Laser Sensing Display for UI interfaces in the real world

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of skinGames_forktest by Alvaro Cassinelli

--- a/hardwareIO/lockin.h	Sat Jun 02 06:38:12 2012 +0000
+++ b/hardwareIO/lockin.h	Wed Jun 13 10:09:41 2012 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
 //#define I_Volts_SAT 5 // this is 5V (the saturation voltage for the APD+LockIn+ADC, being it the arduino (when in normal mode) or the SPI. This saturation voltage could be different for each mode!?
-#define LOCKIN_ADC_PIN      p18 //ADC pin : connect to lockin output
-#define LOCKIN_LASER_PIN    p22 //PWM pin : connect to laser input
-#define LOCKIN_REF_PIN      p25 //PWM pin : connect to lockin input
+#define LOCKIN_ADC_PIN      p18 //ADC pin : connect to lockin "output"
+#define LOCKIN_REF_PIN      p23 //PWM pin : connect to lockin reference signal.
+#define LOCKIN_LASER_PIN    p25 //PWM pin : connect to laser control - note: the red laser by default, but could be a fourth IR laser...
 // p21 to p25 are used by the PWM timers even if only 2 pin are connected to the circuit
 #define BUFFER_SIZE 15