mbed library sources

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This library was superseded by mbed-dev - https://os.mbed.com/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-dev/.

Development branch of the mbed library sources. This library is kept in synch with the latest changes from the mbed SDK and it is not guaranteed to work.

If you are looking for a stable and tested release, please import one of the official mbed library releases:

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File content as of revision 526:7c4bdfe6a168:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "device.h"
#include "clocking.h"

#include "mbed_assert.h"
#include "PeripheralPins.h"
#include "pinmap.h"
#include "pinmap_function.h"
#include "error.h"

#include "dma_api.h"
#include "dma_api_HAL.h"
#include "spi_api.h"
#include "em_usart.h"
#include "em_cmu.h"
#include "em_dma.h"
#include "sleep_api.h"
#include "sleepmodes.h"

static uint16_t fill_word = SPI_FILL_WORD;

inline CMU_Clock_TypeDef spi_get_clock_tree(spi_t *obj) {
    switch ((int)obj->spi.spi) {
#ifdef USART0
        case SPI_0:
            return cmuClock_USART0;
#ifdef USART1
        case SPI_1:
            return cmuClock_USART1;
#ifdef USART2
        case SPI_2:
            return cmuClock_USART2;
            error("Spi module not available.. Out of bound access.");
            return cmuClock_HFPER;

inline uint8_t spi_get_index(spi_t *obj)
    uint8_t index = 0;
    switch ((int)obj->spi.spi) {
#ifdef USART0
        case SPI_0:
            index = 0;
#ifdef USART1
        case SPI_1:
            index = 1;
#ifdef USART2
        case SPI_2:
            index = 2;
            error("Spi module not available.. Out of bound access.");
    return index;

uint8_t spi_get_module(spi_t *obj) {
    return spi_get_index(obj);

static void usart_init(spi_t *obj, uint32_t baudrate, USART_Databits_TypeDef databits, bool master, USART_ClockMode_TypeDef clockMode )
    init.enable = usartDisable;
    init.baudrate = baudrate;
    init.databits = databits;
    init.master = master;
    init.msbf	= 1;
    init.clockMode = clockMode;

    /* Determine the reference clock, because the correct clock is not set up at init time */
    init.refFreq = REFERENCE_FREQUENCY;

    USART_InitSync(obj->spi.spi, &init);

void spi_preinit(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, PinName cs)
    SPIName spi_mosi = (SPIName) pinmap_peripheral(mosi, PinMap_SPI_MOSI);
    SPIName spi_miso = (SPIName) pinmap_peripheral(miso, PinMap_SPI_MISO);
    SPIName spi_clk = (SPIName) pinmap_peripheral(clk, PinMap_SPI_CLK);
    SPIName spi_cs = (SPIName) pinmap_peripheral(cs, PinMap_SPI_CS);
    SPIName spi_data = (SPIName) pinmap_merge(spi_mosi, spi_miso);
    SPIName spi_ctrl = (SPIName) pinmap_merge(spi_clk, spi_cs);

    obj->spi.spi = (USART_TypeDef *) pinmap_merge(spi_data, spi_ctrl);
    MBED_ASSERT((int) obj->spi.spi != NC);

    if (cs != NC) { /* Slave mode */
        obj->spi.master = false;
    } else {
        obj->spi.master = true;

    uint32_t loc_mosi = pin_location(mosi, PinMap_SPI_MOSI);
    uint32_t loc_miso = pin_location(miso, PinMap_SPI_MISO);
    uint32_t loc_clk = pin_location(clk, PinMap_SPI_CLK);
    uint32_t loc_cs = pin_location(cs, PinMap_SPI_CS);
    uint32_t loc_data = pinmap_merge(loc_mosi, loc_miso);
    uint32_t loc_ctrl = pinmap_merge(loc_clk, loc_cs);
    obj->spi.location = pinmap_merge(loc_data, loc_ctrl);
    MBED_ASSERT(obj->spi.location != NC);

    obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_OPPORTUNISTIC;

void spi_enable_pins(spi_t *obj, uint8_t enable, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, PinName cs)
    if (enable) {
        if (obj->spi.master) { /* Master mode */
            /* Either mosi or miso can be NC */
            if (mosi != NC) {
                pin_mode(mosi, PushPull);
            if (miso != NC) {
                pin_mode(miso, Input);
            pin_mode(clk, PushPull);
            /* Don't set cs pin, since we toggle it manually */
        } else { /* Slave mode */
            if (mosi != NC) {
                pin_mode(mosi, Input);
            if (miso != NC) {
                pin_mode(miso, PushPull);
            pin_mode(clk, Input);
            pin_mode(cs, Input);
    } else {
        // TODO_LP return PinMode to the previous state
        if (obj->spi.master) { /* Master mode */
            /* Either mosi or miso can be NC */
            if (mosi != NC) {
                pin_mode(mosi, Disabled);
            if (miso != NC) {
                pin_mode(miso, Disabled);
            pin_mode(clk, Disabled);
            /* Don't set cs pin, since we toggle it manually */
        } else { /* Slave mode */
            if (mosi != NC) {
                pin_mode(mosi, Disabled);
            if (miso != NC) {
                pin_mode(miso, Disabled);
            pin_mode(clk, Disabled);
            pin_mode(cs, Disabled);

