USB device stack

Dependents:   mbed-mX-USB-TEST1 USBMSD_SD_HID_HelloWorld HidTest MIDI_usb_bridge ... more

Issue: Compile error on Nucleo-L152RE Board

Files for TARGET_NUCLEO_L152RE are missing - mostly USBHAL_NUCLEO_L152RE.cpp/h.


29 Sep 2014

What error does it show? Is the target not supported? Please provide more detailed issue report.

29 Sep 2014

Martin, the compile runs to line 49 in USBEndpoints.h and then #error "Unknown target type"

05 Nov 2014

I just ran into the same error on an LPC4088. It turns out the libraries included with the examples are dated and don't include more recent devices. I had to delete the old libraries (USBDevice and mbed) and re-download them.

That let me compile.

Now if I could just figure out how to set a baud rate...