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CvBox2D Struct Reference

CvBox2D Struct Reference
[C structures and operations]

#include <types_c.h>

Data Fields

CvPoint2D32f center
 Center of the box.
CvSize2D32f size
 Box width and length.
float angle
 Angle between the horizontal axis.

Detailed Description

See also:

Definition at line 1061 of file core/types_c.h.

Field Documentation

float angle

Angle between the horizontal axis.

and the first side (i.e. length) in degrees

Definition at line 1065 of file core/types_c.h.

CvPoint2D32f center

Center of the box.

Definition at line 1063 of file core/types_c.h.

CvSize2D32f size

Box width and length.

Definition at line 1064 of file core/types_c.h.