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diff -r 1806c2edb763 -r 825f75ca301e targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F0/stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.h
--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F0/stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.h	Mon Sep 28 10:30:09 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F0/stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.h	Mon Sep 28 10:45:10 2015 +0100
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
   * @file    stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.h
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.2.0
-  * @date    11-December-2014
+  * @version V1.3.0
+  * @date    26-June-2015
   * @brief   Header file of RCC HAL module.
   * @attention
-  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
   * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-  */
+  */ 
 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
 #ifndef __STM32F0xx_HAL_RCC_H
@@ -52,53 +52,198 @@
 /** @addtogroup RCC
   * @{
+  */ 
+/** @addtogroup RCC_Private_Constants
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Timeout RCC Timeout
+  * @{
+  */  
+/* Disable Backup domain write protection state change timeout */
+#define RCC_DBP_TIMEOUT_VALUE  ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
+/* LSE state change timeout */
+#define CLOCKSWITCH_TIMEOUT_VALUE  ((uint32_t)5000) /* 5 s    */
+#define HSI_TIMEOUT_VALUE      ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
+#define LSI_TIMEOUT_VALUE      ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
+#define PLL_TIMEOUT_VALUE      ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
+#define HSI14_TIMEOUT_VALUE    ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
+#define HSI48_TIMEOUT_VALUE    ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Register_Offset Register offsets
+  * @{
+  */
+#define RCC_OFFSET                (RCC_BASE - PERIPH_BASE)
+#define RCC_CR_OFFSET             0x00
+#define RCC_CFGR_OFFSET           0x04
+#define RCC_CIR_OFFSET            0x08
+#define RCC_BDCR_OFFSET           0x20
+#define RCC_CSR_OFFSET            0x24
+  * @}
-/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* CR register byte 2 (Bits[23:16]) base address */
+#define RCC_CR_BYTE2_ADDRESS          ((uint32_t)(RCC_BASE + RCC_CR_OFFSET + 0x02))
+/* CIR register byte 1 (Bits[15:8]) base address */
+#define RCC_CIR_BYTE1_ADDRESS     ((uint32_t)(RCC_BASE + RCC_CIR_OFFSET + 0x01))
+/* CIR register byte 2 (Bits[23:16]) base address */
+#define RCC_CIR_BYTE2_ADDRESS     ((uint32_t)(RCC_BASE + RCC_CIR_OFFSET + 0x02))
+/* Defines used for Flags */
+#define CR_REG_INDEX                     ((uint8_t)1)    
+#define CR2_REG_INDEX                    2
+#define BDCR_REG_INDEX                   3
+#define CSR_REG_INDEX                    4
+/* Flags in the CFGR register */
+#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_BITNUMBER         18
+#define RCC_CFGR_HPRE_BITNUMBER           4
+#define RCC_CFGR_PPRE_BITNUMBER           8
+/* Flags in the CFGR2 register */
+#define RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV_BITNUMBER        0
+/* Flags in the CR register */
+#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_BitNumber           1
+#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_BitNumber           17
+#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_BitNumber           25
+/* Flags in the CR2 register */
+#define RCC_CR2_HSI14RDY_BitNumber        1
+#define RCC_CR2_HSI48RDY_BitNumber       16
+/* Flags in the BDCR register */
+#define RCC_BDCR_LSERDY_BitNumber         1
+/* Flags in the CSR register */
+#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_BitNumber          1
+#define RCC_CSR_V18PWRRSTF_BitNumber      23
+#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_BitNumber            24
+#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_BitNumber         25
+#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_BitNumber         26
+#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_BitNumber         27
+#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_BitNumber         28
+#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_BitNumber        29
+#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_BitNumber        30
+#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_BitNumber        31
+/* Flags in the HSITRIM register */
+#define RCC_CR_HSITRIM_BitNumber          3
+#define RCC_FLAG_MASK                    ((uint8_t)0x1F)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup RCC_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */
+#define IS_RCC_HSE(__HSE__) (((__HSE__) == RCC_HSE_OFF) || ((__HSE__) == RCC_HSE_ON) || \
+                             ((__HSE__) == RCC_HSE_BYPASS))
+#define IS_RCC_LSE(__LSE__) (((__LSE__) == RCC_LSE_OFF) || ((__LSE__) == RCC_LSE_ON) || \
+                             ((__LSE__) == RCC_LSE_BYPASS))
+#define IS_RCC_HSI(__HSI__) (((__HSI__) == RCC_HSI_OFF) || ((__HSI__) == RCC_HSI_ON))
+#define IS_RCC_HSI14(__HSI14__) (((__HSI14__) == RCC_HSI14_OFF) || ((__HSI14__) == RCC_HSI14_ON) || ((__HSI14__) == RCC_HSI14_ADC_CONTROL))
+#define IS_RCC_CALIBRATION_VALUE(__VALUE__) ((__VALUE__) <= 0x1F)
+#define IS_RCC_LSI(__LSI__) (((__LSI__) == RCC_LSI_OFF) || ((__LSI__) == RCC_LSI_ON))
+#define IS_RCC_PLL(__PLL__) (((__PLL__) == RCC_PLL_NONE) || ((__PLL__) == RCC_PLL_OFF) || \
+                             ((__PLL__) == RCC_PLL_ON))
+#define IS_RCC_PREDIV(__PREDIV__) (((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV1)  || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV2)   || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV3)  || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV4)   || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV5)  || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV6)   || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV7)  || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV8)   || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV9)  || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV10)  || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV11) || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV12)  || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV13) || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV14)  || \
+                                  ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV15) || ((__PREDIV__) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV16))
+#define IS_RCC_PLL_MUL(__MUL__) (((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL2)  || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL3)   || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL4)  || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL5)   || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL6)  || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL7)   || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL8)  || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL9)   || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL10) || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL11)  || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL12) || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL13)  || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL14) || ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL15)  || \
+                                 ((__MUL__) == RCC_PLL_MUL16))
+                                   (((__CLK__) & RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK)   == RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK)   || \
+                                   (((__CLK__) & RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1)  == RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1))
+#define IS_RCC_HCLK(__HCLK__) (((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1) || ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV2) || \
+                               ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV4) || ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV8) || \
+                               ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV16) || ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV64) || \
+                               ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV128) || ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV256) || \
+                               ((__HCLK__) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV512))
+#define IS_RCC_PCLK(__PCLK__) (((__PCLK__) == RCC_HCLK_DIV1) || ((__PCLK__) == RCC_HCLK_DIV2) || \
+                               ((__PCLK__) == RCC_HCLK_DIV4) || ((__PCLK__) == RCC_HCLK_DIV8) || \
+                               ((__PCLK__) == RCC_HCLK_DIV16))
+#define IS_RCC_MCO(__MCO__) (((__MCO__) == RCC_MCO))
+                                          ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE)  || \
+                                          ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI)  || \
+                                          ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32))
+                                             ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK) || \
+                                             ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_LSE)    || \
+                                             ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_HSI))
+                                           ((__SOURCE__) == RCC_I2C1CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK))
+  * @}
+  */
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 
 /** @defgroup RCC_Exported_Types RCC Exported Types
   * @{
-  * @brief  RCC PLL configuration structure definition
+  * @brief  RCC PLL configuration structure definition  
 typedef struct
-  uint32_t PLLState;   /*!< PLLState: The new state of the PLL.
-                            This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Config */
+  uint32_t PLLState;     /*!< The new state of the PLL.
+                              This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Config */
-  uint32_t PLLSource;  /*!< PLLSource: PLL entry clock source.
-                            This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Clock_Source */
+  uint32_t PLLSource;    /*!< PLLSource: PLL entry clock source.
