Mode1 Optical Validation

Dependencies:   max32630fthr

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Mar 14 23:53:46 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 15 21:01:25 2022 +0000
@@ -86,7 +86,11 @@
 //#define RAW  // define this if you want AFE+accel data, no algorithm
 #define ALGO_ONLY 1  // define this if you only want algo data, comment out if you want raw sensor+algo data
-//#define EXTENDED_ALGO 1  // define this if you want the extended algo format
+// Comment out both of the below for Normal Algorithm Samples Format
+//#define EXTENDED_ALGO 1  // define this if you want the extended algo samples report format 
+#define PACKED_NORMAL_ALGO 1  // define this if you want the packed normal algo samples report format
 //#define AGC 1 // define this for AGC, otherwise the default is AEC
 #ifdef MAXREFDES103_CFG
@@ -103,20 +107,22 @@
 #if defined(MAXM86161_CFG) || defined(MAXM86146_CFG)  // MAXM86161, MAXM86146, keep algo Fifo size as 52, 20 to keep compatible w/ the GUI
-#define old_msbl 1 // 3x.12.0 or earlier; 32.9.x
+#define old_algo_sz 1 // 3x.12.0 or earlier; 32.9.x
-#ifdef old_msbl
+#ifdef old_algo_sz
-    #define ALGO_SZ 52  // 52 bytes is the extended algo size for 3x.12.0
+    #define ALGO_SZ 52  // 52 bytes, extended algo size for 3x.12.0
+  #elif defined(PACKED_NORMAL_ALGO)
+    #define ALGO_SZ 16  // 16 bytes, packed algo normal size for 33.31.31
-    #define ALGO_SZ 20  // 20 bytes is the algo normal size for 3x.12.0
+    #define ALGO_SZ 20  // 20 bytes, normal algo size for 3x.12.0
-    #define ALGO_SZ 56  // 56 bytes is the extended algo size for 3x.13.x+
+    #define ALGO_SZ 56  // 56 bytes, extended algo size for 3x.13.x+
-    #define ALGO_SZ 24  // 24 bytes is the algo normal size for 3x.13.x+
+    #define ALGO_SZ 24  // 24 bytes, normal algo size for 3x.13.x+
@@ -135,6 +141,9 @@
 DigitalOut gLED(LED2);
 DigitalOut bLED(LED3);
+int32_t heading_printed;  // has the heading been printed?
 //#define thread_sleep_for(x) wait_ms(x) // for older versions of mbed
@@ -160,17 +169,18 @@
     #define MAX_FIFO_CNT 20
 void read_sh_fifo(void) {
-    char cmd[8], i, j, samples;
+    char cmd[8], i, j, k, samples;
     char rsp[3000];
     int32_t ppg[12];
     int16_t accel[3];
+    int32_t tst[20];
     int32_t status, opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi, ibi_conf;
     int32_t walk_stp, run_stp, energy, amr, iadj1_rqt, iadj1, iadj2_rqt, iadj2, iadj3_rqt, iadj3;
     int32_t intadj_rqt, intadj, smpladj_rqt, smpladj, rqt_smplave, afestatehr, hr_motion;
     int32_t act, r, spo2, spo2_conf;
-    int32_t spo2_compl, spo2_lo, spo2_mo, spo2_lopi, spo2_unrel, spo2_state, ibi_offset, scd;
+    int32_t spo2_compl, spo2_lo, spo2_mo, spo2_lopi, spo2_unrel, spo2_state, ibi_offset, scd, inappro_ori;
     int32_t scnt = 0;
     int32_t ptr = 0;
     int32_t sptr = 0;
@@ -191,7 +201,7 @@, rsp, 2);
 //        pc.printf("2.1 Status: %x %x\n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
-    // testd 33.13.12 doesn't need 2.1
+    // tested w/ 33.13.12 doen't need 2.1
 // 2.2
         cmd[0] = 0x12; cmd[1] = 0x00;
@@ -301,6 +311,13 @@
             sptr += (TTL_SZ);
 #if 1
+            if (heading_printed == 0) {
+                heading_printed = 1;
+                pc.printf("opmode,hr,hr_conf,ibi,ibi_conf,act,walk_stp,run_stp,energy,amr,");
