mbed library sources

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This library was superseded by mbed-dev - https://os.mbed.com/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-dev/.

Development branch of the mbed library sources. This library is kept in synch with the latest changes from the mbed SDK and it is not guaranteed to work.

If you are looking for a stable and tested release, please import one of the official mbed library releases:

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File content as of revision 592:a274ee790e56:


/* ========================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================== */
/** \addtogroup SAMD21_PORT Port Module */

#define PORT_U2210
#define REV_PORT                    0x100

/* -------- PORT_DIR : (PORT Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Direction -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t DIR:32;           /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Direction                */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
} PORT_DIR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_DIR_OFFSET             0x00         /**< \brief (PORT_DIR offset) Data Direction */
#define PORT_DIR_RESETVALUE         0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_DIR reset_value) Data Direction */

#define PORT_DIR_DIR_Pos            0            /**< \brief (PORT_DIR) Port Data Direction */
#define PORT_DIR_DIR_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFul << PORT_DIR_DIR_Pos)
#define PORT_DIR_DIR(value)         ((PORT_DIR_DIR_Msk & ((value) << PORT_DIR_DIR_Pos)))
#define PORT_DIR_MASK               0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_DIR) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_DIRCLR : (PORT Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Direction Clear -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t DIRCLR:32;        /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Direction Clear          */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_DIRCLR_OFFSET          0x04         /**< \brief (PORT_DIRCLR offset) Data Direction Clear */
#define PORT_DIRCLR_RESETVALUE      0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_DIRCLR reset_value) Data Direction Clear */

#define PORT_DIRCLR_DIRCLR_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_DIRCLR) Port Data Direction Clear */
#define PORT_DIRCLR_DIRCLR(value)   ((PORT_DIRCLR_DIRCLR_Msk & ((value) << PORT_DIRCLR_DIRCLR_Pos)))
#define PORT_DIRCLR_MASK            0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_DIRCLR) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_DIRSET : (PORT Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Direction Set -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t DIRSET:32;        /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Direction Set            */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_DIRSET_OFFSET          0x08         /**< \brief (PORT_DIRSET offset) Data Direction Set */
#define PORT_DIRSET_RESETVALUE      0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_DIRSET reset_value) Data Direction Set */

#define PORT_DIRSET_DIRSET_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_DIRSET) Port Data Direction Set */
#define PORT_DIRSET_DIRSET(value)   ((PORT_DIRSET_DIRSET_Msk & ((value) << PORT_DIRSET_DIRSET_Pos)))
#define PORT_DIRSET_MASK            0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_DIRSET) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_DIRTGL : (PORT Offset: 0x0C) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Direction Toggle -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t DIRTGL:32;        /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Direction Toggle         */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_DIRTGL_OFFSET          0x0C         /**< \brief (PORT_DIRTGL offset) Data Direction Toggle */
#define PORT_DIRTGL_RESETVALUE      0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_DIRTGL reset_value) Data Direction Toggle */

#define PORT_DIRTGL_DIRTGL_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_DIRTGL) Port Data Direction Toggle */
#define PORT_DIRTGL_DIRTGL(value)   ((PORT_DIRTGL_DIRTGL_Msk & ((value) << PORT_DIRTGL_DIRTGL_Pos)))
#define PORT_DIRTGL_MASK            0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_DIRTGL) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_OUT : (PORT Offset: 0x10) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Output Value -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t OUT:32;           /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Output Value             */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
} PORT_OUT_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_OUT_OFFSET             0x10         /**< \brief (PORT_OUT offset) Data Output Value */
#define PORT_OUT_RESETVALUE         0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_OUT reset_value) Data Output Value */