    /* Enabling pins and setting location */
    uint32_t route = USART_ROUTE_CLKPEN | (obj->spi.location << _USART_ROUTE_LOCATION_SHIFT);

    if (mosi != NC) {
        route |= USART_ROUTE_TXPEN;
    if (miso != NC) {
        route |= USART_ROUTE_RXPEN;
    if (!obj->spi.master) {
        route |= USART_ROUTE_CSPEN;
    obj->spi.spi->ROUTE = route;

void spi_enable(spi_t *obj, uint8_t enable)
    USART_Enable(obj->spi.spi, (enable ? usartEnable : usartDisable));

void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, PinName cs)
	CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_HFPER, true);
	spi_preinit(obj, mosi, miso, clk, cs);
	CMU_ClockEnable(spi_get_clock_tree(obj), true);
	usart_init(obj, 100000, usartDatabits8, true, usartClockMode0);

	spi_enable_pins(obj, true, mosi, miso, clk, cs);
    spi_enable(obj, true);

void spi_enable_event(spi_t *obj, uint32_t event, uint8_t enable)
    if(enable) obj->spi.event |= event;
    else obj->spi.event &= ~event;

* void spi_enable_interrupt(spi_t *obj, uint32_t handler, uint8_t enable)
* This will enable the interrupt in NVIC for the associated USART RX channel
*   * obj: pointer to spi object
*   * handler: pointer to interrupt handler for this channel
*   * enable: Whether to enable (true) or disable (false) the interrupt
void spi_enable_interrupt(spi_t *obj, uint32_t handler, uint8_t enable)
    IRQn_Type IRQvector;

    switch ((uint32_t)obj->spi.spi) {
#ifdef USART0
        case USART_0:
            IRQvector = USART0_RX_IRQn;
#ifdef USART1
        case USART_1:
            IRQvector = USART1_RX_IRQn;
#ifdef USART2
        case USART_2:
            IRQvector = USART2_RX_IRQn;
            error("Undefined SPI peripheral");

    if (enable == true) {
        NVIC_SetVector(IRQvector, handler);
        USART_IntEnable(obj->spi.spi, USART_IEN_RXDATAV);
    else {
        NVIC_SetVector(IRQvector, handler);
        USART_IntDisable(obj->spi.spi, USART_IEN_RXDATAV);

void spi_format(spi_t *obj, int bits, int mode, int slave)
    /* Bits: values between 4 and 16 are valid */
    MBED_ASSERT(bits >= 4 && bits <= 16);
    obj->spi.bits = bits;
    /* 0x01 = usartDatabits4, etc, up to 0x0D = usartDatabits16 */
    USART_Databits_TypeDef databits = (USART_Databits_TypeDef) (bits - 3);

    USART_ClockMode_TypeDef clockMode;
    MBED_ASSERT(mode >= 0 && mode <= 3);
    switch (mode) {
        case 0:
            clockMode = usartClockMode0;
        case 1:
            clockMode = usartClockMode1;
        case 2:
            clockMode = usartClockMode2;
        case 3:
            clockMode = usartClockMode3;
            clockMode = usartClockMode0;

    //save state
    uint32_t route = obj->spi.spi->ROUTE;
    uint32_t iflags = obj->spi.spi->IEN;
    bool enabled = (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & (USART_STATUS_RXENS | USART_STATUS_TXENS)) != 0;

    usart_init(obj, 100000, databits, (slave ? false : true), clockMode);

    //restore state
    obj->spi.spi->ROUTE = route;
    obj->spi.spi->IEN = iflags;

    if(enabled) spi_enable(obj, enabled);

void spi_frequency(spi_t *obj, int hz)
    USART_BaudrateSyncSet(obj->spi.spi, REFERENCE_FREQUENCY, hz);

