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--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_MCU_NRF51822/us_ticker.c	Fri Mar 20 09:15:08 2015 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_MCU_NRF51822/us_ticker.c	Fri Mar 20 09:30:08 2015 +0000
@@ -14,14 +14,157 @@
  * limitations under the License.
 #include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 #include "us_ticker_api.h"
 #include "cmsis.h"
 #include "PeripheralNames.h"
-#include "app_timer.h"
+#include "nrf_delay.h"
+ * Note: The micro-second timer API on the nRF51 platform is implemented using
+ * the RTC counter run at 32kHz (sourced from an external oscillator). This is
+ * a trade-off between precision and power. Running a normal 32-bit MCU counter
+ * at high frequency causes the average power consumption to rise to a few
+ * hundred micro-amps, which is prohibitive for typical low-power BLE
+ * applications.
+ * A 32kHz clock doesn't offer the precision needed for keeping u-second time,
+ * but we're assuming that this will not be a problem for the average user.
+ */
+#define MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL     0x00FFFFFF               /**< Maximum value of the RTC counter. */
+#define RTC_CLOCK_FREQ          (uint32_t)(32768)
+#define RTC1_IRQ_PRI            3                        /**< Priority of the RTC1 interrupt (used
+                                                          *  for checking for timeouts and executing
+                                                          *  timeout handlers). This must be the same
+                                                          *  as APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW; taken from the
+                                                          *  Nordic SDK. */
+#define MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY     47                       /**< Maximum delay until an RTC task is executed. */
+#define FUZZY_RTC_TICKS          2  /* RTC COMPARE occurs when a CC register is N and the RTC
+                                     * COUNTER value transitions from N-1 to N. If we're trying to
+                                     * setup a callback for a time which will arrive very shortly,
+                                     * there are limits to how short the callback interval may be for us
+                                     * to rely upon the RTC Compare trigger. If the COUNTER is N,
+                                     * writing N+2 to a CC register is guaranteed to trigger a COMPARE
+                                     * event at N+2. */
+#define MICROSECONDS_TO_RTC_UNITS(MICROS)    ((((uint64_t)(MICROS) * RTC_CLOCK_FREQ) + 999999) / 1000000)
+static bool              us_ticker_inited = false;
+static volatile uint32_t overflowCount;                   /**< The number of times the 24-bit RTC counter has overflowed. */
+static volatile bool     us_ticker_callbackPending = false;
+static uint32_t          us_ticker_callbackTimestamp;
+static inline void rtc1_enableCompareInterrupt(void)
+static inline void rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt(void)
+static inline void rtc1_enableOverflowInterrupt(void)
+static inline void rtc1_disableOverflowInterrupt(void)
+static inline void invokeCallback(void)
+    us_ticker_callbackPending = false;
+    rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt();
+    us_ticker_irq_handler();
-static bool           us_ticker_inited          = false;
-static volatile bool  us_ticker_appTimerRunning = false;
-static app_timer_id_t us_ticker_appTimerID      = TIMER_NULL;
+ * @brief Function for starting the RTC1 timer. The RTC timer is expected to
+ * keep running--some interrupts may be disabled temporarily.
+ */
+static void rtc1_start()
+    NRF_RTC1->PRESCALER = 0; /* for no pre-scaling. */
+    rtc1_enableOverflowInterrupt();
+    NVIC_SetPriority(RTC1_IRQn, RTC1_IRQ_PRI);
+    NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(RTC1_IRQn);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC1_IRQn);
+    nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY);
+ * @brief Function for stopping the RTC1 timer. We don't expect to call this.
+ */
+void rtc1_stop(void)
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(RTC1_IRQn);
+    rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt();
+    rtc1_disableOverflowInterrupt();
+    NRF_RTC1->TASKS_STOP = 1;
+    nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY);
+    nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY);
+ * @brief Function for returning the current value of the RTC1 counter.
+ *
+ * @return Current RTC1 counter as a 64-bit value with 56-bit precision (even
+ *         though the underlying counter is 24-bit)
+ */
+static inline uint64_t rtc1_getCounter64(void)
+        overflowCount++;
+        NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW = 0;
+    }
+    return ((uint64_t)overflowCount << 24) | NRF_RTC1->COUNTER;
+ * @brief Function for returning the current value of the RTC1 counter.
+ *
+ * @return Current RTC1 counter as a 32-bit value (even though the underlying counter is 24-bit)
+ */
+static inline uint32_t rtc1_getCounter(void)
+    return rtc1_getCounter64();
+ * @brief Function for handling the RTC1 interrupt.
+ *
+ * @details Checks for timeouts, and executes timeout handlers for expired timers.
+ */
+void RTC1_IRQHandler(void)
+        overflowCount++;
+        NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW = 0;
+    }
+    if (NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] && us_ticker_callbackPending && ((int)(us_ticker_callbackTimestamp - rtc1_getCounter()) <= 0)) {
+        NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] = 0;
+        NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR          = RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Msk;
+        invokeCallback();
+    }
 void us_ticker_init(void)
@@ -29,7 +172,7 @@
+    rtc1_start();
     us_ticker_inited = true;
@@ -39,71 +182,91 @@
-    uint64_t value;
-    app_timer_cnt_get(&value); /* This returns the RTC counter (which is fed by the 32khz crystal clock source) */
-    return ((value * 1000000) / (uint32_t)APP_TIMER_CLOCK_FREQ); /* Return a pseudo microsecond counter value.
-                                                                  * This is only as precise as the 32khz low-freq
-                                                                  * clock source, but could be adequate.*/
+    /* Return a pseudo microsecond counter value. This is only as precise as the
+     * 32khz low-freq clock source, but could be adequate.*/
+    return RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS(rtc1_getCounter64());
-/* An adaptor to interface us_ticker_irq_handler with the app_timer callback.