#define PORT_OUT_OUT_Pos            0            /**< \brief (PORT_OUT) Port Data Output Value */
#define PORT_OUT_OUT_Msk            (0xFFFFFFFFul << PORT_OUT_OUT_Pos)
#define PORT_OUT_OUT(value)         ((PORT_OUT_OUT_Msk & ((value) << PORT_OUT_OUT_Pos)))
#define PORT_OUT_MASK               0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_OUT) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_OUTCLR : (PORT Offset: 0x14) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Output Value Clear -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t OUTCLR:32;        /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Output Value Clear       */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_OUTCLR_OFFSET          0x14         /**< \brief (PORT_OUTCLR offset) Data Output Value Clear */
#define PORT_OUTCLR_RESETVALUE      0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_OUTCLR reset_value) Data Output Value Clear */

#define PORT_OUTCLR_OUTCLR_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_OUTCLR) Port Data Output Value Clear */
#define PORT_OUTCLR_OUTCLR(value)   ((PORT_OUTCLR_OUTCLR_Msk & ((value) << PORT_OUTCLR_OUTCLR_Pos)))
#define PORT_OUTCLR_MASK            0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_OUTCLR) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_OUTSET : (PORT Offset: 0x18) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Output Value Set -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t OUTSET:32;        /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Output Value Set         */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_OUTSET_OFFSET          0x18         /**< \brief (PORT_OUTSET offset) Data Output Value Set */
#define PORT_OUTSET_RESETVALUE      0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_OUTSET reset_value) Data Output Value Set */

#define PORT_OUTSET_OUTSET_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_OUTSET) Port Data Output Value Set */
#define PORT_OUTSET_OUTSET(value)   ((PORT_OUTSET_OUTSET_Msk & ((value) << PORT_OUTSET_OUTSET_Pos)))
#define PORT_OUTSET_MASK            0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_OUTSET) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_OUTTGL : (PORT Offset: 0x1C) (R/W 32) GROUP Data Output Value Toggle -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t OUTTGL:32;        /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Output Value Toggle      */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_OUTTGL_OFFSET          0x1C         /**< \brief (PORT_OUTTGL offset) Data Output Value Toggle */
#define PORT_OUTTGL_RESETVALUE      0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_OUTTGL reset_value) Data Output Value Toggle */

#define PORT_OUTTGL_OUTTGL_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_OUTTGL) Port Data Output Value Toggle */
#define PORT_OUTTGL_OUTTGL(value)   ((PORT_OUTTGL_OUTTGL_Msk & ((value) << PORT_OUTTGL_OUTTGL_Pos)))
#define PORT_OUTTGL_MASK            0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_OUTTGL) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_IN : (PORT Offset: 0x20) (R/  32) GROUP Data Input Value -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t IN:32;            /*!< bit:  0..31  Port Data Input Value              */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
} PORT_IN_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_IN_OFFSET              0x20         /**< \brief (PORT_IN offset) Data Input Value */
#define PORT_IN_RESETVALUE          0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_IN reset_value) Data Input Value */

#define PORT_IN_IN_Pos              0            /**< \brief (PORT_IN) Port Data Input Value */
#define PORT_IN_IN_Msk              (0xFFFFFFFFul << PORT_IN_IN_Pos)
#define PORT_IN_IN(value)           ((PORT_IN_IN_Msk & ((value) << PORT_IN_IN_Pos)))
#define PORT_IN_MASK                0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_IN) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_CTRL : (PORT Offset: 0x24) (R/W 32) GROUP Control -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t SAMPLING:32;      /*!< bit:  0..31  Input Sampling Mode                */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_CTRL_OFFSET            0x24         /**< \brief (PORT_CTRL offset) Control */
#define PORT_CTRL_RESETVALUE        0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_CTRL reset_value) Control */

