Project BioRobotics Group 19

Dependencies:   FastPWM HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Nov 02 14:03:10 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Nov 02 16:23:26 2017 +0000
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@
 HIDScope scope(4);
 // STATES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 states currentState = MOTORS_OFF;                                               // Start with motors off
 bool stateChanged = true;                                                       // Make sure the initialization of first state is executed
 // ENCODER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-QEI Encoder1(D10,D11,NC,32);                                                    // CONNECT ENC1A TO D10, ENC1B TO D11
-QEI Encoder2(D12,D13,NC,32);                                                    // CONNECT ENC2A TO D12, ENC2B TO D13
+QEI Encoder1(D10,D11,NC,32);                                                    // CONNECT ENC1A TO D12, ENC1B TO D13
+QEI Encoder2(D12,D13,NC,32);                                                    // CONNECT ENC2A TO D10, ENC2B TO D11
 // PINS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 DigitalOut motor1DirectionPin(D4);                                              // Value 0: CCW; 1: CW
 PwmOut motor1MagnitudePin(D5);
-DigitalOut motor2DirectionPin(D7);                                              // Value 0: CW or CCW?; 1: CW or CCW?
+DigitalOut motor2DirectionPin(D7);                                              // Value 0: CW; 1: CCW
 PwmOut motor2MagnitudePin(D6);
 InterruptIn button1(D2);                                                        // CONNECT BUT1 TO D2
 InterruptIn button2(D3);                                                        // CONNECT BUT2 TO D3
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 // MOTOR CONTROL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 Ticker controllerTicker;                                                        // Ticker for the controller
-const double controller_Ts = 1/200.1;                                           // Time step for controllerTicker [s]
+const double controllerTs = 1/200.1;                                           // Time step for controllerTicker [s]
 const double motorRatio = 131.25;                                               // Ratio of the gearbox in the motors []
 const double radPerPulse = 2*pi/(32*motorRatio);                                // Amount of radians the motor rotates per encoder pulse [rad/pulse]
 volatile double xVelocity = 0, yVelocity = 0;                                   // X and Y velocities of the end effector at the start
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 // MOTOR 1
 volatile double position1;                                                      // Position of motor 1 [rad]
-volatile double reference1 = -5;                                                 // Desired rotation of motor 1 [rad]
+volatile double reference1 = 2*pi*-5/360;                                       // Desired rotation of motor 1 [rad]
 const double motor1Max = 0;                                                     // Maximum rotation of motor 1 [rad]
 const double motor1Min = 2*pi*-40/360;                                          // Minimum rotation of motor 1 [rad]
 // Controller gains
@@ -80,21 +80,21 @@
 // Filter variables
 double motor2_f_v1 = 0, motor2_f_v2 = 0;
-// EMG //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Ticker emgLeft;
-Ticker emgRight;
-const double emgTs = 0.5;
+// EMG /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+Ticker emgLeft;                                                                 // Ticker for EMG of left arm
+Ticker emgRight;                                                                // Ticker for EMG of right arm
+const double emgTs = 0.491;                                                     // Time step for EMG sampling
 // Filters
-BiQuadChain bqc;
-BiQuad bq2_high(0.875182, -1.750364, 0.87518, -1.73472, 0.766004);
-BiQuad bq3_notch(-1.1978e-16, 0.9561, 0.9780, -1.1978e-16, 0.9780);
-BiQuad bq1_low(3.65747e-2, 7.31495e-2, 3.65747e-2, -1.390892, 0.537191);
+BiQuadChain bqc;                                                                