- * Needed because the irq_handler() doesn't take any parameter.*/
-static void us_ticker_app_timer_callback(void *context)
-    us_ticker_appTimerRunning = false;
-    us_ticker_irq_handler();
+ * Setup the us_ticker callback interrupt to go at the given timestamp.
+ *
+ * @Note: Only one callback is pending at any time.
+ *
+ * @Note: If a callback is pending, and this function is called again, the new
+ * callback-time overrides the existing callback setting. It is the caller's
+ * responsibility to ensure that this function is called to setup a callback for
+ * the earliest timeout.
+ *
+ * @Note: If this function is used to setup an interrupt which is immediately
+ * pending--such as for 'now' or a time in the past,--then the callback is
+ * invoked a few ticks later.
+ */
 void us_ticker_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp)
     if (!us_ticker_inited) {
-    if (us_ticker_appTimerID == TIMER_NULL) {
-        if (app_timer_create(&us_ticker_appTimerID, APP_TIMER_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT, us_ticker_app_timer_callback) != NRF_SUCCESS) {
-            /* placeholder to do something to recover from error */
-            return;
-        }
+    /*
+     * The argument to this function is a 32-bit microsecond timestamp for when
+     * a callback should be invoked. On the nRF51, we use an RTC timer running
+     * at 32kHz to implement a low-power us-ticker. This results in a problem
+     * based on the fact that 1000000 is not a multiple of 32768.
+     *
+     * Going from a micro-second based timestamp to a 32kHz based RTC-time is a
+     * linear mapping; but this mapping doesn't preserve wraparounds--i.e. when
+     * the 32-bit micro-second timestamp wraps around unfortunately the
+     * underlying RTC counter doesn't. The result is that timestamp expiry
+     * checks on micro-second timestamps don't yield the same result when
+     * applied on the corresponding RTC timestamp values.
+     *
+     * One solution is to translate the incoming 32-bit timestamp into a virtual
+     * 64-bit timestamp based on the knowledge of system-uptime, and then use
+     * this wraparound-free 64-bit value to do a linear mapping to RTC time.
+     * System uptime on an nRF is maintained using the 24-bit RTC counter. We
+     * track the overflow count to extend the 24-bit hardware counter by an
+     * additional 32 bits. RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS() converts this into
+     * microsecond units (in 64-bits).
+     */
+    const uint64_t currentTime64 = RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS(rtc1_getCounter64());
+    uint64_t timestamp64 = (currentTime64 & ~(uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFULL) + timestamp;
+    if (((uint32_t)currentTime64 > 0x80000000) && (timestamp < 0x80000000)) {
+        timestamp64 += (uint64_t)0x100000000ULL;
+    uint32_t newCallbackTime = MICROSECONDS_TO_RTC_UNITS(timestamp64);
-    if (us_ticker_appTimerRunning) {
+    /* Check for repeat setup of an existing callback. This is actually not
+     * important; the following code should work even without this check. */
+    if (us_ticker_callbackPending && (newCallbackTime == us_ticker_callbackTimestamp)) {
-    uint64_t currentCounter64;
-    app_timer_cnt_get(&currentCounter64);
-    uint32_t currentCounter = currentCounter64 & MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL;
-    uint32_t targetCounter = ((uint32_t)((timestamp * (uint64_t)APP_TIMER_CLOCK_FREQ) / 1000000) + 1) & MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL;
-    uint32_t ticksToCount = (targetCounter >= currentCounter) ?
-                             (targetCounter - currentCounter) : (MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL + 1) - (currentCounter - targetCounter);
-    if (ticksToCount < APP_TIMER_MIN_TIMEOUT_TICKS) { /* Honour the minimum value of the timeout_ticks parameter of app_timer_start() */
-        ticksToCount = APP_TIMER_MIN_TIMEOUT_TICKS;
+    /* Check for callbacks which are immediately (or will *very* shortly become) pending.
+     * Even if they are immediately pending, they are scheduled to trigger a few
+     * ticks later. This keeps things simple by invoking the callback from an
+     * independent interrupt context. */
+    if ((int)(newCallbackTime - rtc1_getCounter()) <= (int)FUZZY_RTC_TICKS) {
+        newCallbackTime = rtc1_getCounter() + FUZZY_RTC_TICKS;
-    uint32_t rc;
-    rc = app_timer_start(us_ticker_appTimerID, ticksToCount, NULL /*p_context*/);
-    if (rc != NRF_SUCCESS) {
-        /* placeholder to do something to recover from error */
-        return;
+    NRF_RTC1->CC[0]             = newCallbackTime & MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL;
+    us_ticker_callbackTimestamp = newCallbackTime;
+    if (!us_ticker_callbackPending) {
+        us_ticker_callbackPending = true;
+        rtc1_enableCompareInterrupt();
-    us_ticker_appTimerRunning = true;
 void us_ticker_disable_interrupt(void)
-    if (us_ticker_appTimerRunning) {
-        if (app_timer_stop(us_ticker_appTimerID) == NRF_SUCCESS) {
-            us_ticker_appTimerRunning = false;
-        }
+    if (us_ticker_callbackPending) {
+        rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt();
+        us_ticker_callbackPending = false;
 void us_ticker_clear_interrupt(void)
-    if (us_ticker_appTimerRunning) {
-        if (app_timer_stop(us_ticker_appTimerID) == NRF_SUCCESS) {
-            us_ticker_appTimerRunning = false;
-        }
-    }
+    NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW     = 0;