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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KSDK_MCUS/TARGET_K64F/device/MK64F12/MK64F12_can.h	Wed Apr 02 21:00:08 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3963 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * This file was generated automatically and any changes may be lost.
+ */
+#ifndef __HW_CAN_REGISTERS_H__
+#define __HW_CAN_REGISTERS_H__
+#include "regs.h"
+ * MK64F12 CAN
+ *
+ * Flex Controller Area Network module
+ *
+ * Registers defined in this header file:
+ * - HW_CAN_MCR - Module Configuration Register
+ * - HW_CAN_CTRL1 - Control 1 register
+ * - HW_CAN_TIMER - Free Running Timer
+ * - HW_CAN_RXMGMASK - Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register
+ * - HW_CAN_RX14MASK - Rx 14 Mask register
+ * - HW_CAN_RX15MASK - Rx 15 Mask register
+ * - HW_CAN_ECR - Error Counter
+ * - HW_CAN_ESR1 - Error and Status 1 register
+ * - HW_CAN_IMASK1 - Interrupt Masks 1 register
+ * - HW_CAN_IFLAG1 - Interrupt Flags 1 register
+ * - HW_CAN_CTRL2 - Control 2 register
+ * - HW_CAN_ESR2 - Error and Status 2 register
+ * - HW_CAN_CRCR - CRC Register
+ * - HW_CAN_RXFGMASK - Rx FIFO Global Mask register
+ * - HW_CAN_RXFIR - Rx FIFO Information Register
+ * - HW_CAN_CS - Message Buffer 0 CS Register
+ * - HW_CAN_ID - Message Buffer 0 ID Register
+ * - HW_CAN_WORD0 - Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register
+ * - HW_CAN_WORD1 - Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register
+ * - HW_CAN_RXIMRn - Rx Individual Mask Registers
+ *
+ * - hw_can_t - Struct containing all module registers.
+ */
+//! @name Module base addresses
+#ifndef REGS_CAN_BASE
+#define HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT (1U) //!< Number of instances of the CAN module.
+#define HW_CAN0 (0U) //!< Instance number for CAN0.
+#define REGS_CAN0_BASE (0x40024000U) //!< Base address for CAN0.
+//! @brief Table of base addresses for CAN instances.
+static const uint32_t __g_regs_CAN_base_addresses[] = {
+        REGS_CAN0_BASE,
+    };
+//! @brief Get the base address of CAN by instance number.
+//! @param x CAN instance number, from 0 through 0.
+#define REGS_CAN_BASE(x) (__g_regs_CAN_base_addresses[(x)])
+//! @brief Get the instance number given a base address.
+//! @param b Base address for an instance of CAN.
+#define REGS_CAN_INSTANCE(b) ((b) == REGS_CAN0_BASE ? HW_CAN0 : 0)
+// HW_CAN_MCR - Module Configuration Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_MCR - Module Configuration Register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0xD890000FU
+ *
+ * This register defines global system configurations, such as the module
+ * operation modes and the maximum message buffer configuration.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_mcr
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_mcr_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t MAXMB : 7;            //!< [6:0] Number Of The Last Message Buffer
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 1;        //!< [7]
+        uint32_t IDAM : 2;             //!< [9:8] ID Acceptance Mode
+        uint32_t RESERVED1 : 2;        //!< [11:10]
+        uint32_t AEN : 1;              //!< [12] Abort Enable
+        uint32_t LPRIOEN : 1;          //!< [13] Local Priority Enable
+        uint32_t RESERVED2 : 2;        //!< [15:14]
+        uint32_t IRMQ : 1;             //!< [16] Individual Rx Masking And Queue Enable
+        uint32_t SRXDIS : 1;           //!< [17] Self Reception Disable
+        uint32_t RESERVED3 : 1;        //!< [18]
+        uint32_t WAKSRC : 1;           //!< [19] Wake Up Source
+        uint32_t LPMACK : 1;           //!< [20] Low-Power Mode Acknowledge
+        uint32_t WRNEN : 1;            //!< [21] Warning Interrupt Enable
+        uint32_t SLFWAK : 1;           //!< [22] Self Wake Up
+        uint32_t SUPV : 1;             //!< [23] Supervisor Mode
+        uint32_t FRZACK : 1;           //!< [24] Freeze Mode Acknowledge
+        uint32_t SOFTRST : 1;          //!< [25] Soft Reset
+        uint32_t WAKMSK : 1;           //!< [26] Wake Up Interrupt Mask
+        uint32_t NOTRDY : 1;           //!< [27] FlexCAN Not Ready
+        uint32_t HALT : 1;             //!< [28] Halt FlexCAN
+        uint32_t RFEN : 1;             //!< [29] Rx FIFO Enable
+        uint32_t FRZ : 1;              //!< [30] Freeze Enable
+        uint32_t MDIS : 1;             //!< [31] Module Disable
+    } B;
+} hw_can_mcr_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_MCR register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_MCR_ADDR(x)       (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x0U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_MCR(x)            (*(__IO hw_can_mcr_t *) HW_CAN_MCR_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_MCR_RD(x)         (HW_CAN_MCR(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_MCR_WR(x, v)      (HW_CAN_MCR(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_MCR_SET(x, v)     (HW_CAN_MCR_WR(x, HW_CAN_MCR_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_MCR_CLR(x, v)     (HW_CAN_MCR_WR(x, HW_CAN_MCR_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_MCR_TOG(x, v)     (HW_CAN_MCR_WR(x, HW_CAN_MCR_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_MCR bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field MAXMB[6:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 7-bit field defines the number of the last Message Buffers that will
+ * take part in the matching and arbitration processes. The reset value (0x0F) is
+ * equivalent to a 16 MB configuration. This field can be written only in Freeze
+ * mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. Number of the last MB =
+ * MAXMB MAXMB must be programmed with a value smaller than the parameter
+ * NUMBER_OF_MB, otherwise the number of the last effective Message Buffer will be:
+ * (NUMBER_OF_MB - 1) Additionally, the value of MAXMB must encompass the FIFO size
+ * defined by CTRL2[RFFN]. MAXMB also impacts the definition of the minimum number
+ * of peripheral clocks per CAN bit as described in Table "Minimum Ratio Between
+ * Peripheral Clock Frequency and CAN Bit Rate" (in Section "Arbitration and
+ * Matching Timing").
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_MAXMB     (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_MAXMB.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_MAXMB     (0x0000007FU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_MAXMB.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_MAXMB     (7U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_MAXMB.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_MAXMB field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_MAXMB.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_MAXMB(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_MAXMB), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_MAXMB)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the MAXMB field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field IDAM[9:8] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 2-bit field identifies the format of the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table
+ * elements. Note that all elements of the table are configured at the same time by this
+ * field (they are all the same format). See Section "Rx FIFO Structure". This
+ * field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in
+ * other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 00 - Format A: One full ID (standard and extended) per ID Filter Table
+ *     element.
+ * - 01 - Format B: Two full standard IDs or two partial 14-bit (standard and
+ *     extended) IDs per ID Filter Table element.
+ * - 10 - Format C: Four partial 8-bit Standard IDs per ID Filter Table element.
+ * - 11 - Format D: All frames rejected.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_IDAM      (8U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_IDAM.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_IDAM      (0x00000300U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_IDAM.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_IDAM      (2U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_IDAM.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_IDAM field.
+#define BR_CAN_MCR_IDAM(x)   (HW_CAN_MCR(x).B.IDAM)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_IDAM.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_IDAM(v)   (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_IDAM), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_IDAM)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the IDAM field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field AEN[12] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit is supplied for backwards compatibility with legacy applications.
+ * When asserted, it enables the Tx abort mechanism. This mechanism guarantees a
+ * safe procedure for aborting a pending transmission, so that no frame is sent in
+ * the CAN bus without notification. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode
+ * because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. When MCR[AEN] is asserted,
+ * only the abort mechanism (see Section "Transmission Abort Mechanism") must be
+ * used for updating Mailboxes configured for transmission. Writing the Abort code
+ * into Rx Mailboxes can cause unpredictable results when the MCR[AEN] is
+ * asserted.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Abort disabled.
+ * - 1 - Abort enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_AEN       (12U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_AEN.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_AEN       (0x00001000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_AEN.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_AEN       (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_AEN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_AEN field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_AEN.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_AEN(v)    (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_AEN), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_AEN)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the AEN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field LPRIOEN[13] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit is provided for backwards compatibility with legacy applications. It
+ * controls whether the local priority feature is enabled or not. It is used to
+ * expand the ID used during the arbitration process. With this expanded ID
+ * concept, the arbitration process is done based on the full 32-bit word, but the
+ * actual transmitted ID still has 11-bit for standard frames and 29-bit for
+ * extended frames. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by
+ * hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Local Priority disabled.
+ * - 1 - Local Priority enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN   (13U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN   (0x00002000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the LPRIOEN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field IRMQ[16] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates whether Rx matching process will be based either on
+ * individual masking and queue or on masking scheme with RXMGMASK, RX14MASK and
+ * RX15MASK, RXFGMASK. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is
+ * blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Individual Rx masking and queue feature are disabled. For backward
+ *     compatibility with legacy applications, the reading of C/S word locks the MB
+ *     even if it is EMPTY.
+ * - 1 - Individual Rx masking and queue feature are enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_IRMQ      (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_IRMQ.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_IRMQ      (0x00010000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_IRMQ.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_IRMQ      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_IRMQ.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_IRMQ field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_IRMQ.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_IRMQ(v)   (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_IRMQ), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_IRMQ)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the IRMQ field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field SRXDIS[17] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit defines whether FlexCAN is allowed to receive frames transmitted by
+ * itself. If this bit is asserted, frames transmitted by the module will not be
+ * stored in any MB, regardless if the MB is programmed with an ID that matches
+ * the transmitted frame, and no interrupt flag or interrupt signal will be
+ * generated due to the frame reception. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode
+ * because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Self reception enabled.
+ * - 1 - Self reception disabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_SRXDIS    (17U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_SRXDIS.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_SRXDIS    (0x00020000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_SRXDIS.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_SRXDIS    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_SRXDIS.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_SRXDIS field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_SRXDIS.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_SRXDIS(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_SRXDIS), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_SRXDIS)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the SRXDIS field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field WAKSRC[19] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit defines whether the integrated low-pass filter is applied to protect
+ * the Rx CAN input from spurious wake up. This bit can be written only in
+ * Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN uses the unfiltered Rx input to detect recessive to dominant
+ *     edges on the CAN bus.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN uses the filtered Rx input to detect recessive to dominant
+ *     edges on the CAN bus.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_WAKSRC    (19U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_WAKSRC.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_WAKSRC    (0x00080000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_WAKSRC.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_WAKSRC    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_WAKSRC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_WAKSRC field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_WAKSRC.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_WAKSRC(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_WAKSRC), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_WAKSRC)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the WAKSRC field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field LPMACK[20] (RO)
+ *
+ * This read-only bit indicates that FlexCAN is in a low-power mode (Disable
+ * mode , Stop mode ). A low-power mode cannot be entered until all current
+ * transmission or reception processes have finished, so the CPU can poll the LPMACK bit
+ * to know when FlexCAN has actually entered low power mode. LPMACK will be
+ * asserted within 180 CAN bits from the low-power mode request by the CPU, and
+ * negated within 2 CAN bits after the low-power mode request removal (see Section
+ * "Protocol Timing").
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN is not in a low-power mode.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN is in a low-power mode.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_LPMACK    (20U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_LPMACK.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_LPMACK    (0x00100000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_LPMACK.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_LPMACK    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_LPMACK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_LPMACK field.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field WRNEN[21] (RW)
+ *
+ * When asserted, this bit enables the generation of the TWRNINT and RWRNINT
+ * flags in the Error and Status Register. If WRNEN is negated, the TWRNINT and
+ * RWRNINT flags will always be zero, independent of the values of the error
+ * counters, and no warning interrupt will ever be generated. This bit can be written
+ * only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - TWRNINT and RWRNINT bits are zero, independent of the values in the
+ *     error counters.
+ * - 1 - TWRNINT and RWRNINT bits are set when the respective error counter
+ *     transitions from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_WRNEN     (21U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_WRNEN.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_WRNEN     (0x00200000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_WRNEN.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_WRNEN     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_WRNEN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_WRNEN field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_WRNEN.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_WRNEN(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_WRNEN), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_WRNEN)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the WRNEN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field SLFWAK[22] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit enables the Self Wake Up feature when FlexCAN is in a low-power mode
+ * other than Disable mode. When this feature is enabled, the FlexCAN module
+ * monitors the bus for wake up event, that is, a recessive-to-dominant transition.
