x07; cmd[2] = 0x02;
     cmd[0] = 0x52; cmd[1] = 0x07; cmd[2] = 0x01;
     sh_i2c.write(SH_ADDR, cmd, 3);
     thread_sleep_for(465);, rsp, 1);