/* Read/Write */

void spi_write(spi_t *obj, int value)
    if (obj->spi.bits <= 8) {
        USART_Tx(obj->spi.spi, (uint8_t) value);
    } else if (obj->spi.bits == 9) {
        USART_TxExt(obj->spi.spi, (uint16_t) value & 0x1FF);
    } else {
        USART_TxDouble(obj->spi.spi, (uint16_t) value);

int spi_read(spi_t *obj)
    if (obj->spi.bits <= 8) {
        return (int) obj->spi.spi->RXDATA;
    } else if (obj->spi.bits == 9) {
        return (int) obj->spi.spi->RXDATAX & 0x1FF;
    } else {
        return (int) obj->spi.spi->RXDOUBLE;

int spi_read_asynch(spi_t *obj)
    return spi_read(obj);

int spi_master_write(spi_t *obj, int value)
    spi_write(obj, value);

    /* Wait for transmission of last byte */
    while (!(obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_TXC)) {
        sleep(); // TODO_LP this might break other code, write should be separate from read?

    return spi_read(obj);

inline uint8_t spi_master_tx_ready(spi_t *obj)
    return (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_TXBL) ? true : false;

uint8_t spi_master_rx_ready(spi_t *obj)
    return (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXDATAV) ? true : false;

uint8_t spi_master_tx_int_flag(spi_t *obj)
    return (obj->spi.spi->IF & USART_IF_TXBL) ? true : false;

uint8_t spi_master_rx_int_flag(spi_t *obj)
    return (obj->spi.spi->IF & (USART_IF_RXDATAV | USART_IF_RXFULL)) ? true : false;

void spi_master_read_asynch_complete(spi_t *obj)
    obj->spi.spi->IFC = USART_IFC_RXFULL; // in case it got full

void spi_master_write_asynch_complete(spi_t *obj)
    obj->spi.spi->IFC = USART_IFC_TXC;

void spi_irq_handler(spi_t *obj)
    spi_read(obj); //TODO_LP store data to the object?

uint8_t spi_active(spi_t *obj)
    switch(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState) {
            return true;
            /* Check whether the allocated DMA channel is active */
            return(DMA_ChannelEnabled(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel) || DMA_ChannelEnabled(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel));
            /* Check whether interrupt for spi is enabled */
            return (obj->spi.spi->IEN & (USART_IEN_RXDATAV | USART_IEN_TXBL)) ? true : false;

void spi_buffer_set(spi_t *obj, void *tx, uint32_t tx_length, void *rx, uint32_t rx_length, uint8_t bit_width)
	uint32_t i;
	uint16_t *tx_ptr = (uint16_t *) tx;

	tx_length *= (bit_width >> 3);
	rx_length *= (bit_width >> 3);

    obj->tx_buff.buffer = tx;
    obj->rx_buff.buffer = rx;
    obj->tx_buff.length = tx_length;
    obj->rx_buff.length = rx_length;
    obj->tx_buff.pos = 0;
    obj->rx_buff.pos = 0;
    obj->tx_buff.width = bit_width;
    obj->rx_buff.width = bit_width;

    if((obj->spi.bits == 9) && (tx != 0)) {
    	// Make sure we don't have inadvertent non-zero bits outside 9-bit frames which could trigger unwanted operation
    	for(i = 0; i < (tx_length / 2); i++) {
    		tx_ptr[i] &= 0x1FF;

static void spi_buffer_tx_write(spi_t *obj)
	uint32_t data;
	// This routine gets triggered on TXBL (= buffer empty), so check to see if we can write a double value
	if (obj->spi.bits % 9 != 0) {
		// No special 9-bit scenario
		if((obj->tx_buff.pos < obj->tx_buff.length - 1) && ((obj->tx_buff.pos & 0x1) == 0)) {
			// write double frame
			if (obj->tx_buff.buffer == (void *)0) {
				data = SPI_FILL_WORD;
			} else {
				uint16_t *tx = (uint16_t *)(obj->tx_buff.buffer);
				data = tx[obj->tx_buff.pos / 2] & 0xFFFF;
			obj->tx_buff.pos += 2;
			obj->spi.spi->TXDOUBLE = data;
		} else if (obj->tx_buff.pos < obj->tx_buff.length) {
			// write single frame
			if (obj->tx_buff.buffer == (void *)0) {
				data = SPI_FILL_WORD & 0xFF;
			} else {
				uint8_t *tx = (uint8_t *)(obj->tx_buff.buffer);
				data = tx[obj->tx_buff.pos] & 0xFF;
			obj->spi.spi->TXDATA = data;
	} else {
		// 9-bit frame
		if(obj->tx_buff.pos < obj->tx_buff.length - 3) {
			// write double frame
			if (obj->tx_buff.buffer == (void *)0) {
				data = ((SPI_FILL_WORD & 0x01FF) << 16) | (SPI_FILL_WORD & 0x1FF);
			} else {
				uint32_t *tx = (uint32_t *)(obj->tx_buff.buffer);
				data = tx[obj->tx_buff.pos / 4] & 0x01FF01FF;
			obj->tx_buff.pos += 4;
			obj->spi.spi->TXDOUBLEX = data;
		} else if (obj->tx_buff.pos < obj->tx_buff.length - 1) {
			// write single frame
			if (obj->tx_buff.buffer == (void *)0) {
				data = SPI_FILL_WORD & 0x01FF;
			} else {
				uint16_t *tx = (uint16_t *)(obj->tx_buff.buffer);
				data = tx[obj->tx_buff.pos / 2] & 0x01FF;
			obj->tx_buff.pos += 2;
			obj->spi.spi->TXDATAX = data;