+BiQuad bq2_high(0.875182, -1.750364, 0.87518, -1.73472, 0.766004);              // High pass filter
+BiQuad bq3_notch(-1.1978e-16, 0.9561, 0.9780, -1.1978e-16, 0.9780);             // Notch filter
+BiQuad bq1_low(3.65747e-2, 7.31495e-2, 3.65747e-2, -1.390892, 0.537191);        // Low pass filter
 // Right arm
 volatile double emgFiltered_r;
 volatile double filteredAbs_r;
 volatile double emg_value_r;
 volatile double onoffsignal_r;
-volatile bool check_calibration_r=0;
+volatile bool check_calibration_r = false;
 volatile double avg_emg_r;
 volatile bool active_r = false;
 // Left arm 
@@ -102,16 +102,16 @@
 volatile double filteredAbs_l;
 volatile double emg_value_l;
 volatile double onoffsignal_l;
-volatile bool check_calibration_l=0;
+volatile bool check_calibration_l = false;
 volatile double avg_emg_l;
 volatile bool active_l = false;
-Ticker sampleTicker; 
-const double sampleTs = 0.05;
-volatile bool xdir = true, ydir = false;
-volatile bool timer = false;
-volatile int count = 0;
+// PROCESS EMG SIGNALS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
+Ticker processTicker;                                                           // Ticker for processing of EMG
+const double processTs = 0.1;                                                   // Time step for processing of EMG
+volatile bool xdir = true, ydir = false;                                        // Direction the EMG signal moves the end effector
+volatile int count = 0;                                                         // Counter to change direction
 // FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // BIQUAD FILTER FOR DERIVATIVE OF ERROR ///////////////////////////////////////
@@ -133,19 +133,17 @@
     // Derivative
     double e_der = (e - e_prev)/Ts;                                             // Calculate the derivative of error
     e_der = biquad(e_der, f_v1, f_v2, f_a1, f_a2, f_b0, f_b1, f_b2);            // Filter the derivative of error
-    //e_der = bq1.step(e_der);
     e_prev = e;
     // Integral
     e_int = e_int + Ts*e;                                                       // Calculate the integral of error
     // PID
-    //pc.printf("%f --> %f \r\n", e_der, e_derf);
-    return Kp*e + Ki*e_int + Kd*e_der;
+    return Kp*e + Ki*e_int + Kd*e_der;                                          // Calculate motor value
 // MOTOR 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 void RotateMotor1(double motor1Value)
-    if(currentState == MOVING || currentState == HITTING)                       // Check if state is MOVING
+    if(currentState == MOVING)                                                  // Check if state is MOVING
         if(motor1Value >= 0) motor1DirectionPin = 0;                            // Rotate motor 1 CW
         else motor1DirectionPin = 1;                                            // Rotate motor 1 CCW
@@ -159,10 +157,10 @@
 // MOTOR 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 void RotateMotor2(double motor2Value)
-    if(currentState == MOVING || currentState == HITTING)                       // Check if state is MOVING
+    if(currentState == MOVING)                                                  // Check if state is MOVING
-        if(motor2Value >= 0) motor2DirectionPin = 1;                            // Rotate motor 1 CW
-        else motor2DirectionPin = 0;                                            // Rotate motor 1 CCW
+        if(motor2Value >= 0) motor2DirectionPin = 1;                            // Rotate motor 2 CW
+        else motor2DirectionPin = 0;                                            // Rotate motor 2 CCW
         if(fabs(motor2Value) > 1) motor2MagnitudePin = 1;
         else motor2MagnitudePin = fabs(motor2Value);
@@ -170,43 +168,29 @@
     else motor2MagnitudePin = 0;
-// MOTOR 1 PID-CONTROLLER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-void Motor1Controller()
+// MOTOR PID-CONTROLLER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void MotorController()
     if(currentState == MOVING)
-        position1 = radPerPulse * Encoder1.getPulses();
-        position2 = radPerPulse * Encoder2.getPulses();
-        //pc.printf("error %f \r\n", reference1 - position1);
