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diff -r f2ee788e32e7 -r 813dcc80987e targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F7/stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.c
--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F7/stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.c	Fri Aug 14 12:45:09 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F7/stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.c	Fri Aug 14 13:15:17 2015 +0100
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
   * @file    stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.c
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.0.0
-  * @date    12-May-2015
+  * @version V1.0.1
+  * @date    25-June-2015
   * @brief   QSPI HAL module driver.
-  *
   *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 
   *          functionalities of the QuadSPI interface (QSPI).
   *           + Initialization and de-initialization functions
@@ -26,13 +25,13 @@
       (#) As prerequisite, fill in the HAL_QSPI_MspInit() :
-        (+) Enable QuadSPI clock interface with __HAL_RCC_QSPI_CLK_ENABLE().
-        (+) Reset QuadSPI IP with __HAL_RCC_QSPI_FORCE_RESET() and __HAL_RCC_QSPI_RELEASE_RESET().
-        (+) Enable the clocks for the QuadSPI GPIOS with __HAL_RCC_GPIOx_CLK_ENABLE().
-        (+) Configure these QuadSPI pins in alternate mode using HAL_GPIO_Init().
-        (+) If interrupt mode is used, enable and configure QuadSPI global
+        (++) Enable QuadSPI clock interface with __HAL_RCC_QSPI_CLK_ENABLE().
+        (++) Reset QuadSPI IP with __HAL_RCC_QSPI_FORCE_RESET() and __HAL_RCC_QSPI_RELEASE_RESET().
+        (++) Enable the clocks for the QuadSPI GPIOS with __HAL_RCC_GPIOx_CLK_ENABLE().
+        (++) Configure these QuadSPI pins in alternate mode using HAL_GPIO_Init().
+        (++) If interrupt mode is used, enable and configure QuadSPI global
             interrupt with HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ().
-        (+) If DMA mode is used, enable the clocks for the QuadSPI DMA channel 
+        (++) If DMA mode is used, enable the clocks for the QuadSPI DMA channel 
             with __HAL_RCC_DMAx_CLK_ENABLE(), configure DMA with HAL_DMA_Init(), 
             link it with QuadSPI handle using __HAL_LINKDMA(), enable and configure 
             DMA channel global interrupt with HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ().
@@ -44,31 +43,31 @@
       (#) Configure the command sequence using the HAL_QSPI_Command() or HAL_QSPI_Command_IT() 
           functions :
-         (+) Instruction phase : the mode used and if present the instruction opcode.
-         (+) Address phase : the mode used and if present the size and the address value.
-         (+) Alternate-bytes phase : the mode used and if present the size and the alternate 
+         (++) Instruction phase : the mode used and if present the instruction opcode.
+         (++) Address phase : the mode used and if present the size and the address value.
+         (++) Alternate-bytes phase : the mode used and if present the size and the alternate 
              bytes values.
-         (+) Dummy-cycles phase : the number of dummy cycles (mode used is same as data phase).
-         (+) Data phase : the mode used and if present the number of bytes.
-         (+) Double Data Rate (DDR) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode and the delay 
+         (++) Dummy-cycles phase : the number of dummy cycles (mode used is same as data phase).
+         (++) Data phase : the mode used and if present the number of bytes.
+         (++) Double Data Rate (DDR) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode and the delay 
              if activated.
-         (+) Sending Instruction Only Once (SIOO) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode.
+         (++) Sending Instruction Only Once (SIOO) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode.
       (#) If no data is required for the command, it is sent directly to the memory :
-         (+) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the transfer is complete.
-         (+) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_CmdCpltCallback() will be called when the transfer is complete.
+         (++) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the transfer is complete.
+         (++) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_CmdCpltCallback() will be called when the transfer is complete.
       (#) For the indirect write mode, use HAL_QSPI_Transmit(), HAL_QSPI_Transmit_DMA() or 
           HAL_QSPI_Transmit_IT() after the command configuration :
-         (+) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the transfer is complete.
-         (+) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_FifoThresholdCallback() will be called when the fifo threshold 
+         (++) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the transfer is complete.
+         (++) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_FifoThresholdCallback() will be called when the fifo threshold 
              is reached and HAL_QSPI_TxCpltCallback() will be called when the transfer is complete.
-         (+) In DMA mode, HAL_QSPI_TxHalfCpltCallback() will be called at the half transfer and 
+         (++) In DMA mode, HAL_QSPI_TxHalfCpltCallback() will be called at the half transfer and 
              HAL_QSPI_TxCpltCallback() will be called when the transfer is complete.