static void spi_buffer_rx_read(spi_t *obj)
	if (obj->spi.bits % 9 != 0) {
		if ((obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXFULL) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length - 1) && ((obj->rx_buff.pos % 2) == 0)) {
			// Read max 16 bits from buffer to speed things up
			uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDOUBLE; //read the data but store only if rx is set and not full
			if (obj->rx_buff.buffer) {
				uint16_t *rx = (uint16_t *)(obj->rx_buff.buffer);
				rx[obj->rx_buff.pos / 2] = data & 0xFFFF;
				obj->rx_buff.pos += 2;
		} else if ((obj->spi.spi->STATUS & (USART_STATUS_RXDATAV | USART_STATUS_RXFULL)) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length)) {
			// Read 8 bits from buffer
			while((obj->spi.spi->STATUS & (USART_STATUS_RXDATAV | USART_STATUS_RXFULL)) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length)) {
				uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDATA; //read the data but store only if rx is set and not full
				if (obj->rx_buff.buffer) {
					uint8_t *rx = (uint8_t *)(obj->rx_buff.buffer);
					rx[obj->rx_buff.pos] = data & 0xFF;
		} else if (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXFULL) {
			// Read from the buffer to lower the interrupt flag
			volatile uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDOUBLE;
		} else if (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXDATAV) {
			// Read from the buffer to lower the interrupt flag
			volatile uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDATA;
	} else {
		// Data bits is multiple of 9, so use the extended registers
		if ((obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXFULL) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length - 3) && ((obj->rx_buff.pos % 4) == 0)) {
			// Read max 18 bits from buffer to speed things up
			uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDOUBLEX; //read the data but store only if rx is set and  will not overflow
			if (obj->rx_buff.buffer) {
				uint16_t *rx = (uint16_t *)(obj->rx_buff.buffer);
				rx[obj->rx_buff.pos / 2] = data & 0x000001FF;
				rx[(obj->rx_buff.pos / 2) + 1] = (data & 0x01FF0000) >> 16;
				obj->rx_buff.pos += 4;
		} else if ((obj->spi.spi->STATUS & (USART_STATUS_RXDATAV | USART_STATUS_RXFULL)) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length - 1)) {
			// Read 9 bits from buffer
			while((obj->spi.spi->STATUS & (USART_STATUS_RXDATAV | USART_STATUS_RXFULL)) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length - 1)) {
				uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDATAX; //read the data but store only if rx is set and not full
				if (obj->rx_buff.buffer) {
					uint16_t *rx = (uint16_t *)(obj->rx_buff.buffer);
					rx[obj->rx_buff.pos / 2] = data & 0x01FF;
					obj->rx_buff.pos += 2;
		} else if (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXFULL) {
			// Read from the buffer to lower the interrupt flag
			volatile uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDOUBLEX;
		} else if (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXDATAV) {
			// Read from the buffer to lower the interrupt flag
			volatile uint32_t data = (uint32_t)obj->spi.spi->RXDATAX;

int spi_master_write_asynch(spi_t *obj)
    int ndata = 0;
    while ((obj->tx_buff.pos < obj->tx_buff.length) && (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_TXBL)) {
    return ndata;

int spi_master_read_asynch(spi_t *obj)
    int ndata = 0;
    while ((obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length) && (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & (USART_STATUS_RXDATAV | USART_STATUS_RXFULL))) {
    // all sent but still more to receive? need to align tx buffer
    if ((obj->tx_buff.pos >= obj->tx_buff.length) && (obj->rx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length)) {
        obj->tx_buff.buffer = (void *)0;
        obj->tx_buff.length = obj->rx_buff.length;

    return ndata;

uint8_t spi_buffer_rx_empty(spi_t *obj)
    return (obj->rx_buff.pos >= obj->rx_buff.length ? true : false );

uint8_t spi_buffer_tx_empty(spi_t *obj)
    return (obj->tx_buff.pos >= obj->tx_buff.length ? true : false );