-        double motor1Value = PID_Controller(reference1 - position1, motor1_KP, 
-         motor1_KI, motor1_KD, controller_Ts, motor1_err_int, motor1_prev_err,
+        position1 = radPerPulse * Encoder1.getPulses();                         // Get current position of motor 1
+        position2 = radPerPulse * Encoder2.getPulses();                         // Get current position of motor 2
+        double motor1Value = PID_Controller(reference1 - position1, motor1_KP,  // Calculate motor value motor 1
+         motor1_KI, motor1_KD, controllerTs, motor1_err_int, motor1_prev_err,
          motor1_f_v1, motor1_f_v2, motor1_f_a1, motor1_f_a2, motor1_f_b0,
          motor1_f_b1, motor1_f_b2);
-        //pc.printf("motor value %f \r\n",motor1Value);
-        double motor2Value = PID_Controller(reference2 - position2, motor2_KP, 
-         motor2_KI, motor2_KD, controller_Ts, motor2_err_int, motor2_prev_err,
+        double motor2Value = PID_Controller(reference2 - position2, motor2_KP,  // Calculate motor value motor 2
+         motor2_KI, motor2_KD, controllerTs, motor2_err_int, motor2_prev_err,
          motor2_f_v1, motor2_f_v2, motor2_f_a1, motor2_f_a2, motor2_f_b0,
          motor2_f_b1, motor2_f_b2);
-        //pc.printf("%f, %f \r\n", motor1Value, motor2Value);
-        RotateMotor1(motor1Value);
-        RotateMotor2(motor2Value);
+        RotateMotor1(motor1Value);                                              // Rotate motor 1
+        RotateMotor2(motor2Value);                                              // Rotate motor 2
-// MOTOR 2 PID-CONTROLLER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-/*void Motor2Controller()
-    position2 = radPerPulse * Encoder2.getPulses();
-    double motor2Value = PID_Controller(reference2 - position2, motor2_KP, 
-     motor2_KI, motor2_KD, controller2_Ts, motor2_err_int, motor2_prev_err,
-     motor2_f_v1, motor2_f_v2, motor2_f_a1, motor2_f_a2, motor2_f_b0,
-     motor2_f_b1, motor2_f_b2);
-    RotateMotor2(motor2Value);
 // TURN OFF MOTORS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 void TurnMotorsOff()
@@ -214,139 +198,140 @@
     motor2MagnitudePin = 0;
 // EMG /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // Filter EMG signal of right arm
-void filter_r(){                                      
-    if(check_calibration_r==1){
-        emg_value_r =;
-        emgFiltered_r = bqc.step( emg_value_r );
-        filteredAbs_r = abs( emgFiltered_r );
-    if (avg_emg_r != 0){
-        onoffsignal_r=filteredAbs_r/avg_emg_r;             //divide the emg_r signal by the max emg_r to calibrate the signal per person
-      }
+void filter_r()
+    if(check_calibration_r == 1)
+    {
+        emg_value_r =;                                             // Get EMG signal
+        emgFiltered_r = bqc.step(emg_value_r);                                  // Filter EMG signal using BiQuad Chain
+        filteredAbs_r = abs(emgFiltered_r);                                     // Takes absolute value
+        if (avg_emg_r != 0)
+        {
+            onoffsignal_r = filteredAbs_r/avg_emg_r;                            // Divide the emg_r signal by the max emg_r to calibrate the signal per person
+        }
 // Filter EMG signal of left arm 
-void filter_l(){                                      
-    if(check_calibration_l==1){
+void filter_l()
+    if(check_calibration_l == 1)
+    {
         emg_value_l =;
-        emgFiltered_l = bqc.step( emg_value_l );
+        emgFiltered_l = bqc.step(emg_value_l);
         filteredAbs_l = abs( emgFiltered_l );
-    if (avg_emg_l != 0){
-        onoffsignal_l=filteredAbs_l/avg_emg_l;             //divide the emg_r signal by the avg_emg_l wat staat voor avg emg in gespannen toestand
-      }
+        if (avg_emg_l != 0)
+        {
+            onoffsignal_l = filteredAbs_l/avg_emg_l;                            
+        }
 // Check threshold right arm
-void check_emg_r(){           
-double filteredAbs_temp_r;
+void check_emg_r()
+    double filteredAbs_temp_r;
-    if((check_calibration_l==1) &&(check_calibration_r==1)){ 
-    for( int i = 0; i<250;i++){
-               filter_r();
-               filteredAbs_temp_r = filteredAbs_temp_r + onoffsignal_r;
-               wait(0.0004); // 0.0004
