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File content as of revision 592:a274ee790e56:


 * \defgroup asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_group SAM System Pin Multiplexer Driver (SYSTEM PINMUX)
 * This driver for Atmel庐 | SMART SAM devices provides an interface for the configuration
 * and management of the device's physical I/O Pins, to alter the direction and
 * input/drive characteristics as well as to configure the pin peripheral
 * multiplexer selection.
 * The following peripherals are used by this module:
 *  - PORT (Port I/O Management)
 * The following devices can use this module:
 *  - Atmel | SMART SAM D20/D21
 *  - Atmel | SMART SAM R21
 *  - Atmel | SMART SAM D10/D11
 *  - Atmel | SMART SAM L21
 * Physically, the modules are interconnected within the device as shown in the
 * following diagram:
 * The outline of this documentation is as follows:
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_prerequisites
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_module_overview
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_special_considerations
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_info
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_examples
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_api_overview
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_prerequisites Prerequisites
 * There are no prerequisites for this module.
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_module_overview Module Overview
 * The SAM devices contain a number of General Purpose I/O pins, used to
 * interface the user application logic and internal hardware peripherals to
 * an external system. The Pin Multiplexer (PINMUX) driver provides a method
 * of configuring the individual pin peripheral multiplexers to select
 * alternate pin functions.
 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_features Driver Feature Macro Definition
 * <table>
 *  <tr>
 *    <th>Driver Feature Macro</th>
 *    <th>Supported devices</th>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>SAML21</td>
 *  </tr>
 * </table>
 * \note The specific features are only available in the driver when the
 * selected device supports those features.
 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_physical_logical_pins Physical and Logical GPIO Pins
 * SAM devices use two naming conventions for the I/O pins in the device; one
 * physical and one logical. Each physical pin on a device package is assigned
 * both a physical port and pin identifier (e.g. "PORTA.0") as well as a
 * monotonically incrementing logical GPIO number (e.g. "GPIO0"). While the
 * former is used to map physical pins to their physical internal device module
 * counterparts, for simplicity the design of this driver uses the logical GPIO
 * numbers instead.
 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_peripheral_muxing Peripheral Multiplexing
 * SAM devices contain a peripheral MUX, which is individually controllable
 * for each I/O pin of the device. The peripheral MUX allows you to select the
 * function of a physical package pin - whether it will be controlled as a user
 * controllable GPIO pin, or whether it will be connected internally to one of
 * several peripheral modules (such as an I<SUP>2</SUP>C module). When a pin is
 * configured in GPIO mode, other peripherals connected to the same pin will be
 * disabled.
 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_pad_characteristics Special Pad Characteristics
 * There are several special modes that can be selected on one or more I/O pins
 * of the device, which alter the input and output characteristics of the pad.
 * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_drive_strength Drive Strength
 * The Drive Strength configures the strength of the output driver on the
 * pad. Normally, there is a fixed current limit that each I/O pin can safely
 * drive, however some I/O pads offer a higher drive mode which increases this
 * limit for that I/O pin at the expense of an increased power consumption.
 * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_slew_rate Slew Rate
 * The Slew Rate configures the slew rate of the output driver, limiting the
 * rate at which the pad output voltage can change with time.
 * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_input_sample_mode Input Sample Mode
 * The Input Sample Mode configures the input sampler buffer of the pad. By
 * default, the input buffer is only sampled "on-demand", i.e. when the user
 * application attempts to read from the input buffer. This mode is the most
 * power efficient, but increases the latency of the input sample by two clock
 * cycles of the port clock. To reduce latency, the input sampler can instead
 * be configured to always sample the input buffer on each port clock cycle, at
 * the expense of an increased power consumption.
 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_module_overview_physical Physical Connection
 * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_intconnections "The diagram below" shows
 * how this module is interconnected within the device:
 * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_intconnections
 * \dot
 * digraph overview {
 *   node [label="Port Pad" shape=square] pad;
 *   subgraph driver {
 *     node [label="Peripheral MUX" shape=trapezium] pinmux;
 *     node [label="GPIO Module" shape=ellipse shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] gpio;
 *     node [label="Other Peripheral Modules" shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] peripherals;
 *   }
 *   pinmux -> gpio;
 *   pad    -> pinmux;
 *   pinmux -> peripherals;
 * }
 * \enddot
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_special_considerations Special Considerations
 * The SAM port pin input sampling mode is set in groups of four physical
 * pins; setting the sampling mode of any pin in a sub-group of eight I/O pins
 * will configure the sampling mode of the entire sub-group.
 * High Drive Strength output driver mode is not available on all device pins -
 * refer to your device specific datasheet.
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_info Extra Information
 * For extra information, see \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra. This includes:
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_acronyms
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_dependencies
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_errata
 *  - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_history
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_examples Examples
 * For a list of examples related to this driver, see
 * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_exqsg.
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_api_overview API Overview
 * @{