//TODO_LP implement slave

int spi_slave_receive(spi_t *obj)
    if (obj->spi.bits <= 9) {
        return (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXDATAV) ? 1 : 0;
    } else {
        return (obj->spi.spi->STATUS & USART_STATUS_RXFULL) ? 1 : 0;

int spi_slave_read(spi_t *obj)
    return spi_read(obj);

void spi_slave_write(spi_t *obj, int value)
    spi_write(obj, value);

uint32_t spi_event_check(spi_t *obj)
    uint32_t requestedEvent = obj->spi.event;
    uint32_t event = 0;
    uint8_t quit = spi_buffer_rx_empty(obj) & spi_buffer_tx_empty(obj);
    if (((requestedEvent & SPI_EVENT_COMPLETE) != 0) && (quit == true)) {
        event |= SPI_EVENT_COMPLETE;

    if(quit == true) {

    return event;
* void transferComplete(uint channel, bool primary, void* user)
* Callback function which gets called upon DMA transfer completion
* the user-defined pointer is pointing to the CPP-land thunk
void transferComplete(unsigned int channel, bool primary, void *user)
    (void) channel;
    (void) primary;

    /* User pointer should be a thunk to CPP land */
    if (user != NULL) {

* bool spi_allocate_dma(spi_t *obj);
* (helper function for spi_enable_dma)
* This function will request two DMA channels from the DMA API if needed
* by the hint provided. They will be allocated to the SPI object pointed to.
* return value: whether the channels were acquired successfully (true) or not.
bool spi_allocate_dma(spi_t *obj) {
    int dmaChannelIn, dmaChannelOut;
    dmaChannelIn = dma_channel_allocate(DMA_CAP_NONE);
    if (dmaChannelIn == DMA_ERROR_OUT_OF_CHANNELS) {
        return false;
    dmaChannelOut = dma_channel_allocate(DMA_CAP_NONE);
    if (dmaChannelOut == DMA_ERROR_OUT_OF_CHANNELS) {
        return false;

    obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel = dmaChannelOut;
    obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel = dmaChannelIn;
    return true;

* void spi_enable_dma(spi_t *obj, DMAUsage state)
* This function tries to allocate DMA as indicated by the hint (state).
* There are three possibilities:
*   * state = NEVER:
*		if there were channels allocated by state = ALWAYS, they will be released
*   * state = OPPORTUNITIC:
*		if there are channels available, they will get used, but freed upon transfer completion
*	* state = ALWAYS
*		if there are channels available, they will get allocated and not be freed until state changes
void spi_enable_dma(spi_t *obj, DMAUsage state)
    if (state == DMA_USAGE_ALWAYS && obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState != DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED) {
        /* Try to allocate channels */
        if (spi_allocate_dma(obj)) {
            obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED;
        } else {
            obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = state;
    } else if (state == DMA_USAGE_OPPORTUNISTIC) {
        if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED) {
            /* Channels have already been allocated previously by an ALWAYS state, so after this transfer, we will release them */
            obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED;
        } else {
            /* Try to allocate channels */
            if (spi_allocate_dma(obj)) {
                obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED;
            } else {
                obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = state;
    } else if (state == DMA_USAGE_NEVER) {
        /* If channels are allocated, get rid of them */
        if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED) {
        obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_NEVER;

* void spi_master_dma_channel_setup(spi_t *obj)
* This function will setup the DMA configuration for SPI transfers
* The channel numbers are fetched from the SPI instance, so this function
* should only be called when those channels have actually been allocated.
static void spi_master_dma_channel_setup(spi_t *obj, void* callback)
    DMA_CfgChannel_TypeDef  rxChnlCfg;
    DMA_CfgChannel_TypeDef  txChnlCfg;

    /* Setting up channel for rx. */
    obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaCallback.cbFunc = transferComplete;
    obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaCallback.userPtr = callback;

    rxChnlCfg.highPri   = false;
    rxChnlCfg.enableInt = true;
    rxChnlCfg.cb        = &(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaCallback);

    /* Setting up channel for tx. */
    obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaCallback.cbFunc = transferComplete;
    obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaCallback.userPtr = callback;

    txChnlCfg.highPri   = false;
    txChnlCfg.enableInt = true;
    txChnlCfg.cb        = &(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaCallback);

  switch ((int)obj->spi.spi) {
#ifdef USART0
        case SPI_0:
            rxChnlCfg.select = DMAREQ_USART0_RXDATAV;
            txChnlCfg.select = DMAREQ_USART0_TXEMPTY;
#ifdef USART1
        case SPI_1:
            rxChnlCfg.select = DMAREQ_USART1_RXDATAV;
            txChnlCfg.select = DMAREQ_USART1_TXEMPTY;
#ifdef USART2
        case SPI_2:
            rxChnlCfg.select = DMAREQ_USART2_RXDATAV;
            txChnlCfg.select = DMAREQ_USART2_TXEMPTY;
            error("Spi module not available.. Out of bound access.");
    DMA_CfgChannel(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel, &rxChnlCfg);
    DMA_CfgChannel(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel, &txChnlCfg);

