Previous version which works for my stm32f401 Nucleo board

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by ST

Wed Sep 09 10:35:54 2015 +0000
Code enhancement
; - use WFE in waitForEvent()

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 3 *
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 7 *
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 8 *
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 9 *
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 14 * limitations under the License.
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 15 */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 16
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 17
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 18 /**
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 19 ******************************************************************************
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 20 * @file btle.cpp
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 21 * @author STMicroelectronics
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 22 * @brief Implementation BlueNRG Init and helper functions.
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 23 ******************************************************************************
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 24 * @copy
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 25 *
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 32 *
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 33 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2013 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 34 */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 35
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 36
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 37 #include "btle.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 38 #include "ble/Gap.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 39 #include "ble/GapEvents.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 40 #include "BlueNRGGap.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 41 #include "BlueNRGGattServer.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 42 #include "Utils.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 43
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 44 #ifdef __cplusplus
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 45 extern "C" {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 46 #endif
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 47
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 48
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 49 /* C File Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 50 // ANDREA: Updated includes and changed some types (e.g., tHalUint8 --> uint8_t)
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 51 #include <stdio.h>
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 52 #include <string.h>
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 53 #include "hci.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 54 #include "hci_const.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 55 #include "bluenrg_aci.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 56 #include "bluenrg_hal_aci.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 57 #include "bluenrg_gap.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 58
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 59 #include "hal_types.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 60 #include "hal.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 61 #include "gp_timer.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 62 #include "osal.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 63 #include "sm.h"
apalmieri 110:1232b39de5cc 64 #include "debug_platform.h"
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 65
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 66 #ifdef __cplusplus
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 67 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 68 #endif
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 69
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 70
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 71 static void btle_handler(/*ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt*/);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 72 void HCI_Input(tHciDataPacket * hciReadPacket);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 73
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 74 //#define BDADDR_SIZE 6
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 75 //tHalUint8 bdaddr[BDADDR_SIZE]= {0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x02};
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 76
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 77 uint16_t g_gap_service_handle = 0;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 78 uint16_t g_appearance_char_handle = 0;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 79 uint16_t g_device_name_char_handle = 0;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 80
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 81 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 82 volatile uint8_t set_connectable = 1;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 83 // ANDREA
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 84 Gap::Address_t bleAddr;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 85 Gap::AddressType_t addr_type = Gap::ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 86
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 87 /**************************************************************************/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 88 /*!
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 89 @brief Initialises BTLE and the underlying HW/Device
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 90 @param isSetAddress boolean if address has been set
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 91 @param mosi MOSI Pin
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 92 @param miso MISO Pin
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 93 @param sclk clock Pin
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 94 @returns void
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 95 */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 96 /**************************************************************************/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 97 void btle_init(bool isSetAddress)
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 98 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 99 DEBUG("btle_init>>\n\r");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 100
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 101 int ret;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 102 uint16_t service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, appearance_char_handle;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 103
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 104 /* Delay needed only to be able to acces the JTAG interface after reset
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 105 if it will be disabled later. */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 106 Clock_Wait(500);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 107
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 108 /* Initialize the BlueNRG HCI */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 109 HCI_Init();
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 110
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 111 /* Reset BlueNRG SPI interface */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 112 BlueNRG_RST();
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 113
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 114 /* The Nucleo board must be configured as SERVER */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 115 //check if isSetAddress is set than set address.
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 116 // ANDREA
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 117 if(isSetAddress)
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 118 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 119 BlueNRGGap::getInstance().getAddress(&addr_type, bleAddr);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 120
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 121 Gap::Address_t bdaddr;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 122 Osal_MemCpy(bdaddr, bleAddr, BDADDR_SIZE);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 123
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 124 ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 125 CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 126 bdaddr);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 127 } else {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 128
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 129 const Gap::Address_t BLE_address_BE = {0xFD,0x00,0x25,0xAA,0x02,0x04};
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 130 BlueNRGGap::getInstance().setAddress(Gap::ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC, BLE_address_BE);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 131
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 132 ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 133 CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 134 BLE_address_BE);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 135 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 136
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 137 ret = aci_gatt_init();
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 138 if(ret){
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 139 PRINTF("GATT_Init failed.\n");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 140 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 141 //GAP is always in PERIPHERAL _ROLE as mbed does not support Master role at the moment
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 142 #ifdef BLUENRG_MS
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 143 ret = aci_gap_init(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE, 0, 0x07, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 144 #else
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 145 ret = aci_gap_init(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 146 #endif
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 147 if(ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS){
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 148 PRINTF("GAP_Init failed.\n");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 149 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 150
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 151 //ANDREA -- FIXME: Security and passkey set by default