+                              This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Clock_Source */           
-  uint32_t PREDIV;     /*!< PREDIV: Predivision factor for PLL VCO input clock
-                            This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Prediv_Factor */
+  uint32_t PLLMUL;       /*!< PLLMUL: Multiplication factor for PLL VCO input clock
+                              This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Multiplication_Factor*/        
+  uint32_t PREDIV;       /*!< PREDIV: Predivision factor for PLL VCO input clock
+                              This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Prediv_Factor */
-  uint32_t PLLMUL;     /*!< PLLMUL: Multiplication factor for PLL VCO input clock
-                            This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLL_Multiplication_Factor */
-  * @brief  RCC Internal/External Oscillator (HSE, HSI, LSE and LSI) configuration structure definition
+} RCC_PLLInitTypeDef;
+  * @brief  RCC Internal/External Oscillator (HSE, HSI, LSE and LSI) configuration structure definition  
 typedef struct
-  uint32_t OscillatorType;         /*!< The Oscillators to be configured.
-                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_Oscillator_Type */
-  uint32_t HSEState;               /*!< The new state of the HSE.
-                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_HSE_Config */
+  uint32_t OscillatorType;        /*!< The oscillators to be configured.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_Oscillator_Type */
-  uint32_t LSEState;               /*!< The new state of the LSE.
-                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_LSE_Config */
+  uint32_t HSEState;              /*!< The new state of the HSE.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_HSE_Config */
+  uint32_t LSEState;              /*!< The new state of the LSE.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_LSE_Config */
+  uint32_t HSIState;              /*!< The new state of the HSI.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_HSI_Config */
-  uint32_t HSIState;               /*!< The new state of the HSI.
-                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_HSI_Config */
-  uint32_t HSICalibrationValue;    /*!< The HSI calibration trimming value (default is RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT).
-                                        This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0x1F */
+  uint32_t HSICalibrationValue;   /*!< The HSI calibration trimming value (default is RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT).
+                                       This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0x1F */
   uint32_t HSI14State;             /*!< The new state of the HSI14.
                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_HSI14_Config */
@@ -108,94 +253,53 @@
   uint32_t HSI48State;             /*!< The new state of the HSI48 (only applicable to STM32F07x, STM32F0x2 and STM32F09x devices).
                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref RCCEx_HSI48_Config */
-  uint32_t LSIState;               /*!< The new state of the LSI.
-                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_LSI_Config */
+  uint32_t LSIState;              /*!< The new state of the LSI.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_LSI_Config */
-  RCC_PLLInitTypeDef PLL;        /*!< PLL structure parameters */
+  RCC_PLLInitTypeDef PLL;         /*!< PLL structure parameters */      
+} RCC_OscInitTypeDef;
-  * @brief  RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure definition
+  * @brief  RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure definition  
 typedef struct
-  uint32_t ClockType;            /*!< The clock to be configured.
-                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_System_Clock_Type */
-  uint32_t SYSCLKSource;         /*!< The clock source (SYSCLKS) used as system clock.
-                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_System_Clock_Source */
+  uint32_t ClockType;             /*!< The clock to be configured.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_System_Clock_Type */
+  uint32_t SYSCLKSource;          /*!< The clock source (SYSCLKS) used as system clock.
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_System_Clock_Source */
-  uint32_t AHBCLKDivider;        /*!< The AHB clock (HCLK) divider. This clock is derived from the system clock (SYSCLK).
-                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_AHB_Clock_Source */
-  uint32_t APB1CLKDivider;       /*!< The APB1 clock (PCLK1) divider. This clock is derived from the AHB clock (HCLK).
-                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_APB1_Clock_Source */
+  uint32_t AHBCLKDivider;         /*!< The AHB clock (HCLK) divider. This clock is derived from the system clock (SYSCLK).
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_AHB_Clock_Source */
+  uint32_t APB1CLKDivider;        /*!< The APB1 clock (PCLK1) divider. This clock is derived from the AHB clock (HCLK).
+                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref RCC_APB1_Clock_Source */
+} RCC_ClkInitTypeDef;
   * @}
 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
 /** @defgroup RCC_Exported_Constants RCC Exported Constants
   * @{
-/** @defgroup RCC_BitAddress_AliasRegion RCC BitAddress AliasRegion
-  * @brief RCC registers bit address in the alias region
+/** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Clock_Source PLL Clock Source
   * @{
-#define RCC_OFFSET                (RCC_BASE - PERIPH_BASE)
-/* --- CR Register ---*/
-#define RCC_CR_OFFSET             (RCC_OFFSET + 0x00)
-/* --- CFGR Register ---*/
-#define RCC_CFGR_OFFSET           (RCC_OFFSET + 0x04)
-/* --- CIR Register ---*/
-#define RCC_CIR_OFFSET            (RCC_OFFSET + 0x08)
-/* --- BDCR Register ---*/
-#define RCC_BDCR_OFFSET           (RCC_OFFSET + 0x20)
-/* --- CSR Register ---*/
-#define RCC_CSR_OFFSET            (RCC_OFFSET + 0x24)
-/* --- CR2 Register ---*/
-#define RCC_CR2_OFFSET            (RCC_OFFSET + 0x34)
-/* CR register byte 2 (Bits[23:16]) base address */
-/* CIR register byte 1 (Bits[15:8]) base address */
-/* CIR register byte 2 (Bits[23:16]) base address */
-/* CSR register byte 1 (Bits[15:8]) base address */
-/* BDCR register byte 0 (Bits[7:0] base address */
+#define RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE           RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE_PREDIV /*!< HSE clock selected as PLL entry clock source */
   * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_Timeout RCC Timeout
-  * @{
-  */  
-/* LSE state change timeout */
-#define LSE_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)5000) /* 5 s    */
+  */ 
-/* Disable Backup domain write protection state change timeout */
-#define DBP_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
-  * @}
-  */ 
-/** @defgroup RCC_Oscillator_Type RCC Oscillator Type
+/** @defgroup RCC_Oscillator_Type Oscillator Type
   * @{
 #define RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_NONE            ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
@@ -204,58 +308,43 @@
 #define RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSE             ((uint32_t)0x00000004)
 #define RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSI             ((uint32_t)0x00000008)
 #define RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI14           ((uint32_t)0x00000010)
-#define RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI48           ((uint32_t)0x00000020)
-#define IS_RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE(OSCILLATOR) (((OSCILLATOR) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_NONE)                               || \
-                                           (((OSCILLATOR) & RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSE) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSE)     || \
-                                           (((OSCILLATOR) & RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI)     || \
-                                           (((OSCILLATOR) & RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSI) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSI)     || \
-                                           (((OSCILLATOR) & RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSE) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSE)     || \
-                                           (((OSCILLATOR) & RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI14) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI14) || \
-                                           (((OSCILLATOR) & RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI48) == RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI48))
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_HSE_Config RCC HSE Config
+/** @defgroup RCC_HSE_Config HSE Config
   * @{
-#define RCC_HSE_OFF                      ((uint8_t)0x00)
-#define RCC_HSE_ON                       ((uint8_t)0x01)
-#define RCC_HSE_BYPASS                   ((uint8_t)0x05)
-#define IS_RCC_HSE(HSE) (((HSE) == RCC_HSE_OFF) || ((HSE) == RCC_HSE_ON) || \
-                         ((HSE) == RCC_HSE_BYPASS))
+#define RCC_HSE_OFF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                     /*!< HSE clock deactivation */
+#define RCC_HSE_ON                       ((uint32_t)0x00000001)                     /*!< HSE clock activation */
+#define RCC_HSE_BYPASS                   ((uint32_t)0x00000005)                     /*!< External clock source for HSE clock */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_LSE_Config RCC_LSE_Config
+/** @defgroup RCC_LSE_Config LSE Config
   * @{
-#define RCC_LSE_OFF                      ((uint8_t)0x00)
-#define RCC_LSE_ON                       ((uint8_t)0x01)
-#define RCC_LSE_BYPASS                   ((uint8_t)0x05)
+#define RCC_LSE_OFF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                       /*!< LSE clock deactivation */
+#define RCC_LSE_ON                       ((uint32_t)0x00000001)                       /*!< LSE clock activation */
+#define RCC_LSE_BYPASS                   ((uint32_t)0x00000005)                       /*!< External clock source for LSE clock */