* void spi_activate_dma(spi_t *obj, void* rxdata, void* txdata, int length)
* This function will start the DMA engine for SPI transfers
*   * rxdata: pointer to RX buffer, if needed.
*   * txdata: pointer to TX buffer, if needed. Else FF's.
*   * tx_length: how many bytes will get sent.
*   * rx_length: how many bytes will get received. If > tx_length, TX will get padded with n lower bits of SPI_FILL_WORD.
static void spi_activate_dma(spi_t *obj, void* rxdata, void* txdata, int tx_length, int rx_length) {
    /* DMA descriptors */
    DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef rxDescrCfg;
    DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef txDescrCfg;

    /* Save amount of TX done by DMA */
    obj->tx_buff.pos = tx_length;

    if(obj->spi.bits != 9) {
		/* Only activate RX DMA if a receive buffer is specified */
		if (rxdata != NULL) {
			// Setting up channel descriptor
			rxDescrCfg.dstInc = dmaDataInc1;
			rxDescrCfg.srcInc = dmaDataIncNone;
			rxDescrCfg.size = dmaDataSize1;
			rxDescrCfg.arbRate = dmaArbitrate1;
			rxDescrCfg.hprot = 0;
			DMA_CfgDescr(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel, true, &rxDescrCfg);

			// Clear RX registers - Useful if previous command transfered don't
			obj->spi.spi->CMD = USART_CMD_CLEARRX;

			/* Activate RX channel */
			DMA_ActivateBasic(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel, true, false, rxdata, (void *)&(obj->spi.spi->RXDATA),
							  rx_length - 1);

		// buffer with all FFs.
		/* Setting up channel descriptor */
		txDescrCfg.dstInc = dmaDataIncNone;
		txDescrCfg.srcInc = (txdata == 0 ? dmaDataIncNone : (obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? dmaDataInc1 : dmaDataInc2)); //Do not increment source pointer when there is no transmit buffer
		txDescrCfg.size = (obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? dmaDataSize1 : dmaDataSize2); //When frame size > 9, we can use TXDOUBLE to save bandwidth
		txDescrCfg.arbRate = dmaArbitrate1;
		txDescrCfg.hprot = 0;
		DMA_CfgDescr(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel, true, &txDescrCfg);

		/* Clear TX registers */
		obj->spi.spi->CMD = USART_CMD_CLEARTX;

		/* Activate TX channel */
		DMA_ActivateBasic(	obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel,
							(obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? (void *)&(obj->spi.spi->TXDATA) : (void *)&(obj->spi.spi->TXDOUBLE)), //When frame size > 9, point to TXDOUBLE
							(txdata == 0 ? &fill_word : txdata), // When there is nothing to transmit, point to static fill word
							(obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? tx_length - 1 : (tx_length / 2) - 1)); // When using TXDOUBLE, recalculate transfer length
    } else {
    	/* Frame size == 9 */
		/* Only activate RX DMA if a receive buffer is specified */
		if (rxdata != NULL) {
			// Setting up channel descriptor
			rxDescrCfg.dstInc = dmaDataInc2;
			rxDescrCfg.srcInc = dmaDataIncNone;
			rxDescrCfg.size = dmaDataSize2;
			rxDescrCfg.arbRate = dmaArbitrate1;
			rxDescrCfg.hprot = 0;
			DMA_CfgDescr(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel, true, &rxDescrCfg);

			// Clear RX registers - Useful if previous command transfered don't
			obj->spi.spi->CMD = USART_CMD_CLEARRX;

			/* Activate RX channel */
			DMA_ActivateBasic(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel, true, false, rxdata, (void *)&(obj->spi.spi->RXDATAX),
							  (rx_length / 2) - 1);

		/* Setting up channel descriptor */
		txDescrCfg.dstInc = dmaDataIncNone;
		txDescrCfg.srcInc = (txdata == 0 ? dmaDataIncNone : dmaDataInc2); //Do not increment source pointer when there is no transmit buffer
		txDescrCfg.size = dmaDataSize2; //When frame size > 9, we can use TXDOUBLE to save bandwidth
		txDescrCfg.arbRate = dmaArbitrate1;
		txDescrCfg.hprot = 0;
		DMA_CfgDescr(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel, true, &txDescrCfg);

