
Dependents of mbed-src

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

This code does the initialization of the sharp lq040y3dx80a 800x480 display
Simple example of using independent watchdog timer (IWDG) with Nucleo F401RE board. F401RE, IWDG, mbed-src, Nucelo, watchdog
* switch from mbed to mbed-src, which works better with my board * list APs and their RSSI * read CC3000 firmware version
Code based on the emcu example, for more info under the first example see here: http://www.emcu.it/NUCLEOevaBoards/U2andL152/U2andL152.html Nucleo
Test program making the LEDs blink.
This is a part of the Kinetiszer project.
Test probram to setup XBus servo settings. setup tool, XBus
Telliskivi 2 2014
Performance check program for LED blinky GR-PEACH
testtest QEI
Test program GR-PEACH
Blinky LED test for the ST Nucleo boards blink, led, Nucleo, STM, stm32
LED blinky for TG-LPC11U35-501
Simple start template for Mbed RTOS
2014-12-10 5:41 1 second pulse (serial)
Simple example of the use of mail_driven_task library mail, rtos, thread
Only for GR-PEACH beta, the sample that it drives Switch Science eVY1 shield. The sample offerd by Switch Science had been modified bi H.Inomata.
ILI9325 based GR_SAKURA LCD Shield GR-PEACH, ILI9325
This code shows a problem that occurs when a Ticker is used on the nrf51822 along with a BLEDevice. The ticker hangs after a while if the timeout is short … app_timer, bug, nrf51, nRF51822, Ticker
SW0, SW1 button int test. GR-PEACH
Demo program for the Oled display
This software will measure the ON / OFF the number of USER-SW.
stupid program
BLE HTM (Thermometer) by nrf51822 internal temperature sensor. I confirmed with "mbed HRM1017" and "BLE Nano kit". BLEnano, HRM1017
Terminal program providing access to radio AT command interface via the external serial port.
port ethernet libray for stm32f407 (seeed arch max). it works. Arch Max, ethernet, STM32F407
The example program for mbed pin-compatible platforms
Display a message on PC using UART. Nucleo, printf, STM, stm32, UART
cdms sd card and rtc working
Sample prog to test timer aspects overflow, timer
i2c+sd+rtc , ported untested code , working probability 90% if i2c works