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 152 ret = aci_gap_set_auth_requirement(MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 153 OOB_AUTH_DATA_ABSENT,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 154 NULL,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 155 7,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 156 16,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 157 USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 158 123456,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 159 BONDING);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 160 if (ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 161 DEBUG("Auth Req set successfully.\n");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 162 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 163
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 164 aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(1,4);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 165
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 166 g_gap_service_handle = service_handle;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 167 g_appearance_char_handle = appearance_char_handle;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 168 g_device_name_char_handle = dev_name_char_handle;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 169 //Device Name is set from Accumulate Adv Data Payload or through setDeviceName API
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 170 /*ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, 0,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 171 strlen(name), (tHalUint8 *)name);*/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 172
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 173 return;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 174 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 175
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 176 void User_Process()
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 177 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 178 if(set_connectable){
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 179 setConnectable();
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 180 set_connectable = FALSE;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 181 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 182 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 183
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 184 void setConnectable(void)
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 185 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 186 tBleStatus ret;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 187
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 188 const char local_name[] = {AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME,'B','l','u','e','N','R','G'};
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 189
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 190 /* disable scan response */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 191 hci_le_set_scan_resp_data(0,NULL);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 192
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 193 //int t = BlueNRGGap::getInstance()::ADV_IND;// advType;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 194
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 195 ret = aci_gap_set_discoverable(BlueNRGGap::getInstance().ADV_IND, 0, 0, PUBLIC_ADDR, NO_WHITE_LIST_USE,
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 196 sizeof(local_name), local_name, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 197 if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 198 DEBUG("Error while setting discoverable mode (%d)\n", ret);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 199 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 200
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 201 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 202
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 203 /**************************************************************************/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 204 /*!
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 205 @brief Not Used
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 206
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 207 @param[in] void
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 208
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 209 @returns
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 210 */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 211 /**************************************************************************/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 212 static void btle_handler()
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 213 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 214
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 215 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 216
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 217 /*!
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 218 @brief Not Used
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 219
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 220 @param[in] void
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 221
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 222 @returns
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 223 */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 224 void SPI_Poll(void)
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 225 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 226 //HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback_Poll(BNRG_SPI_EXTI_PIN);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 227 return;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 228 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 229
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 230 #ifdef __cplusplus
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 231 extern "C" {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 232 #endif
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 233
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 234 /**************************************************************************/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 235 /*!
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 236 @brief Handle HCI Stack Event
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 237
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 238 @param[in] pckt
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 239 Event Packet sent by the stack to be decoded
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 240
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 241 @returns
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 242 */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 243 /**************************************************************************/
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 244 extern void HCI_Event_CB(void *pckt) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 245
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 246 hci_uart_pckt *hci_pckt = (hci_uart_pckt*)pckt;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 247 hci_event_pckt *event_pckt = (hci_event_pckt*)hci_pckt->data;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 248
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 249 if(hci_pckt->type != HCI_EVENT_PKT)
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 250 return;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 251
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 252 switch(event_pckt->evt){
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 253
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 254 case EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 255 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 256 DEBUG("EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE\n");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 257
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 258 evt_disconn_complete *evt = (evt_disconn_complete*)event_pckt;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 259
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 260 BlueNRGGap::getInstance().processDisconnectionEvent(evt->handle, BlueNRGGap::REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 261 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 262 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 263
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 264 case EVT_LE_META_EVENT:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 265 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 266 DEBUG("EVT_LE_META_EVENT\n");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 267
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 268 evt_le_meta_event *evt = (evt_le_meta_event *)event_pckt->data;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 269
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 270 switch(evt->subevent){
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 271 // ANDREA
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 272 case EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 273 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 274 Gap::AddressType_t peerAddrType = Gap::ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 275 DEBUG("EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE\n");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 276
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 277 evt_le_connection_complete *cc = (evt_le_connection_complete *)evt->data;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 278
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 279 BlueNRGGap::getInstance().setConnectionHandle(cc->handle);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 280 BlueNRGGap::ConnectionParams_t connectionParams;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 281 BlueNRGGap::getInstance().getPreferredConnectionParams(&connectionParams);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 282 switch (cc->peer_bdaddr_type) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 283 case PUBLIC_ADDR:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 284 peerAddrType = Gap::ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 285 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 286 case STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 287 peerAddrType = Gap::ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 288 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 289 case RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 290 peerAddrType = Gap::ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_RESOLVABLE;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 291 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 292 case NON_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 293 peerAddrType = Gap::ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_NON_RESOLVABLE;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 294 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 295 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 296 BlueNRGGap::getInstance().processConnectionEvent(cc->handle, Gap::PERIPHERAL, peerAddrType, cc->peer_bdaddr, addr_type, bleAddr, (const BlueNRGGap::ConnectionParams_t *)&connectionParams);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 297 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 298 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 299 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 300 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 301 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 302
