mbed library sources

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This library was superseded by mbed-dev - https://os.mbed.com/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-dev/.

Development branch of the mbed library sources. This library is kept in synch with the latest changes from the mbed SDK and it is not guaranteed to work.

If you are looking for a stable and tested release, please import one of the official mbed library releases:

Import librarymbed

The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

diff -r 484341a108bc -r 034e698bc035 targets/hal/TARGET_WIZNET/TARGET_W7500x/W7500x_Peripheral_Library/W7500x_uart.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_WIZNET/TARGET_W7500x/W7500x_Peripheral_Library/W7500x_uart.c	Fri Sep 04 09:30:10 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    W7500x_uart.c
+  * @author  
+  * @version 
+  * @date    
+  * @brief   
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+ *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "W7500x.h"
+#include "W7500x_uart.h"
+void UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)
+  /* UART_InitStruct members default value */
+  UART_InitStruct->UART_BaudRate = 115200;
+  UART_InitStruct->UART_WordLength = UART_WordLength_8b ;
+  UART_InitStruct->UART_StopBits = UART_StopBits_1;
+  UART_InitStruct->UART_Parity = UART_Parity_No ;
+  UART_InitStruct->UART_Mode = UART_Mode_Rx | UART_Mode_Tx;
+  UART_InitStruct->UART_HardwareFlowControl = UART_HardwareFlowControl_None ;  
+void UART_DeInit(UART_TypeDef *UARTx)
+uint32_t UART_Init(UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)
+	float baud_divisor;
+    uint32_t tmpreg=0x00, uartclock=0x00;
+    uint32_t integer_baud = 0x00, fractional_baud = 0x00;
+	assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+	assert_param(IS_UART_WORD_LENGTH(UART_InitStruct->UART_WordLength));
+	assert_param(IS_UART_PARITY(UART_InitStruct->UART_Parity));
+	assert_param(IS_UART_STOPBITS(UART_InitStruct->UART_StopBits));
+	assert_param(IS_UART_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL(UART_InitStruct->UART_HardwareFlowControl));
+	assert_param(IS_UART_MODE(UART_InitStruct->UART_Mode));
+    UARTx->CR &= ~(UART_CR_UARTEN); 
+    // Set baudrate
+    CRG->UARTCLK_SSR = CRG_UARTCLK_SSR_RCLK;  // Set UART Clock using internal Oscilator ( 8MHz )
+    uartclock =  (8000000UL) /  (1 << CRG->UARTCLK_PVSR);
+    baud_divisor = ((float)uartclock / (16 * UART_InitStruct->UART_BaudRate));
+    integer_baud = (uint32_t)baud_divisor;
+    fractional_baud = (uint32_t)((baud_divisor - integer_baud) * 64 + 0.5);
+    UARTx->IBRD = integer_baud;
+    UARTx->FBRD = fractional_baud;
+    tmpreg = UARTx->LCR_H;
+    tmpreg &= ~(0x00EE);
+    tmpreg |= (UART_InitStruct->UART_WordLength | UART_InitStruct->UART_StopBits | UART_InitStruct->UART_Parity);
+    UARTx->LCR_H |= tmpreg;
+    tmpreg = UARTx->CR;
+    tmpreg |= (UART_InitStruct->UART_Mode | UART_InitStruct->UART_HardwareFlowControl);
+    UARTx->CR |= tmpreg;
+    return 0;
+void UART_SendData(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t Data)
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    UARTx->DR = Data;
+uint16_t UART_ReceiveData(UART_TypeDef* UARTx)
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    return (uint16_t)(UARTx->DR);
+void UART_SendBreak(UART_TypeDef* UARTx)
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+FlagStatus UART_GetRecvStatus(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_RECV_STATUS)
+    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    if( (UARTx->STATUS.RSR & UART_RECV_STATUS) != (uint16_t)RESET)
+    {
+        bitstatus = SET;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bitstatus = RESET;
+    }
+    return bitstatus;
+void UART_ClearRecvStatus(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_RECV_STATUS)
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+FlagStatus UART_GetFlagStatus(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_FLAG)
+    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    assert_param(IS_UART_FLAG(UART_FLAG));