-               }    
-               filteredAbs_temp_r = filteredAbs_temp_r/250;                                 
-            if(filteredAbs_temp_r<=0.3){                         //if signal is lower then 0.5 the blue light goes on
-                 led1.write(1);          //led 1 is rood en uit
-                    active_r = false;
-            }
-            else if(filteredAbs_temp_r > 0.3){                //if signal does not pass threshold value, blue light goes on
-                    led1.write(0);
-                    active_r = true;
-            }
+    if((check_calibration_l == 1) && (check_calibration_r == 1))
+    { 
+        for(int i = 0; i<250; i++)
+        {
+            filter_r();
+            filteredAbs_temp_r = filteredAbs_temp_r + onoffsignal_r;
+            wait(0.0004);
+        }    
+        filteredAbs_temp_r = filteredAbs_temp_r/250;                                 
+        if(filteredAbs_temp_r<=0.3)                                             //if signal is lower then 0.5 the blue light goes on
+        {                                   
+            led1.write(1);                                                      //led 1 is rood en uit
+            active_r = false;
+        }
+        else if(filteredAbs_temp_r > 0.3)                                       //if signal does not pass threshold value, blue light goes on
+        {                
+            led1.write(0);
+            active_r = true;
+        }
-    // Check threshold left arm
-void check_emg_l(){        
-double filteredAbs_temp_l;
+// Check threshold left arm
+void check_emg_l()
+    double filteredAbs_temp_l;
-    if((check_calibration_l)==1 &&(check_calibration_r==1) ){ 
-    for( int i = 0; i<250;i++){
-               filter_l();
-               filteredAbs_temp_l = filteredAbs_temp_l + onoffsignal_l;
-               wait(0.0004); // 0.0004
-               }    
-               filteredAbs_temp_l = filteredAbs_temp_l/250;                                 
-            if(filteredAbs_temp_l<=0.3){                         //if signal is lower then 0.5 the blue light goes on
-             //    led1.write(1);          //led 1 is rood en uit
-                   led2.write(1);          //led 2 is blauw en aan
-                    active_l = false;
-            }
-            else if(filteredAbs_temp_l > 0.3){                //if signal does not pass threshold value, blue light goes on
-                 //   led1.write(0);
-                   led2.write(0);
-                    active_l = true;
-            }
+    if((check_calibration_l == 1) && (check_calibration_r == 1))
+    { 
+        for( int i = 0; i<250; i++)
+        {
+            filter_l();
+            filteredAbs_temp_l = filteredAbs_temp_l + onoffsignal_l;
+            wait(0.0004);
+        }    
+        filteredAbs_temp_l = filteredAbs_temp_l/250;                                 
+        if(filteredAbs_temp_l <= 0.3)                                           //if signal is lower then 0.5 the blue light goes on
+        {
+            led2.write(1);          
+            active_l = false;
+        }
+        else if(filteredAbs_temp_l > 0.3)                                       //if signal does not pass threshold value, blue light goes on
+        {
+            led2.write(0);
+            active_l = true;
+        }
 // Calibrate right arm
-int calibration_r(){
-        led3.write(0);
+void calibration_r()
+    led3.write(0);
-        double signal_verzameling_r = 0;
-        for(int n =0; n<5000;n++){   
-           filter_r();
-                              //read for 5000 samples as calibration
-           emg_value_r =;
-            emgFiltered_r = bqc.step( emg_value_r );
-            filteredAbs_r = abs(emgFiltered_r);
+    double signal_collection_r = 0;
+    for(int n =0; n < 5000; n++)                                                //read for 5000 samples as calibration
+    {   
+        filter_r();      
+        emg_value_r =;
+        emgFiltered_r = bqc.step( emg_value_r );
+        filteredAbs_r = abs(emgFiltered_r);
-           // signal_verzameling[n]=  filteredAbs_r;
-             signal_verzameling_r = signal_verzameling_r + filteredAbs_r ;
-             wait(0.0004);