-#define IS_RCC_LSE(LSE) (((LSE) == RCC_LSE_OFF) || ((LSE) == RCC_LSE_ON) || \
-                         ((LSE) == RCC_LSE_BYPASS))
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_HSI_Config RCC HSI Config
+/** @defgroup RCC_HSI_Config HSI Config
   * @{
-#define RCC_HSI_OFF                      ((uint8_t)0x00)
-#define RCC_HSI_ON                       ((uint8_t)0x01)
+#define RCC_HSI_OFF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)   /*!< HSI clock deactivation */
+#define RCC_HSI_ON                       RCC_CR_HSION             /*!< HSI clock activation */
-#define IS_RCC_HSI(HSI) (((HSI) == RCC_HSI_OFF) || ((HSI) == RCC_HSI_ON))
+#define RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT       ((uint32_t)0x10)         /* Default HSI calibration trimming value */
-#define RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT       ((uint32_t)0x10)   /* Default HSI calibration trimming value */
   * @}
 /** @defgroup RCC_HSI14_Config RCC HSI14 Config
   * @{
@@ -263,35 +352,106 @@
 #define RCC_HSI14_ON                     RCC_CR2_HSI14ON
 #define RCC_HSI14_ADC_CONTROL            (~RCC_CR2_HSI14DIS)
-#define IS_RCC_HSI14(HSI14) (((HSI14) == RCC_HSI14_OFF) || ((HSI14) == RCC_HSI14_ON) || ((HSI14) == RCC_HSI14_ADC_CONTROL))
+#define RCC_HSI14CALIBRATION_DEFAULT     ((uint32_t)0x10)   /* Default HSI14 calibration trimming value */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup RCC_LSI_Config LSI Config
+  * @{
+  */
+#define RCC_LSI_OFF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)   /*!< LSI clock deactivation */
+#define RCC_LSI_ON                       RCC_CSR_LSION            /*!< LSI clock activation */
+  * @}
+  */
-#define RCC_HSI14CALIBRATION_DEFAULT     ((uint32_t)0x10)   /* Default HSI14 calibration trimming value */
+/** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Config PLL Config
+  * @{
+  */
+#define RCC_PLL_NONE                      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /*!< PLL is not configured */
+#define RCC_PLL_OFF                       ((uint32_t)0x00000001)  /*!< PLL deactivation */
+#define RCC_PLL_ON                        ((uint32_t)0x00000002)  /*!< PLL activation */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup RCC_System_Clock_Type System Clock Type
+  * @{
+  */
+#define RCC_CLOCKTYPE_SYSCLK             ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< SYSCLK to configure */
+#define RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK               ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< HCLK to configure */
+#define RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1              ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< PCLK1 to configure */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_LSI_Config RCC LSI Config
+/** @defgroup RCC_System_Clock_Source System Clock Source
   * @{
-#define RCC_LSI_OFF                      ((uint8_t)0x00)
-#define RCC_LSI_ON                       ((uint8_t)0x01)
+#define RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_HSI             ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI) /*!< HSI selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_HSE             ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE) /*!< HSE selected as system clock */
+#define RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_PLLCLK          ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL) /*!< PLL selected as system clock */
+  * @}
+  */ 
-#define IS_RCC_LSI(LSI) (((LSI) == RCC_LSI_OFF) || ((LSI) == RCC_LSI_ON))
+/** @defgroup RCC_System_Clock_Source_Status System Clock Source Status
+  * @{
+  */
+#define RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI      RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI            /*!< HSI used as system clock */
+#define RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSE      RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE            /*!< HSE used as system clock */
+#define RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK   RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL            /*!< PLL used as system clock */
   * @}
+/** @defgroup RCC_AHB_Clock_Source AHB Clock Source
+  * @{
+  */
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1                  ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV2                  ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV4                  ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV8                  ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV16                 ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV64                 ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV128                ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV256                ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256)
+#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV512                ((uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512)
-/** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Config RCC PLL Config
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup RCC_APB1_Clock_Source RCC APB1 Clock Source
   * @{
-#define RCC_PLL_NONE                     ((uint8_t)0x00)
-#define RCC_PLL_OFF                      ((uint8_t)0x01)
-#define RCC_PLL_ON                       ((uint8_t)0x02)
+#define RCC_HCLK_DIV1                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV1
+#define RCC_HCLK_DIV2                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV2
+#define RCC_HCLK_DIV4                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV4
+#define RCC_HCLK_DIV8                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV8
+#define RCC_HCLK_DIV16                   RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV16
-#define IS_RCC_PLL(PLL) (((PLL) == RCC_PLL_NONE) ||((PLL) == RCC_PLL_OFF) || ((PLL) == RCC_PLL_ON))
   * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup RCC_RTC_Clock_Source RTC Clock Source
+  * @{
+#define RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_NO_CLK          ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                             /*!< No clock */
+#define RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE             ((uint32_t)RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_LSE)              /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI             ((uint32_t)RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_LSI)              /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */
+#define RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32      ((uint32_t)RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_HSE)  /*!< HSE oscillator clock divided by 32 used as RTC clock */
+  * @}
+  */ 
 /** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Prediv_Factor RCC PLL Prediv Factor
   * @{
@@ -313,18 +473,10 @@
 #define RCC_PREDIV_DIV15                 RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV_DIV15
 #define RCC_PREDIV_DIV16                 RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV_DIV16
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV3)  || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV4)   || \
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV5)  || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV6)   || \
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV7)  || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV8)   || \
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV9)  || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV10)  || \
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV11) || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV12)  || \
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV13) || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV14)  || \
-                               ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV15) || ((PREDIV) == RCC_PREDIV_DIV16))
   * @}
 /** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Multiplication_Factor RCC PLL Multiplication Factor
   * @{
@@ -344,110 +496,6 @@
 #define RCC_PLL_MUL15                    RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL15
 #define RCC_PLL_MUL16                    RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL16
-#define IS_RCC_PLL_MUL(MUL) (((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL2)  || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL3)   || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL4)  || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL5)   || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL6)  || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL7)   || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL8)  || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL9)   || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL10) || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL11)  || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL12) || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL13)  || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL14) || ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL15)  || \
-                             ((MUL) == RCC_PLL_MUL16))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Clock_Source RCC PLL Clock Source
-  * @{
-  */
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_System_Clock_Type RCC System Clock Type
-  * @{
-  */
-#define RCC_CLOCKTYPE_SYSCLK             ((uint32_t)0x00000001)
-#define RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK               ((uint32_t)0x00000002)
-#define RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1              ((uint32_t)0x00000004)
-                               (((CLK) & RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK)   == RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK)   || \
-                               (((CLK) & RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1)  == RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_System_Clock_Source RCC System Clock Source
-  * @{
-  */
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_System_Clock_Source_Status RCC System Clock Source Status
-  * @{
-  */
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_AHB_Clock_Source RCC AHB Clock Source
-  * @{
-  */
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1                  RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV2                  RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV2