+ * If a wake up event is detected during Stop mode, then FlexCAN generates, if
+ * enabled to do so, a Wake Up interrupt to the CPU so that it can exit Stop mode
+ * globally and FlexCAN can request to resume the clocks. When FlexCAN is in a
+ * low-power mode other than Disable mode, this bit cannot be written as it is
+ * blocked by hardware.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN Self Wake Up feature is disabled.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN Self Wake Up feature is enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_SLFWAK    (22U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_SLFWAK.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_SLFWAK    (0x00400000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_SLFWAK.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_SLFWAK    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_SLFWAK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_SLFWAK field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_SLFWAK.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_SLFWAK(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_SLFWAK), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_SLFWAK)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the SLFWAK field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field SUPV[23] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit configures the FlexCAN to be either in Supervisor or User mode. The
+ * registers affected by this bit are marked as S/U in the Access Type column of
+ * the module memory map. Reset value of this bit is 1, so the affected registers
+ * start with Supervisor access allowance only . This bit can be written only in
+ * Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN is in User mode. Affected registers allow both Supervisor and
+ *     Unrestricted accesses .
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN is in Supervisor mode. Affected registers allow only Supervisor
+ *     access. Unrestricted access behaves as though the access was done to an
+ *     unimplemented register location .
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_SUPV      (23U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_SUPV.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_SUPV      (0x00800000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_SUPV.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_SUPV      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_SUPV.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_SUPV field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_SUPV.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_SUPV(v)   (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_SUPV), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_SUPV)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the SUPV field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field FRZACK[24] (RO)
+ *
+ * This read-only bit indicates that FlexCAN is in Freeze mode and its prescaler
+ * is stopped. The Freeze mode request cannot be granted until current
+ * transmission or reception processes have finished. Therefore the software can poll the
+ * FRZACK bit to know when FlexCAN has actually entered Freeze mode. If Freeze
+ * Mode request is negated, then this bit is negated after the FlexCAN prescaler is
+ * running again. If Freeze mode is requested while FlexCAN is in a low power
+ * mode, then the FRZACK bit will be set only when the low-power mode is exited.
+ * See Section "Freeze Mode". FRZACK will be asserted within 178 CAN bits from the
+ * freeze mode request by the CPU, and negated within 2 CAN bits after the freeze
+ * mode request removal (see Section "Protocol Timing").
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN not in Freeze mode, prescaler running.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN in Freeze mode, prescaler stopped.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_FRZACK    (24U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_FRZACK.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_FRZACK    (0x01000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_FRZACK.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_FRZACK    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_FRZACK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_FRZACK field.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field SOFTRST[25] (RW)
+ *
+ * When this bit is asserted, FlexCAN resets its internal state machines and
+ * some of the memory mapped registers. The following registers are reset: MCR
+ * (except the MDIS bit), TIMER , ECR, ESR1, ESR2, IMASK1, IMASK2, IFLAG1, IFLAG2 and
+ * CRCR. Configuration registers that control the interface to the CAN bus are
+ * not affected by soft reset. The following registers are unaffected: CTRL1,
+ * Message Buffers . The SOFTRST bit can be asserted directly by the CPU when it
+ * writes to the MCR Register, but it is also asserted when global soft reset is
+ * requested at MCU level . Because soft reset is synchronous and has to follow a
+ * request/acknowledge procedure across clock domains, it may take some time to
+ * fully propagate its effect. The SOFTRST bit remains asserted while reset is
+ * pending, and is automatically negated when reset completes. Therefore, software can
+ * poll this bit to know when the soft reset has completed. Soft reset cannot be
+ * applied while clocks are shut down in a low power mode. The module should be
+ * first removed from low power mode, and then soft reset can be applied.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No reset request.
+ * - 1 - Resets the registers affected by soft reset.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_SOFTRST   (25U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_SOFTRST.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_SOFTRST   (0x02000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_SOFTRST.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_SOFTRST   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_SOFTRST.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_SOFTRST field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_SOFTRST.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the SOFTRST field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field WAKMSK[26] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit enables the Wake Up Interrupt generation under Self Wake Up
+ * mechanism.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Wake Up Interrupt is disabled.
+ * - 1 - Wake Up Interrupt is enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_WAKMSK    (26U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_WAKMSK.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_WAKMSK    (0x04000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_WAKMSK.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_WAKMSK    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_WAKMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_WAKMSK field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_WAKMSK.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_WAKMSK(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_WAKMSK), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_WAKMSK)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the WAKMSK field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field NOTRDY[27] (RO)
+ *
+ * This read-only bit indicates that FlexCAN is either in Disable mode , Stop
+ * mode or Freeze mode. It is negated once FlexCAN has exited these modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN module is either in Normal mode, Listen-Only mode or Loop-Back
+ *     mode.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN module is either in Disable mode , Stop mode or Freeze mode.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_NOTRDY    (27U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_NOTRDY.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_NOTRDY    (0x08000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_NOTRDY.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_NOTRDY    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_NOTRDY.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_NOTRDY field.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field HALT[28] (RW)
+ *
+ * Assertion of this bit puts the FlexCAN module into Freeze mode. The CPU
+ * should clear it after initializing the Message Buffers and Control Register. No
+ * reception or transmission is performed by FlexCAN before this bit is cleared.
+ * Freeze mode cannot be entered while FlexCAN is in a low power mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No Freeze mode request.
+ * - 1 - Enters Freeze mode if the FRZ bit is asserted.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_HALT      (28U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_HALT.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_HALT      (0x10000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_HALT.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_HALT      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_HALT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_HALT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_HALT.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_HALT(v)   (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_HALT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_HALT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the HALT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field RFEN[29] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit controls whether the Rx FIFO feature is enabled or not. When RFEN is
+ * set, MBs 0 to 5 cannot be used for normal reception and transmission because
+ * the corresponding memory region (0x80-0xDC) is used by the FIFO engine as well
+ * as additional MBs (up to 32, depending on CTRL2[RFFN] setting) which are used
+ * as Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements. RFEN also impacts the definition of the
+ * minimum number of peripheral clocks per CAN bit as described in the table
+ * "Minimum Ratio Between Peripheral Clock Frequency and CAN Bit Rate" (in section
+ * "Arbitration and Matching Timing"). This bit can be written only in Freeze mode
+ * because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Rx FIFO not enabled.
+ * - 1 - Rx FIFO enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_RFEN      (29U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_RFEN.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_RFEN      (0x20000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_RFEN.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_RFEN      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_RFEN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_RFEN field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_RFEN.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_RFEN(v)   (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_RFEN), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_RFEN)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RFEN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field FRZ[30] (RW)
+ *
+ * The FRZ bit specifies the FlexCAN behavior when the HALT bit in the MCR
+ * Register is set or when Debug mode is requested at MCU level . When FRZ is
+ * asserted, FlexCAN is enabled to enter Freeze mode. Negation of this bit field causes
+ * FlexCAN to exit from Freeze mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Not enabled to enter Freeze mode.
+ * - 1 - Enabled to enter Freeze mode.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_FRZ       (30U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_FRZ.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_FRZ       (0x40000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_FRZ.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_FRZ       (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_FRZ.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_FRZ field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_FRZ.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_FRZ(v)    (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_FRZ), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_FRZ)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the FRZ field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_MCR, field MDIS[31] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit controls whether FlexCAN is enabled or not. When disabled, FlexCAN
+ * disables the clocks to the CAN Protocol Engine and Controller Host Interface
+ * sub-modules. This is the only bit within this register not affected by soft
+ * reset.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Enable the FlexCAN module.
+ * - 1 - Disable the FlexCAN module.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_MCR_MDIS      (31U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_MCR_MDIS.
+#define BM_CAN_MCR_MDIS      (0x80000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_MCR_MDIS.
+#define BS_CAN_MCR_MDIS      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_MCR_MDIS.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_MCR_MDIS field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_MCR_MDIS.
+#define BF_CAN_MCR_MDIS(v)   (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_MCR_MDIS), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_MCR_MDIS)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the MDIS field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_CTRL1 - Control 1 register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_CTRL1 - Control 1 register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register is defined for specific FlexCAN control features related to the
+ * CAN bus, such as bit-rate, programmable sampling point within an Rx bit, Loop
+ * Back mode, Listen-Only mode, Bus Off recovery behavior and interrupt enabling
+ * (Bus-Off, Error, Warning). It also determines the Division Factor for the
+ * clock prescaler.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_ctrl1
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_ctrl1_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t PROPSEG : 3;          //!< [2:0] Propagation Segment
+        uint32_t LOM : 1;              //!< [3] Listen-Only Mode
+        uint32_t LBUF : 1;             //!< [4] Lowest Buffer Transmitted First
+        uint32_t TSYN : 1;             //!< [5] Timer Sync
+        uint32_t BOFFREC : 1;          //!< [6] Bus Off Recovery
+        uint32_t SMP : 1;              //!< [7] CAN Bit Sampling
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 2;        //!< [9:8]
+        uint32_t RWRNMSK : 1;          //!< [10] Rx Warning Interrupt Mask
+        uint32_t TWRNMSK : 1;          //!< [11] Tx Warning Interrupt Mask
+        uint32_t LPB : 1;              //!< [12] Loop Back Mode
+        uint32_t CLKSRC : 1;           //!< [13] CAN Engine Clock Source
+        uint32_t ERRMSK : 1;           //!< [14] Error Mask
+        uint32_t BOFFMSK : 1;          //!< [15] Bus Off Mask
+        uint32_t PSEG2 : 3;            //!< [18:16] Phase Segment 2
+        uint32_t PSEG1 : 3;            //!< [21:19] Phase Segment 1
+        uint32_t RJW : 2;              //!< [23:22] Resync Jump Width
+        uint32_t PRESDIV : 8;          //!< [31:24] Prescaler Division Factor
+    } B;
+} hw_can_ctrl1_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_CTRL1 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1_ADDR(x)     (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x4U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1(x)          (*(__IO hw_can_ctrl1_t *) HW_CAN_CTRL1_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x)       (HW_CAN_CTRL1(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, v)    (HW_CAN_CTRL1(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1_SET(x, v)   (HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1_CLR(x, v)   (HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL1_TOG(x, v)   (HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_CTRL1 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field PROPSEG[2:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 3-bit field defines the length of the Propagation Segment in the bit
+ * time. The valid programmable values are 0-7. This field can be written only in
+ * Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. Propagation
+ * Segment Time = (PROPSEG + 1) * Time-Quanta. Time-Quantum = one Sclock period.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG (0x00000007U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG (3U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the PROPSEG field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field LOM[3] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit configures FlexCAN to operate in Listen-Only mode. In this mode,
+ * transmission is disabled, all error counters are frozen and the module operates
+ * in a CAN Error Passive mode. Only messages acknowledged by another CAN station
+ * will be received. If FlexCAN detects a message that has not been acknowledged,
+ * it will flag a BIT0 error without changing the REC, as if it was trying to
+ * acknowledge the message. Listen-Only mode acknowledgement can be obtained by the
+ * state of ESR1[FLTCONF] field which is Passive Error when Listen-Only mode is
+ * entered. There can be some delay between the Listen-Only mode request and
+ * acknowledge. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by
+ * hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Listen-Only mode is deactivated.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN module operates in Listen-Only mode.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_LOM     (3U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_LOM.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_LOM     (0x00000008U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_LOM.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_LOM     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_LOM.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_LOM field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_LOM.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_LOM(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_LOM), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_LOM)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the LOM field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field LBUF[4] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit defines the ordering mechanism for Message Buffer transmission. When
+ * asserted, the LPRIOEN bit does not affect the priority arbitration. This bit
+ * can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other
+ * modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Buffer with highest priority is transmitted first.
+ * - 1 - Lowest number buffer is transmitted first.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_LBUF    (4U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_LBUF.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_LBUF    (0x00000010U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_LBUF.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_LBUF    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_LBUF.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_LBUF field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_LBUF.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_LBUF(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_LBUF), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_LBUF)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the LBUF field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field TSYN[5] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit enables a mechanism that resets the free-running timer each time a
+ * message is received in Message Buffer 0. This feature provides means to
+ * synchronize multiple FlexCAN stations with a special "SYNC" message, that is, global
+ * network time. If the RFEN bit in MCR is set (Rx FIFO enabled), the first
+ * available Mailbox, according to CTRL2[RFFN] setting, is used for timer
+ * synchronization instead of MB0. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is
+ * blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Timer Sync feature disabled
+ * - 1 - Timer Sync feature enabled
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_TSYN    (5U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_TSYN.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_TSYN    (0x00000020U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_TSYN.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_TSYN    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_TSYN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_TSYN field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_TSYN.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_TSYN(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_TSYN), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_TSYN)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TSYN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field BOFFREC[6] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit defines how FlexCAN recovers from Bus Off state. If this bit is
+ * negated, automatic recovering from Bus Off state occurs according to the CAN
+ * Specification 2.0B. If the bit is asserted, automatic recovering from Bus Off is
+ * disabled and the module remains in Bus Off state until the bit is negated by the
+ * user. If the negation occurs before 128 sequences of 11 recessive bits are
+ * detected on the CAN bus, then Bus Off recovery happens as if the BOFFREC bit had
+ * never been asserted. If the negation occurs after 128 sequences of 11
+ * recessive bits occurred, then FlexCAN will re-synchronize to the bus by waiting for
+ * 11 recessive bits before joining the bus. After negation, the BOFFREC bit can
+ * be re-asserted again during Bus Off, but it will be effective only the next
+ * time the module enters Bus Off. If BOFFREC was negated when the module entered
+ * Bus Off, asserting it during Bus Off will not be effective for the current Bus
+ * Off recovery.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Automatic recovering from Bus Off state enabled, according to CAN Spec
+ *     2.0 part B.