#include <compiler.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#if (SAML21) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
/** Output Driver Strength Selection feature support. */

/** Peripheral multiplexer index to select GPIO mode for a pin. */
#define SYSTEM_PINMUX_GPIO    (1 << 7)

 * \brief Port pin direction configuration enum.
 * Enum for the possible pin direction settings of the port pin configuration
 * structure, to indicate the direction the pin should use.
enum system_pinmux_pin_dir {
    /** The pin's input buffer should be enabled, so that the pin state can
     *  be read. */
    /** The pin's output buffer should be enabled, so that the pin state can
     *  be set (but not read back). */
    /** The pin's output and input buffers should both be enabled, so that the
     *  pin state can be set and read back. */

 * \brief Port pin input pull configuration enum.
 * Enum for the possible pin pull settings of the port pin configuration
 * structure, to indicate the type of logic level pull the pin should use.
enum system_pinmux_pin_pull {
    /** No logical pull should be applied to the pin. */
    /** Pin should be pulled up when idle. */
    /** Pin should be pulled down when idle. */

 * \brief Port pin digital input sampling mode enum.
 * Enum for the possible input sampling modes for the port pin configuration
 * structure, to indicate the type of sampling a port pin should use.
enum system_pinmux_pin_sample {
    /** Pin input buffer should continuously sample the pin state. */
    /** Pin input buffer should be enabled when the IN register is read. */

 * \brief Port pin configuration structure.
 * Configuration structure for a port pin instance. This structure should be
 * structure should be initialized by the
 * \ref system_pinmux_get_config_defaults() function before being modified by
 * the user application.
struct system_pinmux_config {
    /** MUX index of the peripheral that should control the pin, if peripheral
     *  control is desired. For GPIO use, this should be set to
     *  \ref SYSTEM_PINMUX_GPIO. */
    uint8_t mux_position;

    /** Port buffer input/output direction. */
    enum system_pinmux_pin_dir direction;

    /** Logic level pull of the input buffer. */
    enum system_pinmux_pin_pull input_pull;

    /** Enable lowest possible powerstate on the pin.
     *  \note All other configurations will be ignored, the pin will be disabled.
    bool powersave;

/** \name Configuration and Initialization
 * @{

 * \brief Initializes a Port pin configuration structure to defaults.
 * Initializes a given Port pin configuration structure to a set of
 * known default values. This function should be called on all new
 * instances of these configuration structures before being modified by the
 * user application.
 * The default configuration is as follows:
 *  \li Non peripheral (i.e. GPIO) controlled
 *  \li Input mode with internal pull-up enabled
 * \param[out] config  Configuration structure to initialize to default values
static inline void system_pinmux_get_config_defaults(
    struct system_pinmux_config *const config)
    /* Sanity check arguments */

    /* Default configuration values */
    config->mux_position = SYSTEM_PINMUX_GPIO;
    config->direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_INPUT;
    config->input_pull   = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_PULL_UP;
    config->powersave    = false;

void system_pinmux_pin_set_config(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin,
    const struct system_pinmux_config *const config);

void system_pinmux_group_set_config(
    PortGroup *const port,
    const uint32_t mask,
    const struct system_pinmux_config *const config);