		/* Clear TX registers */
		obj->spi.spi->CMD = USART_CMD_CLEARTX;

		/* Activate TX channel */
		DMA_ActivateBasic(	obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel,
							(void *)&(obj->spi.spi->TXDATAX), //When frame size > 9, point to TXDOUBLE
							(txdata == 0 ? &fill_word : txdata), // When there is nothing to transmit, point to static fill word
							(tx_length / 2) - 1); // When using TXDOUBLE, recalculate transfer length

* spi_master_transfer_dma(spi_t *obj, void *rxdata, void *txdata, int length, DMACallback cb, DMAUsage hint)
* Start an SPI transfer by using DMA and the supplied hint for DMA useage
*   * obj: pointer to specific SPI instance
*   * rxdata: pointer to rx buffer. If null, we will assume only TX is relevant, and RX will be ignored.
*   * txdata: pointer to TX buffer. If null, we will assume only the read is relevant, and will send FF's for reading back.
*   * length: How many bytes should be written/read.
*   * cb: thunk pointer into CPP-land to get the spi object
*   * hint: hint for the requested DMA useage.
*       * NEVER: do not use DMA, but use IRQ instead
*       * OPPORTUNISTIC: use DMA if there are channels available, but return them after the transfer.
*       * ALWAYS: use DMA if channels are available, and hold on to the channels after the transfer.
*                 If the previous transfer has kept the channel, that channel will continue to get used.
void spi_master_transfer_dma(spi_t *obj, void *txdata, void *rxdata, int tx_length, int rx_length, void* cb, DMAUsage hint) {
	/* Init DMA here to include it in the power figure */
    /* If the DMA channels are already allocated, we can assume they have been setup already */
    if (hint != DMA_USAGE_NEVER && obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED) {
        /* setup has already been done, so just activate the transfer */
        spi_activate_dma(obj, rxdata, txdata, tx_length, rx_length);
    } else if (hint == DMA_USAGE_NEVER) {
        /* use IRQ */
        obj->spi.spi->IFC = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        spi_enable_interrupt(obj, (uint32_t)cb, true);
    } else {
        /* try to acquire channels */
        spi_enable_dma(obj, hint);

        /* decide between DMA and IRQ */
        if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED || obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED) {
            /* disable the interrupts that may have been left open previously */
            spi_enable_interrupt(obj, (uint32_t)cb, false);

            /* DMA channels are allocated, so do their setup */
            spi_master_dma_channel_setup(obj, cb);
            /* and activate the transfer */
            spi_activate_dma(obj, rxdata, txdata, tx_length, rx_length);
        } else {
            /* DMA is unavailable, so fall back to IRQ */
            obj->spi.spi->IFC = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            spi_enable_interrupt(obj, (uint32_t)cb, true);

/** Begin the SPI transfer. Buffer pointers and lengths are specified in tx_buff and rx_buff
 * @param[in] obj     The SPI object which holds the transfer information
 * @param[in] tx        The buffer to send
 * @param[in] tx_length The number of words to transmit
 * @param[in] rx        The buffer to receive
 * @param[in] rx_length The number of words to receive
 * @param[in] bit_width The bit width of buffer words
 * @param[in] event     The logical OR of events to be registered
 * @param[in] handler   SPI interrupt handler
 * @param[in] hint      A suggestion for how to use DMA with this transfer
void spi_master_transfer(spi_t *obj, void *tx, size_t tx_length, void *rx, size_t rx_length, uint8_t bit_width, uint32_t handler, uint32_t event, DMAUsage hint) {
	if( spi_active(obj) ) return;

	/* update fill word if on 9-bit frame size */
	if(obj->spi.bits == 9) fill_word = SPI_FILL_WORD & 0x1FF;
	else fill_word = SPI_FILL_WORD;

	/* check corner case */
	if(tx_length == 0) {
		tx_length = rx_length;
		tx = (void*) 0;

	/* First, set the buffer */
	spi_buffer_set(obj, tx, tx_length, rx, rx_length, bit_width);

	/* Then, enable the events */
	spi_enable_event(obj, SPI_EVENT_ALL, false);
	spi_enable_event(obj, event, true);

	/* Be tricky on how we handle increased bit widths in the buffer... Handling on byte-basis */
	// div 8 = shift right 3
	tx_length = tx_length * (bit_width >> 3);
	rx_length = rx_length * (bit_width >> 3);

	// Set the sleep mode

	/* And kick off the transfer */
	spi_master_transfer_dma(obj, tx, rx, tx_length, rx_length, (void*)handler, hint);

