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DeviceUvision Class Reference

DeviceUvision Class Reference

Inherits tools::export::cmsis::DeviceCMSIS.

Public Member Functions

def uv_debug
def generate_flash_dll
def vendor_debug
def cpu_cmsis

Detailed Description

Uvision Device class, inherits CMSIS Device class

Encapsulates information necessary for uvision project targets

Definition at line 18 of file export/uvision/__init__.py.

Member Function Documentation

def cpu_cmsis (   cpu ) [inherited]
Transforms information from targets.json to the way the generic cores are named
in CMSIS PDSC files.
Cortex-M4F => ARMCM4_FP, Cortex-M0+ => ARMCM0P
Returns formatted CPU

Definition at line 89 of file export/cmsis/__init__.py.

def generate_flash_dll (   self )
Flash DLL string from uvision
S = SW/JTAG Clock ID
C = CPU index in JTAG chain
P = Access Port
For the Options for Target -> Debug tab -> settings -> "Flash" tab in the dialog:
FD = RAM Start for Flash Functions
FC = RAM Size for Flash Functions
FN = Number of Flash types
FF = Flash File Name (without an extension)
FS = Start Address of the Flash Device
FL = Size of the Flash Device
FP = Full path to the Device algorithm (RTE)

Necessary to flash some targets. Info gathered from algorithms field of pdsc file.

Definition at line 53 of file export/uvision/__init__.py.

def uv_debug (   self )
Return a namedtuple of information about uvision debug settings

Definition at line 32 of file export/uvision/__init__.py.

def vendor_debug (   self,
) [inherited]
Reads the vendor from a PDSC <dvendor> tag.
This tag contains some additional numeric information that is meaningless
for our purposes, so we use a regex to filter.

Positional arguments:
Vendor - information in <dvendor> tag scraped from ArmPackManager

Returns a tuple of (debugger, vendor)

Definition at line 68 of file export/cmsis/__init__.py.