+ * - 1 - Automatic recovering from Bus Off state disabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC (6U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC (0x00000040U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_BOFFREC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BOFFREC field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field SMP[7] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit defines the sampling mode of CAN bits at the Rx input. This bit can
+ * be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other
+ * modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Just one sample is used to determine the bit value.
+ * - 1 - Three samples are used to determine the value of the received bit: the
+ *     regular one (sample point) and 2 preceding samples; a majority rule is
+ *     used.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_SMP     (7U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_SMP.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_SMP     (0x00000080U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_SMP.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_SMP     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_SMP.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_SMP field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_SMP.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_SMP(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_SMP), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_SMP)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the SMP field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field RWRNMSK[10] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit provides a mask for the Rx Warning Interrupt associated with the
+ * RWRNINT flag in the Error and Status Register. This bit is read as zero when
+ * MCR[WRNEN] bit is negated. This bit can be written only if MCR[WRNEN] bit is
+ * asserted.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Rx Warning Interrupt disabled.
+ * - 1 - Rx Warning Interrupt enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK (10U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK (0x00000400U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RWRNMSK field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field TWRNMSK[11] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit provides a mask for the Tx Warning Interrupt associated with the
+ * TWRNINT flag in the Error and Status Register. This bit is read as zero when
+ * MCR[WRNEN] bit is negated. This bit can be written only if MCR[WRNEN] bit is
+ * asserted.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Tx Warning Interrupt disabled.
+ * - 1 - Tx Warning Interrupt enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK (11U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK (0x00000800U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TWRNMSK field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field LPB[12] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit configures FlexCAN to operate in Loop-Back mode. In this mode,
+ * FlexCAN performs an internal loop back that can be used for self test operation.
+ * The bit stream output of the transmitter is fed back internally to the receiver
+ * input. The Rx CAN input pin is ignored and the Tx CAN output goes to the
+ * recessive state (logic 1). FlexCAN behaves as it normally does when transmitting,
+ * and treats its own transmitted message as a message received from a remote
+ * node. In this mode, FlexCAN ignores the bit sent during the ACK slot in the CAN
+ * frame acknowledge field, generating an internal acknowledge bit to ensure proper
+ * reception of its own message. Both transmit and receive interrupts are
+ * generated. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by
+ * hardware in other modes. In this mode, the MCR[SRXDIS] cannot be asserted because
+ * this will impede the self reception of a transmitted message.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Loop Back disabled.
+ * - 1 - Loop Back enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_LPB     (12U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_LPB.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_LPB     (0x00001000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_LPB.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_LPB     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_LPB.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_LPB field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_LPB.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_LPB(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_LPB), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_LPB)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the LPB field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field CLKSRC[13] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit selects the clock source to the CAN Protocol Engine (PE) to be
+ * either the peripheral clock (driven by the PLL) or the crystal oscillator clock.
+ * The selected clock is the one fed to the prescaler to generate the Serial Clock
+ * (Sclock). In order to guarantee reliable operation, this bit can be written
+ * only in Disable mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. See
+ * Section "Protocol Timing".
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The CAN engine clock source is the oscillator clock. Under this
+ *     condition, the oscillator clock frequency must be lower than the bus clock.
+ * - 1 - The CAN engine clock source is the peripheral clock.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC  (13U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC  (0x00002000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the CLKSRC field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field ERRMSK[14] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit provides a mask for the Error Interrupt.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Error interrupt disabled.
+ * - 1 - Error interrupt enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK  (14U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK  (0x00004000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the ERRMSK field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field BOFFMSK[15] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit provides a mask for the Bus Off Interrupt.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Bus Off interrupt disabled.
+ * - 1 - Bus Off interrupt enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK (15U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK (0x00008000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BOFFMSK field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field PSEG2[18:16] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 3-bit field defines the length of Phase Buffer Segment 2 in the bit
+ * time. The valid programmable values are 1-7. This field can be written only in
+ * Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. Phase Buffer
+ * Segment 2 = (PSEG2 + 1) * Time-Quanta.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2   (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2   (0x00070000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2   (3U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2 field.
+#define BR_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(x) (HW_CAN_CTRL1(x).B.PSEG2)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the PSEG2 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(x, v) (HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, (HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x) & ~BM_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2) | BF_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field PSEG1[21:19] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 3-bit field defines the length of Phase Buffer Segment 1 in the bit
+ * time. The valid programmable values are 0-7. This field can be written only in
+ * Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. Phase Buffer
+ * Segment 1 = (PSEG1 + 1) * Time-Quanta.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1   (19U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1   (0x00380000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1   (3U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1 field.
+#define BR_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(x) (HW_CAN_CTRL1(x).B.PSEG1)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the PSEG1 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(x, v) (HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, (HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x) & ~BM_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1) | BF_CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field RJW[23:22] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 2-bit field defines the maximum number of time quanta that a bit time
+ * can be changed by one re-synchronization. One time quantum is equal to the
+ * Sclock period. The valid programmable values are 0-3. This field can be written
+ * only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. Resync Jump
+ * Width = RJW + 1.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_RJW     (22U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_RJW.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_RJW     (0x00C00000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_RJW.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_RJW     (2U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_RJW.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_RJW field.
+#define BR_CAN_CTRL1_RJW(x)  (HW_CAN_CTRL1(x).B.RJW)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_RJW.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL1_RJW(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL1_RJW), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL1_RJW)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RJW field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CTRL1_RJW(x, v) (HW_CAN_CTRL1_WR(x, (HW_CAN_CTRL1_RD(x) & ~BM_CAN_CTRL1_RJW) | BF_CAN_CTRL1_RJW(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL1, field PRESDIV[31:24] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 8-bit field defines the ratio between the PE clock frequency and the
+ * Serial Clock (Sclock) frequency. The Sclock period defines the time quantum of
+ * the CAN protocol. For the reset value, the Sclock frequency is equal to the PE
+ * clock frequency. The Maximum value of this field is 0xFF, that gives a minimum
+ * Sclock frequency equal to the PE clock frequency divided by 256. See Section
+ * "Protocol Timing". This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is
+ * blocked by hardware in other modes. Sclock frequency = PE clock frequency /
+ * (PRESDIV + 1)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV (24U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV (0xFF000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV (8U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the PRESDIV field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_TIMER - Free Running Timer
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_TIMER - Free Running Timer (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register represents a 16-bit free running counter that can be read and
+ * written by the CPU. The timer starts from 0x0 after Reset, counts linearly to
+ * 0xFFFF, and wraps around. The timer is clocked by the FlexCAN bit-clock, which
+ * defines the baud rate on the CAN bus. During a message transmission/reception,
+ * it increments by one for each bit that is received or transmitted. When there
+ * is no message on the bus, it counts using the previously programmed baud
+ * rate. The timer is not incremented during Disable , Stop, and Freeze modes. The
+ * timer value is captured when the second bit of the identifier field of any frame
+ * is on the CAN bus. This captured value is written into the Time Stamp entry
+ * in a message buffer after a successful reception or transmission of a message.
+ * If bit CTRL1[TSYN] is asserted, the Timer is reset whenever a message is
+ * received in the first available Mailbox, according to CTRL2[RFFN] setting. The CPU
+ * can write to this register anytime. However, if the write occurs at the same
+ * time that the Timer is being reset by a reception in the first Mailbox, then
+ * the write value is discarded. Reading this register affects the Mailbox
+ * Unlocking procedure; see Section "Mailbox Lock Mechanism".
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_timer
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_timer_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t TIMER : 16;           //!< [15:0] Timer Value
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 16;       //!< [31:16]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_timer_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_TIMER register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER_ADDR(x)     (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x8U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER(x)          (*(__IO hw_can_timer_t *) HW_CAN_TIMER_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER_RD(x)       (HW_CAN_TIMER(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER_WR(x, v)    (HW_CAN_TIMER(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER_SET(x, v)   (HW_CAN_TIMER_WR(x, HW_CAN_TIMER_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER_CLR(x, v)   (HW_CAN_TIMER_WR(x, HW_CAN_TIMER_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_TIMER_TOG(x, v)   (HW_CAN_TIMER_WR(x, HW_CAN_TIMER_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_TIMER bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_TIMER, field TIMER[15:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * Contains the free-running counter value.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_TIMER_TIMER   (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_TIMER_TIMER.
+#define BM_CAN_TIMER_TIMER   (0x0000FFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_TIMER_TIMER.
+#define BS_CAN_TIMER_TIMER   (16U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_TIMER_TIMER.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_TIMER_TIMER field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_TIMER_TIMER.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TIMER field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_RXMGMASK - Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_RXMGMASK - Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFFU
+ *
+ * This register is located in RAM. RXMGMASK is provided for legacy application
+ * support. When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is negated, RXMGMASK is always in effect. When
+ * the MCR[IRMQ] bit is asserted, RXMGMASK has no effect. RXMGMASK is used to
+ * mask the filter fields of all Rx MBs, excluding MBs 14-15, which have individual
+ * mask registers. This register can only be written in Freeze mode as it is
+ * blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_rxmgmask
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_rxmgmask_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t MG : 32;              //!< [31:0] Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Bits
+    } B;
+} hw_can_rxmgmask_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_RXMGMASK register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_RXMGMASK_ADDR(x)  (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x10U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_RXMGMASK(x)       (*(__IO hw_can_rxmgmask_t *) HW_CAN_RXMGMASK_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_RXMGMASK_WR(x, v) (HW_CAN_RXMGMASK(x).U = (v))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_RXMGMASK bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_RXMGMASK, field MG[31:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * These bits mask the Mailbox filter bits. Note that the alignment with the ID
+ * word of the Mailbox is not perfect as the two most significant MG bits affect
+ * the fields RTR and IDE, which are located in the Control and Status word of
+ * the Mailbox. The following table shows in detail which MG bits mask each Mailbox
+ * filter field. SMB[RTR] RTR bit of the Incoming Frame. It is saved into an
+ * auxiliary MB called Rx Serial Message Buffer (Rx SMB). CTRL2[RRS] CTRL2[EACEN]
+ * Mailbox filter fields MB[RTR] MB[IDE] MB[ID] Reserved 0 - 0 note If the
+ * CTRL2[EACEN] bit is negated, the RTR bit of Mailbox is never compared with the RTR bit
+ * of the incoming frame. note If the CTRL2[EACEN] bit is negated, the IDE bit
+ * of Mailbox is always compared with the IDE bit of the incoming frame. MG[28:0]
+ * MG[31:29] 0 - 1 MG[31] MG[30] MG[28:0] MG[29] 1 0 - - - - MG[31:0] 1 1 0 - -
+ * MG[28:0] MG[31:29] 1 1 1 MG[31] MG[30] MG[28:0] MG[29]
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."
+ * - 1 - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_RXMGMASK_MG   (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_RXMGMASK_MG.
+#define BM_CAN_RXMGMASK_MG   (0xFFFFFFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_RXMGMASK_MG.
+#define BS_CAN_RXMGMASK_MG   (32U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_RXMGMASK_MG.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_RXMGMASK_MG field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_RXMGMASK_MG.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the MG field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_RXMGMASK_MG(x, v) (HW_CAN_RXMGMASK_WR(x, v))
+// HW_CAN_RX14MASK - Rx 14 Mask register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_RX14MASK - Rx 14 Mask register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFFU
+ *
+ * This register is located in RAM. RX14MASK is provided for legacy application
+ * support. When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is asserted, RX14MASK has no effect. RX14MASK
+ * is used to mask the filter fields of Message Buffer 14. This register can only
+ * be programmed while the module is in Freeze mode as it is blocked by hardware
+ * in other modes.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_rx14mask
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_rx14mask_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t RX14M : 32;           //!< [31:0] Rx Buffer 14 Mask Bits
+    } B;
+} hw_can_rx14mask_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_RX14MASK register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK_ADDR(x)  (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x14U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK(x)       (*(__IO hw_can_rx14mask_t *) HW_CAN_RX14MASK_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK_RD(x)    (HW_CAN_RX14MASK(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK_WR(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX14MASK(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK_SET(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX14MASK_WR(x, HW_CAN_RX14MASK_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK_CLR(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX14MASK_WR(x, HW_CAN_RX14MASK_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_RX14MASK_TOG(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX14MASK_WR(x, HW_CAN_RX14MASK_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_RX14MASK bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_RX14MASK, field RX14M[31:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * Each mask bit masks the corresponding Mailbox 14 filter field in the same way
+ * that RXMGMASK masks other Mailboxes' filters. See the description of the
+ * CAN_RXMGMASK register.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."