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV4                  RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV4
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV8                  RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV8
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV16                 RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV16
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV64                 RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV64
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV128                RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV128
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV256                RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV256
-#define RCC_SYSCLK_DIV512                RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV512
-#define IS_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV(DIV) (((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1)   || ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV2) || \
-                                ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV4)   || ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV8) || \
-                                ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV16)  || ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV64) || \
-                                ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV128) || ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV256) || \
-                                ((DIV) == RCC_SYSCLK_DIV512))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_APB1_Clock_Source RCC APB1 Clock Source
-  * @{
-  */
-#define RCC_HCLK_DIV1                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV1
-#define RCC_HCLK_DIV2                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV2
-#define RCC_HCLK_DIV4                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV4
-#define RCC_HCLK_DIV8                    RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV8
-#define RCC_HCLK_DIV16                   RCC_CFGR_PPRE_DIV16
-#define IS_RCC_HCLK_DIV(DIV) (((DIV) == RCC_HCLK_DIV1) || ((DIV) == RCC_HCLK_DIV2) || \
-                              ((DIV) == RCC_HCLK_DIV4) || ((DIV) == RCC_HCLK_DIV8) || \
-                              ((DIV) == RCC_HCLK_DIV16))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_RTC_Clock_Source RCC RTC Clock Source
-  * @{
-  */
-                                      ((SOURCE) == RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE)  || \
-                                      ((SOURCE) == RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI)  || \
-                                      ((SOURCE) == RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32))
   * @}
@@ -460,10 +508,6 @@
-                                         ((SOURCE) == RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK) || \
-                                         ((SOURCE) == RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_LSE)    || \
-                                         ((SOURCE) == RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_HSI))
   * @}
@@ -474,18 +518,15 @@
 #define RCC_I2C1CLKSOURCE_HSI            RCC_CFGR3_I2C1SW_HSI
-                                       ((SOURCE) == RCC_I2C1CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK))
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_MCOx_Index RCC MCOx Index
+/** @defgroup RCC_MCO_Index MCO Index
   * @{
-#define RCC_MCO                          ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
+#define RCC_MCO1                         ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
+#define RCC_MCO                          RCC_MCO1               /*!< MCO1 to be compliant with other families with 2 MCOs*/
-#define IS_RCC_MCO(MCOx) ((MCOx) == RCC_MCO)
   * @}
@@ -501,70 +542,45 @@
 #define RCC_MCOSOURCE_HSE                RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSE
 #define RCC_MCOSOURCE_HSI14              RCC_CFGR_MCO_HSI14
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_Interrupt RCC Interrupt
+/** @defgroup RCC_Interrupt Interrupts
   * @{
-#define RCC_IT_LSIRDY                    ((uint8_t)0x01)
-#define RCC_IT_LSERDY                    ((uint8_t)0x02)
-#define RCC_IT_HSIRDY                    ((uint8_t)0x04)
-#define RCC_IT_HSERDY                    ((uint8_t)0x08)
-#define RCC_IT_PLLRDY                    ((uint8_t)0x10)
-#define RCC_IT_HSI14                     ((uint8_t)0x20)
-#define RCC_IT_CSS                       ((uint8_t)0x80)
+#define RCC_IT_LSIRDY                    ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_LSIRDYF) /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_IT_LSERDY                    ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_LSERDYF) /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_IT_HSIRDY                    ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_HSIRDYF) /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_IT_HSERDY                    ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_HSERDYF) /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_IT_PLLRDY                    ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_PLLRDYF) /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_IT_HSI14                     ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_HSI14RDYF) /*!< HSI14 Ready Interrupt flag */
+#define RCC_IT_CSS                       ((uint8_t)RCC_CIR_CSSF)    /*!< Clock Security System Interrupt flag */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_Flag RCC Flag
-  *        Elements values convention: 0XXYYYYYb
+/** @defgroup RCC_Flag Flags
+  *        Elements values convention: XXXYYYYYb
   *           - YYYYY  : Flag position in the register
-  *           - XX  : Register index
-  *                 - 00: CR register
-  *                 - 01: CR2 register
-  *                 - 10: BDCR register
-  *                 - 11: CSR register
+  *           - XXX  : Register index
+  *                 - 001: CR register
+  *                 - 010: CR2 register
+  *                 - 011: BDCR register
+  *                 - 0100: CSR register
   * @{
-#define CR_REG_INDEX                     0
-#define CR2_REG_INDEX                    1
-#define BDCR_REG_INDEX                   2
-#define CSR_REG_INDEX                    3
 /* Flags in the CR register */
-#define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_BitNumber          1
-#define RCC_CR_HSERDY_BitNumber          17
-#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY_BitNumber          25
 #define RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY                  ((uint8_t)((CR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CR_HSIRDY_BitNumber))
 #define RCC_FLAG_HSERDY                  ((uint8_t)((CR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CR_HSERDY_BitNumber))
 #define RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY                  ((uint8_t)((CR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CR_PLLRDY_BitNumber))
 /* Flags in the CR2 register */
-#define RCC_CR2_HSI14RDY_BitNumber       1
 #define RCC_FLAG_HSI14RDY                ((uint8_t)((CR2_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CR2_HSI14RDY_BitNumber))
-/* Flags in the BDCR register */
-#define RCC_BDCR_LSERDY_BitNumber        1
-#define RCC_FLAG_LSERDY                  ((uint8_t)((BDCR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_BDCR_LSERDY_BitNumber))
 /* Flags in the CSR register */
-#define RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_BitNumber         1
-#define RCC_CSR_V18PWRRSTF_BitNumber     23
-#define RCC_CSR_RMVF_BitNumber           24
-#define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_BitNumber        25
-#define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_BitNumber        26
-#define RCC_CSR_PORRSTF_BitNumber        27
-#define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_BitNumber        28
-#define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_BitNumber       29
-#define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_BitNumber       30
-#define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_BitNumber       31
 #define RCC_FLAG_LSIRDY                  ((uint8_t)((CSR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_BitNumber))
 #define RCC_FLAG_V18PWRRST               ((uint8_t)((CSR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CSR_LSIRDY_BitNumber))
 #define RCC_FLAG_RMV                     ((uint8_t)((CSR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CSR_RMVF_BitNumber))
@@ -575,45 +591,23 @@
 #define RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST                 ((uint8_t)((CSR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_BitNumber))
 #define RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST                 ((uint8_t)((CSR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_BitNumber))
 #define RCC_FLAG_LPWRRST                 ((uint8_t)((CSR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_BitNumber))
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_Calibration_values RCC Calibration values
-  * @{
-  */
+/* Flags in the BDCR register */
+#define RCC_FLAG_LSERDY                  ((uint8_t)((BDCR_REG_INDEX << 5) | RCC_BDCR_LSERDY_BitNumber))
   * @}
-  */
-/** @addtogroup RCC_Timeout
-  * @{
-  */
-#define HSI_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
-#define LSI_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
-#define LSE_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)5000) /* 5 s    */
-#define HSI14_TIMEOUT_VALUE        ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
-#define HSI48_TIMEOUT_VALUE        ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
-#define PLL_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)100)  /* 100 ms */
-#define CLOCKSWITCH_TIMEOUT_VALUE  ((uint32_t)5000) /* 5 s    */
+  */ 
   * @}
-  */
+  */   
-  * @}
-  */
 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /** @defgroup RCC_Exported_Macros RCC Exported Macros
- * @{
- */
+  * @{
+  */
 /** @defgroup RCC_AHB_Clock_Enable_Disable RCC AHB Clock Enable Disable
   * @brief  Enable or disable the AHB peripheral clock.
@@ -622,27 +616,102 @@
   *         using it.
