Successful acro and level mode now! Relying on MPU9250 as base sensor. I'm working continuously on tuning and features :) NEWEST VERSION ON: (CODE 100% compatible/copyable)

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
I2C_Sensor.cpp [code]
I2C_Sensor.h [code]
IMU_10DOF.cpp [code]
IMU_10DOF.h [code]
IMU_Filter.cpp [code]
IMU_Filter.h [code]
LED.cpp [code]
LED.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
MPU6050.cpp [code]
MPU6050.h [code]
MPU9250.cpp [code]
MPU9250.h [code]
PC.cpp [code]
PC.h [code]
PID.cpp [code]
PID.h [code]
RC_Channel.cpp [code]
RC_Channel.h [code]
Servo.cpp [code]
Servo.h [code]