+ * - 1 - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M (0U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M.
+#define BM_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M (0xFFFFFFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M.
+#define BS_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M (32U)        //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M field.
+#define BR_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M(x) (HW_CAN_RX14MASK(x).U)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M.
+#define BF_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RX14M field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_RX14MASK_RX14M(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX14MASK_WR(x, v))
+// HW_CAN_RX15MASK - Rx 15 Mask register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_RX15MASK - Rx 15 Mask register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFFU
+ *
+ * This register is located in RAM. RX15MASK is provided for legacy application
+ * support. When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is asserted, RX15MASK has no effect. RX15MASK
+ * is used to mask the filter fields of Message Buffer 15. This register can be
+ * programmed only while the module is in Freeze mode because it is blocked by
+ * hardware in other modes.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_rx15mask
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_rx15mask_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t RX15M : 32;           //!< [31:0] Rx Buffer 15 Mask Bits
+    } B;
+} hw_can_rx15mask_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_RX15MASK register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK_ADDR(x)  (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x18U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK(x)       (*(__IO hw_can_rx15mask_t *) HW_CAN_RX15MASK_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK_RD(x)    (HW_CAN_RX15MASK(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK_WR(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX15MASK(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK_SET(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX15MASK_WR(x, HW_CAN_RX15MASK_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK_CLR(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX15MASK_WR(x, HW_CAN_RX15MASK_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_RX15MASK_TOG(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX15MASK_WR(x, HW_CAN_RX15MASK_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_RX15MASK bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_RX15MASK, field RX15M[31:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * Each mask bit masks the corresponding Mailbox 15 filter field in the same way
+ * that RXMGMASK masks other Mailboxes' filters. See the description of the
+ * CAN_RXMGMASK register.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."
+ * - 1 - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M (0U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M.
+#define BM_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M (0xFFFFFFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M.
+#define BS_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M (32U)        //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M field.
+#define BR_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M(x) (HW_CAN_RX15MASK(x).U)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M.
+#define BF_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RX15M field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_RX15MASK_RX15M(x, v) (HW_CAN_RX15MASK_WR(x, v))
+// HW_CAN_ECR - Error Counter
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_ECR - Error Counter (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register has two 8-bit fields reflecting the value of two FlexCAN error
+ * counters: Transmit Error Counter (TXERRCNT field) and Receive Error Counter
+ * (RXERRCNT field). The rules for increasing and decreasing these counters are
+ * described in the CAN protocol and are completely implemented in the FlexCAN
+ * module. Both counters are read-only except in Freeze mode, where they can be
+ * written by the CPU. FlexCAN responds to any bus state as described in the protocol,
+ * for example, transmit Error Active or Error Passive flag, delay its
+ * transmission start time (Error Passive) and avoid any influence on the bus when in Bus
+ * Off state. The following are the basic rules for FlexCAN bus state transitions:
+ * If the value of TXERRCNT or RXERRCNT increases to be greater than or equal to
+ * 128, the FLTCONF field in the Error and Status Register is updated to reflect
+ * 'Error Passive' state. If the FlexCAN state is 'Error Passive', and either
+ * TXERRCNT or RXERRCNT decrements to a value less than or equal to 127 while the
+ * other already satisfies this condition, the FLTCONF field in the Error and
+ * Status Register is updated to reflect 'Error Active' state. If the value of
+ * TXERRCNT increases to be greater than 255, the FLTCONF field in the Error and Status
+ * Register is updated to reflect 'Bus Off' state, and an interrupt may be
+ * issued. The value of TXERRCNT is then reset to zero. If FlexCAN is in 'Bus Off'
+ * state, then TXERRCNT is cascaded together with another internal counter to count
+ * the 128th occurrences of 11 consecutive recessive bits on the bus. Hence,
+ * TXERRCNT is reset to zero and counts in a manner where the internal counter counts
+ * 11 such bits and then wraps around while incrementing the TXERRCNT. When
+ * TXERRCNT reaches the value of 128, the FLTCONF field in the Error and Status
+ * Register is updated to be 'Error Active' and both error counters are reset to zero.
+ * At any instance of dominant bit following a stream of less than 11
+ * consecutive recessive bits, the internal counter resets itself to zero without affecting
+ * the TXERRCNT value. If during system start-up, only one node is operating,
+ * then its TXERRCNT increases in each message it is trying to transmit, as a
+ * result of acknowledge errors (indicated by the ACKERR bit in the Error and Status
+ * Register). After the transition to 'Error Passive' state, the TXERRCNT does not
+ * increment anymore by acknowledge errors. Therefore the device never goes to
+ * the 'Bus Off' state. If the RXERRCNT increases to a value greater than 127, it
+ * is not incremented further, even if more errors are detected while being a
+ * receiver. At the next successful message reception, the counter is set to a value
+ * between 119 and 127 to resume to 'Error Active' state.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_ecr
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_ecr_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t TXERRCNT : 8;         //!< [7:0] Transmit Error Counter
+        uint32_t RXERRCNT : 8;         //!< [15:8] Receive Error Counter
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 16;       //!< [31:16]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_ecr_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_ECR register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_ECR_ADDR(x)       (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x1CU)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_ECR(x)            (*(__IO hw_can_ecr_t *) HW_CAN_ECR_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_ECR_RD(x)         (HW_CAN_ECR(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_ECR_WR(x, v)      (HW_CAN_ECR(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_ECR_SET(x, v)     (HW_CAN_ECR_WR(x, HW_CAN_ECR_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_ECR_CLR(x, v)     (HW_CAN_ECR_WR(x, HW_CAN_ECR_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_ECR_TOG(x, v)     (HW_CAN_ECR_WR(x, HW_CAN_ECR_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_ECR bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_ECR, field TXERRCNT[7:0] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT  (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT.
+#define BM_CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT  (0x000000FFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT.
+#define BS_CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT  (8U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ECR_TXERRCNT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TXERRCNT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_ECR, field RXERRCNT[15:8] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT  (8U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT.
+#define BM_CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT  (0x0000FF00U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT.
+#define BS_CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT  (8U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ECR_RXERRCNT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RXERRCNT field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_ESR1 - Error and Status 1 register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_ESR1 - Error and Status 1 register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register reflects various error conditions, some general status of the
+ * device and it is the source of interrupts to the CPU. The CPU read action
+ * clears bits 15-10. Therefore the reported error conditions (bits 15-10) are those
+ * that occurred since the last time the CPU read this register. Bits 9-3 are
+ * status bits. The following table shows the FlexCAN state variables and their
+ * meanings. Other combinations not shown in the table are reserved. SYNCH IDLE TX RX
+ * FlexCAN State 0 0 0 0 Not synchronized to CAN bus 1 1 x x Idle 1 0 1 0
+ * Transmitting 1 0 0 1 Receiving
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_esr1
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_esr1_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t WAKINT : 1;           //!< [0] Wake-Up Interrupt
+        uint32_t ERRINT : 1;           //!< [1] Error Interrupt
+        uint32_t BOFFINT : 1;          //!< [2] Bus Off Interrupt
+        uint32_t RX : 1;               //!< [3] FlexCAN In Reception
+        uint32_t FLTCONF : 2;          //!< [5:4] Fault Confinement State
+        uint32_t TX : 1;               //!< [6] FlexCAN In Transmission
+        uint32_t IDLE : 1;             //!< [7]
+        uint32_t RXWRN : 1;            //!< [8] Rx Error Warning
+        uint32_t TXWRN : 1;            //!< [9] TX Error Warning
+        uint32_t STFERR : 1;           //!< [10] Stuffing Error
+        uint32_t FRMERR : 1;           //!< [11] Form Error
+        uint32_t CRCERR : 1;           //!< [12] Cyclic Redundancy Check Error
+        uint32_t ACKERR : 1;           //!< [13] Acknowledge Error
+        uint32_t BIT0ERR : 1;          //!< [14] Bit0 Error
+        uint32_t BIT1ERR : 1;          //!< [15] Bit1 Error
+        uint32_t RWRNINT : 1;          //!< [16] Rx Warning Interrupt Flag
+        uint32_t TWRNINT : 1;          //!< [17] Tx Warning Interrupt Flag
+        uint32_t SYNCH : 1;            //!< [18] CAN Synchronization Status
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 13;       //!< [31:19]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_esr1_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_ESR1 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1_ADDR(x)      (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x20U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1(x)           (*(__IO hw_can_esr1_t *) HW_CAN_ESR1_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1_RD(x)        (HW_CAN_ESR1(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1_WR(x, v)     (HW_CAN_ESR1(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1_SET(x, v)    (HW_CAN_ESR1_WR(x, HW_CAN_ESR1_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1_CLR(x, v)    (HW_CAN_ESR1_WR(x, HW_CAN_ESR1_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_ESR1_TOG(x, v)    (HW_CAN_ESR1_WR(x, HW_CAN_ESR1_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_ESR1 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field WAKINT[0] (W1C)
+ *
+ * This field applies when FlexCAN is in low-power mode under Self Wake Up
+ * mechanism: Stop mode When a recessive-to-dominant transition is detected on the CAN
+ * bus and if the MCR[WAKMSK] bit is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU.
+ * This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. When MCR[SLFWAK] is negated, this flag
+ * is masked. The CPU must clear this flag before disabling the bit. Otherwise
+ * it will be set when the SLFWAK is set again. Writing 0 has no effect.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - Indicates a recessive to dominant transition was received on the CAN
+ *     bus.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_WAKINT   (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_WAKINT.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_WAKINT   (0x00000001U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_WAKINT.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_WAKINT   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_WAKINT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_WAKINT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ESR1_WAKINT.
+#define BF_CAN_ESR1_WAKINT(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ESR1_WAKINT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ESR1_WAKINT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the WAKINT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field ERRINT[1] (W1C)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates that at least one of the Error Bits (bits 15-10) is set.
+ * If the corresponding mask bit CTRL1[ERRMSK] is set, an interrupt is generated
+ * to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. Writing 0 has no effect.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - Indicates setting of any Error Bit in the Error and Status Register.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_ERRINT   (1U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_ERRINT.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_ERRINT   (0x00000002U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_ERRINT.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_ERRINT   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_ERRINT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_ERRINT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ESR1_ERRINT.
+#define BF_CAN_ESR1_ERRINT(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ESR1_ERRINT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ESR1_ERRINT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the ERRINT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field BOFFINT[2] (W1C)
+ *
+ * This bit is set when FlexCAN enters 'Bus Off' state. If the corresponding
+ * mask bit in the Control Register (BOFFMSK) is set, an interrupt is generated to
+ * the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. Writing 0 has no effect.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN module entered Bus Off state.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT  (2U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT  (0x00000004U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT.
