An fully working IMU-Filter and Sensor drivers for the 10DOF-Board over I2C. All in one simple class. Include, calibrate sensors, call read, get angles. (3D Visualisation code for Python also included) Sensors: L3G4200D, ADXL345, HMC5883, BMP085

Dependencies:   mbed

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #ifndef PC_H
00004 #define PC_H
00006 #define COMMAND_MAX_LENGHT 300
00008 class PC : public Serial 
00009 {
00010     public:
00011         PC(PinName tx, PinName rx, int baud);
00012         void cls();                                                                        // to clear the display
00013         void locate(int column, int row);                                                  // to relocate the cursor
00014         void readcommand(void (*executer)(char*));                  // to read a char from the pc to the command string
00016         char command[COMMAND_MAX_LENGHT];
00017     private:
00018         int command_char_count;
00019 };
00020 #endif