+        signal_collection_r = signal_collection_r + filteredAbs_r ;
+        wait(0.0004);
-              if (n == 4999){
-                  avg_emg_r = signal_verzameling_r / n;
-                  }
-            }  
-             led3.write(1);
-                 //pc.printf("calibratie rechts compleet\n\r");
-        check_calibration_r=1;
-    return 0;  
+        if (n == 4999)
+        {
+            avg_emg_r = signal_collection_r / n;
+        }
+    }  
+    led3.write(1);
+    check_calibration_r = 1;
 // Calibrate left arm
-int calibration_l(){
-        led3.write(0);
+void calibration_l()
+    led3.write(0);
-        double signal_verzameling_l= 0;
-        for(int n =0; n<5000;n++){   
-           filter_l();
-                              //read for 5000 samples as calibration
-           emg_value_l =;
-            emgFiltered_l = bqc.step( emg_value_l );
-            filteredAbs_l = abs(emgFiltered_l);
-           // signal_verzameling[n]=  filteredAbs_r;
-             signal_verzameling_l = signal_verzameling_l + filteredAbs_l ;
-             wait(0.0004);
+    double signal_collection_l = 0;
+    for(int n = 0; n < 5000; n++)                                               //read for 5000 samples as calibration
+    {   
+        filter_l();
+        emg_value_l =;
+        emgFiltered_l = bqc.step(emg_value_l);
+        filteredAbs_l = abs(emgFiltered_l);
+        signal_collection_l = signal_collection_l + filteredAbs_l ;
+        wait(0.0004);
-              if (n == 4999){
-                  avg_emg_l = signal_verzameling_l / n;
-                  }
-            }  
-        led3.write(1);
-        wait(1);
-        check_calibration_l=1;
-        //pc.printf("calibratie links compleet\n\r");
-   // }
-    return 0;  
+        if (n == 4999)
+        {
+            avg_emg_l = signal_collection_l / n;       
+        }
+    }  
+    led3.write(1);
+    wait(1);
+    check_calibration_l = 1;
 // DETERMINE JOINT VELOCITIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -354,13 +339,13 @@
     if(currentState == MOVING)
-        position1 = radPerPulse * Encoder1.getPulses();
-        position2 = radPerPulse * Encoder2.getPulses();
+        //position1 = radPerPulse * Encoder1.getPulses();
+        //position2 = radPerPulse * Encoder2.getPulses();
-        if(active_l && active_r)
+        if(active_l && active_r)                                                // If both left and right EMG are active for 1 second the direction of control changes
                 count += 1;
-                if(count == 40)
+                if(count == 20)
                     active_l = false;
                     active_r = false;
@@ -374,45 +359,43 @@
             else count = 0;
-        if(xdir)
+        if(xdir)                                                                // Control in x-direction
-            if(active_r && count == 0 && reference1 > motor1Min && reference2 < motor2Max) 
+            if(active_r && count == 0 &&                                        // Checks whether EMG is active, changing direction and max rotation of motors
+             reference1 > motor1Min && reference2 < motor2Max) 
-                xVelocity = velocity;
-                pc.printf("x positive \r\n");
+                xVelocity = velocity;                                           // Give velocity to end effector
-            else if(active_l && count == 0 && reference1 < motor1Max && reference2 > motor2Min)
+            else if(active_l && count == 0 &&
+             reference1 < motor1Max && reference2 > motor2Min)
                 xVelocity = -velocity;
-                pc.printf("x negative \r\n");
             else xVelocity = 0;
-        else if(ydir)
+        else if(ydir)                                                           // Control in y-direction
-            if(active_r && count == 0 && reference2 < motor2Max )//&& reference1 > motor2Min)
+            if(active_r && count == 0 &&
+             reference2 < motor2Max ) //&& reference1 > motor2Min)
                 yVelocity = velocity;
-                pc.printf("y positive \r\n");
-            else if(active_l && count == 0 && reference2 > motor2Min )//&& reference1 > motor2Min)