+#define BF_CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ESR1_BOFFINT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BOFFINT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field RX[3] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates if FlexCAN is receiving a message. See the table in the
+ * overall CAN_ESR1 register description.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN is not receiving a message.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN is receiving a message.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_RX       (3U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_RX.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_RX       (0x00000008U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_RX.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_RX       (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_RX.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_RX field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field FLTCONF[5:4] (RO)
+ *
+ * This 2-bit field indicates the Confinement State of the FlexCAN module. If
+ * the LOM bit in the Control Register is asserted, after some delay that depends
+ * on the CAN bit timing the FLTCONF field will indicate "Error Passive". The very
+ * same delay affects the way how FLTCONF reflects an update to ECR register by
+ * the CPU. It may be necessary up to one CAN bit time to get them coherent
+ * again. Because the Control Register is not affected by soft reset, the FLTCONF
+ * field will not be affected by soft reset if the LOM bit is asserted.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 00 - Error Active
+ * - 01 - Error Passive
+ * - 1x - Bus Off
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF  (4U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF  (0x00000030U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF  (2U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_FLTCONF field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field TX[6] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates if FlexCAN is transmitting a message. See the table in the
+ * overall CAN_ESR1 register description.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN is not transmitting a message.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN is transmitting a message.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_TX       (6U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_TX.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_TX       (0x00000040U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_TX.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_TX       (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_TX.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_TX field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field IDLE[7] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates when CAN bus is in IDLE state. See the table in the
+ * overall CAN_ESR1 register description.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - CAN bus is now IDLE.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_IDLE     (7U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_IDLE.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_IDLE     (0x00000080U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_IDLE.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_IDLE     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_IDLE.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_IDLE field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field RXWRN[8] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates when repetitive errors are occurring during message
+ * reception. This bit is not updated during Freeze mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - RXERRCNT is greater than or equal to 96.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_RXWRN    (8U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_RXWRN.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_RXWRN    (0x00000100U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_RXWRN.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_RXWRN    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_RXWRN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_RXWRN field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field TXWRN[9] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates when repetitive errors are occurring during message
+ * transmission. This bit is not updated during Freeze mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - TXERRCNT is greater than or equal to 96.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_TXWRN    (9U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_TXWRN.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_TXWRN    (0x00000200U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_TXWRN.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_TXWRN    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_TXWRN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_TXWRN field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field STFERR[10] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates that a Stuffing Error has been etected.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - A Stuffing Error occurred since last read of this register.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_STFERR   (10U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_STFERR.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_STFERR   (0x00000400U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_STFERR.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_STFERR   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_STFERR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_STFERR field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field FRMERR[11] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates that a Form Error has been detected by the receiver node,
+ * that is, a fixed-form bit field contains at least one illegal bit.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - A Form Error occurred since last read of this register.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_FRMERR   (11U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_FRMERR.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_FRMERR   (0x00000800U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_FRMERR.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_FRMERR   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_FRMERR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_FRMERR field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field CRCERR[12] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates that a CRC Error has been detected by the receiver node,
+ * that is, the calculated CRC is different from the received.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - A CRC error occurred since last read of this register.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_CRCERR   (12U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_CRCERR.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_CRCERR   (0x00001000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_CRCERR.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_CRCERR   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_CRCERR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_CRCERR field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field ACKERR[13] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates that an Acknowledge Error has been detected by the
+ * transmitter node, that is, a dominant bit has not been detected during the ACK SLOT.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - An ACK error occurred since last read of this register.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_ACKERR   (13U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_ACKERR.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_ACKERR   (0x00002000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_ACKERR.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_ACKERR   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_ACKERR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_ACKERR field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field BIT0ERR[14] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates when an inconsistency occurs between the transmitted and
+ * the received bit in a message.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - At least one bit sent as dominant is received as recessive.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR  (14U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR  (0x00004000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_BIT0ERR field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field BIT1ERR[15] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates when an inconsistency occurs between the transmitted and
+ * the received bit in a message. This bit is not set by a transmitter in case of
+ * arbitration field or ACK slot, or in case of a node sending a passive error
+ * flag that detects dominant bits.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - At least one bit sent as recessive is received as dominant.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR  (15U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR  (0x00008000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_BIT1ERR field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field RWRNINT[16] (W1C)
+ *
+ * If the WRNEN bit in MCR is asserted, the RWRNINT bit is set when the RXWRN
+ * flag transitions from 0 to 1, meaning that the Rx error counters reached 96. If
+ * the corresponding mask bit in the Control Register (RWRNMSK) is set, an
+ * interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. When
+ * WRNEN is negated, this flag is masked. CPU must clear this flag before disabling
+ * the bit. Otherwise it will be set when the WRNEN is set again. Writing 0 has no
+ * effect. This bit is not updated during Freeze mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - The Rx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or
+ *     equal to 96.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT  (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT  (0x00010000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT.
+#define BF_CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ESR1_RWRNINT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RWRNINT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field TWRNINT[17] (W1C)
+ *
+ * If the WRNEN bit in MCR is asserted, the TWRNINT bit is set when the TXWRN
+ * flag transitions from 0 to 1, meaning that the Tx error counter reached 96. If
+ * the corresponding mask bit in the Control Register (TWRNMSK) is set, an
+ * interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. When WRNEN
+ * is negated, this flag is masked. CPU must clear this flag before disabling
+ * the bit. Otherwise it will be set when the WRNEN is set again. Writing 0 has no
+ * effect. This flag is not generated during Bus Off state. This bit is not
+ * updated during Freeze mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No such occurrence.
+ * - 1 - The Tx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or
+ *     equal to 96.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT  (17U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT  (0x00020000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT.
+#define BF_CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ESR1_TWRNINT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TWRNINT field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR1, field SYNCH[18] (RO)
+ *
+ * This read-only flag indicates whether the FlexCAN is synchronized to the CAN
+ * bus and able to participate in the communication process. It is set and
+ * cleared by the FlexCAN. See the table in the overall CAN_ESR1 register description.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - FlexCAN is not synchronized to the CAN bus.
+ * - 1 - FlexCAN is synchronized to the CAN bus.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR1_SYNCH    (18U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR1_SYNCH.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR1_SYNCH    (0x00040000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR1_SYNCH.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR1_SYNCH    (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR1_SYNCH.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR1_SYNCH field.
+// HW_CAN_IMASK1 - Interrupt Masks 1 register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_IMASK1 - Interrupt Masks 1 register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register allows any number of a range of the 32 Message Buffer
+ * Interrupts to be enabled or disabled for MB31 to MB0. It contains one interrupt mask
+ * bit per buffer, enabling the CPU to determine which buffer generates an
+ * interrupt after a successful transmission or reception, that is, when the
+ * corresponding IFLAG1 bit is set.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_imask1
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_imask1_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t BUFLM : 32;           //!< [31:0] Buffer MB i Mask
+    } B;
+} hw_can_imask1_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_IMASK1 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1_ADDR(x)    (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x28U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1(x)         (*(__IO hw_can_imask1_t *) HW_CAN_IMASK1_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1_RD(x)      (HW_CAN_IMASK1(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1_WR(x, v)   (HW_CAN_IMASK1(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1_SET(x, v)  (HW_CAN_IMASK1_WR(x, HW_CAN_IMASK1_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1_CLR(x, v)  (HW_CAN_IMASK1_WR(x, HW_CAN_IMASK1_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_IMASK1_TOG(x, v)  (HW_CAN_IMASK1_WR(x, HW_CAN_IMASK1_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_IMASK1 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_IMASK1, field BUFLM[31:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * Each bit enables or disables the corresponding FlexCAN Message Buffer
+ * Interrupt for MB31 to MB0. Setting or clearing a bit in the IMASK1 Register can
+ * assert or negate an interrupt request, if the corresponding IFLAG1 bit is set.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding buffer Interrupt is disabled.
+ * - 1 - The corresponding buffer Interrupt is enabled.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM  (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM.
+#define BM_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM  (0xFFFFFFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM.
+#define BS_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM  (32U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM field.
+#define BR_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM(x) (HW_CAN_IMASK1(x).U)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM.
+#define BF_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUFLM field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_IMASK1_BUFLM(x, v) (HW_CAN_IMASK1_WR(x, v))
+// HW_CAN_IFLAG1 - Interrupt Flags 1 register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_IFLAG1 - Interrupt Flags 1 register (W1C)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register defines the flags for the 32 Message Buffer interrupts for MB31
+ * to MB0. It contains one interrupt flag bit per buffer. Each successful
+ * transmission or reception sets the corresponding IFLAG1 bit. If the corresponding
+ * IMASK1 bit is set, an interrupt will be generated. The interrupt flag must be
+ * cleared by writing 1 to it. Writing 0 has no effect. The BUF7I to BUF5I flags
+ * are also used to represent FIFO interrupts when the Rx FIFO is enabled. When the
+ * bit MCR[RFEN] is set, the function of the 8 least significant interrupt flags
+ * BUF[7:0]I changes: BUF7I, BUF6I and BUF5I indicate operating conditions of
+ * the FIFO, and the BUF4TO0I field is reserved. Before enabling the RFEN, the CPU
+ * must service the IFLAG bits asserted in the Rx FIFO region; see Section "Rx
+ * FIFO". Otherwise, these IFLAG bits will mistakenly show the related MBs now
+ * belonging to FIFO as having contents to be serviced. When the RFEN bit is negated,
+ * the FIFO flags must be cleared. The same care must be taken when an RFFN
+ * value is selected extending Rx FIFO filters beyond MB7. For example, when RFFN is
+ * 0x8, the MB0-23 range is occupied by Rx FIFO filters and related IFLAG bits
+ * must be cleared. Before updating MCR[MAXMB] field, CPU must service the IFLAG1
+ * bits whose MB value is greater than the MCR[MAXMB] to be updated; otherwise,
+ * they will remain set and be inconsistent with the number of MBs available.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_iflag1
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_iflag1_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t BUF0I : 1;            //!< [0] Buffer MB0 Interrupt Or "reserved"
+        uint32_t BUF4TO1I : 4;         //!< [4:1] Buffer MB i Interrupt Or "reserved"
+        uint32_t BUF5I : 1;            //!< [5] Buffer MB5 Interrupt Or "Frames
+                                       //! available in Rx FIFO"
+        uint32_t BUF6I : 1;            //!< [6] Buffer MB6 Interrupt Or "Rx FIFO Warning"
+        uint32_t BUF7I : 1;            //!< [7] Buffer MB7 Interrupt Or "Rx FIFO
+                                       //! Overflow"
+        uint32_t BUF31TO8I : 24;       //!< [31:8] Buffer MBi Interrupt
+    } B;
+} hw_can_iflag1_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_IFLAG1 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1_ADDR(x)    (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x30U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1(x)         (*(__IO hw_can_iflag1_t *) HW_CAN_IFLAG1_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1_RD(x)      (HW_CAN_IFLAG1(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1_WR(x, v)   (HW_CAN_IFLAG1(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1_SET(x, v)  (HW_CAN_IFLAG1_WR(x, HW_CAN_IFLAG1_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1_CLR(x, v)  (HW_CAN_IFLAG1_WR(x, HW_CAN_IFLAG1_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_IFLAG1_TOG(x, v)  (HW_CAN_IFLAG1_WR(x, HW_CAN_IFLAG1_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_IFLAG1 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_IFLAG1, field BUF0I[0] (W1C)
+ *
+ * When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags
+ * the interrupt for MB0. This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit
+ * MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes. The BUF0I flag is reserved when MCR[RFEN] is
+ * set.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding buffer has no occurrence of successfully completed
+ *     transmission or reception when MCR[RFEN]=0.
+ * - 1 - The corresponding buffer has successfully completed transmission or
+ *     reception when MCR[RFEN]=0.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I  (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I.
+#define BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I  (0x00000001U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I.
+#define BS_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I.
+#define BF_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF0I)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUF0I field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_IFLAG1, field BUF4TO1I[4:1] (W1C)
+ *
+ * When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), these bits flag
+ * the interrupts for MB4 to MB1. These flags are cleared by the FlexCAN whenever
+ * the bit MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes. The BUF4TO1I flags are reserved
+ * when MCR[RFEN] is set.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding buffer has no occurrence of successfully completed
+ *     transmission or reception when MCR[RFEN]=0.
+ * - 1 - The corresponding buffer has successfully completed transmission or
+ *     reception when MCR[RFEN]=0.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I (1U)        //!< Bit position for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I.
+#define BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I (0x0000001EU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I.
+#define BS_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I (4U)        //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I.
+#define BF_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF4TO1I)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUF4TO1I field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_IFLAG1, field BUF5I[5] (W1C)
+ *
+ * When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags
+ * the interrupt for MB5. This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit
+ * MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes. The BUF5I flag represents "Frames available in
+ * Rx FIFO" when MCR[RFEN] is set. In this case, the flag indicates that at
+ * least one frame is available to be read from the Rx FIFO.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No occurrence of MB5 completing transmission/reception when
+ *     MCR[RFEN]=0, or of frame(s) available in the FIFO, when MCR[RFEN]=1
+ * - 1 - MB5 completed transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or frame(s)
+ *     available in the Rx FIFO when MCR[RFEN]=1
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I  (5U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I.
+#define BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I  (0x00000020U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I.
+#define BS_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I.
+#define BF_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF5I)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUF5I field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_IFLAG1, field BUF6I[6] (W1C)
+ *
+ * When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags
+ * the interrupt for MB6. This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit
+ * MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes. The BUF6I flag represents "Rx FIFO Warning"
+ * when MCR[RFEN] is set. In this case, the flag indicates when the number of
+ * unread messages within the Rx FIFO is increased to 5 from 4 due to the reception of
+ * a new one, meaning that the Rx FIFO is almost full. Note that if the flag is
+ * cleared while the number of unread messages is greater than 4, it does not
+ * assert again until the number of unread messages within the Rx FIFO is decreased
+ * to be equal to or less than 4.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No occurrence of MB6 completing transmission/reception when
+ *     MCR[RFEN]=0, or of Rx FIFO almost full when MCR[RFEN]=1
+ * - 1 - MB6 completed transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or Rx FIFO
+ *     almost full when MCR[RFEN]=1
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I  (6U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I.
+#define BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I  (0x00000040U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I.
+#define BS_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I.
+#define BF_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF6I)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUF6I field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_IFLAG1, field BUF7I[7] (W1C)
+ *
+ * When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags
+ * the interrupt for MB7. This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit
+ * MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes. The BUF7I flag represents "Rx FIFO Overflow"
+ * when MCR[RFEN] is set. In this case, the flag indicates that a message was lost
+ * because the Rx FIFO is full. Note that the flag will not be asserted when the
+ * Rx FIFO is full and the message was captured by a Mailbox.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - No occurrence of MB7 completing transmission/reception when
+ *     MCR[RFEN]=0, or of Rx FIFO overflow when MCR[RFEN]=1
+ * - 1 - MB7 completed transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or Rx FIFO
+ *     overflow when MCR[RFEN]=1
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I  (7U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I.
+#define BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I  (0x00000080U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I.
+#define BS_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I.