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 303 case EVT_VENDOR:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 304 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 305 evt_blue_aci *blue_evt = (evt_blue_aci*)event_pckt->data;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 306 //DEBUG("EVT_VENDOR %d\n", blue_evt->ecode);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 307
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 308 switch(blue_evt->ecode){
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 309
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 310 case EVT_BLUE_GATT_READ_PERMIT_REQ:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 311 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 312 DEBUG("EVT_BLUE_GATT_READ_PERMIT_REQ_OK\n\r");
apalmieri 97:a89d28ad6092 313 evt_gatt_read_permit_req *pr = (evt_gatt_read_permit_req*)blue_evt->data;
apalmieri 97:a89d28ad6092 314 BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().Read_Request_CB(pr->attr_handle-CHAR_VALUE_OFFSET);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 315 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 316 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 317
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 318 case EVT_BLUE_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIED:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 319 {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 320 /* this callback is invoked when a GATT attribute is modified
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 321 extract callback data and pass to suitable handler function */
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 322 evt_gatt_attr_modified *evt = (evt_gatt_attr_modified*)blue_evt->data;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 323 DEBUG("EVT_BLUE_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIED\n\r");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 324
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 325 //Extract the GattCharacteristic from p_characteristics[] and find the properties mask
apalmieri 94:2993df23d1ac 326 GattCharacteristic *p_char = BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().getCharacteristicFromHandle(evt->attr_handle);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 327 if(p_char!=NULL) {
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 328 GattAttribute::Handle_t charHandle = p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle();
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 329 BlueNRGGattServer::HandleEnum_t currentHandle = BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_HANDLE;
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 330 DEBUG("CharHandle %d, length: %d, Data: %d\n\r",charHandle, evt->data_length, (uint16_t)evt->att_data[0]);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 331 DEBUG("getProperties 0x%x\n\r",p_char->getProperties());
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 332 if(evt->attr_handle == charHandle+CHAR_VALUE_OFFSET) {
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 333 currentHandle = BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE;
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 334 }
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 335 if(evt->attr_handle == charHandle+CHAR_DESC_OFFSET) {
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 336 currentHandle = BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_DESC_HANDLE;
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 337 }
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 338 DEBUG("currentHandle %d\n\r", currentHandle);
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 339 if((p_char->getProperties() &
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 340 (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE)) &&
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 341 currentHandle == BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_DESC_HANDLE) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 342
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 343 DEBUG("*****NOTIFICATION CASE\n\r");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 344 //Now Check if data written in Enable or Disable
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 345 if((uint16_t)evt->att_data[0]==1) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 346 //DEBUG("Notify ENABLED\n\r");
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 347 BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().HCIEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_ENABLED, p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle());
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 348 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 349 else {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 350 //DEBUG("Notify DISABLED\n\r");
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 351 BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().HCIEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_DISABLED, p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle());
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 352 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 353 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 354
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 355 //Check is attr handle property is WRITEABLE, if yes, generate GATT_EVENT_DATA_WRITTEN Event
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 356 if((p_char->getProperties() &
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 357 (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE)) &&
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 358 currentHandle == BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE) {
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 359
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 360 DEBUG("*****WRITE CASE\n\r");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 361
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 362 GattWriteCallbackParams writeParams;
apalmieri 98:731050bb5362 363 writeParams.handle=p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle();
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 364 writeParams.writeOp=GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_WRITE_REQ;//Where to find this property in BLUENRG?
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 365 writeParams.len=evt->data_length;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 366>att_data;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 367 #ifdef BLUENRG_MS
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 368 writeParams.offset=evt->offset;//Not used in BlueNRG?
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 369 #endif
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 370 BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().HCIDataWrittenEvent(&writeParams);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 371
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 372 //BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().handleEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_DATA_WRITTEN, evt->attr_handle);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 373 //Write the actual Data to the Attr Handle? (uint8_1[])evt->att_data contains the data
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 374 if ((p_char->getValueAttribute().getValuePtr() != NULL) && (p_char->getValueAttribute().getInitialLength() > 0)) {
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 375 BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().write(p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle(),
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 376 p_char->getValueAttribute().getValuePtr(),
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 377 p_char->getValueAttribute().getInitialLength(),
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 378 false /* localOnly */);
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 379 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 380 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 381 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 382 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 383 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 384
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 385 //Any cases for Data Sent Notifications?
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 386 case EVT_BLUE_GATT_NOTIFICATION:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 387 //This is only relevant for Client Side Event
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 388 DEBUG("EVT_BLUE_GATT_NOTIFICATION");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 389 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 390 case EVT_BLUE_GATT_INDICATION:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 391 //This is only relevant for Client Side Event
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 392 DEBUG("EVT_BLUE_GATT_INDICATION");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 393 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 394
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 395 case EVT_BLUE_GATT_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE:
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 396 DEBUG("EVT_BLUE_GATT_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE");
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 397 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 398 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 399 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 400 break;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 401 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 402
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 403 return ;
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 404 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 405
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 406
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 407 #ifdef __cplusplus
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 408 }
Wolfgang Betz 90:26c0c9807ab4 409 #endif