Rtos API example

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00001 import os
00002 from os.path import sep, normpath, join, exists
00003 import ntpath
00004 import copy
00005 from collections import namedtuple
00006 import shutil
00007 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
00008 import re
00010 from tools.arm_pack_manager import Cache
00011 from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
00012 from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, apply_supported_whitelist
00013 from tools.export.cmsis import DeviceCMSIS
00015 cache_d = False
00018 class DeviceUvision (DeviceCMSIS ):
00019     """Uvision Device class, inherits CMSIS Device class
00021     Encapsulates information necessary for uvision project targets"""
00022     def __init__(self, target):
00023         DeviceCMSIS.__init__(self, target)
00024         dev_format = "$$Device:{0}${1}"
00025         self.svd  = ''
00026         if self.debug_svd:
00027             self.svd  = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.debug_svd)
00028         self.reg_file  = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.compile_header)
00029         self.debug_interface  = self.uv_debug ()
00030         self.flash_dll  = self.generate_flash_dll ()
00032     def uv_debug (self):
00033         """Return a namedtuple of information about uvision debug settings"""
00034         UVDebug = namedtuple('UVDebug',['bin_loc','core_flag', 'key'])
00036         # CortexMXn => pCMX
00037         cpu = self.core.replace("Cortex-", "C")
00038         cpu = cpu.replace("+", "")
00039         cpu = cpu.replace("F", "")
00040         cpu_flag = "p"+cpu
00042         # Locations found in Keil_v5/TOOLS.INI
00043         debuggers = {"st-link": ('STLink\\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll', 'ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO'),
00044                      "j-link":('Segger\\JL2CM3.dll', 'JL2CM3'),
00045                      "cmsis-dap":('BIN\\CMSIS_AGDI.dll', 'CMSIS_AGDI'),
00046                      "nulink":('NULink\\Nu_Link.dll','Nu_Link')}
00047         res = debuggers[self.debug.lower()]
00048         binary = res[0]
00049         key = res[1]
00051         return UVDebug(binary, cpu_flag, key)
00053     def generate_flash_dll (self):
00054         '''Flash DLL string from uvision
00055         S = SW/JTAG Clock ID
00056         C = CPU index in JTAG chain
00057         P = Access Port
00058         For the Options for Target -> Debug tab -> settings -> "Flash" tab in the dialog:
00059         FD = RAM Start for Flash Functions
00060         FC = RAM Size for Flash Functions
00061         FN = Number of Flash types
00062         FF = Flash File Name (without an extension)
00063         FS = Start Address of the Flash Device
00064         FL = Size of the Flash Device
00065         FP = Full path to the Device algorithm (RTE)
00067         Necessary to flash some targets. Info gathered from algorithms field of pdsc file.
00068         '''
00069         fl_count = 0
00070         def get_mem_no_x(mem_str):
00071             mem_reg = "\dx(\w+)"
00072             m = re.search(mem_reg, mem_str)
00073             return m.group(1) if m else None
00075         RAMS = [(get_mem_no_x(info["start"]), get_mem_no_x(info["size"]))
00076                 for mem, info in self.target_info["memory"].items() if "RAM" in mem]
00077         format_str = "UL2CM3(-S0 -C0 -P0 -FD{ramstart}"+" -FC{ramsize} "+"-FN{num_algos} {extra_flags})"
00078         ramstart = ''
00079         #Default according to Keil developer
00080         ramsize = '1000'
00081         if len(RAMS)>=1:
00082             ramstart = RAMS[0][0]
00083         extra_flags = []
00084         for name, info in self.target_info["algorithm"].items():
00085             if not name or not info:
00086                 continue
00087             if int(info["default"])==0:
00088                 continue
00089             name_reg = "\w*/([\w_]+)\.flm"
00090             m = re.search(name_reg, name.lower())
00091             fl_name = m.group(1) if m else None
00092             name_flag = "-FF" + str(fl_count) + fl_name
00094             start, size = get_mem_no_x(info["start"]), get_mem_no_x(info["size"])
00095             rom_start_flag = "-FS"+str(fl_count)+str(start)
00096             rom_size_flag = "-FL" + str(fl_count) + str(size)
00098             if info["ramstart"] is not None and info["ramsize"] is not None:
00099                 ramstart = get_mem_no_x(info["ramstart"])
00100                 ramsize = get_mem_no_x(info["ramsize"])
00102             path_flag = "-FP" + str(fl_count) + "($$Device:"+self.dname+"$"+name+")"
00104             extra_flags.extend([name_flag, rom_start_flag, rom_size_flag, path_flag])
00105             fl_count += 1
00107         extra = " ".join(extra_flags)
00108         return format_str.format(ramstart=ramstart,
00109                                  ramsize=ramsize,
00110                                  extra_flags=extra, num_algos=fl_count)
00113 class Uvision (Exporter ):
00114     """Keil Uvision class
00116     This class encapsulates information to be contained in a Uvision
00117     project file (.uvprojx).