+#define BF_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF7I)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUF7I field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_IFLAG1, field BUF31TO8I[31:8] (W1C)
+ *
+ * Each bit flags the corresponding FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt for MB31 to
+ * MB8.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding buffer has no occurrence of successfully completed
+ *     transmission or reception.
+ * - 1 - The corresponding buffer has successfully completed transmission or
+ *     reception.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I (8U)       //!< Bit position for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I.
+#define BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I (0xFFFFFF00U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I.
+#define BS_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I (24U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I field.
+#define BR_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I(x) (HW_CAN_IFLAG1(x).B.BUF31TO8I)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I.
+#define BF_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_IFLAG1_BUF31TO8I)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the BUF31TO8I field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_CTRL2 - Control 2 register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_CTRL2 - Control 2 register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00B00000U
+ *
+ * This register contains control bits for CAN errors, FIFO features, and mode
+ * selection.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_ctrl2
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_ctrl2_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 16;       //!< [15:0]
+        uint32_t EACEN : 1;            //!< [16] Entire Frame Arbitration Field
+                                       //! Comparison Enable For Rx Mailboxes
+        uint32_t RRS : 1;              //!< [17] Remote Request Storing
+        uint32_t MRP : 1;              //!< [18] Mailboxes Reception Priority
+        uint32_t TASD : 5;             //!< [23:19] Tx Arbitration Start Delay
+        uint32_t RFFN : 4;             //!< [27:24] Number Of Rx FIFO Filters
+        uint32_t WRMFRZ : 1;           //!< [28] Write-Access To Memory In Freeze Mode
+        uint32_t RESERVED1 : 3;        //!< [31:29]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_ctrl2_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_CTRL2 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2_ADDR(x)     (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x34U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2(x)          (*(__IO hw_can_ctrl2_t *) HW_CAN_CTRL2_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2_RD(x)       (HW_CAN_CTRL2(x).U)
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2_WR(x, v)    (HW_CAN_CTRL2(x).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2_SET(x, v)   (HW_CAN_CTRL2_WR(x, HW_CAN_CTRL2_RD(x) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2_CLR(x, v)   (HW_CAN_CTRL2_WR(x, HW_CAN_CTRL2_RD(x) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_CTRL2_TOG(x, v)   (HW_CAN_CTRL2_WR(x, HW_CAN_CTRL2_RD(x) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_CTRL2 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL2, field EACEN[16] (RW)
+ *
+ * This bit controls the comparison of IDE and RTR bits whithin Rx Mailboxes
+ * filters with their corresponding bits in the incoming frame by the matching
+ * process. This bit does not affect matching for Rx FIFO. This bit can be written
+ * only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Rx Mailbox filter's IDE bit is always compared and RTR is never
+ *     compared despite mask bits.
+ * - 1 - Enables the comparison of both Rx Mailbox filter's IDE and RTR bit with
+ *     their corresponding bits within the incoming frame. Mask bits do apply.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL2_EACEN   (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL2_EACEN.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL2_EACEN   (0x00010000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL2_EACEN.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL2_EACEN   (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL2_EACEN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL2_EACEN field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL2_EACEN.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL2_EACEN(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL2_EACEN), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL2_EACEN)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the EACEN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL2, field RRS[17] (RW)
+ *
+ * If this bit is asserted Remote Request Frame is submitted to a matching
+ * process and stored in the corresponding Message Buffer in the same fashion of a
+ * Data Frame. No automatic Remote Response Frame will be generated. If this bit is
+ * negated the Remote Request Frame is submitted to a matching process and an
+ * automatic Remote Response Frame is generated if a Message Buffer with CODE=0b1010
+ * is found with the same ID. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode
+ * because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Remote Response Frame is generated.
+ * - 1 - Remote Request Frame is stored.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL2_RRS     (17U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL2_RRS.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL2_RRS     (0x00020000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL2_RRS.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL2_RRS     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL2_RRS.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL2_RRS field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL2_RRS.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL2_RRS(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL2_RRS), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL2_RRS)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RRS field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL2, field MRP[18] (RW)
+ *
+ * If this bit is set the matching process starts from the Mailboxes and if no
+ * match occurs the matching continues on the Rx FIFO. This bit can be written
+ * only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Matching starts from Rx FIFO and continues on Mailboxes.
+ * - 1 - Matching starts from Mailboxes and continues on Rx FIFO.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL2_MRP     (18U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL2_MRP.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL2_MRP     (0x00040000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL2_MRP.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL2_MRP     (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL2_MRP.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL2_MRP field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL2_MRP.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL2_MRP(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL2_MRP), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL2_MRP)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the MRP field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL2, field TASD[23:19] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 5-bit field indicates how many CAN bits the Tx arbitration process start
+ * point can be delayed from the first bit of CRC field on CAN bus. This field
+ * can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other
+ * modes. This field is useful to optimize the transmit performance based on
+ * factors such as: peripheral/serial clock ratio, CAN bit timing and number of MBs.
+ * The duration of an arbitration process, in terms of CAN bits, is directly
+ * proportional to the number of available MBs and CAN baud rate and inversely
+ * proportional to the peripheral clock frequency. The optimal arbitration timing is
+ * that in which the last MB is scanned right before the first bit of the
+ * Intermission field of a CAN frame. Therefore, if there are few MBs and the system/serial
+ * clock ratio is high and the CAN baud rate is low then the arbitration can be
+ * delayed and vice-versa. If TASD is 0 then the arbitration start is not
+ * delayed, thus the CPU has less time to configure a Tx MB for the next arbitration,
+ * but more time is reserved for arbitration. On the other hand, if TASD is 24 then
+ * the CPU can configure a Tx MB later and less time is reserved for
+ * arbitration. If too little time is reserved for arbitration the FlexCAN may be not able
+ * to find winner MBs in time to compete with other nodes for the CAN bus. If the
+ * arbitration ends too much time before the first bit of Intermission field then
+ * there is a chance that the CPU reconfigures some Tx MBs and the winner MB is
+ * not the best to be transmitted. The optimal configuration for TASD can be
+ * calculated as: TASD = 25 - {f CANCLK * [MAXMB + 3 - (RFEN * 8) - (RFEN * RFFN *
+ * 2)] * 2} / {f SYS * [1+(PSEG1+1)+(PSEG2+1)+(PROPSEG+1)] * (PRESDIV+1)} where: f
+ * CANCLK is the Protocol Engine (PE) Clock (see section "Protocol Timing"), in
+ * Hz f SYS is the peripheral clock, in Hz MAXMB is the value in CTRL1[MAXMB]
+ * field RFEN is the value in CTRL1[RFEN] bit RFFN is the value in CTRL2[RFFN] field
+ * PSEG1 is the value in CTRL1[PSEG1] field PSEG2 is the value in CTRL1[PSEG2]
+ * field PROPSEG is the value in CTRL1[PROPSEG] field PRESDIV is the value in
+ * CTRL1[PRESDIV] field See Section "Arbitration process" and Section "Protocol
+ * Timing" for more details.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL2_TASD    (19U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL2_TASD.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL2_TASD    (0x00F80000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL2_TASD.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL2_TASD    (5U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL2_TASD.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL2_TASD field.
+#define BR_CAN_CTRL2_TASD(x) (HW_CAN_CTRL2(x).B.TASD)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL2_TASD.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL2_TASD(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL2_TASD), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL2_TASD)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TASD field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL2, field RFFN[27:24] (RW)
+ *
+ * This 4-bit field defines the number of Rx FIFO filters, as shown in the
+ * following table. The maximum selectable number of filters is determined by the MCU.
+ * This field can only be written in Freeze mode as it is blocked by hardware in
+ * other modes. This field must not be programmed with values that make the
+ * number of Message Buffers occupied by Rx FIFO and ID Filter exceed the number of
+ * Mailboxes present, defined by MCR[MAXMB]. Each group of eight filters occupies
+ * a memory space equivalent to two Message Buffers which means that the more
+ * filters are implemented the less Mailboxes will be available. Considering that
+ * the Rx FIFO occupies the memory space originally reserved for MB0-5, RFFN should
+ * be programmed with a value correponding to a number of filters not greater
+ * than the number of available memory words which can be calculated as follows:
+ * (SETUP_MB - 6) * 4 where SETUP_MB is the least between NUMBER_OF_MB and MAXMB.
+ * The number of remaining Mailboxes available will be: (SETUP_MB - 8) - (RFFN *
+ * 2) If the Number of Rx FIFO Filters programmed through RFFN exceeds the
+ * SETUP_MB value (memory space available) the exceeding ones will not be functional.
+ * RFFN[3:0] Number of Rx FIFO filters Message Buffers occupied by Rx FIFO and ID
+ * Filter Table Remaining Available MailboxesThe number of the last remaining
+ * available mailboxes is defined by the least value between the parameter
+ * NUMBER_OF_MB minus 1 and the MCR[MAXMB] field. Rx FIFO ID Filter Table Elements Affected
+ * by Rx Individual MasksIf Rx Individual Mask Registers are not enabled then
+ * all Rx FIFO filters are affected by the Rx FIFO Global Mask. Rx FIFO ID Filter
+ * Table Elements Affected by Rx FIFO Global Mask #rxfgmask-note 0x0 8 MB 0-7 MB
+ * 8-63 Elements 0-7 none 0x1 16 MB 0-9 MB 10-63 Elements 0-9 Elements 10-15 0x2
+ * 24 MB 0-11 MB 12-63 Elements 0-11 Elements 12-23 0x3 32 MB 0-13 MB 14-63
+ * Elements 0-13 Elements 14-31 0x4 40 MB 0-15 MB 16-63 Elements 0-15 Elements 16-39
+ * 0x5 48 MB 0-17 MB 18-63 Elements 0-17 Elements 18-47 0x6 56 MB 0-19 MB 20-63
+ * Elements 0-19 Elements 20-55 0x7 64 MB 0-21 MB 22-63 Elements 0-21 Elements 22-63
+ * 0x8 72 MB 0-23 MB 24-63 Elements 0-23 Elements 24-71 0x9 80 MB 0-25 MB 26-63
+ * Elements 0-25 Elements 26-79 0xA 88 MB 0-27 MB 28-63 Elements 0-27 Elements
+ * 28-87 0xB 96 MB 0-29 MB 30-63 Elements 0-29 Elements 30-95 0xC 104 MB 0-31 MB
+ * 32-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-103 0xD 112 MB 0-33 MB 34-63 Elements 0-31
+ * Elements 32-111 0xE 120 MB 0-35 MB 36-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-119 0xF 128 MB
+ * 0-37 MB 38-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-127
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN    (24U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL2_RFFN.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN    (0x0F000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL2_RFFN.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN    (4U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL2_RFFN.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL2_RFFN field.
+#define BR_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN(x) (HW_CAN_CTRL2(x).B.RFFN)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL2_RFFN.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL2_RFFN)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RFFN field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CTRL2, field WRMFRZ[28] (RW)
+ *
+ * Enable unrestricted write access to FlexCAN memory in Freeze mode. This bit
+ * can only be written in Freeze mode and has no effect out of Freeze mode.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Maintain the write access restrictions.
+ * - 1 - Enable unrestricted write access to FlexCAN memory.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ  (28U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ.
+#define BM_CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ  (0x10000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ.
+#define BS_CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ  (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ.
+#define BF_CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CTRL2_WRMFRZ)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the WRMFRZ field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_ESR2 - Error and Status 2 register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_ESR2 - Error and Status 2 register (RO)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register reflects various interrupt flags and some general status.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_esr2
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_esr2_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 13;       //!< [12:0]
+        uint32_t IMB : 1;              //!< [13] Inactive Mailbox
+        uint32_t VPS : 1;              //!< [14] Valid Priority Status
+        uint32_t RESERVED1 : 1;        //!< [15]
+        uint32_t LPTM : 7;             //!< [22:16] Lowest Priority Tx Mailbox
+        uint32_t RESERVED2 : 9;        //!< [31:23]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_esr2_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_ESR2 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_ESR2_ADDR(x)      (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x38U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_ESR2(x)           (*(__I hw_can_esr2_t *) HW_CAN_ESR2_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_ESR2_RD(x)        (HW_CAN_ESR2(x).U)
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_ESR2 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR2, field IMB[13] (RO)
+ *
+ * If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, this bit indicates whether there is any inactive
+ * Mailbox (CODE field is either 0b1000 or 0b0000). This bit is asserted in the
+ * following cases: During arbitration, if an LPTM is found and it is inactive. If
+ * IMB is not asserted and a frame is transmitted successfully. This bit is
+ * cleared in all start of arbitration (see Section "Arbitration process"). LPTM
+ * mechanism have the following behavior: if an MB is successfully transmitted and
+ * ESR2[IMB]=0 (no inactive Mailbox), then ESR2[VPS] and ESR2[IMB] are asserted and
+ * the index related to the MB just transmitted is loaded into ESR2[LPTM].
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, the ESR2[LPTM] is not an inactive Mailbox.