       (#) For the indirect read mode, use HAL_QSPI_Receive(), HAL_QSPI_Receive_DMA() or 
           HAL_QSPI_Receive_IT() after the command configuration :
-         (+) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the transfer is complete.
-         (+) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_FifoThresholdCallback() will be called when the fifo threshold 
+         (++) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the transfer is complete.
+         (++) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_FifoThresholdCallback() will be called when the fifo threshold 
              is reached and HAL_QSPI_RxCpltCallback() will be called when the transfer is complete.
-         (+) In DMA mode, HAL_QSPI_RxHalfCpltCallback() will be called at the half transfer and 
+         (++) In DMA mode, HAL_QSPI_RxHalfCpltCallback() will be called at the half transfer and 
              HAL_QSPI_RxCpltCallback() will be called when the transfer is complete.
     *** Auto-polling functional mode ***
@@ -76,37 +75,37 @@
       (#) Configure the command sequence and the auto-polling functional mode using the 
           HAL_QSPI_AutoPolling() or HAL_QSPI_AutoPolling_IT() functions :
-         (+) Instruction phase : the mode used and if present the instruction opcode.
-         (+) Address phase : the mode used and if present the size and the address value.
-         (+) Alternate-bytes phase : the mode used and if present the size and the alternate 
+         (++) Instruction phase : the mode used and if present the instruction opcode.
+         (++) Address phase : the mode used and if present the size and the address value.
+         (++) Alternate-bytes phase : the mode used and if present the size and the alternate 
              bytes values.
-         (+) Dummy-cycles phase : the number of dummy cycles (mode used is same as data phase).
-         (+) Data phase : the mode used.
-         (+) Double Data Rate (DDR) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode and the delay 
+         (++) Dummy-cycles phase : the number of dummy cycles (mode used is same as data phase).
+         (++) Data phase : the mode used.
+         (++) Double Data Rate (DDR) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode and the delay 
              if activated.
-         (+) Sending Instruction Only Once (SIOO) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode.
-         (+) The size of the status bytes, the match value, the mask used, the match mode (OR/AND),
+         (++) Sending Instruction Only Once (SIOO) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode.
+         (++) The size of the status bytes, the match value, the mask used, the match mode (OR/AND),
              the polling interval and the automatic stop activation.
       (#) After the configuration :
-         (+) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the status match is reached. The
+         (++) In polling mode, the output of the function is done when the status match is reached. The
              automatic stop is activated to avoid an infinite loop.
-         (+) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_StatusMatchCallback() will be called each time the status match is reached.
+         (++) In interrupt mode, HAL_QSPI_StatusMatchCallback() will be called each time the status match is reached.
     *** Memory-mapped functional mode ***
       (#) Configure the command sequence and the memory-mapped functional mode using the 
           HAL_QSPI_MemoryMapped() functions :
-         (+) Instruction phase : the mode used and if present the instruction opcode.
-         (+) Address phase : the mode used and the size.
-         (+) Alternate-bytes phase : the mode used and if present the size and the alternate 
+         (++) Instruction phase : the mode used and if present the instruction opcode.
+         (++) Address phase : the mode used and the size.
+         (++) Alternate-bytes phase : the mode used and if present the size and the alternate 
              bytes values.
-         (+) Dummy-cycles phase : the number of dummy cycles (mode used is same as data phase).
-         (+) Data phase : the mode used.
-         (+) Double Data Rate (DDR) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode and the delay 
+         (++) Dummy-cycles phase : the number of dummy cycles (mode used is same as data phase).
+         (++) Data phase : the mode used.
+         (++) Double Data Rate (DDR) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode and the delay 
              if activated.
-         (+) Sending Instruction Only Once (SIOO) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode.
-         (+) The timeout activation and the timeout period.
+         (++) Sending Instruction Only Once (SIOO) mode : the activation (or not) of this mode.
+         (++) The timeout activation and the timeout period.
       (#) After the configuration, the QuadSPI will be used as soon as an access on the AHB is done on 
           the address range. HAL_QSPI_TimeOutCallback() will be called when the timeout expires.
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@
       (#) Workarounds Implemented inside HAL Driver
-         (+) Extra data written in the FIFO at the end of a read transfer
+         (++) Extra data written in the FIFO at the end of a read transfer
@@ -376,7 +375,7 @@
-                      ##### I/O operation functions #####
+                      ##### IO operation functions #####
     This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to :