+    if ((UARTx->FR & UART_FLAG) != (uint16_t)RESET)
+    {
+        bitstatus = SET;    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bitstatus = RESET;
+    }
+    return bitstatus;
+void UART_ClearFlag(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_FLAG)
+void UART_ITConfig(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    assert_param(IS_UART_IT_FLAG(UART_IT));
+    if ( NewState != DISABLE )
+    {
+        UARTx->IMSC |= UART_IT;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UARTx->ICR |= UART_IT;
+    }
+ITStatus UART_GetITStatus(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_IT)
+    ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    assert_param(IS_UART_IT_FLAG(UART_IT));
+    if ((UARTx->MIS & UART_IT) != (uint16_t)RESET)
+    {
+        bitstatus = SET;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bitstatus = RESET;
+    }
+    return bitstatus;
+void UART_ClearITPendingBit(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint16_t UART_IT)
+    assert_param(IS_UART_01_PERIPH(UARTx));
+    assert_param(IS_UART_IT_FLAG(UART_IT));
+    UARTx->ICR |= UART_IT;
+void S_UART_DeInit()
+uint32_t S_UART_Init(uint32_t baud)
+    uint32_t tmpreg=0x00;
+    uint32_t uartclock = 0x00, integer_baud = 0x00;
+    assert_param(IS_UART_MODE(S_UART_InitStruct->UART_Mode));
+    {
+        uartclock = INTERN_XTAL;  
+    }
+    else if(CRG->FCLK_SSR == CRG_FCLK_SSR_OCLK)
+    {
+        uartclock = EXTERN_XTAL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        uartclock = GetSystemClock();
+    }
+    integer_baud = (uint32_t)(uartclock / baud);
+    UART2->BAUDDIV = integer_baud;
+    tmpreg = UART2->CTRL;
+    tmpreg &= ~(S_UART_CTRL_RX_EN | S_UART_CTRL_TX_EN);
+    tmpreg |= (S_UART_CTRL_RX_EN | S_UART_CTRL_TX_EN);
+    UART2->CTRL = tmpreg;
+    return 0;
+void S_UART_SendData(uint16_t Data)
+    UART2->DATA = Data;
+uint16_t S_UART_ReceiveData()
+    return (uint16_t)(UART2->DATA);
+FlagStatus S_UART_GetFlagStatus(uint16_t S_UART_FLAG)
+    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+    assert_param(IS_S_UART_FLAG(S_UART_FLAG));
+    if ((UART2->STATE & S_UART_FLAG) != (uint16_t)RESET)
+    {
+        bitstatus = SET;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bitstatus = RESET;
+    }
+    return bitstatus;
+void S_UART_ITConfig(uint16_t S_UART_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+    assert_param(IS_S_UART_IT_FLAG(S_UART_IT));
+    if ( NewState != DISABLE )
+    {
+        UART2->CTRL |= S_UART_IT;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UART2->CTRL &= ~(S_UART_IT);
+    }
+ITStatus S_UART_GetITStatus(uint16_t S_UART_IT)
+    ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+    assert_param(IS_S_UART_IT_FLAG(S_UART_IT));
+    if ((UART2->INT.STATUS & (S_UART_IT >> 2)) != (uint16_t) RESET)
+    {
+        bitstatus = SET;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bitstatus = RESET;
+    }
+    return bitstatus;
+void S_UART_ClearITPendingBit(uint16_t S_UART_IT)
+    assert_param(IS_S_UART_IT_FLAG(S_UART_IT));
+    UART2->INT.CLEAR |= (S_UART_IT >> 2);
+// It will be moved to application board's driver */
+uint8_t UartPutc(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint8_t ch)
+    UART_SendData(UARTx,ch);
+    while(UARTx->FR & UART_FR_BUSY);
+    return (ch);
+void UartPuts(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint8_t *str)
+    uint8_t ch;
+    do{
+        ch = *str;
+        if(ch != (uint8_t)0x0)
+        {
+            UartPutc(UARTx, ch);
+        }
+        *str++;
+    }while(ch != 0);
+uint8_t UartGetc(UART_TypeDef* UARTx)
+    while(UARTx->FR & UART_FR_RXFE);
+    return (UARTx->DR & 0xFF);
+uint8_t S_UartPutc(uint8_t ch)
+    S_UART_SendData(ch);
+    return (ch);
+void S_UartPuts(uint8_t *str)
+    uint8_t ch;
+    do{
+        ch = *str;
+        if(ch != (uint8_t)0x0)
+        {
+            S_UART_SendData(ch);
+        }
+        *str++;
+    }while(ch != 0);
+uint8_t S_UartGetc()
+    while( (UART2->STATE & S_UART_STATE_RX_BUF_FULL) == 0 ); 
+    return (uint8_t)S_UART_ReceiveData();