   * @{  
-#define __CRC_CLK_ENABLE()           (RCC->AHBENR |= (RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN))
-#define __DMA1_CLK_ENABLE()          (RCC->AHBENR |= (RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN))
-#define __SRAM_CLK_ENABLE()          (RCC->AHBENR |= (RCC_AHBENR_SRAMEN))
+#define __HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOAEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOAEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOCEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOCEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_GPIOF_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOFEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_GPIOFEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_CRC_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_DMA1_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_SRAM_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_SRAMEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_SRAMEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_FLITF_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_FLITFEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->AHBENR, RCC_AHBENR_FLITFEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
-#define __CRC_CLK_DISABLE()          (RCC->AHBENR &= ~(RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN))
-#define __DMA1_CLK_DISABLE()         (RCC->AHBENR &= ~(RCC_AHBENR_DMA1EN))
   * @}
+/** @defgroup RCC_AHB_Peripheral_Clock_Enable_Disable_Status AHB Peripheral Clock Enable Disable Status
+  * @brief  Get the enable or disable status of the AHB peripheral clock.
+  * @note   After reset, the peripheral clock (used for registers read/write access)
+  *         is disabled and the application software has to enable this clock before
+  *         using it.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
 /** @defgroup RCC_APB1_Clock_Enable_Disable RCC APB1 Clock Enable Disable
   * @brief  Enable or disable the Low Speed APB (APB1) peripheral clock.
   * @note   After reset, the peripheral clock (used for registers read/write access)
@@ -650,20 +719,72 @@
   *         using it.
   * @{   
-#define __TIM3_CLK_ENABLE()    (RCC->APB1ENR |= (RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN))
-#define __TIM14_CLK_ENABLE()   (RCC->APB1ENR |= (RCC_APB1ENR_TIM14EN))
-#define __I2C1_CLK_ENABLE()    (RCC->APB1ENR |= (RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN))
+#define __HAL_RCC_TIM3_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_TIM14_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_TIM14EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_TIM14EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_WWDG_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_WWDGEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_I2C1_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
-#define __TIM14_CLK_DISABLE()  (RCC->APB1ENR &= ~(RCC_APB1ENR_TIM14EN))
-#define __I2C1_CLK_DISABLE()   (RCC->APB1ENR &= ~(RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1EN))
   * @}
+/** @defgroup RCC_APB1_Peripheral_Clock_Enable_Disable_Status APB1 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable Status
+  * @brief  Get the enable or disable status of the APB1 peripheral clock.
+  * @note   After reset, the peripheral clock (used for registers read/write access)
+  *         is disabled and the application software has to enable this clock before
+  *         using it.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
 /** @defgroup RCC_APB2_Clock_Enable_Disable RCC APB2 Clock Enable Disable
   * @brief  Enable or disable the High Speed APB (APB2) peripheral clock.
@@ -672,42 +793,117 @@
   *         using it.
   * @{   
-#define __ADC1_CLK_ENABLE()    (RCC->APB2ENR |= (RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN))
-#define __TIM1_CLK_ENABLE()    (RCC->APB2ENR |= (RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN))
-#define __SPI1_CLK_ENABLE()    (RCC->APB2ENR |= (RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN))
-#define __TIM16_CLK_ENABLE()   (RCC->APB2ENR |= (RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN))
-#define __TIM17_CLK_ENABLE()   (RCC->APB2ENR |= (RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN))
+#define __HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_ADC1_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_TIM1_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_SPI1_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_TIM16_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_TIM17_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_USART1_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
+#define __HAL_RCC_DBGMCU_CLK_ENABLE()   do { \
+                                        __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \
+                                        SET_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN);\
+                                        /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \
+                                        tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_DBGMCUEN);\
+                                        UNUSED(tmpreg); \
+                                      } while(0)
-#define __TIM16_CLK_DISABLE()  (RCC->APB2ENR &= ~(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN))
-#define __TIM17_CLK_DISABLE()  (RCC->APB2ENR &= ~(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN))
   * @}
+/** @defgroup RCC_APB2_Peripheral_Clock_Enable_Disable_Status APB2 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable Status
+  * @brief  Get the enable or disable status of the APB2 peripheral clock.
+  * @note   After reset, the peripheral clock (used for registers read/write access)
+  *         is disabled and the application software has to enable this clock before
+  *         using it.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
 /** @defgroup RCC_AHB_Force_Release_Reset RCC AHB Force Release Reset
   * @brief  Force or release AHB peripheral reset.
   * @{   
-#define __AHB_RELEASE_RESET()   (RCC->AHBRSTR = 0x00)
+#define __HAL_RCC_AHB_RELEASE_RESET()   (RCC->AHBRSTR = 0x00)
   * @}
@@ -716,19 +912,19 @@
   * @brief  Force or release APB1 peripheral reset.
   * @{   
-#define __APB1_FORCE_RESET()     (RCC->APB1RSTR = 0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define __I2C1_FORCE_RESET()     (RCC->APB1RSTR |= (RCC_APB1RSTR_I2C1RST))
-#define __APB1_RELEASE_RESET()   (RCC->APB1RSTR = 0x00)
+#define __HAL_RCC_APB1_RELEASE_RESET()   (RCC->APB1RSTR = 0x00)
   * @}
@@ -737,88 +933,87 @@
   * @brief  Force or release APB2 peripheral reset.
   * @{   
-#define __APB2_FORCE_RESET()     (RCC->APB2RSTR = 0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define __APB2_RELEASE_RESET()   (RCC->APB2RSTR = 0x00)
+#define __HAL_RCC_APB2_RELEASE_RESET()   (RCC->APB2RSTR = 0x00)
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup RCC_HSI_Configuration HSI Configuration
+  * @{   
+  */ 
+/** @brief  Macros to enable or disable the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI).
+  * @note   The HSI is stopped by hardware when entering STOP and STANDBY modes.
+  * @note   HSI can not be stopped if it is used as system clock source. In this case,
+  *         you have to select another source of the system clock then stop the HSI.  
+  * @note   After enabling the HSI, the application software should wait on HSIRDY
+  *         flag to be set indicating that HSI clock is stable and can be used as
+  *         system clock source.  
+  * @note   When the HSI is stopped, HSIRDY flag goes low after 6 HSI oscillator
+  *         clock cycles.  
+  */
+/** @brief  macro to adjust the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) calibration value.
+  * @note   The calibration is used to compensate for the variations in voltage
+  *         and temperature that influence the frequency of the internal HSI RC.
+  * @param  _HSICALIBRATIONVALUE_: specifies the calibration trimming value.
+  *         (default is RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT).
+  *         This parameter must be a number between 0 and 0x1F.
+  */   
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_HSI_Configuration RCC HSI Configuration
+/** @defgroup RCC_LSI_Configuration  LSI Configuration
   * @{   
-/** @brief  Macros to enable or disable the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI).
-  * @note   The HSI is stopped by hardware when entering STOP and STANDBY modes.
-  *         It is used (enabled by hardware) as system clock source after startup
-  *         from Reset, wakeup from STOP and STANDBY mode, or in case of failure
-  *         of the HSE used directly or indirectly as system clock (if the Clock
-  *         Security System CSS is enabled).
-  * @note   HSI can not be stopped if it is used as system clock source. In this case,
-  *         you have to select another source of the system clock then stop the HSI.
-  * @note   After enabling the HSI, the application software should wait on HSIRDY
-  *         flag to be set indicating that HSI clock is stable and can be used as
-  *         system clock source.
-  * @note   When the HSI is stopped, HSIRDY flag goes low after 6 HSI oscillator
-  *         clock cycles.
-  */ 
-/** @brief  Macro to adjust the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) calibration value.
-  * @note   The calibration is used to compensate for the variations in voltage
-  *         and temperature that influence the frequency of the internal HSI RC.
-  * @param  __HSICalibrationValue__: specifies the calibration trimming value 
-  *         (default is RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT).
-  *         This parameter must be a number between 0 and 0x1F.