+ * - 1 - If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, there is at least one inactive Mailbox. LPTM
+ *     content is the number of the first one.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR2_IMB      (13U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR2_IMB.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR2_IMB      (0x00002000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR2_IMB.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR2_IMB      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR2_IMB.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR2_IMB field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR2, field VPS[14] (RO)
+ *
+ * This bit indicates whether IMB and LPTM contents are currently valid or not.
+ * VPS is asserted upon every complete Tx arbitration process unless the CPU
+ * writes to Control and Status word of a Mailbox that has already been scanned, that
+ * is, it is behind Tx Arbitration Pointer, during the Tx arbitration process.
+ * If there is no inactive Mailbox and only one Tx Mailbox that is being
+ * transmitted then VPS is not asserted. VPS is negated upon the start of every Tx
+ * arbitration process or upon a write to Control and Status word of any Mailbox.
+ * ESR2[VPS] is not affected by any CPU write into Control Status (C/S) of a MB that is
+ * blocked by abort mechanism. When MCR[AEN] is asserted, the abort code write
+ * in C/S of a MB that is being transmitted (pending abort), or any write attempt
+ * into a Tx MB with IFLAG set is blocked.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - Contents of IMB and LPTM are invalid.
+ * - 1 - Contents of IMB and LPTM are valid.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR2_VPS      (14U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR2_VPS.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR2_VPS      (0x00004000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR2_VPS.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR2_VPS      (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR2_VPS.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR2_VPS field.
+ * @name Register CAN_ESR2, field LPTM[22:16] (RO)
+ *
+ * If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, this field indicates the lowest number inactive
+ * Mailbox (see the IMB bit description). If there is no inactive Mailbox then the
+ * Mailbox indicated depends on CTRL1[LBUF] bit value. If CTRL1[LBUF] bit is
+ * negated then the Mailbox indicated is the one that has the greatest arbitration
+ * value (see the "Highest priority Mailbox first" section). If CTRL1[LBUF] bit is
+ * asserted then the Mailbox indicated is the highest number active Tx Mailbox. If
+ * a Tx Mailbox is being transmitted it is not considered in LPTM calculation.
+ * If ESR2[IMB] is not asserted and a frame is transmitted successfully, LPTM is
+ * updated with its Mailbox number.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ESR2_LPTM     (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ESR2_LPTM.
+#define BM_CAN_ESR2_LPTM     (0x007F0000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ESR2_LPTM.
+#define BS_CAN_ESR2_LPTM     (7U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ESR2_LPTM.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ESR2_LPTM field.
+#define BR_CAN_ESR2_LPTM(x)  (HW_CAN_ESR2(x).B.LPTM)
+// HW_CAN_CRCR - CRC Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_CRCR - CRC Register (RO)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * This register provides information about the CRC of transmitted messages.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_crcr
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_crcr_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t TXCRC : 15;           //!< [14:0] CRC Transmitted
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 1;        //!< [15]
+        uint32_t MBCRC : 7;            //!< [22:16] CRC Mailbox
+        uint32_t RESERVED1 : 9;        //!< [31:23]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_crcr_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_CRCR register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_CRCR_ADDR(x)      (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x44U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_CRCR(x)           (*(__I hw_can_crcr_t *) HW_CAN_CRCR_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_CRCR_RD(x)        (HW_CAN_CRCR(x).U)
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_CRCR bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_CRCR, field TXCRC[14:0] (RO)
+ *
+ * This field indicates the CRC value of the last message transmitted. This
+ * field is updated at the same time the Tx Interrupt Flag is asserted.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CRCR_TXCRC    (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CRCR_TXCRC.
+#define BM_CAN_CRCR_TXCRC    (0x00007FFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CRCR_TXCRC.
+#define BS_CAN_CRCR_TXCRC    (15U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CRCR_TXCRC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CRCR_TXCRC field.
+ * @name Register CAN_CRCR, field MBCRC[22:16] (RO)
+ *
+ * This field indicates the number of the Mailbox corresponding to the value in
+ * TXCRC field.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CRCR_MBCRC    (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CRCR_MBCRC.
+#define BM_CAN_CRCR_MBCRC    (0x007F0000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CRCR_MBCRC.
+#define BS_CAN_CRCR_MBCRC    (7U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CRCR_MBCRC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CRCR_MBCRC field.
+// HW_CAN_RXFGMASK - Rx FIFO Global Mask register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_RXFGMASK - Rx FIFO Global Mask register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFFU
+ *
+ * This register is located in RAM. If Rx FIFO is enabled RXFGMASK is used to
+ * mask the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements that do not have a corresponding RXIMR
+ * according to CTRL2[RFFN] field setting. This register can only be written in
+ * Freeze mode as it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_rxfgmask
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_rxfgmask_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t FGM : 32;             //!< [31:0] Rx FIFO Global Mask Bits
+    } B;
+} hw_can_rxfgmask_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_RXFGMASK register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_RXFGMASK_ADDR(x)  (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x48U)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_RXFGMASK(x)       (*(__IO hw_can_rxfgmask_t *) HW_CAN_RXFGMASK_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_RXFGMASK_WR(x, v) (HW_CAN_RXFGMASK(x).U = (v))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_RXFGMASK bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_RXFGMASK, field FGM[31:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * These bits mask the ID Filter Table elements bits in a perfect alignment. The
+ * following table shows how the FGM bits correspond to each IDAF field. Rx FIFO
+ * ID Filter Table Elements Format (MCR[IDAM]) Identifier Acceptance Filter
+ * Fields RTR IDE RXIDA RXIDB If MCR[IDAM] field is equivalent to the format B only
+ * the fourteen most significant bits of the Identifier of the incoming frame are
+ * compared with the Rx FIFO filter. RXIDC If MCR[IDAM] field is equivalent to
+ * the format C only the eight most significant bits of the Identifier of the
+ * incoming frame are compared with the Rx FIFO filter. Reserved A FGM[31] FGM[30]
+ * FGM[29:1] - - FGM[0] B FGM[31], FGM[15] FGM[30], FGM[14] - FGM[29:16], FGM[13:0]
+ * - C - - - FGM[31:24], FGM[23:16], FGM[15:8], FGM[7:0]
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."
+ * - 1 - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_RXFGMASK_FGM  (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_RXFGMASK_FGM.
+#define BS_CAN_RXFGMASK_FGM  (32U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_RXFGMASK_FGM.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_RXFGMASK_FGM field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_RXFGMASK_FGM.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the FGM field to a new value.
+// HW_CAN_RXFIR - Rx FIFO Information Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_RXFIR - Rx FIFO Information Register (RO)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * RXFIR provides information on Rx FIFO. This register is the port through
+ * which the CPU accesses the output of the RXFIR FIFO located in RAM. The RXFIR FIFO
+ * is written by the FlexCAN whenever a new message is moved into the Rx FIFO as
+ * well as its output is updated whenever the output of the Rx FIFO is updated
+ * with the next message. See Section "Rx FIFO" for instructions on reading this
+ * register.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_rxfir
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_rxfir_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t IDHIT : 9;            //!< [8:0] Identifier Acceptance Filter Hit
+                                       //! Indicator
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 23;       //!< [31:9]
+    } B;
+} hw_can_rxfir_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_RXFIR register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_RXFIR_ADDR(x)     (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x4CU)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_RXFIR(x)          (*(__I hw_can_rxfir_t *) HW_CAN_RXFIR_ADDR(x))
+#define HW_CAN_RXFIR_RD(x)       (HW_CAN_RXFIR(x).U)
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_RXFIR bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_RXFIR, field IDHIT[8:0] (RO)
+ *
+ * This field indicates which Identifier Acceptance Filter was hit by the
+ * received message that is in the output of the Rx FIFO. If multiple filters match the
+ * incoming message ID then the first matching IDAF found (lowest number) by the
+ * matching process is indicated. This field is valid only while the
+ * IFLAG[BUF5I] is asserted.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT   (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT.
+#define BM_CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT   (0x000001FFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT.
+#define BS_CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT   (9U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT field.
+// HW_CAN_CS - Message Buffer 0 CS Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_CS - Message Buffer 0 CS Register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_cs
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_cs_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t TIME_STAMP : 16;      //!< [15:0] Free-Running Counter Time
+                                       //! stamp. This 16-bit field is a copy of the Free-Running Timer, captured for
+                                       //! Tx and Rx frames at the time when the beginning of the Identifier
+                                       //! field appears on the CAN bus.
+        uint32_t DLC : 4;              //!< [19:16] Length of the data to be
+                                       //! stored/transmitted.
+        uint32_t RTR : 1;              //!< [20] Remote Transmission Request. One/zero for
+                                       //! remote/data frame.
+        uint32_t IDE : 1;              //!< [21] ID Extended. One/zero for
+                                       //! extended/standard format frame.
+        uint32_t SRR : 1;              //!< [22] Substitute Remote Request. Contains a
+                                       //! fixed recessive bit.
+        uint32_t RESERVED0 : 1;        //!< [23] Reserved
+        uint32_t CODE : 4;             //!< [27:24] Reserved
+        uint32_t RESERVED1 : 4;        //!< [31:28] Reserved
+    } B;
+} hw_can_cs_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_CS register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_CS_COUNT (16U)
+#define HW_CAN_CS_ADDR(x, n)     (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x80U + (0x10U * n))
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_CS(x, n)          (*(__IO hw_can_cs_t *) HW_CAN_CS_ADDR(x, n))
+#define HW_CAN_CS_RD(x, n)       (HW_CAN_CS(x, n).U)
+#define HW_CAN_CS_WR(x, n, v)    (HW_CAN_CS(x, n).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_CS_SET(x, n, v)   (HW_CAN_CS_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_CS_RD(x, n) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_CS_CLR(x, n, v)   (HW_CAN_CS_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_CS_RD(x, n) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_CS_TOG(x, n, v)   (HW_CAN_CS_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_CS_RD(x, n) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_CS bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_CS, field TIME_STAMP[15:0] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP.
+#define BM_CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP (0x0000FFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP.
+#define BS_CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP (16U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP field.
+#define BR_CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP(x, n) (HW_CAN_CS(x, n).B.TIME_STAMP)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CS_TIME_STAMP.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the TIME_STAMP field to a new value.
+ * @name Register CAN_CS, field DLC[19:16] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CS_DLC        (16U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CS_DLC.
+#define BM_CAN_CS_DLC        (0x000F0000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CS_DLC.
+#define BS_CAN_CS_DLC        (4U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CS_DLC.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CS_DLC field.
+#define BR_CAN_CS_DLC(x, n)  (HW_CAN_CS(x, n).B.DLC)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CS_DLC.
+#define BF_CAN_CS_DLC(v)     (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CS_DLC), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CS_DLC)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DLC field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CS_DLC(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_CS_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_CS_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_CS_DLC) | BF_CAN_CS_DLC(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_CS, field RTR[20] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CS_RTR        (20U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CS_RTR.
+#define BM_CAN_CS_RTR        (0x00100000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CS_RTR.
+#define BS_CAN_CS_RTR        (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CS_RTR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CS_RTR field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CS_RTR.
+#define BF_CAN_CS_RTR(v)     (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CS_RTR), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CS_RTR)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the RTR field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CS_RTR(x, n, v) (BITBAND_ACCESS32(HW_CAN_CS_ADDR(x, n), BP_CAN_CS_RTR) = (v))
+ * @name Register CAN_CS, field IDE[21] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CS_IDE        (21U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CS_IDE.
+#define BM_CAN_CS_IDE        (0x00200000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CS_IDE.
+#define BS_CAN_CS_IDE        (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CS_IDE.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CS_IDE field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CS_IDE.
+#define BF_CAN_CS_IDE(v)     (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CS_IDE), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CS_IDE)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the IDE field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CS_IDE(x, n, v) (BITBAND_ACCESS32(HW_CAN_CS_ADDR(x, n), BP_CAN_CS_IDE) = (v))
+ * @name Register CAN_CS, field SRR[22] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CS_SRR        (22U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CS_SRR.
+#define BM_CAN_CS_SRR        (0x00400000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CS_SRR.
+#define BS_CAN_CS_SRR        (1U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CS_SRR.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CS_SRR field.
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CS_SRR.
+#define BF_CAN_CS_SRR(v)     (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CS_SRR), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CS_SRR)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the SRR field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CS_SRR(x, n, v) (BITBAND_ACCESS32(HW_CAN_CS_ADDR(x, n), BP_CAN_CS_SRR) = (v))
+ * @name Register CAN_CS, field CODE[27:24] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_CS_CODE       (24U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_CS_CODE.
+#define BM_CAN_CS_CODE       (0x0F000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_CS_CODE.
+#define BS_CAN_CS_CODE       (4U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_CS_CODE.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_CS_CODE field.
+#define BR_CAN_CS_CODE(x, n) (HW_CAN_CS(x, n).B.CODE)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_CS_CODE.