* uint32_t spi_irq_handler_generic(spi_t* obj)
* handler which should get called by CPP-land when either a DMA or SPI IRQ gets fired for a SPI transaction.
*   * obj: pointer to the specific SPI instance
* return: event mask. Currently only 0 or SPI_EVENT_COMPLETE upon transfer completion.
uint32_t spi_irq_handler_asynch(spi_t* obj) {

    /* Determine whether the current scenario is DMA or IRQ, and act accordingly */

    if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED || obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED) {
        /* DMA implementation */

        /* If there is an RX transfer ongoing, wait for it to finish */
        if (DMA_ChannelEnabled(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel)) {
        	/* Check if we need to kick off TX transfer again to force more incoming data. */
        	if (!DMA_ChannelEnabled(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel) && (obj->tx_buff.pos < obj->rx_buff.length)) {
        		//Save state of TX transfer amount
        		int length_diff = obj->rx_buff.length - obj->tx_buff.pos;
        		obj->tx_buff.pos = obj->rx_buff.length;

        		//Kick off a new DMA transfer
        		DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef txDescrCfg;

        		if(obj->spi.bits != 9) {
        			fill_word = SPI_FILL_WORD;
        			/* Setting up channel descriptor */
					txDescrCfg.dstInc = dmaDataIncNone;
					txDescrCfg.srcInc = dmaDataIncNone; //Do not increment source pointer when there is no transmit buffer
					txDescrCfg.size = (obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? dmaDataSize1 : dmaDataSize2); //When frame size > 9, we can use TXDOUBLE to save bandwidth
					txDescrCfg.arbRate = dmaArbitrate1;
					txDescrCfg.hprot = 0;
					DMA_CfgDescr(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel, true, &txDescrCfg);

					/* Activate TX channel */
					DMA_ActivateBasic(	obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel,
										(obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? (void *)&(obj->spi.spi->TXDATA) : (void *)&(obj->spi.spi->TXDOUBLE)), //When frame size > 9, point to TXDOUBLE
										&fill_word, // When there is nothing to transmit, point to static fill word
										(obj->spi.bits <= 8 ? length_diff - 1 : (length_diff / 2) - 1)); // When using TXDOUBLE, recalculate transfer length
        		} else {
        			/* Setting up channel descriptor */
        			fill_word = SPI_FILL_WORD & 0x1FF;
					txDescrCfg.dstInc = dmaDataIncNone;
					txDescrCfg.srcInc = dmaDataIncNone; //Do not increment source pointer when there is no transmit buffer
					txDescrCfg.size = dmaDataSize2; //When frame size > 9, we can use TXDOUBLE to save bandwidth
					txDescrCfg.arbRate = dmaArbitrate1;
					txDescrCfg.hprot = 0;
					DMA_CfgDescr(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel, true, &txDescrCfg);

        			DMA_ActivateBasic(	obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel,
										(void *)&(obj->spi.spi->TXDATAX), //When frame size > 9, point to TXDOUBLE
										&fill_word, // When there is nothing to transmit, point to static fill word
										(length_diff / 2) - 1);
        	else return 0;

        /* If there is still a TX transfer ongoing (tx_length > rx_length), wait for it to finish */
        if (DMA_ChannelEnabled(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel)) {
        	return 0;

        /* Release the dma channels if they were opportunistically allocated */
        if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED) {
            obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_OPPORTUNISTIC;


        /* return to CPP land to say we're finished */
        return SPI_EVENT_COMPLETE;
    } else {
        /* IRQ implementation */
        if (spi_master_rx_int_flag(obj)) {

        if (spi_master_tx_int_flag(obj)) {

        uint32_t event = spi_event_check(obj);
            /* disable interrupts */
            spi_enable_interrupt(obj, (uint32_t)NULL, false);


            /* Return the event back to userland */
            return event;

        return 0;

/** Abort an SPI transfer
 * @param obj The SPI peripheral to stop
void spi_abort_asynch(spi_t *obj) {
    // If we're not currently transferring, then there's nothing to do here
    if(spi_active(obj) != 0) return;
    // Determine whether we're running DMA or interrupt
    if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_ALLOCATED || obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED) {
        // Cancel the DMA transfers
        DMA_ChannelEnable(obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaChannel, false);
        DMA_ChannelEnable(obj->spi.dmaOptionsRX.dmaChannel, false);
        /* Release the dma channels if they were opportunistically allocated */
        if (obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState == DMA_USAGE_TEMPORARY_ALLOCATED) {
            obj->spi.dmaOptionsTX.dmaUsageState = DMA_USAGE_OPPORTUNISTIC;
    } else {
        // Interrupt implementation: switch off interrupts
        spi_enable_interrupt(obj, (uint32_t)NULL, false);
    // Release sleep mode block