-  */ 
-#define RCC_CR_HSITRIM_BitNumber         3
-#define __HAL_RCC_HSI_CALIBRATIONVALUE_ADJUST(__HSICalibrationValue__) \
-                  MODIFY_REG(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSITRIM, (uint32_t)(__HSICalibrationValue__) << RCC_CR_HSITRIM_BitNumber)
+/** @brief Macros to enable or disable  the Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI).
+  * @note   After enabling the LSI, the application software should wait on 
+  *         LSIRDY flag to be set indicating that LSI clock is stable and can
+  *         be used to clock the IWDG and/or the RTC.
+  * @note   LSI can not be disabled if the IWDG is running.  
+  * @note   When the LSI is stopped, LSIRDY flag goes low after 6 LSI oscillator
+  *         clock cycles. 
+  */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_LSI_Configuration  RCC LSI Configuration
+/** @defgroup RCC_HSE_Configuration HSE Configuration
   * @{   
-/** @brief  Macro to enable or disable the Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI).
-  * @note   After enabling the LSI, the application software should wait on
-  *         LSIRDY flag to be set indicating that LSI clock is stable and can
-  *         be used to clock the IWDG and/or the RTC.
-  * @note   LSI can not be disabled if the IWDG is running.
-  * @note   When the LSI is stopped, LSIRDY flag goes low after 6 LSI oscillator
-  *         clock cycles.
-  */ 
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup RCC_HSE_Configuration RCC HSE Configuration
-  * @{   
-  */ 
   * @brief  Macro to configure the External High Speed oscillator (HSE).
+  * @note   Transition HSE Bypass to HSE On and HSE On to HSE Bypass are not
+  *         supported by this macro. User should request a transition to HSE Off
+  *         first and then HSE On or HSE Bypass.
   * @note   After enabling the HSE (RCC_HSE_ON or RCC_HSE_Bypass), the application
   *         software should wait on HSERDY flag to be set indicating that HSE clock
   *         is stable and can be used to clock the PLL and/or system clock.
@@ -836,31 +1031,55 @@
   *            @arg RCC_HSE_ON: turn ON the HSE oscillator
   *            @arg RCC_HSE_BYPASS: HSE oscillator bypassed with external clock
-#define __HAL_RCC_HSE_CONFIG(__STATE__) (*(__IO uint8_t *)RCC_CR_BYTE2_ADDRESS = (__STATE__))
+#define __HAL_RCC_HSE_CONFIG(__STATE__)                                     \
+                    do{                                                     \
+                      if ((__STATE__) == RCC_HSE_ON)                        \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEON);                     \
+                      }                                                     \
+                      else if ((__STATE__) == RCC_HSE_OFF)                  \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEON);                   \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEBYP);                  \
+                      }                                                     \
+                      else if ((__STATE__) == RCC_HSE_BYPASS)               \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEBYP);                    \
+                        SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEON);                     \
+                      }                                                     \
+                      else                                                  \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEON);                   \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEBYP);                  \
+                      }                                                     \
+                    }while(0)
   * @brief  Macro to configure the External High Speed oscillator (HSE) Predivision factor for PLL.
   * @note   Predivision factor can not be changed if PLL is used as system clock
   *         In this case, you have to select another source of the system clock, disable the PLL and
   *         then change the HSE predivision factor.
-  * @param  __HSEPredivValue__: specifies the division value applied to HSE.
+  * @param  __HSE_PREDIV_VALUE__: specifies the division value applied to HSE.
   *         This parameter must be a number between RCC_HSE_PREDIV_DIV1 and RCC_HSE_PREDIV_DIV16.
-#define __HAL_RCC_HSE_PREDIV_CONFIG(__HSEPredivValue__) \
-                  MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV, (uint32_t)(__HSEPredivValue__))
+                  MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV, (uint32_t)(__HSE_PREDIV_VALUE__))
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_LSE_Configuration RCC LSE Configuration
+/** @defgroup RCC_LSE_Configuration LSE Configuration
   * @{   
-  */   
+  */ 
   * @brief  Macro to configure the External Low Speed oscillator (LSE).
+  * @note Transitions LSE Bypass to LSE On and LSE On to LSE Bypass are not supported by this macro. 
   * @note   As the LSE is in the Backup domain and write access is denied to
-  *         this domain after reset, you have to enable write access using
+  *         this domain after reset, you have to enable write access using 
   *         HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess() function before to configure the LSE
-  *         (to be done once after reset).
+  *         (to be done once after reset).  
   * @note   After enabling the LSE (RCC_LSE_ON or RCC_LSE_BYPASS), the application
   *         software should wait on LSERDY flag to be set indicating that LSE clock
   *         is stable and can be used to clock the RTC.
@@ -868,11 +1087,32 @@
   *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
   *            @arg RCC_LSE_OFF: turn OFF the LSE oscillator, LSERDY flag goes low after
   *                              6 LSE oscillator clock cycles.
-  *            @arg RCC_LSE_ON: turn ON the LSE oscillator
-  *            @arg RCC_LSE_BYPASS: LSE oscillator bypassed with external clock
+  *            @arg RCC_LSE_ON: turn ON the LSE oscillator.
+  *            @arg RCC_LSE_BYPASS: LSE oscillator bypassed with external clock.
-#define __HAL_RCC_LSE_CONFIG(__STATE__) \
-                  MODIFY_REG(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON|RCC_BDCR_LSEBYP, (uint32_t)(__STATE__))
+#define __HAL_RCC_LSE_CONFIG(__STATE__)                                     \
+                    do{                                                     \
+                      if ((__STATE__) == RCC_LSE_ON)                        \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON);                   \
+                      }                                                     \
+                      else if ((__STATE__) == RCC_LSE_OFF)                  \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON);                 \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEBYP);                \
+                      }                                                     \
+                      else if ((__STATE__) == RCC_LSE_BYPASS)               \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEBYP);                  \
+                        SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON);                   \
+                      }                                                     \
+                      else                                                  \
+                      {                                                     \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON);                 \
+                        CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEBYP);                \
+                      }                                                     \
+                    }while(0)
   * @}
@@ -963,235 +1203,247 @@
   * @}
+/** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Configuration PLL Configuration
+  * @{   
+  */ 
+/** @brief Macros to enable the main PLL.
+  * @note   After enabling the main PLL, the application software should wait on 
+  *         PLLRDY flag to be set indicating that PLL clock is stable and can
+  *         be used as system clock source.
+  * @note   The main PLL is disabled by hardware when entering STOP and STANDBY modes.
+  */
+/** @brief Macros to disable the main PLL.
+  * @note   The main PLL can not be disabled if it is used as system clock source
+  */
+/** @brief  Macro to configure the PLL clock source, multiplication and division factors.
+  * @note   This function must be used only when the main PLL is disabled.
+  *  
+  * @param  __RCC_PLLSOURCE__: specifies the PLL entry clock source.
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI: HSI oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry
+  *            @arg RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE: HSE oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry
+  * @param  __PLLMUL__: specifies the multiplication factor for PLL VCO output clock
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *         This parameter must be a number between RCC_PLL_MUL2 and RCC_PLL_MUL16.
+  * @param  __PREDIV__: specifies the predivider factor for PLL VCO input clock
+  *         This parameter must be a number between RCC_PREDIV_DIV1 and RCC_PREDIV_DIV16.
+  *   
+  */
+                  do { \
+                    MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV, (__PREDIV__)); \
+                    MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL | RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC, (uint32_t)((__PLLMUL__)|(__RCC_PLLSOURCE__))); \
+                  } while(0)
+/** @brief  Get oscillator clock selected as PLL input clock
+  * @retval The clock source used for PLL entry. The returned value can be one
+  *         of the following:
+  *             @arg RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE: HSE oscillator clock selected as PLL input clock
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Get_Clock_source Get Clock source
+  * @{   
+  */ 
+  * @brief  Macro to configure the system clock source.
