USB-ISP tool for Mac

USB-ISP tool for Mac


Japanese version available in lower half of this page.

What is this?

I made a very simple app (droplet) for binary copying into flash through USB-ISP.
This app solves a problem on ISP-ing on Mac :)


Some of USB enabled devices from NXP (like LPC11Uxx, LPC134x, LPC154x etc) are supporting ISP (In-System Programming) via USB. The ISP is a mechanism to write a binary file into internal flash.
When the target MCU is booted in ISP with USB connection, the MCU is appeared as USB storage device: "CRP DISABLED" on PC and the binary can be written by just copying the file. This is very simple and easy way to program those MCUs but bit troublesome on Mac, unfortunately.
The drag-and-drop file copying on Mac (on does put some side information about the file. That makes corruption on the target disk.


Solution 1

To avoid this problem, user can use Terminal commands.


% rm /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin                       
% cp /Users/tedd/Downloads/mbed_blinky_11U35_501_LPC11U35_501.bin /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/
% diskutil unmount /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/                     
Volume CRP DISABLD on disk6 unmounted

This works perfectly but I don't like this. I was getting mad by typing the commands again and again.

Solution 2 executes all terminal commands instead of you.
The source binary file name is geven by drag-and-drop in to this app. When this app get the file, it will overwrites old binary in target MCU.
When the writing completed, the ISP target will be unmounted.


How to use

So, with, all you need to do is..

  1. Put the target board into ISP mode. Confirm a drive which has name of "CRP DISABLD" is mounted
  2. Drag-and-drop a binary file into
  3. The drive is unmounted when the binary copy has been done successfully
  4. Reset the target and see the new program running

If there is an error, a dialog box will come to let you fix it.

Download / Code


The binary is available here. Unzip and copy on anywhere you want to put.
Please use this app at your own risk.
This program is distributed under Apache-2.0 license


 *  Simple USB-ISP flash writer for Mac
 *  June-2014, tedd
 * this program is distributed under Apache-2.0 license

on open newFile
	set targetPath to "/Volumes/CRP\\ DISABLD/" -- target volume
	set deleteFilename to "firmware.bin" -- delete this file before copying new file
	set action1 to "rm " & targetPath & deleteFilename & ";" -- delete command
	set action3 to "sync;diskutil unmount " & targetPath & ";" & "exit;" -- unmount
	set newFileName to POSIX path of newFile -- get the file name and path in PSIX format
	set action2 to "cp " & newFileName & " " & targetPath & ";" -- copy command
	set comm to action1 & action2 & action3 -- concatinate all commands in a string
	do shell script comm -- execute all commands on a shell
end open

Customize / Modification

If you need customize the script, you can do it on your Mac.
Just drag&drop the droplet into "Script". You can edit the code and save to create new app :)




とても簡単ですがUSB-ISPを使ってバイナリをフラッシュにコピーするツールを作ったので置いておきます. このアプリはMacでISPする時の問題を解決します ()


USBポートのあるNXPのマイコンの幾つかは,USB経由のISP(イカ醤油ポッポ焼き In-System Programming)をサポートしています.「ISP」はバイナリファイルをマイコン内部のフラッシュに書き込むひとつの方法です.
MCUをUSBに接続した状態でISPモードで立ち上げると,「CRP DISABLED」という名前のUSBストレージとしてPC上に現れ,バイナリは単にそれへのファイルコピーで書き込むことができます.





% rm /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin                       
% cp /Users/tedd/Downloads/mbed_blinky_11U35_501_LPC11U35_501.bin /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/
% diskutil unmount /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/                     
Volume CRP DISABLD on disk6 unmounted







  1. ターゲット基板をISPモードに入れて,「CRP DISABLED」という名前のUSBストレージがマウントされるのを確認する
  2. バイナリファイルをUSB-ISPにドラッグ・アンド・ドロップ
  3. 書き込みが無事に完了すると,ストレージはアンマウントされます.
  4. ターゲットをリセットして,新しいプログラムの動作を確認


ダウンロード / コード




 *  Simple USB-ISP flash writer for Mac
 *  June-2014, tedd
 * this program is distributed under Apache-2.0 license

on open newFile
	set targetPath to "/Volumes/CRP\\ DISABLD/" -- target volume
	set deleteFilename to "firmware.bin" -- delete this file before copying new file
	set action1 to "rm " & targetPath & deleteFilename & ";" -- delete command
	set action3 to "sync;diskutil unmount " & targetPath & ";" & "exit;" -- unmount
	set newFileName to POSIX path of newFile -- get the file name and path in PSIX format
	set action2 to "cp " & newFileName & " " & targetPath & ";" -- copy command
	set comm to action1 & action2 & action3 -- concatinate all commands in a string
	do shell script comm -- execute all commands on a shell
end open

カスタマイズ / 改造

このドロップレットを「スクリプトエディタ.app」にドラッグ・アンド・ドロップするだけ.エディタが開くので,これを編集して保存しなおせば新しいappの出来上がりです (^ ^)


1 comment on USB-ISP tool for Mac:

13 Apr 2022 This post is awaiting moderation

I have a monitor that allows the user to upgrade its firmware, currently it uses the MStariSPTool to update the firmware, which is only usable on a Windows machine, but I have a Macbook. Would the usb-ISP Tool for Mac be able to overwrite the monitor's scaler binary file to the internal flash to update the firmware?

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