/** @} */

/** \name Special Mode Configuration (Physical Group Orientated)
 *  @{

 * \brief Retrieves the PORT module group instance from a given GPIO pin number.
 * Retrieves the PORT module group instance associated with a given logical
 * GPIO pin number.
 * \param[in] gpio_pin  Index of the GPIO pin to convert
 * \return Base address of the associated PORT module.
static inline PortGroup* system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin)
    uint8_t port_index  = (gpio_pin / 128);
    uint8_t group_index = (gpio_pin / 32);

    /* Array of available ports. */
    Port *const ports[PORT_INST_NUM] = PORT_INSTS;

    if (port_index < PORT_INST_NUM) {
        return &(ports[port_index]->Group[group_index]);
    } else {
        return NULL;

void system_pinmux_group_set_input_sample_mode(
    PortGroup *const port,
    const uint32_t mask,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_sample mode);

/** @} */

/** \name Special Mode Configuration (Logical Pin Orientated)
 *  @{

 * \brief Retrieves the currently selected MUX position of a logical pin.
 * Retrieves the selected MUX peripheral on a given logical GPIO pin.
 * \param[in]  gpio_pin  Index of the GPIO pin to configure
 * \return Currently selected peripheral index on the specified pin.
static inline uint8_t system_pinmux_pin_get_mux_position(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin)
    PortGroup *const port = system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin(gpio_pin);
    uint32_t pin_index = (gpio_pin % 32);

    if (!(port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg & PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN)) {
        return SYSTEM_PINMUX_GPIO;

    uint32_t pmux_reg = port->PMUX[pin_index / 2].reg;

    if (pin_index & 1) {
        return (pmux_reg & PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Msk) >> PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos;
    } else {
        return (pmux_reg & PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Msk) >> PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos;

 * \brief Configures the input sampling mode for a GPIO pin.
 * Configures the input sampling mode for a GPIO input, to
 * control when the physical I/O pin value is sampled and
 * stored inside the microcontroller.
 * \param[in] gpio_pin Index of the GPIO pin to configure
 * \param[in] mode     New pin sampling mode to configure
static inline void system_pinmux_pin_set_input_sample_mode(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_sample mode)
    PortGroup* const port = system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin(gpio_pin);
    uint32_t pin_index = (gpio_pin % 32);

        port->CTRL.reg |= (1 << pin_index);
    } else {
        port->CTRL.reg &= ~(1 << pin_index);

/** @} */

 * \brief Port pin drive output strength enum.
 * Enum for the possible output drive strengths for the port pin
 * configuration structure, to indicate the driver strength the pin should
 * use.
enum system_pinmux_pin_strength {
    /** Normal output driver strength. */
    /** High current output driver strength. */

 * \brief Configures the output driver strength mode for a GPIO pin.
 * Configures the output drive strength for a GPIO output, to
 * control the amount of current the pad is able to sink/source.
 * \param[in] gpio_pin  Index of the GPIO pin to configure
 * \param[in] mode      New output driver strength mode to configure
static inline void system_pinmux_pin_set_output_strength(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_strength mode)
    PortGroup* const port = system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin(gpio_pin);
    uint32_t pin_index = (gpio_pin % 32);

        port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg |=  PORT_PINCFG_DRVSTR;
    } else {
        port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg &= ~PORT_PINCFG_DRVSTR;

void system_pinmux_group_set_output_strength(
    PortGroup *const port,
    const uint32_t mask,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_strength mode);

 * \brief Port pin output slew rate enum.
 * Enum for the possible output drive slew rates for the port pin
 * configuration structure, to indicate the driver slew rate the pin should
 * use.
enum system_pinmux_pin_slew_rate {
    /** Normal pin output slew rate. */
    /** Enable slew rate limiter on the pin. */