+  * @param  __RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE__: specifies the system clock source.
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *              - RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_MSI: MSI oscillator is used as system clock source.
+  *              - RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_HSI: HSI oscillator is used as system clock source.
+  *              - RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_HSE: HSE oscillator is used as system clock source.
+  *              - RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_PLLCLK: PLL output is used as system clock source.
+  */
+/** @brief  Macro to get the clock source used as system clock.
+  * @retval The clock source used as system clock. The returned value can be one
+  *         of the following:
+  *             @arg RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI: HSI used as system clock
+  *             @arg RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSE: HSE used as system clock
+  *             @arg RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK: PLL used as system clock
+  */     
+  * @}
+  */
 /** @defgroup RCC_RTC_Clock_Configuration RCC RTC Clock Configuration
   * @{   
-/** @brief  Macros to enable or disable the the RTC clock.
-  * @note   These macros must be used only after the RTC clock source was selected.
-  */
-/** @brief  Macro to configure the RTC clock (RTCCLK).
+/** @brief Macro to configures the RTC clock (RTCCLK).
   * @note   As the RTC clock configuration bits are in the Backup domain and write
   *         access is denied to this domain after reset, you have to enable write
   *         access using the Power Backup Access macro before to configure
-  *         the RTC clock source (to be done once after reset).
-  * @note   Once the RTC clock is configured it can't be changed unless the
-  *         Backup domain is reset using __HAL_RCC_BackupReset_RELEASE() macro, or by
+  *         the RTC clock source (to be done once after reset).    
+  * @note   Once the RTC clock is configured it can't be changed unless the  
+  *         Backup domain is reset using __HAL_RCC_BACKUPRESET_FORCE() macro, or by
   *         a Power On Reset (POR).
-  * @param  __RTCCLKSource__: specifies the RTC clock source.
-  *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_NONE: No clock selected as RTC clock
-  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE: LSE selected as RTC clock
-  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI: LSI selected as RTC clock
-  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32: HSE clock divided by 32
-  * @note   If the LSE is used as RTC clock source, the RTC continues to
+  * @param  __RTC_CLKSOURCE__: specifies the RTC clock source.
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *             @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_NO_CLK: No clock selected as RTC clock
+  *             @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE: LSE selected as RTC clock
+  *             @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI: LSI selected as RTC clock
+  *             @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32: HSE clock divided by 32
+  * @note   If the LSE or LSI is used as RTC clock source, the RTC continues to
   *         work in STOP and STANDBY modes, and can be used as wakeup source.
   *         However, when the LSI clock and HSE clock divided by 32 is used as RTC clock source,
   *         the RTC cannot be used in STOP and STANDBY modes.
   * @note   The system must always be configured so as to get a PCLK frequency greater than or
   *             equal to the RTCCLK frequency for a proper operation of the RTC.
-#define __HAL_RCC_RTC_CONFIG(__RTCCLKSource__) \
-                  MODIFY_REG(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL, (uint32_t)(__RTCCLKSource__))
-/** @brief  Macro to get the RTC clock source.
+/** @brief macros to get the RTC clock source.
   * @retval The clock source can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_NONE: No clock selected as RTC clock
+  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_NO_CLK: No clock selected as RTC clock
   *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE: LSE selected as RTC clock
   *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI: LSI selected as RTC clock
-  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32: HSE clock divided by 32 selected as RTC clock
+  *            @arg RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32: HSE clock divided by 32
-  * @}
+/** @brief Macros to enable the the RTC clock.
+  * @note   These macros must be used only after the RTC clock source was selected.
-/** @defgroup RCC_Force_Release_Backup RCC Force Release Backup
-  * @{   
-  */ 
-/** @brief  Macro to force or release the Backup domain reset.
-  * @note   These macros reset the RTC peripheral (including the backup registers)
-  *         and the RTC clock source selection in RCC_CSR register.
-  * @note   The BKPSRAM is not affected by this reset.
+/** @brief Macros to disable the the RTC clock.
+  * @note  These macros must be used only after the RTC clock source was selected.
+/** @brief  Macros to force the Backup domain reset.
+  * @note   This function resets the RTC peripheral (including the backup registers)
+  *         and the RTC clock source selection in RCC_BDCR register.
+  */
+/** @brief  Macros to release the Backup domain reset.
+  */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup RCC_PLL_Configuration RCC PLL Configuration
-  * @{   
-  */ 
-/** @brief  Macro to enable or disable the PLL.
-  * @note   After enabling the PLL, the application software should wait on
-  *         PLLRDY flag to be set indicating that PLL clock is stable and can
-  *         be used as system clock source.
-  * @note   The PLL can not be disabled if it is used as system clock source
-  * @note   The PLL is disabled by hardware when entering STOP and STANDBY modes.
-  */
-/** @brief  Macro to configure the PLL clock source, multiplication and division factors.
-  * @note   This macro must be used only when the PLL is disabled.
-  *
-  * @param  __RCC_PLLSource__: specifies the PLL entry clock source.
-  *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI: HSI oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry
-  *            @arg RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE: HSE oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry
-  * @param  __PREDIV__: specifies the predivider factor for PLL VCO input clock
-  *         This parameter must be a number between RCC_PREDIV_DIV1 and RCC_PREDIV_DIV16.
-  * @param  __PLLMUL__: specifies the multiplication factor for PLL VCO input clock
-  *         This parameter must be a number between RCC_PLL_MUL2 and RCC_PLL_MUL16.
-  *
-  */
-#define __HAL_RCC_PLL_CONFIG(__RCC_PLLSource__ , __PREDIV__, __PLLMUL__) \
-                  do { \
-                    MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV, (__PREDIV__)); \
-                    MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL | RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC, (uint32_t)((__PLLMUL__)|(__RCC_PLLSource__))); \
-                  } while(0)
-  * @}
-  */                      
-/** @defgroup RCC_Get_Clock_source RCC Get Clock source
-  * @{   
-  */ 
-/** @brief  Macro to get the clock source used as system clock.
-  * @retval The clock source used as system clock.
-  *         The returned value can be one of the following value:
-  *             @arg RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI: HSI used as system clock
-  *             @arg RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSE: HSE used as system clock
-  *             @arg RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK: PLL used as system clock
-  */
-/** @brief  Macro to get the oscillator used as PLL clock source.
-  * @retval The oscillator used as PLL clock source. The returned value can be one
-  *         of the following:
-  *              - RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI: HSI oscillator is used as PLL clock source.
-  *              - RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE: HSE oscillator is used as PLL clock source.
-  */
-  * @}
-  */ 
-/** @defgroup RCC_Flags_Interrupts_Management RCC Flags Interrupts Management
+/** @defgroup RCC_Flags_Interrupts_Management Flags Interrupts Management
   * @brief macros to manage the specified RCC Flags and interrupts.
   * @{
-/** @brief  Enable RCC interrupt (Perform Byte access to RCC_CIR[12:8] bits to enable
-  *         the selected interrupts.).
+/** @brief Enable RCC interrupt.
   * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RCC interrupt sources to be enabled.
-  *         This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt enable
+  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: main PLL ready interrupt
   *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI14RDY: HSI14 ready interrupt enable
   *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI48RDY: HSI48 ready interrupt enable (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
-#define __HAL_RCC_ENABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__) (*(__IO uint8_t *)RCC_CIR_BYTE1_ADDRESS |= (__INTERRUPT__))
+#define __HAL_RCC_ENABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__) (*(__IO uint8_t *) RCC_CIR_BYTE1_ADDRESS |= (__INTERRUPT__))
-/** @brief  Disable RCC interrupt (Perform Byte access to RCC_CIR[12:8] bits to disable
-  *         the selected interrupts.).
