This is a port of the Adafruit driver and DateTime library for the DS1307 RTC controller

Dependents:   espresso-machine-control SAT_OLED Mbedesclava Mbedmaestra ... more

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Table of Contents

  1. RTCLib
  2. Example


This was ported from Adafruit's RTCLib


#include "DS1307.h"

class I2C2 : public I2C
    I2C2 ( PinName sda, PinName scl, int hz, const char *name = NULL) : I2C ( sda, scl, name) { frequency(hz * 100); };

I2C2 gI2c ( p28, p27, 100 );
RtsDs1307 gRtc ( gI2c );
Serial gSerial(USBTX, USBRX);

void printDT(char *pre, DateTime &dt)
    gSerial.printf("%s - %u/%u/%02u %2u:%02u:%02u\r\n"

bool rtcUpdate(RtcDs1307 &rtc, int32_t bias) // this must be signed
{   bool bUpdated = false;

    // Use the compiled date/time as a basis for setting the clock.
    // We assign it to a signed integer so that negative biases work correctly
    int64_t compiledTime = DateTime(__DATE__,__TIME__).unixtime();

    // This assumes that the program is run VERY soon after the initial compile.
    time_t localt = DateTime(compiledTime + bias).unixtime(); // offset by bias
    // If the stored static time stamp does not equal the compiled time stamp,
    // then we need to update the RTC clock and the stored time stamp
    if(*((time_t *)&rtc[0]) != localt)
        // Update the RTC time as local time, not GMT/UTC
        // Store the new compiled time statically in the object ram image
        *((time_t *)&rtc[0]) = localt;
        // Push the object ram image to the RTC ram image
        bUpdated = rtc.commit();
    return bUpdated;

int main()
{   time_t tick = 0;

    if(rtcUpdate(gRtc, -(5*60*60) )) // CDT
        gSerial.printf("Updated RTC to compiled time\r\n");
    gSerial.printf("compiled %s %s\r\n",__DATE__,__TIME__);
    DateTime timeFlashed(*((time_t *)&gRtc[0]));
    printDT("last flashed on",timeFlashed);
    DateTime dt =;

    gSerial.printf("rtc clock is %s\r\n", (gRtc.isRunning() ? "running" : "halted");

        if(time(NULL) >= tick)
            DateTime dt =;
            gSerial.printf("%u/%u/%02u %2u:%02u:%02u          \r"
            tick = time(NULL)+1;

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