#define PORT_CTRL_SAMPLING_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_CTRL) Input Sampling Mode */
#define PORT_CTRL_SAMPLING(value)   ((PORT_CTRL_SAMPLING_Msk & ((value) << PORT_CTRL_SAMPLING_Pos)))
#define PORT_CTRL_MASK              0xFFFFFFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_CTRL) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_WRCONFIG : (PORT Offset: 0x28) ( /W 32) GROUP Write Configuration -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint32_t PINMASK:16;       /*!< bit:  0..15  Pin Mask for Multiple Pin Configuration */
        uint32_t PMUXEN:1;         /*!< bit:     16  Peripheral Multiplexer Enable      */
        uint32_t INEN:1;           /*!< bit:     17  Input Enable                       */
        uint32_t PULLEN:1;         /*!< bit:     18  Pull Enable                        */
        uint32_t :3;               /*!< bit: 19..21  Reserved                           */
        uint32_t DRVSTR:1;         /*!< bit:     22  Output Driver Strength Selection   */
        uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:     23  Reserved                           */
        uint32_t PMUX:4;           /*!< bit: 24..27  Peripheral Multiplexing            */
        uint32_t WRPMUX:1;         /*!< bit:     28  Write PMUX                         */
        uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:     29  Reserved                           */
        uint32_t WRPINCFG:1;       /*!< bit:     30  Write PINCFG                       */
        uint32_t HWSEL:1;          /*!< bit:     31  Half-Word Select                   */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_WRCONFIG_OFFSET        0x28         /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG offset) Write Configuration */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_RESETVALUE    0x00000000ul /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG reset_value) Write Configuration */

#define PORT_WRCONFIG_PINMASK_Pos   0            /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Pin Mask for Multiple Pin Configuration */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_PMUXEN_Pos    16           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Peripheral Multiplexer Enable */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_INEN_Pos      17           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Input Enable */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_INEN          (0x1ul << PORT_WRCONFIG_INEN_Pos)
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_PULLEN_Pos    18           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Pull Enable */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_DRVSTR_Pos    22           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Output Driver Strength Selection */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_PMUX_Pos      24           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Peripheral Multiplexing */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_PMUX(value)   ((PORT_WRCONFIG_PMUX_Msk & ((value) << PORT_WRCONFIG_PMUX_Pos)))
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_WRPMUX_Pos    28           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Write PMUX */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_WRPINCFG_Pos  30           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Write PINCFG */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_HWSEL_Pos     31           /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) Half-Word Select */
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_HWSEL         (0x1ul << PORT_WRCONFIG_HWSEL_Pos)
#define PORT_WRCONFIG_MASK          0xDF47FFFFul /**< \brief (PORT_WRCONFIG) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_PMUX : (PORT Offset: 0x30) (R/W  8) GROUP Peripheral Multiplexing n -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint8_t  PMUXE:4;          /*!< bit:  0.. 3  Peripheral Multiplexing Even       */
        uint8_t  PMUXO:4;          /*!< bit:  4.. 7  Peripheral Multiplexing Odd        */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint8_t reg;                 /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_PMUX_OFFSET            0x30         /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX offset) Peripheral Multiplexing n */
#define PORT_PMUX_RESETVALUE        0x00ul       /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX reset_value) Peripheral Multiplexing n */

#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos         0            /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral Multiplexing Even */
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Msk         (0xFul << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE(value)      ((PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Msk & ((value) << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)))
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_A_Val           0x0ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function A selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_B_Val           0x1ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function B selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_C_Val           0x2ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function C selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_D_Val           0x3ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function D selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_E_Val           0x4ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function E selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_F_Val           0x5ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function F selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_G_Val           0x6ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function G selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_H_Val           0x7ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function H selected */
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_A           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_A_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_B           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_B_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_C           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_C_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_D           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_D_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_E           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_E_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_F           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_F_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_G           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_G_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_H           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_H_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos         4            /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral Multiplexing Odd */
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Msk         (0xFul << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO(value)      ((PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Msk & ((value) << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)))
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_A_Val           0x0ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function A selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_B_Val           0x1ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function B selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_C_Val           0x2ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function C selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_D_Val           0x3ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function D selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_E_Val           0x4ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function E selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_F_Val           0x5ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function F selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_G_Val           0x6ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function G selected */
#define   PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_H_Val           0x7ul  /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) Peripheral function H selected */
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_A           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_A_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_B           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_B_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_C           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_C_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_D           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_D_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_E           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_E_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_F           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_F_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_G           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_G_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_H           (PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_H_Val         << PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_Pos)
#define PORT_PMUX_MASK              0xFFul       /**< \brief (PORT_PMUX) MASK Register */