+/** @brief Disable RCC interrupt.
   * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RCC interrupt sources to be disabled.
-  *         This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt enable
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt enable
+  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: main PLL ready interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI14RDY: HSI14 ready interrupt enable
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI48RDY: HSI48 ready interrupt enable (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
+  */
+#define __HAL_RCC_DISABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__) (*(__IO uint8_t *) RCC_CIR_BYTE1_ADDRESS &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))
+/** @brief Clear the RCC's interrupt pending bits.
+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
+  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: Main PLL ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt
   *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI14RDY: HSI14 ready interrupt enable
   *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI48RDY: HSI48 ready interrupt enable (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
-#define __HAL_RCC_DISABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__) (*(__IO uint8_t *)RCC_CIR_BYTE1_ADDRESS &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))
-/** @brief  Clear the RCC's interrupt pending bits ( Perform Byte access to RCC_CIR[23:16]
-  *         bits to clear the selected interrupt pending bits.
-  * @param  __IT__: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
-  *         This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt clear
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt clear
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt clear
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt clear
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt clear
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI14RDY: HSI14 ready interrupt clear
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI48RDY: HSI48 ready interrupt clear (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt clear
-  */
-#define __HAL_RCC_CLEAR_IT(__IT__) (*(__IO uint8_t *)RCC_CIR_BYTE2_ADDRESS = (__IT__))
+#define __HAL_RCC_CLEAR_IT(__INTERRUPT__) (*(__IO uint8_t *) RCC_CIR_BYTE2_ADDRESS = (__INTERRUPT__))
-/** @brief  Check the RCC's interrupt has occurred or not.
-  * @param  __IT__: specifies the RCC interrupt source to check.
-  *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt flag
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt flag
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt flag
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt flag
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt flag
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI14RDY: HSI14 ready interrupt flag
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI48RDY: HSI48 ready interrupt flag (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
-  *            @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt flag
-  * @retval The new state of __IT__ (TRUE or FALSE).
+/** @brief Check the RCC's interrupt has occurred or not.
+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the RCC interrupt source to check.
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: Main PLL ready interrupt.
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI14RDY: HSI14 ready interrupt enable
+  *            @arg RCC_IT_HSI48RDY: HSI48 ready interrupt enable (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
+  * @retval The new state of __INTERRUPT__ (TRUE or FALSE).
-#define __HAL_RCC_GET_IT(__IT__) ((RCC->CIR & (__IT__)) == (__IT__))
+#define __HAL_RCC_GET_IT(__INTERRUPT__) ((RCC->CIR & (__INTERRUPT__)) == (__INTERRUPT__))
-/** @brief  Set RMVF bit to clear the reset flags: RCC_FLAG_OBLRST, RCC_FLAG_PINRST, RCC_FLAG_PORRST, RCC_FLAG_SFTRST,
+/** @brief Set RMVF bit to clear the reset flags.
+  *         The reset flags are: RCC_FLAG_PINRST, RCC_FLAG_PORRST, RCC_FLAG_SFTRST,
 /** @brief  Check RCC flag is set or not.
   * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.
-  *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY: HSI oscillator clock ready
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_HSERDY: HSE oscillator clock ready
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY: PLL clock ready
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY: HSI oscillator clock ready.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_HSERDY: HSE oscillator clock ready.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY: Main PLL clock ready.
   *            @arg RCC_FLAG_HSI14RDY: HSI14 oscillator clock ready
   *            @arg RCC_FLAG_HSI48RDY: HSI48 oscillator clock ready (only applicable to STM32F0X2 USB devices)
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_LSERDY: LSE oscillator clock ready
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_LSIRDY: LSI oscillator clock ready
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_LSERDY: LSE oscillator clock ready.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_LSIRDY: LSI oscillator clock ready.
   *            @arg RCC_FLAG_OBLRST: Option Byte Load reset
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_PINRST: Pin reset
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_PORRST: POR/PDR reset
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_SFTRST: Software reset
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST: Independent Watchdog reset
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST: Window Watchdog reset
-  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_LPWRRST: Low Power reset
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_PINRST: Pin reset.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_PORRST: POR/PDR reset.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_SFTRST: Software reset.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST: Independent Watchdog reset.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST: Window Watchdog reset.
+  *            @arg RCC_FLAG_LPWRRST: Low Power reset.
   * @retval The new state of __FLAG__ (TRUE or FALSE).
-#define RCC_FLAG_MASK  ((uint8_t)0x1F)
 #define __HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(__FLAG__) (((((__FLAG__) >> 5) == CR_REG_INDEX)? RCC->CR :      \
                                        (((__FLAG__) >> 5) == CR2_REG_INDEX)? RCC->CR2 :    \
                                        (((__FLAG__) >> 5) == BDCR_REG_INDEX) ? RCC->BDCR : \
                                        RCC->CSR) & ((uint32_t)1 << ((__FLAG__) & RCC_FLAG_MASK)))
+  * @}
+  */   
   * @}
-  */
-  * @}
-  */
+  */   
 /* Include RCC HAL Extension module */
 #include "stm32f0xx_hal_rcc_ex.h"
 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
 /** @addtogroup RCC_Exported_Functions
   * @{
@@ -1200,10 +1452,10 @@
   * @{
-/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  ***************************/
-void HAL_RCC_DeInit(void);
-HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef *RCC_OscInitStruct);
-HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(RCC_ClkInitTypeDef *RCC_ClkInitStruct, uint32_t FLatency);
+/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  ******************************/
+void              HAL_RCC_DeInit(void);
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef  *RCC_OscInitStruct);
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(RCC_ClkInitTypeDef  *RCC_ClkInitStruct, uint32_t FLatency);
   * @}
@@ -1212,22 +1464,22 @@
 /** @addtogroup RCC_Exported_Functions_Group2
   * @{
-/* Peripheral Control functions  *********************************************/
-void     HAL_RCC_MCOConfig(uint32_t RCC_MCOx, uint32_t RCC_MCOSource, uint32_t RCC_MCODiv);
-void     HAL_RCC_EnableCSS(void);
-void     HAL_RCC_DisableCSS(void);
-uint32_t HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq(void);
-uint32_t HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq(void);
-uint32_t HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(void);
-void     HAL_RCC_GetOscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef *RCC_OscInitStruct);
-void     HAL_RCC_GetClockConfig(RCC_ClkInitTypeDef *RCC_ClkInitStruct, uint32_t *pFLatency);
+/* Peripheral Control functions  ************************************************/
+void              HAL_RCC_MCOConfig(uint32_t RCC_MCOx, uint32_t RCC_MCOSource, uint32_t RCC_MCODiv);
+void              HAL_RCC_EnableCSS(void);
+void              HAL_RCC_DisableCSS(void);
+uint32_t          HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq(void);
+uint32_t          HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq(void);
+uint32_t          HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(void);
+void              HAL_RCC_GetOscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef  *RCC_OscInitStruct);
+void              HAL_RCC_GetClockConfig(RCC_ClkInitTypeDef  *RCC_ClkInitStruct, uint32_t *pFLatency);
 /* CSS NMI IRQ handler */
-void HAL_RCC_NMI_IRQHandler(void);
+void              HAL_RCC_NMI_IRQHandler(void);
 /* User Callbacks in non blocking mode (IT mode) */ 
-void HAL_RCC_CCSCallback(void);
+void              HAL_RCC_CSSCallback(void);
   * @}
@@ -1235,16 +1487,16 @@
   * @}
-  */
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
   * @}
-  * @}
-  */
 #ifdef __cplusplus