00118     The needed information can be viewed in uvision.tmpl
00119     """
00120     NAME = 'uvision5'
00121     TOOLCHAIN = 'ARM'
00123     POST_BINARY_WHITELIST = set([
00124         "MCU_NRF51Code.binary_hook",
00125         "TEENSY3_1Code.binary_hook",
00126         "LPCTargetCode.lpc_patch",
00127         "LPC4088Code.binary_hook",
00128         "MTSCode.combine_bins_mts_dot",
00129         "MTSCode.combine_bins_mts_dragonfly",
00130         "NCS36510TargetCode.ncs36510_addfib"
00131     ])
00133     @classmethod
00134     def is_target_supported (cls, target_name):
00135         target = TARGET_MAP[target_name]
00136         return apply_supported_whitelist(
00137             cls.TOOLCHAIN, cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target) and\
00138             DeviceCMSIS.check_supported(target_name)
00140     #File associations within .uvprojx file
00141     file_types = {'.cpp': 8, '.c': 1, '.s': 2,
00142                   '.obj': 3, '.o': 3, '.lib': 4,
00143                   '.ar': 4, '.h': 5, '.hpp': 5, '.sct': 4}
00145     def uv_files (self, files):
00146         """An generator containing Uvision specific information about project files
00147         Positional Arguments:
00148         files - the location of source files
00150         .uvprojx XML for project file:
00151         <File>
00152             <FileType>{{file.type}}</FileType>
00153             <FileName>{{file.name}}</FileName>
00154             <FilePath>{{file.loc}}</FilePath>
00155         </File>
00156         """
00157         for loc in files:
00158             #Encapsulates the information necessary for template entry above
00159             UVFile = namedtuple('UVFile', ['type','loc','name'])
00160             _, ext = os.path.splitext(loc)
00161             if ext.lower() in self.file_types :
00162                 type = self.file_types [ext.lower()]
00163                 name = ntpath.basename(normpath(loc))
00164                 yield UVFile(type, loc, name)
00166     def format_flags (self):
00167         """Format toolchain flags for Uvision"""
00168         flags = copy.deepcopy(self.flags)
00169         # to be preprocessed with armcc
00170         asm_flag_string = (
00171             '--cpreproc --cpreproc_opts=-D__ASSERT_MSG,' +
00172             ",".join(filter(lambda f: f.startswith("-D"), flags['asm_flags'])))
00173         flags['asm_flags'] = asm_flag_string
00174         # All non-asm flags are in one template field
00175         c_flags = list(set(flags['c_flags'] + flags['cxx_flags'] +flags['common_flags']))
00176         ld_flags = list(set(flags['ld_flags'] ))
00177         # These flags are in template to be set by user i n IDE
00178         template = ["--no_vla", "--cpp", "--c99"]
00179         # Flag is invalid if set in template
00180         # Optimizations are also set in the template
00181         invalid_flag = lambda x: x in template or re.match("-O(\d|time)", x) 
00182         flags['c_flags'] = [flag.replace('"','\\"') for flag in c_flags if not invalid_flag(flag)]
00183         flags['c_flags'] = " ".join(flags['c_flags'])
00184         flags['ld_flags'] = " ".join(flags['ld_flags'])
00185         return flags
00187     def format_src (self, srcs):
00188         """Make sources into the named tuple for use in the template"""
00189         grouped = self.group_project_files(srcs)
00190         for group, files in grouped.items():
00191             grouped[group] = sorted(list(self.uv_files (files)),
00192                                     key=lambda (_, __, name): name.lower())
00193         return grouped
00195     @staticmethod
00196     def format_fpu (core):
00197         """Generate a core's FPU string"""
00198         if core.endswith("FD"):
00199             return "FPU3(DFPU)"
00200         elif core.endswith("F"):
00201             return "FPU2"
00202         else:
00203             return ""
00205     def generate (self):
00206         """Generate the .uvproj file"""
00207         cache = Cache(True, False)
00208         if cache_d:
00209             cache.cache_descriptors()
00211         srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
00212                self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
00213                self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries
00214         ctx = {
00215             'name': self.project_name,
00216             # project_files => dict of generators - file group to generator of
00217             # UVFile tuples defined above
00218             'project_files': sorted(list(self.format_src (srcs).iteritems()),
00219                                     key=lambda (group, _): group.lower()),
00220             'linker_script':self.toolchain.correct_scatter_shebang(
00221                 self.resources.linker_script),
00222             'include_paths': '; '.join(self.resources.inc_dirs).encode('utf-8'),
00223             'device': DeviceUvision(self.target),
00224         }
00225         self.generated_files.append(ctx['linker_script'])
00226         core = ctx['device'].core
00227         ctx['cputype'] = core.rstrip("FD")
00228         if core.endswith("FD"):
00229             ctx['fpu_setting'] = 3
00230         elif core.endswith("F"):
00231             ctx['fpu_setting'] = 2
00232         else:
00233             ctx['fpu_setting'] = 1
00234         ctx['fputype'] = self.format_fpu (core)
00235         ctx.update(self.format_flags ())
00236         self.gen_file('uvision/uvision.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name+".uvprojx")
00237         self.gen_file('uvision/uvision_debug.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ".uvoptx")
00239     @staticmethod
00240     def build (project_name, log_name='build_log.txt', cleanup=True):
00241         """ Build Uvision project """
00242         # > UV4 -r -j0 -o [log_name] [project_name].uvprojx
00243         proj_file = project_name + ".uvprojx"
00244         cmd = ['UV4', '-r', '-j0', '-o', log_name, proj_file]
00246         # Build the project
00247         p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
00248         out, err = p.communicate()
00249         ret_code = p.returncode
00251         # Print the log file to stdout
00252         with open(log_name, 'r') as f:
00253             print f.read()
00255         # Cleanup the exported and built files
00256         if cleanup:
00257             os.remove(log_name)
00258             os.remove(project_name+".uvprojx")
00259             os.remove(project_name+".uvoptx")
00260             # legacy .build directory cleaned if exists
00261             if exists('.build'):
00262                 shutil.rmtree('.build')
00263             if exists('BUILD'):
00264                 shutil.rmtree('BUILD')
00266         # Returns 0 upon success, 1 upon a warning, and neither upon an error
00267         if ret_code != 0 and ret_code != 1:
00268             # Seems like something went wrong.
00269             return -1
00270         else:
00271             return 0