+#define BF_CAN_CS_CODE(v)    (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_CS_CODE), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_CS_CODE)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the CODE field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_CS_CODE(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_CS_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_CS_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_CS_CODE) | BF_CAN_CS_CODE(v)))
+// HW_CAN_ID - Message Buffer 0 ID Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_ID - Message Buffer 0 ID Register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_id
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_id_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t EXT : 18;             //!< [17:0] Contains extended (LOW word)
+                                       //! identifier of message buffer.
+        uint32_t STD : 11;             //!< [28:18] Contains standard/extended (HIGH
+                                       //! word) identifier of message buffer.
+        uint32_t PRIO : 3;             //!< [31:29] Local priority. This 3-bit fieldis
+                                       //! only used when LPRIO_EN bit is set in MCR and it only makes sense for Tx
+                                       //! buffers. These bits are not transmitted. They are appended to the
+                                       //! regular ID to define the transmission priority.
+    } B;
+} hw_can_id_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_ID register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_ID_COUNT (16U)
+#define HW_CAN_ID_ADDR(x, n)     (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x84U + (0x10U * n))
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_ID(x, n)          (*(__IO hw_can_id_t *) HW_CAN_ID_ADDR(x, n))
+#define HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n)       (HW_CAN_ID(x, n).U)
+#define HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, v)    (HW_CAN_ID(x, n).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_ID_SET(x, n, v)   (HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_ID_CLR(x, n, v)   (HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_ID_TOG(x, n, v)   (HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_ID bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_ID, field EXT[17:0] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ID_EXT        (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_ID_EXT.
+#define BM_CAN_ID_EXT        (0x0003FFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ID_EXT.
+#define BS_CAN_ID_EXT        (18U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ID_EXT.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ID_EXT field.
+#define BR_CAN_ID_EXT(x, n)  (HW_CAN_ID(x, n).B.EXT)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ID_EXT.
+#define BF_CAN_ID_EXT(v)     (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ID_EXT), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ID_EXT)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the EXT field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_ID_EXT(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_ID_EXT) | BF_CAN_ID_EXT(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_ID, field STD[28:18] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ID_STD        (18U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ID_STD.
+#define BM_CAN_ID_STD        (0x1FFC0000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ID_STD.
+#define BS_CAN_ID_STD        (11U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ID_STD.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ID_STD field.
+#define BR_CAN_ID_STD(x, n)  (HW_CAN_ID(x, n).B.STD)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ID_STD.
+#define BF_CAN_ID_STD(v)     (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ID_STD), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ID_STD)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the STD field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_ID_STD(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_ID_STD) | BF_CAN_ID_STD(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_ID, field PRIO[31:29] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_ID_PRIO       (29U)         //!< Bit position for CAN_ID_PRIO.
+#define BM_CAN_ID_PRIO       (0xE0000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_ID_PRIO.
+#define BS_CAN_ID_PRIO       (3U)          //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_ID_PRIO.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_ID_PRIO field.
+#define BR_CAN_ID_PRIO(x, n) (HW_CAN_ID(x, n).B.PRIO)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_ID_PRIO.
+#define BF_CAN_ID_PRIO(v)    (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_ID_PRIO), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_ID_PRIO)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the PRIO field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_ID_PRIO(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_ID_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_ID_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_ID_PRIO) | BF_CAN_ID_PRIO(v)))
+// HW_CAN_WORD0 - Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_WORD0 - Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_word0
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_word0_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_3 : 8;      //!< [7:0] Data byte 3 of Rx/Tx frame.
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_2 : 8;      //!< [15:8] Data byte 2 of Rx/Tx frame.
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_1 : 8;      //!< [23:16] Data byte 1 of Rx/Tx frame.
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_0 : 8;      //!< [31:24] Data byte 0 of Rx/Tx frame.
+    } B;
+} hw_can_word0_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_WORD0 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_COUNT (16U)
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_ADDR(x, n)  (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x88U + (0x10U * n))
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n)       (*(__IO hw_can_word0_t *) HW_CAN_WORD0_ADDR(x, n))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n)    (HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n).U)
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_SET(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_CLR(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD0_TOG(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_WORD0 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD0, field DATA_BYTE_3[7:0] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3 (0U)      //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3 (0x000000FFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_3)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_3 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3) | BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_3(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD0, field DATA_BYTE_2[15:8] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2 (8U)      //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2 (0x0000FF00U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_2)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_2 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2) | BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_2(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD0, field DATA_BYTE_1[23:16] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1 (16U)     //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1 (0x00FF0000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_1)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_1 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1) | BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_1(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD0, field DATA_BYTE_0[31:24] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0 (24U)     //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0 (0xFF000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD0(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_0)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_0 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD0_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD0_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0) | BF_CAN_WORD0_DATA_BYTE_0(v)))
+// HW_CAN_WORD1 - Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_WORD1 - Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_word1
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_word1_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_7 : 8;      //!< [7:0] Data byte 7 of Rx/Tx frame.
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_6 : 8;      //!< [15:8] Data byte 6 of Rx/Tx frame.
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_5 : 8;      //!< [23:16] Data byte 5 of Rx/Tx frame.
+        uint32_t DATA_BYTE_4 : 8;      //!< [31:24] Data byte 4 of Rx/Tx frame.
+    } B;
+} hw_can_word1_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_WORD1 register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_COUNT (16U)
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_ADDR(x, n)  (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x8CU + (0x10U * n))
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n)       (*(__IO hw_can_word1_t *) HW_CAN_WORD1_ADDR(x, n))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n)    (HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n).U)
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_SET(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_CLR(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_WORD1_TOG(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_WORD1 bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD1, field DATA_BYTE_7[7:0] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7 (0U)      //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7 (0x000000FFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_7)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_7 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7) | BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_7(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD1, field DATA_BYTE_6[15:8] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6 (8U)      //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6 (0x0000FF00U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_6)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_6 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6) | BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_6(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD1, field DATA_BYTE_5[23:16] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5 (16U)     //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5 (0x00FF0000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_5)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_5 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5) | BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_5(v)))
+ * @name Register CAN_WORD1, field DATA_BYTE_4[31:24] (RW)
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4 (24U)     //!< Bit position for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4.
+#define BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4 (0xFF000000U) //!< Bit mask for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4.
+#define BS_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4 (8U)      //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4 field.
+#define BR_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4(x, n) (HW_CAN_WORD1(x, n).B.DATA_BYTE_4)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4.
+#define BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4(v) (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the DATA_BYTE_4 field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_WORD1_WR(x, n, (HW_CAN_WORD1_RD(x, n) & ~BM_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4) | BF_CAN_WORD1_DATA_BYTE_4(v)))
+// HW_CAN_RXIMRn - Rx Individual Mask Registers
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+ * @brief HW_CAN_RXIMRn - Rx Individual Mask Registers (RW)
+ *
+ * Reset value: 0x00000000U
+ *
+ * These registers are located in RAM. RXIMR are used as acceptance masks for ID
+ * filtering in Rx MBs and the Rx FIFO. If the Rx FIFO is not enabled, one mask
+ * register is provided for each available Mailbox, providing ID masking
+ * capability on a per Mailbox basis. When the Rx FIFO is enabled (MCR[RFEN] bit is
+ * asserted), up to 32 Rx Individual Mask Registers can apply to the Rx FIFO ID Filter
+ * Table elements on a one-to-one correspondence depending on the setting of
+ * CTRL2[RFFN]. RXIMR can only be written by the CPU while the module is in Freeze
+ * mode; otherwise, they are blocked by hardware. The Individual Rx Mask Registers
+ * are not affected by reset and must be explicitly initialized prior to any
+ * reception.
+ */
+typedef union _hw_can_rximrn
+    uint32_t U;
+    struct _hw_can_rximrn_bitfields
+    {
+        uint32_t MI : 32;              //!< [31:0] Individual Mask Bits
+    } B;
+} hw_can_rximrn_t;
+ * @name Constants and macros for entire CAN_RXIMRn register
+ */
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_COUNT (16U)
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_ADDR(x, n) (REGS_CAN_BASE(x) + 0x880U + (0x4U * n))
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn(x, n)      (*(__IO hw_can_rximrn_t *) HW_CAN_RXIMRn_ADDR(x, n))
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_RD(x, n)   (HW_CAN_RXIMRn(x, n).U)
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_WR(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_RXIMRn(x, n).U = (v))
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_SET(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_RXIMRn_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_RXIMRn_RD(x, n) |  (v)))
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_CLR(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_RXIMRn_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_RXIMRn_RD(x, n) & ~(v)))
+#define HW_CAN_RXIMRn_TOG(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_RXIMRn_WR(x, n, HW_CAN_RXIMRn_RD(x, n) ^  (v)))
+ * Constants & macros for individual CAN_RXIMRn bitfields
+ */
+ * @name Register CAN_RXIMRn, field MI[31:0] (RW)
+ *
+ * Each Individual Mask Bit masks the corresponding bit in both the Mailbox
+ * filter and Rx FIFO ID Filter Table element in distinct ways. For Mailbox filters,
+ * see the RXMGMASK register description. For Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements,
+ * see the RXFGMASK register description.
+ *
+ * Values:
+ * - 0 - The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."
+ * - 1 - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.
+ */
+#define BP_CAN_RXIMRn_MI     (0U)          //!< Bit position for CAN_RXIMRn_MI.
+#define BM_CAN_RXIMRn_MI     (0xFFFFFFFFU) //!< Bit mask for CAN_RXIMRn_MI.
+#define BS_CAN_RXIMRn_MI     (32U)         //!< Bit field size in bits for CAN_RXIMRn_MI.
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Read current value of the CAN_RXIMRn_MI field.
+#define BR_CAN_RXIMRn_MI(x, n) (HW_CAN_RXIMRn(x, n).U)
+//! @brief Format value for bitfield CAN_RXIMRn_MI.
+#define BF_CAN_RXIMRn_MI(v)  (__REG_VALUE_TYPE((__REG_VALUE_TYPE((v), uint32_t) << BP_CAN_RXIMRn_MI), uint32_t) & BM_CAN_RXIMRn_MI)
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+//! @brief Set the MI field to a new value.
+#define BW_CAN_RXIMRn_MI(x, n, v) (HW_CAN_RXIMRn_WR(x, n, v))
+// hw_can_t - module struct
+ * @brief All CAN module registers.
+ */
+#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ASM__
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct _hw_can
+    __IO hw_can_mcr_t MCR;                 //!< [0x0] Module Configuration Register
+    __IO hw_can_ctrl1_t CTRL1;             //!< [0x4] Control 1 register
+    __IO hw_can_timer_t TIMER;             //!< [0x8] Free Running Timer
+    uint8_t _reserved0[4];
+    __IO hw_can_rxmgmask_t RXMGMASK;       //!< [0x10] Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register
+    __IO hw_can_rx14mask_t RX14MASK;       //!< [0x14] Rx 14 Mask register
+    __IO hw_can_rx15mask_t RX15MASK;       //!< [0x18] Rx 15 Mask register
+    __IO hw_can_ecr_t ECR;                 //!< [0x1C] Error Counter
+    __IO hw_can_esr1_t ESR1;               //!< [0x20] Error and Status 1 register
+    uint8_t _reserved1[4];
+    __IO hw_can_imask1_t IMASK1;           //!< [0x28] Interrupt Masks 1 register
+    uint8_t _reserved2[4];
+    __IO hw_can_iflag1_t IFLAG1;           //!< [0x30] Interrupt Flags 1 register
+    __IO hw_can_ctrl2_t CTRL2;             //!< [0x34] Control 2 register
+    __I hw_can_esr2_t ESR2;                //!< [0x38] Error and Status 2 register
+    uint8_t _reserved3[8];
+    __I hw_can_crcr_t CRCR;                //!< [0x44] CRC Register
+    __IO hw_can_rxfgmask_t RXFGMASK;       //!< [0x48] Rx FIFO Global Mask register
+    __I hw_can_rxfir_t RXFIR;              //!< [0x4C] Rx FIFO Information Register
+    uint8_t _reserved4[48];
+    struct {
+        __IO hw_can_cs_t CS;               //!< [0x80] Message Buffer 0 CS Register
+        __IO hw_can_id_t ID;               //!< [0x84] Message Buffer 0 ID Register
+        __IO hw_can_word0_t WORD0;         //!< [0x88] Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register
+        __IO hw_can_word1_t WORD1;         //!< [0x8C] Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register
+    } MB[16];
+    uint8_t _reserved5[1792];
+    __IO hw_can_rximrn_t RXIMRn[16];       //!< [0x880] Rx Individual Mask Registers
+} hw_can_t;
+#pragma pack()
+//! @brief Macro to access all CAN registers.
+//! @param x CAN instance number.
+//! @return Reference (not a pointer) to the registers struct. To get a pointer to the struct,
+//!     use the '&' operator, like <code>&HW_CAN(0)</code>.
+#define HW_CAN(x)      (*(hw_can_t *) REGS_CAN_BASE(x))
+#endif // __HW_CAN_REGISTERS_H__
+// v22/130726/0.9
+// EOF