 * \brief Configures the output slew rate mode for a GPIO pin.
 * Configures the output slew rate mode for a GPIO output, to
 * control the speed at which the physical output pin can react to
 * logical changes of the I/O pin value.
 * \param[in] gpio_pin  Index of the GPIO pin to configure
 * \param[in] mode      New pin slew rate mode to configure
static inline void system_pinmux_pin_set_output_slew_rate(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_slew_rate mode)
    PortGroup* const port = system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin(gpio_pin);
    uint32_t pin_index = (gpio_pin % 32);

        port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg |=  PORT_PINCFG_SLEWLIM;
    } else {
        port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg &= ~PORT_PINCFG_SLEWLIM;

void system_pinmux_group_set_output_slew_rate(
    PortGroup *const port,
    const uint32_t mask,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_slew_rate mode);

 * \brief Port pin output drive mode enum.
 * Enum for the possible output drive modes for the port pin configuration
 * structure, to indicate the output mode the pin should use.
enum system_pinmux_pin_drive {
    /** Use totem pole output drive mode. */
    /** Use open drain output drive mode. */

 * \brief Configures the output driver mode for a GPIO pin.
 * Configures the output driver mode for a GPIO output, to
 * control the pad behavior.
 * \param[in] gpio_pin  Index of the GPIO pin to configure
 * \param[in] mode      New pad output driver mode to configure
static inline void system_pinmux_pin_set_output_drive(
    const uint8_t gpio_pin,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_drive mode)
    PortGroup* const port = system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin(gpio_pin);
    uint32_t pin_index = (gpio_pin % 32);

        port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg |=  PORT_PINCFG_ODRAIN;
    } else {
        port->PINCFG[pin_index].reg &= ~PORT_PINCFG_ODRAIN;

void system_pinmux_group_set_output_drive(
    PortGroup *const port,
    const uint32_t mask,
    const enum system_pinmux_pin_drive mode);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/** @} */

 * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra Extra Information for SYSTEM PINMUX Driver
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_acronyms Acronyms
 * The table below presents the acronyms used in this module:
 * <table>
 *	<tr>
 *		<th>Acronym</th>
 *		<th>Description</th>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>GPIO</td>
 *		<td>General Purpose Input/Output</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>MUX</td>
 *		<td>Multiplexer</td>
 *	</tr>
 * </table>
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_dependencies Dependencies
 * This driver has the following dependencies:
 *  - None
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_errata Errata
 * There are no errata related to this driver.
 * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_extra_history Module History
 * An overview of the module history is presented in the table below, with
 * details on the enhancements and fixes made to the module since its first
 * release. The current version of this corresponds to the newest version in
 * the table.
 * <table>
 *	<tr>
 *		<th>Changelog</th>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>Add SAML21 support.</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>Removed code of open drain, slew limit and drive strength
 *		features</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>Fixed broken sampling mode function implementations, which wrote
 *		    corrupt configuration values to the device registers</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>Added missing NULL pointer asserts to the PORT driver functions</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>Initial Release</td>
 *	</tr>
 * </table>

 * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_exqsg Examples for SYSTEM PINMUX Driver
 * This is a list of the available Quick Start guides (QSGs) and example
 * applications for \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_group. QSGs are simple
 * examples with step-by-step instructions to configure and use this driver in a
 * selection of use cases. Note that QSGs can be compiled as a standalone
 * application or be added to the user application.
 *  - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_basic_use_case
 * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_document_revision_history Document Revision History
 * <table>
 *	<tr>
 *		<th>Doc. Rev.</td>
 *		<th>Date</td>
 *		<th>Comments</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>F</td>
 *		<td>11/2014</td>
 *		<td>Add support for SAML21.</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>E</td>
 *		<td>12/2014</td>
 *		<td>Add support for SAMR21 and SAMD10/D11</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>D</td>
 *		<td>01/2014</td>
 *		<td>Add support for SAMD21</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>C</td>
 *		<td>09/2013</td>
 *		<td>Fixed incorrect documentation for the device pin sampling mode.</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>B</td>
 *		<td>06/2013</td>
 *		<td>Corrected documentation typos.</td>
 *	</tr>
 *	<tr>
 *		<td>A</td>
 *		<td>06/2013</td>
 *		<td>Initial release</td>
 *	</tr>
 * </table>