+            else if(active_l && count == 0
+             && reference2 > motor2Min ) //&& reference1 > motor2Min)
                 yVelocity = -velocity;
-                pc.printf("y negative \r\n");
             else yVelocity = 0;
-        //pc.printf("x %f, y %f \r\n", xVelocity, yVelocity);
         // Construct Jacobian
         double q[4];
         q[0] = position1, q[1] = -position1;
         q[2] = position2, q[3] = -position2;
-        double T2[3];                                                               // Second column of the jacobian
-        double T3[3];                                                               // Third column of the jacobian
-        double T4[3];                                                               // Fourth column of the jacobian
+        double T2[3];                                                           // Second column of the jacobian
+        double T3[3];                                                           // Third column of the jacobian
+        double T4[3];                                                           // Fourth column of the jacobian
         double T1[6];
         static const signed char b_T1[3] = { 1, 0, 0 };
         double J_data[6];
@@ -421,15 +404,17 @@
         T2[1] = 0.365 * cos(q[0]);
         T2[2] = 0.365 * sin(q[0]);
         T3[0] = 1.0;
-        T3[1] = 0.365 * cos(q[0]) + 0.2353720459187964 * sin((0.21406068356382149 +
-         q[0]) + q[1]);
-        T3[2] = 0.365 * sin(q[0]) - 0.2353720459187964 * cos((0.21406068356382149 +
-         q[0]) + q[1]);
+        T3[1] = 0.365 * cos(q[0]) + 0.2353720459187964 * 
+         sin((0.21406068356382149 + q[0]) + q[1]);
+        T3[2] = 0.365 * sin(q[0]) - 0.2353720459187964 *
+         cos((0.21406068356382149 + q[0]) + q[1]);
         T4[0] = 1.0;
-        T4[1] = (0.365 * cos(q[0]) + 0.2353720459187964 * sin((0.21406068356382149 +
-         q[0]) + q[1])) + 0.265 * sin((q[0] + q[1]) + q[2]);
-        T4[2] = (0.365 * sin(q[0]) - 0.2353720459187964 * cos((0.21406068356382149 +
-         q[0]) + q[1])) - 0.265 * cos((q[0] + q[1]) + q[2]);
+        T4[1] = (0.365 * cos(q[0]) + 0.2353720459187964 *
+         sin((0.21406068356382149 + q[0]) + q[1])) +
+         0.265 * sin((q[0] + q[1]) + q[2]);
+        T4[2] = (0.365 * sin(q[0]) - 0.2353720459187964 *
+         cos((0.21406068356382149 + q[0]) + q[1])) - 0.265 *
+         cos((q[0] + q[1]) + q[2]);
         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
@@ -454,36 +439,36 @@
         Jvelocity[3] = J_data[5];
         // Creating the inverse Jacobian
-        double Jvelocity_inv[4];                                                    // The inverse matrix of the jacobian
-        double determ = Jvelocity[0]*Jvelocity[3]-Jvelocity[1]*Jvelocity[2];        // The determinant of the matrix
+        double Jvelocity_inv[4];                                                // The inverse matrix of the jacobian
+        double determ = Jvelocity[0]*Jvelocity[3]-Jvelocity[1]*Jvelocity[2];    // The determinant of the matrix
         Jvelocity_inv[0] = Jvelocity[3]/determ;
         Jvelocity_inv[1] = -Jvelocity[1]/determ;
         Jvelocity_inv[2] = -Jvelocity[2]/determ;
         Jvelocity_inv[3] = Jvelocity[0]/determ;
         // Now the velocity of the joints are found by giving the velocity of the end-effector and the inverse jacobian
-        double msh[2];                                                              // This is the velocity the joints have to have
+        double msh[2];                                                          // The velocity the joints have to have
         msh[0] = xVelocity*Jvelocity_inv[0] + yVelocity*Jvelocity_inv[1];
         msh[1] = xVelocity*Jvelocity_inv[2] + yVelocity*Jvelocity_inv[3];
-        if(reference1 + msh[0]*sampleTs > motor1Max) reference1 = motor1Max;
-        else if(reference1 + msh[0]*sampleTs < motor1Min) reference1 = motor1Min;
-        else reference1 = reference1 + msh[0]*sampleTs;
+        // Determine reference position of motor 1
+        if(reference1 + msh[0]*processTs > motor1Max) reference1 = motor1Max;
+        else if(reference1 + msh[0]*processTs < motor1Min) reference1 = motor1Min;
