This function desactivates the user interrupt handler when a character is received to analyze the response from the wifi module. Useful to send a command to the module and wait a response.
string to be sent
string length
string which must be acknowledge by the wifi module. If ACK == NULL, no string has to be acknoledged. (default: "NO")
this field will contain the response from the wifi module, result of a command sent. This field is available only if ACK = "NO" AND res != NULL (default: NULL)
true if ACK has been found in the response from the wifi module. False otherwise or if there is no response in 5s.
Check if the module is in command mode. If not enter in command mode
string to be sent
string which must be acknowledge by the wifi module. If ACK == NULL, no string has to be acknoledged. (default: "NO")
this field will contain the response from the wifi module, result of a command sent. This field is available only if ACK = "NO" AND res != NULL (default: NULL)
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