High level Bluetooth Low Energy API and radio abstraction layer

Dependencies:   nRF51822

Dependents:   LinkNode_LIS3DH

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ble/GapAdvertisingParams.h	Thu Jul 02 09:06:11 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+    \brief
+    This class provides a wrapper for the core advertising parameters,
+    including the advertising type (Connectable Undirected,
+    Non Connectable Undirected, etc.), as well as the advertising and
+    timeout intervals.
+    \par
+    See the following for more information on advertising types:
+    \li \c Bluetooth Core Specification 4.0 (Vol. 6), Part B, Section 2.3.1
+    \li \c Bluetooth Core Specification 4.0 (Vol. 3), Part C, Section 9.3
+class GapAdvertisingParams {
+    static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN        = 0x0020;
+    static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON = 0x00A0;
+    static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX        = 0x4000;
+    static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX         = 0x3FFF;
+    /*!
+     * Encapsulates the peripheral advertising modes, which determine how
+     * the device appears to other central devices in hearing range
+     */
+    enum AdvertisingType_t {
+        ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED,     /**< Vol 3, Part C, Section 9.3.4 and Vol 6, Part B, Section */
+        ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED,       /**< Vol 3, Part C, Section 9.3.3 and Vol 6, Part B, Section */
+        ADV_SCANNABLE_UNDIRECTED,       /**< Include support for Scan Response payloads, see Vol 6, Part B, Section */
+        ADV_NON_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED  /**< Vol 3, Part C, Section 9.3.2 and Vol 6, Part B, Section */
+    };
+    typedef enum AdvertisingType_t AdvertisingType; /* deprecated type alias. */
+    GapAdvertisingParams(AdvertisingType_t advType  = ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED,
+                         uint16_t          interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON,
+                         uint16_t          timeout  = 0) : _advType(advType), _interval(interval), _timeout(timeout) {
+        /* Interval checks */
+        if (_advType == ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED) {
+            /* Interval must be 0 in directed connectable mode */
+            _interval = 0;
+        } else if (_advType == ADV_NON_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED) {
+            /* Min interval is slightly larger than in other modes */
+            if (_interval < GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON) {
+                _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON;
+            }
+            if (_interval > GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX) {
+                _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX;
+            }
+        } else {
+            /* Stay within interval limits */
+            if (_interval < GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN) {
+                _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN;
+            }
+            if (_interval > GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX) {
+                _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Timeout checks */
+        if (timeout) {
+            /* Stay within timeout limits */
+            if (_timeout > GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX) {
+                _timeout = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    AdvertisingType_t getAdvertisingType(void) const {return _advType; }
+    uint16_t          getInterval(void)        const {return _interval;}
+    uint16_t          getTimeout(void)         const {return _timeout; }
+    void setAdvertisingType(AdvertisingType_t newAdvType) {_advType = newAdvType;  }
+    void setInterval(uint16_t newInterval)                {_interval = newInterval;}
+    void setTimeout(uint16_t newTimeout)                  {_timeout = newTimeout;  }
+    AdvertisingType_t _advType;
+    uint16_t          _interval;
+    uint16_t          _timeout;
+#endif // ifndef __GAP_ADVERTISING_PARAMS_H__
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