/* -------- PORT_PINCFG : (PORT Offset: 0x40) (R/W  8) GROUP Pin Configuration n -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
    struct {
        uint8_t  PMUXEN:1;         /*!< bit:      0  Peripheral Multiplexer Enable      */
        uint8_t  INEN:1;           /*!< bit:      1  Input Enable                       */
        uint8_t  PULLEN:1;         /*!< bit:      2  Pull Enable                        */
        uint8_t  :3;               /*!< bit:  3.. 5  Reserved                           */
        uint8_t  DRVSTR:1;         /*!< bit:      6  Output Driver Strength Selection   */
        uint8_t  :1;               /*!< bit:      7  Reserved                           */
    } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
    uint8_t reg;                 /*!< Type      used for register access              */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

#define PORT_PINCFG_OFFSET          0x40         /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG offset) Pin Configuration n */
#define PORT_PINCFG_RESETVALUE      0x00ul       /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG reset_value) Pin Configuration n */

#define PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN_Pos      0            /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG) Peripheral Multiplexer Enable */
#define PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN          (0x1ul << PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN_Pos)
#define PORT_PINCFG_INEN_Pos        1            /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG) Input Enable */
#define PORT_PINCFG_INEN            (0x1ul << PORT_PINCFG_INEN_Pos)
#define PORT_PINCFG_PULLEN_Pos      2            /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG) Pull Enable */
#define PORT_PINCFG_PULLEN          (0x1ul << PORT_PINCFG_PULLEN_Pos)
#define PORT_PINCFG_DRVSTR_Pos      6            /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG) Output Driver Strength Selection */
#define PORT_PINCFG_DRVSTR          (0x1ul << PORT_PINCFG_DRVSTR_Pos)
#define PORT_PINCFG_MASK            0x47ul       /**< \brief (PORT_PINCFG) MASK Register */

/** \brief PortGroup hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
    __IO PORT_DIR_Type             DIR;         /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Data Direction */
    __IO PORT_DIRCLR_Type          DIRCLR;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Data Direction Clear */
    __IO PORT_DIRSET_Type          DIRSET;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Data Direction Set */
    __IO PORT_DIRTGL_Type          DIRTGL;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x0C (R/W 32) Data Direction Toggle */
    __IO PORT_OUT_Type             OUT;         /**< \brief Offset: 0x10 (R/W 32) Data Output Value */
    __IO PORT_OUTCLR_Type          OUTCLR;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x14 (R/W 32) Data Output Value Clear */
    __IO PORT_OUTSET_Type          OUTSET;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x18 (R/W 32) Data Output Value Set */
    __IO PORT_OUTTGL_Type          OUTTGL;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x1C (R/W 32) Data Output Value Toggle */
    __I  PORT_IN_Type              IN;          /**< \brief Offset: 0x20 (R/  32) Data Input Value */
    __IO PORT_CTRL_Type            CTRL;        /**< \brief Offset: 0x24 (R/W 32) Control */
    __O  PORT_WRCONFIG_Type        WRCONFIG;    /**< \brief Offset: 0x28 ( /W 32) Write Configuration */
    RoReg8                    Reserved1[0x4];
    __IO PORT_PMUX_Type            PMUX[16];    /**< \brief Offset: 0x30 (R/W  8) Peripheral Multiplexing n */
    __IO PORT_PINCFG_Type          PINCFG[32];  /**< \brief Offset: 0x40 (R/W  8) Pin Configuration n */
    RoReg8                    Reserved2[0x20];
} PortGroup;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */

/** \brief PORT hardware registers */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef struct {
    PortGroup                 Group[2];    /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 PortGroup groups [GROUPS] */
} Port;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */


#endif /* _SAMD21_PORT_COMPONENT_ */