+        else reference1 = reference1 + msh[0]*processTs;
-        if(reference2 + msh[1]*sampleTs > motor2Max) reference2 = motor2Max;
-        else if(reference2 + msh[1]*sampleTs < motor2Min) reference2 = motor2Min;
-        else reference2 = reference2 + msh[1]*sampleTs;
+        // Determine reference position of motor 2
+        if(reference2 + msh[1]*processTs > motor2Max) reference2 = motor2Max;
+        else if(reference2 + msh[1]*processTs < motor2Min) reference2 = motor2Min;
+        else reference2 = reference2 + msh[1]*processTs;
-        scope.set(0,reference1);
+        /*scope.set(0,reference1);
-        scope.send();
+        scope.send();*/
         pc.printf("position 1 %f, 2 %f \r\n", position1/2/pi*360, position2/2/pi*360);
         pc.printf("reference 1 %f, 2 %f \r\n", reference1/2/pi*360, reference2/2/pi*360);
-        //pc.printf("msh*Ts 1 %f, 2 %f \r\n\n", msh[0]*emg_Ts, msh[1]*emg_Ts);
@@ -503,7 +488,7 @@
                 stateChanged = false;
-            // Home command
+            // Continue button
                 currentState = CALIBRATING;
@@ -519,22 +504,13 @@
                 pc.printf("Entering CALIBRATING \r\n"
-                "Press button 1 to enter MOVING \r\n");
+                "Tighten muscles until green LED is off \r\n");
                 stateChanged = false;
-                calibration_r();
-                calibration_l();
+                calibration_r();                                                // Calibrate right arm
+                calibration_l();                                                // Calibrate left arm
                 currentState = MOVING;
                 stateChanged = true;
-            /*
-            // Home command
-            if(!button1)
-            {
-                currentState = MOVING;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                break;
-            }
-            */
@@ -544,35 +520,8 @@
                 pc.printf("Entering MOVING \r\n");
-                //"Press button 2 to enter HITTING \r\n");
                 stateChanged = false;
-            // Hit command    
-            /*if(!button2)
-            {
-                currentState = HITTING;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                break;
-            }
-            */
-            break;
-        }
-        case HITTING:
-        {
-            // State initialization
-            if(stateChanged)
-            {
-                //pc.printf("Entering HITTING \r\n");
-                stateChanged = false;
-                //HitBall();                                                    // Hit the ball
-                currentState = MOVING;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                break;
-            }
@@ -590,6 +539,7 @@
     // Serial communication
+    // Start values of LEDs
@@ -598,16 +548,15 @@
     pc.printf("START \r\n");
-    bqc.add( &bq1_low ).add( &bq2_high ).add( &bq3_notch );
+    bqc.add(&bq1_low ).add(&bq2_high ).add(&bq3_notch );                        // Make BiQuad Chain
-    sampleTicker.attach(&JointVelocities, sampleTs);                                 // Ticker to sample EMG
-    controllerTicker.attach(&Motor1Controller, controller_Ts);                // Ticker to control motor 1 (PID)
-    emgRight.attach(&check_emg_r, emgTs);         //continously execute the motor controller
-    emgLeft.attach(&check_emg_l, emgTs);
+    processTicker.attach(&JointVelocities, processTs);                          // Ticker to process EMG
+    controllerTicker.attach(&MotorController, controllerTs);                   // Ticker to control motor 1 (PID)
+    emgRight.attach(&check_emg_r, emgTs);                                       // Ticker to sample EMG of right arm
+    emgLeft.attach(&check_emg_l, emgTs);                                        // Ticker to sample EMG of left arm
-    motor1MagnitudePin.period_ms(1);
-    motor2MagnitudePin.period_ms(1);
-    TurnMotorsOff();
+    motor1MagnitudePin.period_ms(1);                                            // PWM frequency of motor 1 (Should actually be 5 - 10 kHz)
+    motor2MagnitudePin.period_ms(1);                                            // PWM frequency of motor 2 (Should actually be 5 - 10 kHz)