Previous version which works for my stm32f401 Nucleo board

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by ST

Revisions of platform/src/btle.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
125:2e468f07a94f 2015-09-17 Fix bug on attribute write params (data and data length) File  Diff  Annotate
121:f00e26745564 2015-09-10 Avoid also hidden warnings File  Diff  Annotate
116:1aa0d2da72e4 2015-09-02 Make things compile smoothly File  Diff  Annotate
110:1232b39de5cc 2015-09-09 Code enhancement File  Diff  Annotate
98:731050bb5362 2015-07-31 Fix issue on discerning between Write Request for a Char Value or a Char Descriptor File  Diff  Annotate
97:a89d28ad6092 2015-07-27 Fix bug on searching Char by handle File  Diff  Annotate
94:2993df23d1ac 2015-07-24 Fix issues related to application compatibility File  Diff  Annotate
90:26c0c9807ab4 2015-07-22 Preparing ble_wb File  Diff  Annotate
84:2beeb1cc9d57 2015-07-09 Fix bug on searching Char by handle File  Diff  Annotate
78:13e75d352d53 2015-06-24 Add configurations for BLUENRG_MS File  Diff  Annotate
77:332b416123b4 2015-06-23 Update BLE_API and mbed Libs File  Diff  Annotate
74:c4526f8284d5 2015-06-16 Use mbed C++ API for BlueNRG Driver File  Diff  Annotate
70:d20d30f59b1c 2015-06-08 Initial commit for mbed support File  Diff  Annotate
66:8c8813dd8e79 2015-04-01 GattServer protected member function issue resolution. File  Diff  Annotate
65:f9958b8f2548 2015-04-01 1. GapAdvertisingParams constants usage update; 2. Gap::getAddress() function; 3. BlueNRGGattServer Class update; 4. BlueNRGGap class update; 5. HandleDataWrittenEvent function update from btle.cpp File  Diff  Annotate
64:6d7b775c3f6d 2014-11-19 Changed directory structure to support STM32Cube BlueNRG module, platform module and BLE_API adaptation module as separate entities. Added Doxygen support to Adaptation and used HCI components. File  Diff  Annotate