+                pc.printf("iadj1_rqt,iadj1,iadj2_rqt,iadj2,iadj3_rqt,iadj3,intadj_rqt,intadj,");
+                pc.printf("smpladj_rqt,smpladj,rqt_smplave,afestatehr,hr_motion,scd,");
+                pc.printf("spo2,spo2_compl,spo2_lo,spo2_mo,spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel,spo2_state,ibi_offset,\n\r");
+            }
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", ibi_conf, act);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,", walk_stp, run_stp, energy);
@@ -313,11 +330,71 @@
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,", spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel, spo2_state);
             pc.printf("%d,", ibi_offset);
+            if (heading_printed == 0) {
+                heading_printed = 1;
+                pc.printf("hr,hr_conf,spo2,spo2_conf,spo2_lo,spo2_unrel,scd,\n\r");
+            }
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", hr, hr_conf);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_conf);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,", spo2_lo, spo2_mo, spo2_lopi);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2_unrel, scd);
+#elif defined(PACKED_NORMAL_ALGO)
+//            pc.printf("ptr %d ttlsiz %d ", ptr, TTL_SZ);
+            opmode = rsp[ptr];
+            hr =  (rsp[ptr+1] << 8) + rsp[ptr+2];
+            hr_conf = rsp[ptr+3];
+            ibi = (rsp[ptr+4] << 8) + rsp[ptr+5];
+            ibi_conf = rsp[ptr+6];
+//            act = rsp[ptr+7];
+            r = (rsp[ptr+7] << 8) + rsp[ptr+8];
+            spo2_conf = rsp[ptr+9];
+            spo2 = (rsp[ptr+10] << 8) + rsp[ptr+11];
+            spo2_compl = rsp[ptr+12];
+            spo2_lo = 0; spo2_mo = 0; spo2_lopi = 0; spo2_unrel = 0;
+            if (rsp[ptr+13] & 0x01)
+                spo2_lo = 1;
+            if (rsp[ptr+13] & 0x02)
+                spo2_mo = 1;
+            if (rsp[ptr+13] & 0x04)
+                spo2_lopi = 1;
+            if (rsp[ptr+13] & 0x08)
+                spo2_unrel = 1;
+            spo2_state = (0x30 & rsp[ptr+13]) >> 4;
+            scd = (0x03 & rsp[ptr+14]);
+            act = (0x1C & rsp[ptr+14]) >> 2;
+            inappro_ori = (0x20 & rsp[ptr+14]) >> 5;
+            ibi_offset = rsp[ptr+15];
+            sptr += (TTL_SZ);
+#if 1
+            if (heading_printed == 0) {
+                heading_printed = 1;
+                pc.printf("opmode,hr,hr_conf,ibi,ibi_conf,act,r,spo2_conf,spo2,spo2_compl,spo2_lo,spo2_mo,spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel,spo2_state,scd,ibioffset,inappro_ori,\n\r");
+            }
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", ibi_conf, act, r, spo2_conf);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_compl, spo2_lo, spo2_mo);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel, spo2_state, scd);
+            pc.printf("%d,", ibi_offset);
+            pc.printf("%d,", inappro_ori);
+            if (heading_printed == 0) {
+                heading_printed = 1;
+                pc.printf("hr,hr_conf,spo2,spo2_conf,spo2_lo,spo2_unrel,scd,\n\r");
+            }
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", hr, hr_conf);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_conf);
+            pc.printf("%d,", spo2_lo);
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2_unrel, scd);
