Rtos API example

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00001 import os
00002 from os.path import sep, join, exists
00003 from itertools import groupby
00004 from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, tostring
00005 import ntpath
00006 import re
00007 import json
00009 from tools.arm_pack_manager import Cache
00010 from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
00011 from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, TargetNotSupportedException
00013 class fileCMSIS ():
00014     """CMSIS file class.
00016     Encapsulates information necessary for files in cpdsc project file"""
00017     file_types = {'.cpp': 'sourceCpp', '.c': 'sourceC', '.s': 'sourceAsm',
00018                   '.obj': 'object', '.o': 'object', '.lib': 'library',
00019                   '.ar': 'linkerScript', '.h': 'header', '.sct': 'linkerScript'}
00021     def __init__(self, loc, name):
00022         #print loc
00023         _, ext = os.path.splitext(loc)
00024         self.type  = self.file_types [ext.lower()]
00025         self.loc  = loc
00026         self.name  = name
00029 class DeviceCMSIS ():
00030     """CMSIS Device class
00032     Encapsulates target information retrieved by arm-pack-manager"""
00034     CACHE = Cache(True, False)
00035     def __init__(self, target):
00036         target_info = self.check_supported (target)
00037         if not target_info:
00038             raise TargetNotSupportedException("Target not supported in CMSIS pack")
00039         self.url  = target_info['pdsc_file']
00040         self.pack_url, self.pack_id  = ntpath.split(self.url )
00041         self.dname  = target_info["_cpu_name"]
00042         self.core  = target_info["_core"]
00043         self.dfpu  = target_info['processor']['fpu']
00044         self.debug, self.dvendor  = self.vendor_debug (target_info['vendor'])
00045         self.dendian  = target_info['processor'].get('endianness','Little-endian')
00046         self.debug_svd  = target_info.get('debug', '')
00047         self.compile_header  = target_info['compile']['header']
00048         self.target_info  = target_info
00050     @staticmethod
00051     def check_supported(target):
00052         t = TARGET_MAP[target]
00053         try:
00054             cpu_name = t.device_name
00055             target_info = DeviceCMSIS.CACHE.index[cpu_name]
00056         # Target does not have device name or pdsc file
00057         except:
00058             try:
00059                 # Try to find the core as a generic CMSIS target
00060                 cpu_name = DeviceCMSIS.cpu_cmsis(t.core)
00061                 target_info = DeviceCMSIS.CACHE.index[cpu_name]
00062             except:
00063                 return False
00064         target_info["_cpu_name"] = cpu_name
00065         target_info["_core"] = t.core
00066         return target_info
00068     def vendor_debug (self, vendor):
00069         """Reads the vendor from a PDSC <dvendor> tag.
00070         This tag contains some additional numeric information that is meaningless
00071         for our purposes, so we use a regex to filter.
00073         Positional arguments:
00074         Vendor - information in <dvendor> tag scraped from ArmPackManager
00076         Returns a tuple of (debugger, vendor)
00077         """
00078         reg = "([\w\s]+):?\d*?"
00079         m = re.search(reg, vendor)
00080         vendor_match = m.group(1) if m else None
00081         debug_map ={
00082             'STMicroelectronics':'ST-Link',
00083             'Silicon Labs':'J-LINK',
00084             'Nuvoton':'NULink'
00085         }
00086         return debug_map.get(vendor_match, "CMSIS-DAP"), vendor_match
00088     @staticmethod
00089     def cpu_cmsis (cpu):
00090         """
00091         Transforms information from targets.json to the way the generic cores are named
00092         in CMSIS PDSC files.
00093         Ex:
00094         Cortex-M4F => ARMCM4_FP, Cortex-M0+ => ARMCM0P
00095         Returns formatted CPU
00096         """
00097         cpu = cpu.replace("Cortex-","ARMC")
00098         cpu = cpu.replace("+","P")
00099         cpu = cpu.replace("F","_FP")
00100         return cpu
00103 class CMSIS(Exporter ):
00104     NAME = 'cmsis'
00105     TOOLCHAIN = 'ARM'
00107     @classmethod
00108     def is_target_supported(cls, target_name):
00109         target = TARGET_MAP[target_name]
00110         return cls.TOOLCHAIN in target.supported_toolchains
00112     def make_key(self, src):
00113         """turn a source file into its group name"""
00114         key = src.name.split(sep)[0]
00115         if key == ".":
00116             key = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(self.export_dir))
00117         return key
00119     def group_project_files(self, sources, root_element):
00120         """Recursively group the source files by their encompassing directory"""
00122         data = sorted(sources, key=self.make_key)
00123         for group, files in groupby(data, self.make_key):
00124             new_srcs = []
00125             for f in list(files):
00126                 spl = f.name.split(sep)
00127                 if len(spl) <= 2:
00128                     file_element = Element('file',
00129                                            attrib={
00130                                                'category':f.type,
00131                                                'name': f.loc})
00132                     root_element.append(file_element)
00133                 else:
00134                     f.name = os.path.join(*spl[1:])
00135                     new_srcs.append(f)
00136             if new_srcs:
00137                 group_element = Element('group',attrib={'name':group})
00138                 root_element.append(self.group_project_files(new_srcs,
00139                                                         group_element))
00140         return root_element
00142     def generate(self):
00143         srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
00144                self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
00145                self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries + \
00146                [self.resources.linker_script]
00147         srcs = [fileCMSIS(src, src) for src in srcs if src]
00148         ctx = {
00149             'name': self.project_name,
00150             'project_files': tostring(self.group_project_files(srcs, Element('files'))),
00151             'device': DeviceCMSIS(self.target),
00152             'date': ''
00153         }
00154         self.gen_file('cmsis/cpdsc.tmpl', ctx, 'project.cpdsc')