Lightweight FlyBed1, structure based on KK-Board Firmware First this one should work, then I can get more complex FlyBed1 working :)

Dependencies:   mbed MODI2C

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 29 19:41:06 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PC.h"         // Serial Port via USB by Roland Elmiger for debugging with Terminal (driver needed:
+#include "RC_Channel.h" // RemoteControl Channels with PPM
+#include "Servo_PWM.h"  // Motor PPM using PwmOut
+// Defines
+#define PPM_FREQU       495                                 // Hz Frequency of PPM Signal for ESCs (maximum <500Hz)
+#define RC_SENSITIVITY  0.2                                 // Hz Frequency of PPM Signal for ESCs (maximum <500Hz)
+// RC
+#define AILERON         0
+#define ELEVATOR        1
+#define RUDDER          2
+#define THROTTLE        3
+// Axes
+#define ROLL            0
+#define PITCH           1
+#define YAW             2
+// Motors
+#define FRONT           0
+#define RIGHT           1
+#define BACK            2
+#define LEFT            3
+// Gyro
+#define L3G4200D_I2C_ADDRESS    0xD0
+#define L3G4200D_CTRL_REG1      0x20
+#define L3G4200D_CTRL_REG2      0x21
+#define L3G4200D_CTRL_REG3      0x22
+#define L3G4200D_CTRL_REG4      0x23
+#define L3G4200D_CTRL_REG5      0x24
+#define L3G4200D_REFERENCE      0x25
+#define L3G4200D_OUT_X_L        0x28
+// Hardware connections
+DigitalOut loopLED(LED1);
+DigitalOut armedLED(LED2);
+PC          pc(USBTX, USBRX, 38400);    // USB
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);            // I2C-Bus for sensors
+RC_Channel  RC[] = {RC_Channel(p11,1), RC_Channel(p12,2), RC_Channel(p13,4), RC_Channel(p14,3)};                                // no p19/p20 !
+Servo_PWM   ESC[] = {Servo_PWM(p21,PPM_FREQU), Servo_PWM(p24,PPM_FREQU), Servo_PWM(p23,PPM_FREQU), Servo_PWM(p22,PPM_FREQU)};   // p21 - p26 only because PWM needed!
+// Global variables
+bool    armed = false;
+float   ESC_value[4] = {0,0,0,0};
+float   Error[3] = {0,0,0};
+float   P[3] = {3,3,3};
+// Timing
+float   dt = 0;
+float   time_for_dt = 0;
+Timer   GlobalTimer;
+// IMU
+float   Gyro[3] = {0,0,0};
+float   Gyro_sum[3] = {0,0,0};
+float   Gyro_history[3][5] = {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0}};
+int     Gyro_history_index = 0;
+float   offset[3] = {0,0,0};
+void writeRegister(char reg, char data)
+    char buffer[2] = {reg, data};
+    i2c.write(L3G4200D_I2C_ADDRESS, buffer, 2, true);
+void readMultiRegister(char reg, char* output, int size)
+    i2c.write (L3G4200D_I2C_ADDRESS, &reg, 1, true); // tell register address of the MSB get the sensor to do slave-transmit subaddress updating.
+  (L3G4200D_I2C_ADDRESS, output, size, true); // tell it where to store the data read
+void readGyro()
+    char buffer[6];                                     // 8-Bit pieces of axis data
+    int raw[3];
+    readMultiRegister(L3G4200D_OUT_X_L | (1 << 7), buffer, 6); // read axis registers using I2C   // TODO: why?!   | (1 << 7)
+    raw[0] = (short) (buffer[1] << 8 | buffer[0]);     // join 8-Bit pieces to 16-bit short integers
+    raw[1] = (short) (buffer[3] << 8 | buffer[2]);
+    raw[2] = (short) (buffer[5] << 8 | buffer[4]);
+    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
+        Gyro[i] = raw[i] - offset[i];// * 0.07;
+void setup() {
+    // init screen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    pc.locate(10,5);
+    pc.printf("Flybed Light");
+    pc.locate(10,7);
+    pc.printf("Init...");
+    // init Gyro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    writeRegister(L3G4200D_CTRL_REG1, 0x8F);            // starts Gyro measurement
+    //writeRegister(L3G4200D_CTRL_REG2, 0x00);            // highpass filter disabled
+    //writeRegister(L3G4200D_CTRL_REG3, 0x00);
+    writeRegister(L3G4200D_CTRL_REG4, 0x20);            // sets acuracy to 2000 dps (degree per second)
+    writeRegister(L3G4200D_CTRL_REG5, 0x02);
+    //writeRegister(L3G4200D_REFERENCE, 0x00);
+    // calibrate Gyro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    int calib[3] = {0,0,0};                           // temporary array for the sum of calibration measurement
+    const int times = 50;  
+    for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {                   // read 'times' times the data in a very short time
+        readGyro();
+        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+            calib[j] += Gyro[j];
+        wait(0.05);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        offset[i] = (float)calib[i]/(float)times;                     // take the average of the calibration measurements
+    GlobalTimer.start();                            // Start Timemeasurement for first loop