 #else // normal algo size
 //            pc.printf("ptr %d ttlsiz %d ", ptr, TTL_SZ);
             opmode = rsp[ptr];
@@ -344,12 +421,20 @@
             sptr += (TTL_SZ);
 #if 0
+            if (heading_printed == 0) {
+                heading_printed = 1;
+                pc.printf("opmode,hr,hr_conf,ibi,ibi_conf,act,r,spo2_conf,spo2,spo2_compl,spo2_lo,spo2_mo,spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel,spo2_state,scd,ibioffset,\n\r");
+            }
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", opmode, hr, hr_conf, ibi);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", ibi_conf, act, r, spo2_conf);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_compl, spo2_lo, spo2_mo);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,", spo2_lopi,spo2_unrel, spo2_state, scd);
             pc.printf("%d,", ibi_offset);
+            if (heading_printed == 0) {
+                heading_printed = 1;
+                pc.printf("hr,hr_conf,spo2,spo2_conf,spo2_lo,spo2_unrel,scd,\n\r");
+            }
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", hr, hr_conf);
             pc.printf("%d,%d,", spo2, spo2_conf);
             pc.printf("%d,", spo2_lo);
@@ -432,30 +517,37 @@
     mfio = 1; mfio = 0; wait_us(300);
     pc.printf("Ver: %d %d %d %d\n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1], rsp[2], rsp[3]);
-#if defined(MAXM86161_CFG)
-// algo sz normal
+#if defined(MAXM86161_CFG) || defined(MAXM86146_CFG)
+// rd algo sz normal
     cmd[0] = 0x11; cmd[1] = 0x06; cmd[2] = 0x01;
     sh_i2c.write(SH_ADDR, cmd, 3);
     mfio = 1; thread_sleep_for(2); mfio = 0; wait_us(300);, rsp, 2);
     mfio = 1; mfio = 0; wait_us(300);
-    pc.printf("algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
-// algo sz extended
+    pc.printf("rd algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
+// rd algo sz extended
     cmd[0] = 0x11; cmd[1] = 0x06; cmd[2] = 0x02;
     sh_i2c.write(SH_ADDR, cmd, 3);
     mfio = 1; thread_sleep_for(2); mfio = 0; wait_us(300);, rsp, 2);
     mfio = 1; mfio = 0; wait_us(300);
-    pc.printf("algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
-// algo sz scd
+    pc.printf("rd algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
+// rd algo sz scd
     cmd[0] = 0x11; cmd[1] = 0x06; cmd[2] = 0x03;
     sh_i2c.write(SH_ADDR, cmd, 3);
     mfio = 1; thread_sleep_for(2); mfio = 0; wait_us(300);, rsp, 2);
     mfio = 1; mfio = 0; wait_us(300);
-    pc.printf("algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
+    pc.printf("rd algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
+#if defined(MAXM86146_CFG)
+// rd algo sz scd
+    cmd[0] = 0x11; cmd[1] = 0x06; cmd[2] = 0x04;
+    sh_i2c.write(SH_ADDR, cmd, 3);
+    mfio = 1; thread_sleep_for(2); mfio = 0; wait_us(300);
+, rsp, 2);
+    mfio = 1; mfio = 0; wait_us(300);
+    pc.printf("rd algo size: %d %d \n\r", rsp[0], rsp[1]);
 #if 0
@@ -630,6 +722,8 @@
 // 1.30 Enable HR, SpO2 algo
     cmd[0] = 0x52; cmd[1] = 0x07; cmd[2] = 0x02;
+#elif defined(PACKED_NORMAL_ALGO)
+    cmd[0] = 0x52; cmd[1] = 0x07; cmd[2] = 0x04;
     cmd[0] = 0x52; cmd[1] = 0x07; cmd[2] = 0x01;
@@ -845,6 +939,7 @@
     mfio = 1;
+    heading_printed = 0;
 #if defined(MAXREFDES103_CFG) || defined(MAXM86161_CFG) || defined(MAXM86146_CFG)
     Timer tmr1;
     while (1) {