+    pc.locate(10,7);
+    pc.printf("READY!!");
+void loop() {
+    // meassure dt
+    dt = - time_for_dt; // time in us since last loop
+    time_for_dt =;      // set new time for next measurement
+    // Arming / disarming
+    if(RC[THROTTLE].read() < 20 && RC[RUDDER].read() > 920) {
+        armed = true;
+    }
+    if((RC[THROTTLE].read() < 30 && RC[RUDDER].read() < 30) || RC[2].read() < -10 || RC[3].read() < -10 || RC[1].read() < -10 || RC[0].read() < -10) {
+        armed = false;
+    }
+    // get sensor data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    readGyro();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        Gyro[i] *= 0.07;                            // make result degree per second
+        // fill ringbuffer
+        Gyro_history[i][Gyro_history_index] = Gyro[i]; // save newest value to ringbuffer
+        if (Gyro_history_index < 5-1)
+            Gyro_history_index++;
+        else
+            Gyro_history_index = 0;
+        // calculate average of ringbuffer
+        float sum = 0;
+        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+            sum += Gyro_history[i][j];
+        }
+        Gyro[i] = sum/5;
+        Gyro_sum[i] += Gyro[i]*dt;      // integrate speed to get angle
+    }
+    // calculate ESC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+            if (RC[i].read() != -100)  // only count RC when it's available
+                Error[i] = ((RC[i].read() - 500)*RC_SENSITIVITY  -  Gyro[i]) * P[i];
+            else
+                Error[i] = (-  Gyro[i]) * P[i];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+        ESC_value[i] = RC[THROTTLE].read();
+    ESC_value[RIGHT] -= Error[ROLL];
+    ESC_value[LEFT] += Error[ROLL];
+    ESC_value[FRONT] -= Error[PITCH];
+    ESC_value[BACK] += Error[PITCH];
+    ESC_value[FRONT] -= Error[YAW];
+    ESC_value[BACK] -= Error[YAW];
+    ESC_value[RIGHT] += Error[YAW];
+    ESC_value[LEFT] += Error[YAW];
+    const int minimum_throttle = 140;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {    // make shure there are no negative or too high ESC_values
+            if (ESC_value[i] < minimum_throttle) {
+                /*switch (i){
+                    case FRONT: ESC_value[BACK] -= ESC_value[i]+minimum_throttle; break;
+                    case BACK: ESC_value[FRONT] -= ESC_value[i]+minimum_throttle; break;
+                    case LEFT: ESC_value[RIGHT] -= ESC_value[i]+minimum_throttle; break;
+                    case RIGHT: ESC_value[LEFT] -= ESC_value[i]+minimum_throttle; break; //default: 
+                }*/
+                ESC_value[i] = minimum_throttle;
+            }
+            if (ESC_value[i] > 1000) {
+                /*switch (i){
+                    case FRONT: ESC_value[BACK] -= ESC_value[i] - 1000; break;
+                    case BACK: ESC_value[FRONT] -= ESC_value[i] - 1000; break;
+                    case LEFT: ESC_value[RIGHT] -= ESC_value[i] - 1000; break;
+                    case RIGHT: ESC_value[LEFT] -= ESC_value[i] - 1000; break; //default: 
+                }*/
+                ESC_value[i] = 1000;
+            }
+    }
+    // set ESC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (armed) {
+        ESC[FRONT] = (int)ESC_value[FRONT];
+        ESC[BACK] = (int)ESC_value[BACK];
+        ESC[LEFT] = (int)ESC_value[LEFT];
+        ESC[RIGHT] = (int)ESC_value[RIGHT];
+        /*for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+            ESC[i] = (int)ESC_value[i];*/
+    } else
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+            ESC[i] = 0;
+    // display --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #if 0 
+        pc.locate(10,7);
+        pc.printf("Gyro: X:%6.3f  Y:%6.3f  Z:%6.3f                     ", Gyro[0], Gyro[1], Gyro[2]);
+        pc.locate(10,8);
+        pc.printf("Gyro_sum: X:%6.1f  Y:%6.1f  Z:%6.1f       dt: %1.4f                ", Gyro_sum[ROLL], Gyro_sum[PITCH], Gyro_sum[YAW], dt);
+        pc.locate(10,10);
+        pc.printf("RC Aileron: %4d   Elevator: %4d   Rudder: %4d   Throttle: %4d     ", RC[AILERON].read(), RC[ELEVATOR].read(), RC[RUDDER].read(), RC[THROTTLE].read());
+        pc.locate(10,17);
+        pc.printf("Error: Roll:%6.1f  Pitch:%6.1f  Yaw:%6.1f     ", Error[ROLL], Error[PITCH], Error[YAW]);
+        pc.locate(10,19);
+        pc.printf("ESC: Front:%6.1f  Right:%6.1f  Back:%6.1f  Left:%6.1f    ", ESC_value[FRONT], ESC_value[RIGHT], ESC_value[BACK], ESC_value[LEFT]);
+    #endif
+    // LED
+    armedLED = armed;
+    loopLED = 1;
+    wait(0.0005);
+    loopLED = 0;
+    wait(0.001);
+int main() {
+    setup();
+    while(1) {
+        loop();
+    }